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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Shirakawa
The reason for the downgrade was probably that the method used to determine automatically the earthquake magnitude got fooled by the smaller earthquake occurred immediately next to the M2.8ish (in my opinion) one. Even I was able to tell that M3.7 was not the correct magnitude, but that's because I'm a human who can tell the difference with his eyes, not an algorithm.

[edit on 2010-1-17 by Shirakawa]

FWIW, I agree with your thoughts on the close proximity of the quakes causing probs... but did look more like a 2.5 than a 0.7!!

I reckon it will be changed again at some point once they've checked it out...

[edit on 17-1-2010 by MoorfNZ]

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:40 PM
Just for a visual on Yellowstone, picture's speak louder sometimes...

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by Shirakawa


This is not my area of expertise. Consequently, if you say that this really is a rather routine treatment of such data, then I'll accept that for now.

Thanks for the education.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by loam
reply to post by Shirakawa

I'm not sure what you are looking at, but does this match what you are saying?


In relationship to the others (the last blue line), it looks big enough to me to exceed a M0.8.

[edit on 17-1-2010 by loam]

Do you see the pattern I am seeing? from the left top corner down to the right bottom corner, earth quakes occurring in a step down pattern on the page. Is that a good thing? Or is it a bad thing? Or is it a pattern only to the eyes?

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by loam
reply to post by Shirakawa


This is not my area of expertise. Consequently, if you say that this really is a rather routine treatment of such data, then I'll accept that for now.

Thanks for the education.

I also learned it from here last year when I first joined thread - some great people on here, like Shirakawa, who are keen to share what knowledge they have


posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:46 PM
if it was a 3.7 and right now the usgs is running around deciding wether or not to alert the White House that Montana is about to be blown off the map, would it not make sense to down play things until an official line can be sorted. Its not my view personally, but i do think it warrants consideration.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:48 PM
I'm not sure a 3.7, although larger than usual, would put them in that much of a panic and it sure didn't look like a 3.7 on the graphs. There's always the possibility, though, I guess.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:48 PM
I'm not sure a 3.7, although larger than usual, would put them in that much of a panic and it sure didn't look like a 3.7 on the graphs. There's always the possibility, though, I guess.


posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:49 PM
i think the gaphic certainly shows an increse in activity, i think the next few days could be interesting, especially if it continues.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:51 PM
Yep, definitely heightened activity - another couple just then, too. Knew when I saw 4 yellowstones in a row on my equake that something was up!

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by la2
i think the gaphic certainly shows an increse in activity, i think the next few days could be interesting, especially if it continues.

It went on for days last year - about the same time of year, too - was quite a bit of activity during that swarm.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by Nyhee

Hmm, I think it's just a mind trick. I don't think there is any particular pattern there.

I find more concerning that the earthquake magnitude appears to be slowly increasing (if we count the last "big" one to be M2.8), although the earthquake frequency is decreasing. There's still no "main" event, unlike other types of EQ swarms which occur as a series of aftershocks of a bigger one.

I'm not expert enough to tell what does this means, but it's not an uncommon thing, especially at Yellowstone.

[edit on 2010-1-17 by Shirakawa]


posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:53 PM
i'm going by the usgs website, so i may be a little slow to respond. It seems to be quite an increse, we'll just have to see, it does seem the activity is on the edge of the caldera, which could be a worry.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by la2
i'm going by the usgs website, so i may be a little slow to respond. It seems to be quite an increse, we'll just have to see, it does seem the activity is on the edge of the caldera, which could be a worry.

I was about to ask if anyone had anything to say about the location of the current swarm... edge of caldera - good or bad?


posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 10:00 PM
it could be something to do with the edge of the caldera, only time will tell, i'm hoping these are not foreshocks to a bigger event.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by MoorfNZ

The edge of the caldera is a group of deep and large faults, so earthquakes are more likely to happen there, and so are magma intrusions, but that's not the case here, as no shallow movement of magma is occurring at the moment (resurgent domes excluded, but that's a different story), nor it has occurred in the recorded past, as far as I know.

[edit on 2010-1-17 by Shirakawa]

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 10:03 PM
Just looked round all the other local stations and activity does seem very local to YMR - the one we're all watching - and to the north.


posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 10:07 PM
there is a fault there, but at the moment its unclear if these earthquakes are right at the edge of the fault or if its further toward the caldera. I'm in UK so any further place of information you can give me, i'd be greatful.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by la2
there is a fault there, but at the moment its unclear if these earthquakes are right at the edge of the fault or if its further toward the caldera. I'm in UK so any further place of information you can give me, i'd be greatful.

I'm in New Zealand, so don't ask me!

Typical - I go to make a coffee and some bigger blips appear... *sigh*

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 10:14 PM
well, it seems to be something big awaiting to happen, and on a short time...
all i know is that when a vulcano start to make small earthquakes, it's time to people prepare themselves to a possible eruption...

but, there are cases when nothing happens, and everyone gets happy

i hope nothing happen, because i want to see yellowstone one day

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