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'Safest' seat remarks gets Muslim family kicked off plane

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posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 04:06 PM
Wow! this is really terrible especially because I talked about the same things on 2 flights one of which was on air-tran too. But I'm white, fair-haired and my co-worker flying with me is completely blond, tall and blue-eyed. on one of the flights we picked up a 20-some year old girl who incidentally was also a blonde and she was quite scared of flying.

So we talked about surviving a crash and safe places BEFORE taking the plane, DURING boarding standing in line and AFTER we were seated, even after take off and then when we touched down. I was being sarcastic about going to the back for the safest seats with a 70% crash survival chance while the front would only have 30% survival chance. the girl had a seat somewhere in the middle...

nobody said anything and some other passengers around us were actually smiling. what a difference a bit of skin color and some american looking clothes does!

then again they are saying that the hijackers from 911 were also dressed nicely and not obviously displaying muslim imagery.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 04:18 PM
My family and I along with several other people (all of us caucasians and christian-types) had the exact same conversation about "the safest place to sit on a plane" while we were in the air flying to Florida. The wings are supposedly the worst, because that's where the fuel is... and we joked with those people sitting there. Some guy who was also a pilot told everyone that the safest place is actually at the back of the plane - because that's where the black box is (guess they build that area to be extra-safe). We all enjoyed the conversation and no one was thrown off the plane. Guess people are still prejudice, eh?

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by neformore

Originally posted by sos37
Face it people - right now, people are wary of Muslims because radical Muslims have shown themselves to be killers of men, women and children, without pardon. You want forinstances, we can give them to you. The media never lets up.

I see.

And non-muslim people don't kill anyone, ever, right?

You want forinstances? Turn on the TV news. Read a paper. Go online. Its full of non-muslim folks doing absolutely despicable things.

I think, to a certain extent, people have a right to be afraid of people.

[edit on 2/1/09 by neformore]

And is this thread about non-Muslims? Is this particular news story and discussion about non-Muslims and how people fear them? No.

What the mainstream of America knows about Muslims: they participate in the heinous atrocities that the mainstream feeds them and they flew planes into the WTC towers. Since then, they have declared war on the U.S. and hate and want to destroy what the U.S. and the rest of the free world stands for.

How can that not equate to anything but fear, and at the very least paranoia?

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by neformore

and what about the White Americans who blew up the buildings in Oklahoma City? I guess we should keep White Americans from entering government buildings if they seem suspicious.

Actually you know what, I bet today someone of every race, reglion etc. did something bad somewhere in the world. Maybe even two or three people in some places!

I am hearby declaring our whole species as unstable and not fit to fly, drive or even wipe our bums.

The whole Human race needs to take a day off and recommit ourselves to pulling our Monkey heads out of our fuzzy Monkey butts!

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by dangleb3rry
Washington Post - 9/16/01 - 2nd Witness Arrested; 25 Held for Questioning
Two of 19 suspects named by the FBI, Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmed Alghamdi, have the same names as men listed at a housing facility for foreign military trainees at Pensacola. Two others, Hamza Alghamdi and Ahmed Alnami, have names similar to individuals listed in public records as using the same address inside the base. In addition, a man named Saeed Alghamdi graduated from the Defense Language Institute at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, while men with the same names as two other hijackers, Mohamed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari, appear as graduates of the U.S. International Officers School at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., and the Aerospace Medical School at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, respectively.

order Mohamed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus, the real story of the Hijackers
BBC - 9/23/01 - Hijack 'suspects' alive and well
And there are suggestions that another suspect, Khalid Al Midhar, may also be alive.
Online Service of the Arizona Daily Star - 9/28/01 - Hijack suspect profiles
"An FBI notice to banks on Sept. 19 raised the possibility that Almihdhar might still be alive without speculating or explaining how that could be possible. "
CNN - 9/28/01 - Details of hijacking suspects released
Khalid Almihdhar: there are reports he is still alive
BBC - 9/23/01 - Hijack 'suspects' alive and well
Another of the men named by the FBI as a hijacker in the suicide attacks on Washington and New York has turned up alive and well. Saudi Arabian pilot Waleed Al Shehri was one of five men that the FBI said had deliberately crashed American Airlines flight 11 into the World Trade Centre on 11 September. Now he is protesting his innocence from Casablanca, Morocco.
'Suicide hijacker' is an airline pilot alive and well in Jeddah - 9/17/01
A man named by the US Department of Justice as a suicide hijacker of American Airlines flight 11 ­ the first airliner to smash into the World Trade Centre ­ is very much alive and living in Jeddah. Abdulrahman al-Omari, a pilot with Saudi Airlines, was astonished to find himself accused of hijacking ­ as well as being dead ­ and has visited the US consulate in Jeddah to demand an explanation.
ABC - Who Did It? FBI Links Names to Terror Attacks
"The name [listed by the FBI] is my name and the birth date is the same as mine, but I am not the one who bombed the World Trade Center in New York," Abdulaziz Alomari told the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper.
Revealed: the men with stolen identities - 9/23/01
Mr Al-Omari, who was accused of hijacking the American Airlines plane that smashed into the the World Trade Centre's north tower, said that he was at his desk at the Saudi telecommunications authority in Riyadh when the attacks took place.
BBC - 9/23/01 - Hijack 'suspects' alive and well
Abdulaziz Al Omari, another of the Flight 11 hijack suspects, has also been quoted in Arab news reports. He says he is an engineer with Saudi Telecoms, and that he lost his passport while studying in Denver.
Revealed: the men with stolen identities - 9/23/01
The Saudi Airlines pilot, Saeed Al-Ghamdi, 25, and Abdulaziz Al-Omari, an engineer from Riyadh, are furious that the hijackers' "personal details" - including name, place, date of birth and occupation - matched their own.
BBC - 9/23/01 - Hijack 'suspects' alive and well
Meanwhile, Asharq Al Awsat newspaper, a London-based Arabic daily, says it has interviewed Saeed Alghamdi. He was listed by the FBI as a hijacker in the United flight that crashed in Pennsylvania.
Revealed: the men with stolen identities - 9/23/01
Mr Al-Hamzi is 26 and had just returned to work at a petrochemical complex in the industrial eastern city of Yanbou after a holiday in Saudi Arabia when the hijackers struck. He was accused of hijacking the American Airlines Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon. He said: "I have never been to the United States and have not been out of Saudi Arabia in the past two years." The FBI described him as 21 and said that his possible residences were Fort Lee or Wayne, both in New Jersey.
Revealed: the men with stolen identities - 9/23/01
Mr Al-Nami, 33, from Riyadh, an administrative supervisor with Saudi Arabian Airlines, said that he was in Riyadh when the terrorists struck. He said: "I'm still alive, as you can see. I was shocked to see my name mentioned by the American Justice Department. I had never even heard of Pennsylvania where the plane I was supposed to have hijacked."
CNN - FBI: Early probe results show 18 hijackers took part 9/13/01
Based on information from multiple law enforcement sources, CNN reported that Adnan Bukhari and Ameer Bukhari of Vero Beach Florida, were suspected to be two of the pilots who crashed planes into the World Trade Center. CNN later learned that Adnan Bukhari is still in Florida, where he was questioned by the FBI. We are sorry for the misinformation. A federal law enforcement source now tells CNN that Bukhari passed an FBI polygraph and is not considered a suspect. Through his attorney, Bukhari says that he is helping authorities. Ameer Bukhari died in a small plane crash last year.

Some of those involved in the plot left suicide notes, but they are not believed to have been the hijackers, a government source told The Associated Press. It was unclear whether those who left the notes actually killed themselves.
Cairo Times - 9/27/01
He also claimed that his son had called him two days after the attack, and described it as "a normal conversation." But he snarled when asked to give further details. Asked what country Muhammad had called from, he said, "The name of the country isn't written on the phone." Asked where Muhammad was now, he said, "Ask Mossad."

order Mohamed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus, the real story of the Hijackers
Video shows Atta was not suicidal, as he pays bills and returns rentals.
Los Angeles Times - 9/21/01
A man by the same name is a pilot, whose father is a Saudi diplomat in Bombay. "I personally talked to both father and son today," said Gaafar Allagany, head of the Saudi Embassy's information center.
Saudi Gazette 9/18/01 and The Khaleej Times 9/20/01
Marwan al-Shehhi is still alive in Morocco
CBS - Bin Laden Names Hijackers On Tape Dec. 20, 2001
He would identify only three: Nawaq Alhamzi, Salem Alhamzi and Wail Alshehri. Alshehri was on American Airlines flight 11, one of the planes that hit the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center in New York; Alhamzi and Alhamzi were on American Airlines flight 77, which hit the Pentagon.

Bin Laden's "smoking gun" video names living, uninvolved people? This makes no sense!
This is just the beginning, this "confession" video is full of abnormalities.
BBC- The last moments of Flight 11
The FBI has named five hijackers on board Flight 11, whereas Ms Sweeney spotted only four. Also, the seat numbers she gave were different from those registered in the hijackers' names.
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bueau of Investigation - Hijackers
BBC - FBI probes hijackers' identities 9/21/01
It believes that some of the hijackers used false identities, possibly even names of people who are still alive, which could significantly complicate the manhunt.
Los Angeles Times - 10/23/01 - Friends of terror suspect say allegations make no sense
By Carol J. Williams Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
...Ziad and Salim ... left Lebanon together April 4, 1996, at the age of 20, heading to the eastern German town of Greifswald in pursuit of both an education and a good time.

Jarrah and the other three men named by the FBI as hijackers...initially came to be on the list of 19 because they "have been identified as having 'Arabic' names
Boston Globe - Hijack suspect lived a life, or a lie - 9/25/01
Although a Brooklyn apartment lease from 1995-1996 bears Ziad Jarrah's name - and landlords there have identified his photograph - his family insists he was in Beirut at the time.

How was he in Brooklyn and Lebanon at the same time?

..two days before the hijacking, his nephew called and told the family he'd be coming home for a cousin's wedding in mid-September. "He said he had even bought a new suit for the occasion."
CNN 8/1/02 - September 11 hijacker questioned in January 2001
The CIA suspected Ziad Jarrah had been in Afghanistan and wanted him questioned because of "his suspected involvement in terrorist activities," UAE sources said.

A CIA spokesman vigorously denied that the CIA knew anything about Jarrah before September 11 or had anything do with his questioning in Dubai.
The New Yorker - What Went Wrong
by Seymour Hersh - 10/1/01
Many of the investigators believe that some of the initial clues that were uncovered about the terrorists' identities and preparations, such as flight manuals, were meant to be found. A former high-level intelligence official told me, "Whatever trail was left was left deliberately--for the F.B.I. to chase."

In interviews over the past two weeks, a number of intelligence officials have raised questions about Osama bin Laden's capabilities. "This guy sits in a cave in Afghanistan and he's running this operation?" one C.I.A. official asked. "It's so huge. He couldn't have done it alone." A senior military officer told me that because of the visas and other documentation needed to infiltrate team members into the United States, a major foreign intelligence service might also have been involved.
Washington Post - 9/25/01 - Some Light Shed On Saudi Suspects - A12
Still, the father of Alghamdi told Al Watan that the picture provided by the FBI was not that of his son. "It has no resemblance to him at all," he said.
Tracing Trail Of Hijackers - By Thomas Frank - 9/23/01
At Freeway Airport in Bowie, Md., 20 miles west of Washington, flight instructor Sheri Baxter instantly recognized the name of alleged hijacker Hani Hanjour when the FBI released a list of 19 suspects in the four hijackings. Hanjour, the only suspect on Flight 77 the FBI listed as a pilot, had come to the airport one month earlier seeking to rent a small plane.... However, when Baxter and fellow instructor Ben Conner took....Hanjour on three test runs during the second week of August, they found he had trouble controlling and landing the single-engine Cessna 172. .....chief flight instructor Marcel Bernard declined to rent him a plane without more lessons.
Washington Post - On Flight 77: 'Our Plane Is Being Hijacked' - 9/12/01 - Page A01
...the unidentified pilot executed a pivot so tight that it reminded observers of a fighter jet maneuver. The plane circled 270 degrees to the right to approach the Pentagon from the west, whereupon Flight 77 fell below radar level, vanishing from controllers' screens, the sources said.... Aviation sources said the plane was flown with extraordinary skill, making it highly likely that a trained pilot was at the helm... Someone even knew how to turn off the transponder, a move that is considerably less than obvious.
CBS - Hijackers Lived With FBI Informant - Sept. 9, 2002
Two of the Sept. 11 hijackers who lived in San Diego in 2000 rented a room from a man who reportedly worked as an undercover FBI informant....the FBI informant prayed with them and even helped one open a bank account.

[edit on 2-1-2009 by dangleb3rry]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 05:50 PM
I have to say, I'm ashamed at what we have become. I am Muslim and I'm angry at what our name has become. A few people with hate have ruined it for the rest of us. Am I a terrorist? Do i go around preaching hate on other ideologies? No. There are many people who have been brainwashed by the media. I live in Canada and I have friends who are many colors and who have different religions. Do I have hate against them? No. Why? This is the way i was raised. I go the mosque a couple of times a week and we are not taught hate. A lot of people don't understand that are different "types" of Muslims. There are Shia, Sunni, etc etc. It's funny how some of you think ALL Muslims are to be blamed for what has occurred. I applaud the people who say "Hey! This isn't right." I applaud the people who know the difference and who are educated against who/what is evil and what is good in today's modern world. I find it odd how many of you just turn your backs and agree with the government and media. Before the terrorist attacks i guarantee you that some of you were friends with a Muslim. What happened after 9/11? Did you guys say "My friend might be a terrorist?" If you look at the Western media you see how it is all biased. They only show death and suffering. What about the people who are trying to restart their lives in the countries that we deem "not safe?" While the west shows the middle east as being our enemy, the middle east shows the west as being there enemy. In regard to the "safest seat" article, Many people who fly are scared. Just because they want to stay safe and talk about safety, does not mean they are terrorists. What if this was on the bus? If a dark haired, dark skinned man said "the safest place to sit is here." Would you classify him a terrorist? In regard to terrorism itself, the root word is "terror." The way i see it, we are all terrorists as we have put fear in someones life. Maybe we bullied that person, we fought them, made them scared of us. We have invoked "terror" in their lives. There are also a lot of Muslims that are famous, wealthy, have power. Does the U.S consider them terrorists? The people who supply us with oil, the Saudi Kings; are they terrorists? A person with such a narrow view is either stubborn or has been blinded by the media. I know I'm ranting, but I'm just furious at how many of you are so blind towards the bigger picture.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610
This whole thing is silly. If they were up to no good why on earth would they be worried about the "safest seats". Serious trouble means there are NO SAFE SEATS and a simple hijacking would mean they would be running around the aircraft, not worrying about their seat assignments.

Also if they had some ultimate plan of getting past all security with bombs, I think they would at least have seat arrangements all figured out before arrival.

[edit on 2-1-2009 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Retseh
reply to post by InSpiteOf

As predicted, your definition of American terrorism appears to based solely on our support of questionable regimes over the last 60 years and our training of their military.

Actually, it is the training of foreign military regimes in the use of torture and terrorism that is of interest to me.

You are somehow trying to compare people who behead prisoners and fly planes into buildings packed with civilians, with countries who provide military and financial support to regimes who send out death squads to kill their (communist) political opponents.

If the training was provided for the express purpose of eliminating supporters of opposing regimes in brutal ways included torture and terrorism, than in my mind, those that provided the training are as guilty as those that used it.

I can't reason with that kind of twisted thinking, I doubt you'll ever learn the gulf of separation that exists between heinous acts and misguided acts. .

Misguided? You think successive US Administrations equipping mercenary armies with superior firepower and training them in brutal methods of interrogation and terrorism resulting in wanton slaughter of civilian populations was accidental?

If it happened once or twice, maybe you could play it off as an accident. But Administration after administration backed militarist right wing regimes throughout Central and South America, as well as the Middle East. And every time US support and training was offered, thousands of civilians went missing, were tortured (both psychologically and physically), or were killed.

Doing the same thing 100 times and expecting different results each time is just plain crazy. So you can either think that successive US Administrations are crazy, or their are cunning, and the results we saw in Central and South America, the Middle East, and parts of Europe were what was expected, and further, what was desired.

Besides, you never even addressed my initial point, which was, that NOT all terrorists are Muslim. Terrorists come in all colours and all creeds.

[edit on 2-1-2009 by InSpiteOf]

[edit on 2-1-2009 by InSpiteOf]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by sos37
Face it people - right now, people are wary of Muslims because radical Muslims have shown themselves to be killers of men, women and children, without pardon. You want forinstances, we can give them to you. The media never lets up.

* A 13-year old girl reports being raped and Islamist Militants label HER a whore and stone her to death while over a thousand watch in a stadium. (

* 65 year old woman gunned down by Muslims after a prominent Somali cleric called on all Muslims to kill Pope Benedict XVI for his remarks about Islam (

* In Toronto, a Muslim father kills his OWN DAUGHTER just for not wearing a Hijab (

* London - Muslim father orders his daughter killed for falling in love with a non-Muslim man (

* Saudi Arabia - Muslim father kills his daughter for converting to Christianity (

* UK - Muslim husband kills his wife and family because of their Western ways (

* Pakistan - A Pakistani Muslim pours kerosene on his wife and daughter and burns them alive, accusing the daughter of having an affair on her husband and his wife of not stopping it (

* Australia - Muslim man kills wife because daughter converted to Christianity (

* Canada - Muslim kills teenage daughter for defying Sharia (

These are just a few examples from simple Google searches. Go ahead and continue blaming people for being "ignorant" and perpetuating ignorance, but if you do, you have to acknowledge the fact that there are many Muslims out there also perpetuating the fear and paranoia by doing stupid crap like the above examples. I think, to a certain extent, people have a right to be afraid of Muslims.

[edit on 2-1-2009 by sos37]

You or anyone else has the right to be afraid of any one, but consider. Obama seems both decent not to mention he is very intelligent. Bush has done damage to the the th U.S since I was born in 1961. No else but our latest curse of Bush 2, (I met Bush 1 only once but was very impressed ok, so mabey came off a bit dorky. He was after all a very shy but not stupid stupid His pathetic is a disaster. Hey guys, my cat and my goldfish are not very bright but they are kind, gentle, etc can say quiite a bit that is positive about Bush 1, thought in the 20plus get a very I thought got a bad from the press). President Bush the 2nd has been greatest disaster of any President in my time) Maybey we had worse in the 1900's on words but media covered stuff up, etc.

And dont I think any so-called religion an excuse for perversion of any faith or lack of "professed" faith for that matter. Its just to easy.I have to deal, with so called Christians,who have asked me why, did you defend someone who obvious was not a Christian, they couldent give an in private or few fundamentalist so called "Christian" places I put up with. No answer. (THATS NOT A CRIME!) becave I was a church who claimed to be a man of God, ok, then I', a nun. and I am one who was by a so called man of the cloth who was an an emotional child and major leage prick, a whole buch because becase I was a sinner. I have no doubt, but I did and you are not. He hemed and hawed and quite frankly, yhere who try a really bad name.

Then surprise; I am a recovering Republican and got out of that group after the republicans were highjacked by social faciests. I am very concervative on defense and economic policy. Make no mistake there are barbarians and those who have to live under this crap the Muslim world have only them selves to blame. There are times when a revolution is not a bad thing... I think some are offended by any who would defile so called "faith" thats Islam by the way in over 1,400 years. but then 600 our so years ago, our so called cristians, burned people at the stake and much worse and not even to mention what happens to every ones lovely scape goat. the Jews. These peopple never get a God F****** break.

You got the Muslims need to grow uo or have to deal with major leage toys like nukes, and trust me if threated they with get to paradise, how many virgins is in paradise? Mabey you get Viagra in heaven, this is the most infantile and sexest crap I HAVE EVER HEARD! I am truly so disapointed some and by no means all Muslims so have so apparent faith in God The Prophet or any thing else you claim so dear?

God is more then capable of taking care of him self, and what is this total b*** s*** like printing about about a cartoon? So many claimed it so awfull they shot who printed it they shot in the head on the street. but why NO MAJOR PROTEST OF MUSLIMS ALL OVER THE WORLD? I think those people who were would have been murded. And that is being a cowred. That can eeven worse then a barbarian as so many "good Germans", (yeah, right...) just diden't do a thing to protest what happened to the Jews in WW-2? Christians, the religion have commetited many sins and despite the the recent idiot statements by the pope. Christianity has evoulved but we must better. May God help all the pathetic human race.
We have very little to to paththetic act together...
So maney of you of all faiths try so very hard to be decent and civilized people. Try harder, shall we all?

[edit on 2-1-2009 by arbiture]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by DJMessiah

Shouldn't christians be banned from becoming pilots just in case they think their going to be taken by the lord at 30000 feet and stop flying.

One group of delusional people has the potential to be equally as dangerous another.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:04 PM
Individuals seem to have forgotten the (cough cough) Inquisition, perhaps you would like to hear the statistics of this massacre in the name of god and stomping out the devil. Through a span of 300 or so years the roman catholic empire yes and i say empire because the grip it held Europe was akin to a chokehold,; burnt to death, castrated,crucified, and eventually executed 9 million innocent individuals. HMMM makes you wonder if Christianity has its moral values strait. Catholicism and Christianity in general preach love and fellowship wit others but i dont see how with a mark of blood that large on your record, that any supposed god fearing christian can open their mouth to me about the evils of Islam no i am not a Muslim, but it seems the mass control and manipulation of this country(through mass media) has brought a sense of parnoia to citizens of this great and holy land called America(HAHA YEAH). How a christian whos church ripped families apart, killed women and children, and made blood run in the streets for centuries can condemn someone of middle eastern heritage of being a terrorist for boarding an airline flight. I can almost imagine the ignorant white and black media controlled passengers assuming that this family was jihad the dialogue must have went like this. Passenger: oh holy # its a muslim he has to be a terrorist! Passenger 2: ye,yes they talked about a safe seat if we were to crash, they must be planning to take us down! Haha this disgusts me, we all know 911 was a fraud used to justify invading the Middle East , and also for codemning Islam, # i bet half of you didnt even know what the # Islam was before 911! Haha! But finally lets try to regain independent thought and stop blaming each citizen of different colors and creeds and start working to upheave this bull# system known as government worldwide we are humans and slavery is tolerated no longer! Fite the NWO and dont let the elite ignite the fuses between us that start the Worldwide Inquisition theres no comin back from that one. Peace and good will to all~ Anonymous

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by InSpiteOf

Besides, you never even addressed my initial point, which was, that NOT all terrorists are Muslim. Terrorists come in all colours and all creeds.

Have to agree, you may recall northern Ireland, Catholic vs Protestants or were they republicans vs loyalists ? Who knows eh at that time anyone with an i Irish accent was a potential bomber, however life would have been much easier if they had a tan or wore a sand scarf.

I suppose one mans' freedom fighter is another mans terrorist. Interestingly enough, there was never a War On terror declared during the troubles in northern Ireland. seems like things got sorted out when bombs went off in London and the pockets of the wealthy were being hit.
There again i could be wrong, have been before.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by dooper

Last year I read some articles that say,former Russian KGB agents are
working in the States on the National ID card & some other security.

The former KGB agents are bringing their dirty experience into the U.S.A.
Now,they're turning average Americans into spies. maybe they're not telling about you...yet ! but your turn is coming.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by RedGolem

People ! it's one life to live .We are riding one bus and each person will get off the bus as soon as his or her arrive to the last STOP of their life.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 02:34 AM
I wouldn't make anything of this.. It depends on the situation, atmosphere.. If this was a large family and they were not taking their seats when plane was getting ready to taxi, and they spoke in Arabic, gesticulating like an Italian donkey cart driver and the Ferrari owner that didn't see the donkey cart.. while raising their voices loudly in an otherwise calm situation... Then Yes, I could see them getting kicked off the plane for being "stupid", but it would have nothing to do with their religious views or the way they looked..

If this were the case, and they were asked to take their seats for takeoff, and they involved the flight attendants in the matter of trying to find out (seriously) which seats were the safest on the plane... then again, Yes- I could see why that would cause a disturbance to get you kicked off a flight.. Airports are very serious places these days and you can't joke about anything, and if you appear nervous or anxious, or try running to your gate... you will draw attention, no matter what race you happen to be..

[edit on 3-1-2009 by Chilled1]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 07:35 AM
Sorry OP but this thread, although it may have good intentions is inherently nothing more than i diversion from what should really be addressed concerning the situation. What everyone should be focusing on is the apparent truth that no Muslims were involved in the alleged 9-11 hijackings in the first place.

i do however recall some Americans making a lot of money off the incident, and 5 Israeli nationals dancing in the street. But hey no use crying over spilled milk???

[edit on 1/3/2009 by JPhish]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:09 PM
Just a general anonymous post to address some recurring issues about terrorism and religion that I read on ATS, which for the most part is an informative resource for out information but is let down by the ignorance of many of its contributors.

NOTE: this is not directed at any contributor in particular but rather many of the voices I read on this site. If you agree with or find this post useful please inform other members as I really have no intention on joining the melee on a permanent basis.

If we look at which grouping of people has been intrinsically linked to the greatest number of mass killings/crimes against humanity/and, yes, terrorist activity their is no doubt the group is the American government (the current regime and every one since WW1). There is no need to give citations because this is ATS and I give credit to the people involved to be able to READ and RESEARCH for themselves (a few hints though - Indigenous America, Latin America (a lot of it), Indochina, Southeast Asia, The Middle East (a lot of it) just to name a few, ie. more than half of the globe). American government atrocities range from direct involvement through declaration of war to serve US/Western interests to the support in the form of logistics, military technology and finance to regimes deemed to be within US/Western interests.

So if we want to fear or be hating on any one group I would have to say it is Amerika (and I can tell you a lot of the world does - and if I/we apply the same logic that has been brandished on the ATS site by some of its members I/we propose a preemptive nuclear strike before it is too late). But you will note I said the American Government. Because I, like any sane person, can disassociate the actions of the few from the group they claim to represent. But many of you, unlike many of us, do have the power to vote for your regime. However it seems the American populace is intent on voting for one of two dictatorial parties that have time and time again let the entire world down. It is also a shame that so many Americans remain so patriotic to these regimes despite the obvious atrocities enacted IN THEIR NAMES.

You have nothing to fear from Islam aside from the fear and hate that is instilled in many of its followers through American foreign policy. But it is not just members of the Islamic faith you need fear it is also the disaffected peoples of the world who have had enough of foreign intervention into their affairs. People sick of the wealth so abound in the countries being taken for the benefit of Western interests. What you all need to realise is that what we are facing has nothing to do with religion it is a matter of classism. Religion is just a place for people to collect when all else has been lost. The more the American government pushes the people of the world the more threats the American people will face. So advocating "nuking" or attacking anyone is not going to get you anywhere but in greater danger.

Oh and by the way I, like any sane person, does not believe that Americans have, as of yet, faced any attack by foreign influence in America - Islamic or otherwise. I think you should really be looking at the grouping of people that is intrinsically linked to the greatest number of mass killings/crimes against humanity/and, yes, terrorist activity cited above. But if a change does not come to American government involvement in global affairs I predict that it will not take long....

Peace (really!)

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by dooper

Well, let's see. I didn't see Christians flying planes into buildings.
No they were busy supplying cash to rapist and genocide leaders in parts of Africa

I didn't see Sikhs flying planes into buildings.
No they were busy counting your money from their oil

Nor Wiccans, nor Taoists.
So actual people involved in semi occult is ok for you?


Until you turn on the TV or read the papers.
Just like us Christians eh? or shall I go through every internet news entry and pull out all the # US troops have done outside of orders.
From the top of my head:
- Okinowan underage girl gang raped by US soldiers
- Families shot dead whilst sleeping in theor homes in Afganistan
- German girl raped by US soldier
- yada yada yada

No side of this bullcrap war is right. no side.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 02:04 PM
Sounds like another case of jackassery from both sides of the fence. Walking onto a plane and discussing where to sit in case of a crash, fire, terrorist action, backed up toilet or the in flight movie being Deuce Bigelow ..again.. is enough to get people edgy. It wouldn't matter if it was Muslims,the Simpsons or the Dali Lama.
I remember after 911 watching a group of people in robes and burkas being led around the security lines straight into the terminal while people in businesswear and little old ladies were given everything but full body cavity searches. The bs stinks up the place for everybody.
The only reason this is any different from the hundreds of incidents that have happened since nine eleven that have gone un-screamed about is that it's the 'poor muslims' that are being treated unfairly.
Well the fact is that all kinds of people get treated like this on a regular basis and nobody says much of anything until they can fit it into their personal whining agenda.
Air travel sucks all around. If a group was on my plane having this discussion then I wouldn't really care but I can't see everybody being that nonchalant. It will stir up trouble and doing it is dumb no matter who what race/class/creed/culture/religion/shoe size you are. It was stupid. Leave it at that.
No need to make martyrs out of morons.

[edit on 3-1-2009 by badgerprints]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
reply to post by Swatman

"and one of those freedoms is to deny service to anyone for whatever reason. "

I remember those days, the signs:

*We don't serve Coloreds here

*No Coloreds allowed to use this fountain

*Coloreds Not Wanted

...Some time to be alive.

Flying is not a human right, it's a privilege, given by these companies that allow it to happen, and therefor should these companies be allowed to fly with whoever they want to. You do not have a right to use their company, if you don't like it, # off.

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