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Whats going on at yellowstone?

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posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:55 PM
Seems to me that is a "crack" kind of noise. Or timed pinging with haarp type weapons by the soviets!

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:07 AM
Below is the link to the June lake station at St. Helens a few days prior to it's last eruptive event.

Again as I have stated earlier in the lessons learned the geogolgist team onsite during the eruption noted that this activity was actually magma movement. It is almost like a long cycle harmonic tremor.

Compare that June lake graph to LKWY today (deleting out noise from other global events) they look the same. The current time cycle on the LKWY harmonic is 6 to 8 mins. On GEE it's tracking almost like clockwork. These are not major shakes just the small knock in a slow moving plumbing system.

June Lake Webicorder display prior to last eruptive event

[edit on 4-1-2009 by meagerhair]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by meagerhair

So your saying just because the major disturbances are gone we aren't exactly out of the woods just yet??

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by meagerhair
Below is the link to the June lake station at St. Helens a few days prior to it's last eruptive event.

Again as I have stated earlier in the lessons learned the geogolgist team onsite during the eruption noted that this activity was actually magma movement. It is almost like a long cycle harmonic tremor.

Compare that June lake graph to LKWY today (deleting out noise from other global events) they look the same. The current time cycle on the LKWY harmonic is 6 to 8 mins. On GEE it's tracking almost like clockwork. These are not major shakes just the small knock in a slow moving plumbing system.

June Lake Webicorder display prior to last eruptive event

[edit on 4-1-2009 by meagerhair]

Here is what bothers me about your post.

That data is from a much less explosive event that happened to St. Helens in the 80's.

Make sure and mention that next time, because a glance over your post makes it seem like your saying these were the conditions that we saw before the big one back in the 80's.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:24 AM
Geologically speaking, 24 hours of quiet is a nothing. That's a millisecond in the grand scheme of things.

A day or a week or even a month of "quiet" after what we just saw is nothing to let down your guard about. In "human" time, it may seem like things are calming down, in "earth" time, it's nothing.

Just be aware of everything that is going on, a spike here or there is going to be common, but from my studies this definitely bears watching...

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:32 AM
Hello All,
Justmike, Sageturkey, Trusername, RFBurns and Shirakawa for starters.
My best regards to you,
About 20 -25 pages back I got indirectly called out by some one who claimed that they had talked to an expert and that the Juan de Fuca some 750 miles away had nothing to do with Y.

We have seen many disagreements on this thread, most civil, some not. Even Scientists disagree among themselves as stated before from ridicule to flat out dismissal until proven correct.

To Earthshine, I respectfully acknowledge your research and your unnamed scientific friend , but on the JDF I will have to find exception. I know of what I have read, know it was reputably published.

There was yet another publishing of similar content in one of our papers here in Oregon within the last month or so.

Please have a look all who may be interested.
'The Fate of the Juan de Fuca Plate: Implications for a Yellowstone Plume head'
University of California Berkeley USA.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:42 AM
ok i'm not a geologist but environmental science was my major. so with eqs happening all over the world it is very possible they are connected. i live in pa and we had 2eqsin3 days-unusual. but if you think about how the plates "float" it is kind of like icebergs crashing together. take a dinner plate and turn it upside down- now put one right side up next to it and one upside down again and push them together. see what happens. really same theory. not saying they are connected at all but when you think about it and realize how the earths crust floats it does make sense. molten rock- magma- acts the same as water- why when hawaii has an earthquake eastern asia gets a tsunami alert. so why wouldn't seismographs 1/2 way around the world pick up an eq?? personally i believe something is going on at yellowstone and just hope it is burping

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by toast317
Well I said that it's a good thing that it's not going to happen, but lame that I went out and stocked up on water and canned foods and was being paranoid about it and it ends up not happening.

In all fairness, YS is something to be worried about. You wouldn't be a very good Human if it didn't make you fearful.

It hasn't done this before, it's making a lot of noise right now and only an idiot would ignore it or not feel any concern about what it means.

I'm also glad nothing has happened, it would have been nice to see the birth of a new geyser though.

Having said that, there is a good chance it'll pick up again. Clearl there has been a lot of activity over the last week and it must have been building to something.
Personally, I have always followed the idea of a Hydrothermal explosion being the outcome of this, and maybe this is just a pause in this process.

We have never seen this before, so it is completely unknown territory for YS.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by toast317
Well I said that it's a good thing that it's not going to happen, but lame that I went out and stocked up on water and canned foods and was being paranoid about it and it ends up not happening.

All that still may come in handy. There are any number of things that could happen that you will be thankful you have these supplies.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Originally posted by toast317
Well I said that it's a good thing that it's not going to happen, but lame that I went out and stocked up on water and canned foods and was being paranoid about it and it ends up not happening.

In all fairness, YS is something to be worried about. You wouldn't be a very good Human if it didn't make you fearful.

It hasn't done this before, it's making a lot of noise right now and only an idiot would ignore it or not feel any concern about what it means.

I'm also glad nothing has happened, it would have been nice to see the birth of a new geyser though.

Having said that, there is a good chance it'll pick up again. Clearl there has been a lot of activity over the last week and it must have been building to something.
Personally, I have always followed the idea of a Hydrothermal explosion being the outcome of this, and maybe this is just a pause in this process.

We have never seen this before, so it is completely unknown territory for YS.

Actually, we have seen this before.


posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by seasonedherb

Okay, do you want me to go back and edit my last post to include the words "not on this scale"?

That's what I meant.

I am well aware we have had swarms of EQ's there several times a year. This is different because they are increased in number and strength.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by toast317
I really thought that this thing was going to erupt.

Now by the looks of it nothing is going to happen.


Though it is a good thing. I was just expecting it to I stocked up on water and ordered a mask for nothing

Well I said that it's a good thing that it's not going to happen, but lame that I went out and stocked up on water and canned foods and was being paranoid about it and it ends up not happening.

No No NO!!! Not lame at all. You know why?

Because it is best to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it!

Its called being prepared.


[edit on 4-1-2009 by RFBurns]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by BOTOH

Originally posted by Rocketgirl
I was asking if anyone was sure that Yellowstone wasn't going to erupt anytime soon.

Nobody can be sure based on the limited available data. If anyone claims to be certain of the outcome they are either lying, stupid, self-diluted, or all of the above.

lol or they know something the rest of us do not.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

Don't forget, these swarms of earthquakes are also located on a large "bulge" containing magma 5 to 10 miles beneath the bulge.

We have never seen that until now.

[edit on 1/4/2009 by dreams n chains]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:03 AM
Some of the Montana seismograms are going nuts, check out Bozeman, Helena,Lewis&Clark caverns.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by huntergatherer
Some of the Montana seismograms are going nuts, check out Bozeman, Helena,Lewis&Clark caverns.

I don't have the Bozeman link - can you give it to me?

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:09 AM
i just noticed the bozeman as well, what is goin on there? wind??

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by spinkyboo

go to USGS, click seismogrms,click MONTANA, scrol

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:14 AM
Could swear 17 right now looks harmonic with some sort of EQ activity which also shows up on 16 on GEE.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:15 AM
Sorry if any of this is redundant; I can't possibly read all 174 pages of this thread. BUT: if anyone finds a Geology student's thoughts helpful:

As a former San Francisco resident, I can give you one of a very few leading indicators of a major quake or eruption being imminent: for example, the 1989 Loma Prieta quake- for a month before this major 7.1 quake hit, there were 100 LITTLE QUAKES, 3 or so a day; each was .3- 3.1 on the Richter scale- not possible to be felt by people, but measurable by machines. The USGS website can give you readings of quakes worldwide for any area on earth, if anyone wants to look for such a pattern.

Other "signs" to look for- just before Loma Prieta in 1989, springs & ponds in the area disappeared; animals reacted oddly- especially horses; & the whole area was preternaturally still & quiet- as though the whole earth was "holding its breath, waiting for something to happen".

The 3 calderas at Yellowstone are sitting upon one of the earth's most notorious "hot spots". Other examples are Hawaii's big island and the island of Iceland. The web & tourist sites for Yellowstone aren't about to tell you what I am going to tell you- they want you to travel there & spend $$$- but the temperature of the water at Yellowstone Lake has become so high in recent years that fish can no longer live in it; & half of the trails in the park have been closed to the public because the pavements are too hot to walk upon. They could MELT YOUR SHOES. I have warned my friends for years not to go there.

In the past, when Yellowstone has erupted, it has done so catastrophically- & badly. The ashes (carcinogenic) that spew forth have typically covered & ruined all of the land in the continental northern U.S. south & east of Yellowstone for thousands of miles- not just inches, but often several feet deep. Once water hits these ashes, they become, literally, CONCRETE. I'd like to remind U.S. residents that most of concrete worldwide is made of volcanic ash for this reason- & that it is a reason that "no one" seems to be reporting on why there are so many respiratory diseases & cancers amongst survivors as well as rescuers of NYC's 9/11. The American Midwest is the WORLD'S, not just the U.S.'s, breadbasket- where more than half of the earth's grain is grown; if Yellowstone blows its stack, no one will grow ANYTHING there for a very, very long time.

I have tried to give this information in ATS before & have been thwarted, heaven knows why- this info is freely available in any college geology textbook. Why people should have to pay (in the U.S., at least) the astronomical cost of going to college in order to know such things is beyond reason- isn't that what ATS is for? I'm only adding what I know in the hope it may save lives. Thanks for listening- Deianera

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