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'Safest' seat remarks gets Muslim family kicked off plane

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posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 02:49 AM
I want to second the comment about not seeing muslims flying planes into buildings, just planes flying into buildings. You took the words right outta my mouth, puppydog guy.

Also... if we're gunna get paranoid about certain factions of people... I'd be most afraid of white blonde haired blue eyed Americans... oh crap, I just looked in the mirror! Oh no! I'm gunna probably lynch myself because I automatically assume I'm gunna go on a crusade or beat some slaves or blindly put on a uniform and annihilate some colored folks in another country because GOD BLESS AMERIKA!!!!But in truth... people are people, and no matter what color, religion, sex, or creed they are of... most people of all ideologies are good at heart, if only most people could find that heart buried under all these ideologies which are not their own. You want extremist? Look right in your own backyard and see the house with American flags, yellow ribbons, and "support Our Troops" signs all over the place. Certain Muslim sects are to blame for thousands of deaths, maybe tens of thousands...

But the Western Caucasian Catholics/Orthodox Christians....if you wanna pin extremist and murdering madness on one perticular race or religion..... are responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths over the past 2000 years.

Islam is but an ideology, and anyone can fall victim to being influenced by more radical interpretations of this ideology.... and that's the problem with religion or any type of belief or devotion without understanding.

Nobody is truly a "Muslim". This is a stupid thing. We're all just people. Get over it. Grow up, all of you... all colors and creeds included... but white assed Americanists especially. YOU I fear the most, not brown guys parading around in deserts with little machine guns and some goats and a cave... that's a stereotype, but hey at least the stereotypers will get it more if I speak in recognizable language.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 02:52 AM
I would think if that family was intending any harm on that flight or another they wouldn't be on the plane at all. If they are worried about the safest place they aren't intending to die as part of the plan. People have lost their common sense.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by Blogstalker

"People have lost their common sense."


They have been indoctrinated into a Soviet-era mindset.

People don't read the Constitution anymore.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by dooper
Well, let's see. I didn't see Christians flying planes into buildings...


I didnt see anyone fly it in there.
Saw a t.v. show that had airplanes go in...who/what, if anything was in there is the question.

Lest we forget that passport they found in the rubble - after everything evaporated, (steel, etc.) evaporated from plane fuel. (Hey I remember them talking about this...not just the after math when people like Alex Jones brought it up, etc.)

So...The crusades...that was a bunch of crazy Christians...
Now its the crazy Muslims...

Point seems to be radicals are found anywhere in society when people can be polarized.

Instead of being fearful and finding what you dont like in someone...see what it is you like and work off of that.

You create your own enemy - what you focus on is naturally what you build up.
People who are conscious dont have the time to waste on that which do not interest them.

We some how have been duped to believe that when we focus on what we do not want, it creates change - well do you see it? Do you see any change in the world?
I see change...but its within me.



posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by dunwichwitch
Nobody is truly a "Muslim". This is a stupid thing. We're all just people. Get over it. Grow up, all of you... all colors and creeds included... but white assed Americanists especially. YOU I fear the most, not brown guys parading around in deserts with little machine guns and some goats and a cave... that's a stereotype, but hey at least the stereotypers will get it more if I speak in recognizable language.

So it's us white assed Americans that are the worst huh? What happened to "Grow up, all of you... all colors and creeds included” you kind of sound like a hypocrite. Statements like that only server as fuel for the flame. Racism aside I would say all colors are equally capable of doing the same amount of harm and why the anti-Americanism? You honesty think were all racist bigots? Really? kind of sounds like you need to take your own medicine and grow up and give the blame to the people that actually deserve it say the greedy officials all over the world in power that want more, more, more or the radically religious that think they know what’s best for everyone...I could go on but why bother, would hate to make you more scared of us white assed Americans then you already are.

Here’s a general fact not all Americans are life altering moment huh? How about that, I’ll bet that’s not in the history books huh?

It’s just sad how many so called self proclaimed civilized people can just spew such uncivilized statements like that.

Sorry all, you just can’t read good arguments anymore on here with out someone resorting to racism, name calling or just plain mean degrading comments these days.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 04:31 AM
Who would be blamed when someone flies a plane into that black box they all march around in mecca?

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by RedGolem

As a matter of note, the safest place on an aircraft is near the centre of gravity, on the wing root. It is the strongest part of the aircraft structure. The wing box section of an aircraft is specially reinforced to take the extra stresses experienced. Whenever I fly, I tend to sit as close to the wingroot area as possible.

Certainly, when I was younger, I used to believe in the myth about the ear of the aircraft. However, after 30 years in the industry, I now know better.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
reply to post by Swatman

"and one of those freedoms is to deny service to anyone for whatever reason. "

I remember those days, the signs:

*We don't serve Coloreds here

*No Coloreds allowed to use this fountain

*Coloreds Not Wanted

...Some time to be alive.

Every buisness that I have ever been in as the option to refuse service for whatever reason. It doesn't matter why, it is their right.

I'm thinking that the airline didn't refuse to rebook them, they probably didn't have enough seats available for the entire family. Depending on where you are going it is difficult at this time of the year to get more then 2 seats at the drop of the hat.

Obviously they got home, so they must have took another airline, if so I wonder who footed the bill? There was no mention of that.

edit to add-

Just read where they was fully refunded their money. AirTran probably called another airline and found enough seats, used their refund to buy those seats and sent them home.

By the way, they were going to Orlando. That makes me think that my opinion of them not having enough seats for them is true.

[edit on 2-1-2009 by jd140]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 06:09 AM
there are two sides to every story, i would like to hear the other sides before i jump to conclusions. innocent til proven guilty on one hand, on the other is the airlines right to refuse any flyer. maybe the airline over reacted, who are we to say? we were not there to witness what actually occured, so i refuse to judge until i hear more info.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by conspiracy nut

"maybe the airline over reacted, who are we to say?"


*Welcome to the "Post 9/11" world (known everywhere else as a police state).

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
reply to post by conspiracy nut

"maybe the airline over reacted, who are we to say?"


*Welcome to the "Post 9/11" world (known everywhere else as a police state).

please take what i said in context. not just one sentence that does not sum up my point of view.

there are two sides to every story, i would like to hear the other sides before i jump to conclusions. innocent til proven guilty on one hand, on the other is the airlines right to refuse any flyer. maybe the airline over reacted, who are we to say? we were not there to witness what actually occured, so i refuse to judge until i hear more info.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 06:57 AM
It really is a shame they through the WHOLE FAMILY of the plane because ONE or two people talked about which seat was safest.

That is called collective punishment.

It might be legal in America, but that doesn't make it right.

Torture is legal in America, does that make it right?

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by jd140

Every buisness that I have ever been in as the option to refuse service for whatever reason. It doesn't matter why, it is their right.

Blatantly wrong. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that businesses may not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, country of origin, or color (great strides have since been made to include physical disabilities on this list). The only acception to this is private nightclubs (which there have been varying court decisions regarding).

No matter what other businesses you are referring to, it specifically states that business that affect commerce or travel are included in this list, and it actually mentions places of travel from country to country, i.e. airports.

Therefore unless you only frequent nightclubs, every business you have ever visited reserved the right to refuse service for reasons other than those listed above. If they are kicking people out because they are Muslim, then I hope they will be prosecuted for it, and I would hope that you would consider to stop frequenting those establishments.

[edit on 2-1-2009 by Grambler]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 07:27 AM
This is so damn stupid. Every time I got on an airplane (haven't flown in 10 years) I would talk to whoever I was with about safety - we'd talk about if it's safer to be in the back, or over the wings, etc etc. :shk:

Originally posted by soultorent
Stereotyping a generally peaceful religion?

That's a whole separate subject.... allegedly peaceful religion.
list of attacks

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:33 AM
It isn't unreasonable for one to be a bit suspicious of muslims on planes, as many have been conditioned to believe these individuals pose a significant threat.


Why wouldn't terrorists operate in disguise?

Does it actually sound logical to you that a terrorist will board a plane with all his cultural and religious adornments? They will attempt to blend as well as possible in order to evade detection/attention.

Naturally, many will encounter a distinguished muslim at an airport and will have thoughts related to terrorism run through their mind, whether it be a simple association, accusatory in nature, or sympathy for how others may percieve them; you have still been conditioned.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by dooper
Well, let's see. I didn't see Christians flying planes into buildings.

well, let's see.. I saw an american president becoming the most powerful president in history thanks to those planes flying into buildings.

I saw congress keep on approving billions worth of military budget for murder.

Oh..... I saw many things!

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:26 AM
So the next time an African-American happens to speak about their distrust of those with white skin, I'm sure you'll understand, especially since the KKK, who have a history of terrorism, are guilty of murdering thousands of innocent african-americans. I'm sure you'll understand.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 10:20 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by dooper
Well, let's see. I didn't see Christians flying planes into buildings.

I didn't see Sikhs flying planes into buildings.

Nor Wiccans, nor Taoists.


So who would I look to and be naturally suspicious?

What about white Irish Catholics?

You know, the kind who blew up city centres in the UK in acts of terrorism.

Keep an eye on them, do you?

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by dAlen

As far as not seeing so-called Christians flying into buildings, doing ones homework will remind you of a professed "Christian", Tim McVey, and his co-hort Terry Nicholes. Religion has always been such a great excuse to kill someone because "my God is bigger then your God. Such total bull #.

If we could all try to stop using religion of any king to give us an "excuse" to kill some of us, because hate cheapens all faith, and every ones dignity. We all need to be honest and why not take pride in our biggotry if so noble? Just say if some one is of a different color, or religion, you hate them because your a biggot? Don't a cowered, just admit it.

THE ABOVE IS NOT APPLICABLE TO ANY ONE WHO MAY POST ON THIS SUBJECT, JUST MY VIEW'S. If we cant stop blaming God or certain idiot interpretations of various religions, then I pity those who apper to have a soal like stone, and IQ no higer then a potted plant... Hate becomes like any addiction after you start its hard to stop, then like being any other addiction, you can't live with out it.

I would really like to hear what the "comments" were asked about the "safest seats". But if the FBI gave approval, then it sounds to me AirTran is going to loose a great deal of money when they loose their back side financially. The Feds also need to follow up with a civil rights violation charge, if this indeed happed. No crew has to fly if they feel someone on board an aircraft is a possible hazard. Believe me as in the community one should always be cautious of everyone, but mostly those who look "harmless". If I can get my hands on the FBI report I will provide you with any non-classified information. I will need to clear it with them, though I haver worked for that organization.

By the way AirTran, I will wait for the investigation to present what scared your people so much, not even allowing the "kicked off couple" to book on a follow up flight as quoted by AirTran; "Any time in the near future". I own "some" interest in your airline and its partner groups and after review with out a good reason for what you did, I will dump all ownership. As Americans, we should not have to put up with this. I would not need to ask regarding safe seats. Hit: get an isle seat near the nearest exit, Take note of other exits near you, ahead and aft, and don't forget window exits, (the smaller ones on narrow body commercial craft) because unless you plow in to the ground at 500mph, as the recent fire/evacuation of a commercial plane proved, you can survive the accident usually, but not the fire.

But would I have been treated the same getting on board dressed as an Orthodox Jew?, (In case your wondering, I'm a Christian and look like a skinny Viking). I really don't think so.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 10:33 AM
As long as a) they cleared a security recheck and b) cleared up the misunderstanding via the post incident interview, then they should have been allowed to fly. Many people of all cultures are a little afraid to fly (I have a friend who is Catholic and he crosses himself before the plane takes off like he is afraid something will happen...he even closes his eyes during take off). Ergo, you cant blame someone for asking where the safest seats are...especially after the recent incident at the Denver airport where the plane skidded off the runway and passengers had to make a hasty exit. They are people, too. But on a side note it is true that it was young muslim men who have it in for us (islamic jihad) and it is riduculous to search 80 yr old grandmas under the guise of political correctness just so we can also search the 20 yr old young muslim and not make it look "targeted". They declared jihad on us....not the other way around.

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