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Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

And Europe will just watch it and enjoy it? Do you really think this sort of stuff is possible in today´s world? Would he shut down the internet and fabricate all news coming from the US? Why would he be putting you in concentration camps? Would the Senate and the House of Representatives just go to the Bahamas? Is the army involved? Is he going to nuke the rest of the world?


posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:36 AM
As a resident of the State of Georgia, I can attest that about 50% of our congressional delegation are "mad as hatters". What I read didn't surprise me, but it certainly didn't make me lend 1% of credence to it. Some of you people will believe anything... When I was a kid, our back-door neighbor thought LBJ was the anti-Christ. Then it was Nixon. Her relatives finally had her committed when they found out she had not bathed in over a year and collected over three years of newspapers in her house. If she were around today, she would be Phillip Berg's most ardent supporter.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by drwizardphd

...We can expect to hear this sort of ridiculousness from the uneducated masses but from a member of Congress? What a sad state our country's in, do they even teach Marxism in Georgia? Or do they just say "communism bad!" and leave it at that.

Being a member of congress is no guarantee that said member is overly intelligent.

Remember, Senator Mark Pryor of Arkansas stated “You Don’t Have To Pass An IQ Test To Be In The Senate”

I would assume that is also true of members of the house.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by Waldy

Well first off I will answer your questions one by one but I must say that if you do not know the answers, you have not been paying attention. That's ok though.... the only stupid question is one that is not asked.

1. I do not know what Europe would do. What I do know is that I do not trust the Governments in Europe anymore than I do my own. Europe is just as bad if not worse than the US in terms of being a police state. Europe has more cameras and tracks everything being done. The US does not have that type of survielence....yet. However, the US has more people in jail but I attribute that to the differences in drug laws. In any event, I would expect a response from Europe after it is too late if there is a response at all. An International Response was by far way too late for many Jews, Poles, Gypsies, Soviets, etc.

2. Yes I do believe it is still possible in today's world. We are seeing a foundation for it being laid down.

3. I wouldn't say "shut down the internet" but plans are being made to restructure the internet with far more control than there is today. Just look at some of the bills being presented on the House floor or do an ATS searched for "Internet 2" and you should have no trouble answering that question and seeing how easily plans are being made to control the flow of information. As far as "fabricating news from the US" all I can say is that has already been done. The MSM is all spin and fabrication. The case for invading Iraq was sold to the world on fabricated evidence that was repeated by the MSM endlessly.

4. For the same reason Hitler began putting people into camps. First there were political prisoners, then dissenters and those who spoke out against their Government and the "Motherland", then it was the Communist and so on and so on. People were not all picked up at once. It was a process and it was a process that people accepted and supported. Then it was too late.

5. No I do not think they would go to the Bahamas, but they would be powerless. As described in the Continuity of Government plans, once the President declares Martial Law Congress and Senate will essentially be powerless to do anything for a period of time. I believe it was written as 6 months, but it could be longer. I can not off the top of my head recall the exact time frame but you can also research this by looking into the plans as originally outlined in Presidential Directive 51 and get further expanded on in other pieces of Legislation.

6. I wouldn't know, but I would assume so if they are under the direction of North Comm. There is a reason they are being put onto a Domestic Detail after all don't you think?

7. Again, I don't know if he would nuke the world, I highly doubt it and at no time in any of my post did I say anyone would nuke anyone. However if you want me to speculate...would it shock you if Iran was nuked?

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by Waldy
And Europe will just watch it and enjoy it? Do you really think this sort of stuff is possible in today´s world? WTF?

Yeah, and what is Europe going to do about it? Do you think the French will send their armies over to "liberate" the U.S.???? ROFL!

And Hitler was quite the spin doctor too. Here is part of one of his speeches to the Hitler Youth Corp...

You here today are only a part of what is spread all over Germany. We want you, my German boys and girls, to absorb all that we expect of Germany! We want to be ONE people and you, my youth, are to be that people. In the future there must be NO RANKS OR CLASSES and you must not let them begin to grow in you. We want to be one nation and you must educate yourselves. We want this people to be obedient and you must practice this obedience. We want this people to be PEACE-LOVING but also courageous!

Video of speech here:

Yeah Obama would never say anything like that, see this was translated from German and it is 70 years old so it doesn't sound anything like the rousing, emotional speeches Obama gives today! Different sentence stucture, obviously not the same at all!

Thank God everyone could see that the evil was on the horizon, statements like "no ranks or classes" and "peace-loving" tipped the whole world off ahead of time!

[edit on 11-11-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:56 AM
Many people know Hitler as some evil evil little bitter control freak man who wanted to rule the world.

What many do not realize right away was that

a) Hitler was an elected Official.

b) Very VERY Charismatic.

c) At first the people LOVED him and his message of hope, freedom, and prosperity

d) Was an outstanding Public Speaker

e) Also a very inspirational speaker

Hitler sold the public on everything he did. It was all done within a legal frame work at that time. It was not until it was far too late that people saw the evil.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I really hope that we are wrong and this Civilian Security Force doesn't turn out like we think it will. I really do. However, I fear that we are right and a lot of people are too distracted by the pretty words to actually look at what he is proposing here.

A few questions that keep getting over-looked by some here in this thread:

Why do we need a Civilian Security Force that is funded and trained as well as the military?

Why do we need a trained and funded force for community service when people all over the country do this every day without being trained, funded, or being part of a Civilian Security Force?

Those are only a few of the questions that need to be answered, but I'm sure no one will answer either of these so why waste time typing out more? Four years from now the same people who are defending this will be the same ones complaining that they didn't know what he really meant. Kinda like those who supported Bush in all things now complain they didn't know everything from the last 8 years was going to happen.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by elysiumfire
Allow a Brit a comment or two regarding the theme of this is utter nonsense!

For the last eight years, the American people have been subjected to the neo-fascist pseudo-dictatorship of Bush, and even before Obama takes the office of President, this asinine congressman decides that he doesn't like Obama's plans because they are anathema to Bush's destruction of America. The woodwork in Congress house must be rife with crawling maggots of this congressman's ilk! I wonder...what comments he made when speaking out against Bush? Probably none, but that Broun gave a good impersonation of a seal wanting fish and applauded and lauded Bush for his policies? What a two-faced hypocritical bastard this guy must be! Iago could have no better accomplice than this snake.

Ah! yet the OP declares a shoulder-to-shoulder stance with Broun, for he takes the congressman's remarks and runs with them, and replys to himself 4 times no less. For them both, fear-mongering is a spade by which they dug a grave for a free America, but it is they and their creed that reside in the grave of their intended victim, and it is their's and Bush's ghosts whom Obama will exorcise and excoriate from the people's conscience. The sooner it begins the better!

Sorry, you disqualified your own remarks about American Politics by proclaiming you were not an American. Your remarks are thus circular filed.
I am tired of people from other countries saying stupid things about Political Issues that they have no right to complain about.

That Dang Prime Minister, You English Blokes should elect an Irish Fellow, cuz them English Politicians are just bad bad bad!!! NeoYanks I call them.
Now coming from an American, that sounds pretty stupid huh.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by -zeropoint-

I read your comment and I had to respond because I think you've drank the obama mama kool aid. Guess what? I was a democrat til I realized all the plans bush signed into law for the next president to execute. We are truly in for a rude awakening and I'm reaching out to as many people as I can. Barack will usher in the dictatorship because it's not him who runs this country, it's the global elite that control everything. We are now one country with canada and mexico. Did you know we are now the North american Union? Let me guess, you didn't read the policies of bush either. Well how about this, google NAU and then google imf and world bank documents. You better get ur food and water because america is getting ready to eat the dirt.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by arcnaver

Jenna very good post and I am afraid you are right on the money.

To who I am replying to...

I welcome any comments from people outside the US. Just because they do not live here does that mean they have nothing to offer or bring to the table? Most of what I have learned about Nazi Germany and the PROCESS that brought about WW2 and the slaughter of millions under a Nazi Regime I did not get from reading a US History book. Most of what I know concerning WW2 and The Great Depression I know from talking to people who lived it or were alive in the aftermath, plus what the history books teach us.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by -zeropoint-
Stop spamming your own damn thread, desperate child. There's no threat to be warning and fear-mongering about, stop such non-sense. I really thought Americans were more realistic and mature in their conduct, it just seems that it's the neocons who can't accept what is, we've found our problem. The minute I saw it was coming from a rightest Republican, I knew it was meaningless. Stop producing fear-mongering negative energy, the man isn't inaugurated yet for Pete's living sake.

Fear mongering HA!!

That is funny... perhaps you have not been around the last few years as members of the wonderful ATS have posted thread after thread of Bush taking over the world, declaring Martial Law, closing down the election, torturing innocent citizens, on and on and on...

All complete BS, but now that is it Obama.. NOW you fly off the handle?
Were you denouncing those threads? What does that say about you?

Also for all of you staring his response (-zeropoint-) take a good look at yourselves.. if you were condemning the anti-bush posts.. congrats.. you are an awesome human.. for those of you staring THOSE posts.. shame on you, for being a ridiculous hypocrite.

I am just as annoyed (and a little bit amused) at the BS already pouring out, but I figure I will let it settle for a few weeks before I join the dark side and defend Obama....

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:29 AM
edit to add: Oops! my bad....after I reread what I wrote it didn't really say what I wanted my apologies.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by observe50]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by -zeropoint-
Stop spamming your own damn thread, desperate child. There's no threat to be warning and fear-mongering about, stop such non-sense. I really thought Americans were more realistic and mature in their conduct, it just seems that it's the neocons who can't accept what is, we've found our problem. The minute I saw it was coming from a rightest Republican, I knew it was meaningless. Stop producing fear-mongering negative energy, the man isn't inaugurated yet for Pete's living sake.

make it X3 to avoid a one liner.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:35 AM
I'm trying to find websites that succinctly puts the communist theology on this;
This article from the League of the Revolutionary Party 2004, puts it like this;

"No Draft" Is No Answer

We are for a workers' militia, an army totally independent of and opposed to the capitalist state. Our policy towards the bourgeois military is to seek to split it, to turn its base against the top, to turn imperialist wars into civil class wars, and out of that conflict forge the workers' red army. We learned that from Lenin and Trotsky...............A mercenary, "voluntary," army provides long-term military training to those who choose to be professional soldiers. They are trained as an elite corps of thugs, in many respects effectively a police department that can be used against masses abroad as well as at home. On the other hand, a drafted army is more susceptible to the moods and attitudes of the masses and is more accessible to revolutionary propaganda and agitation. Over time, the class distinctions between the "grunts" and the officer corps in conscripted armies become sharper, and the discontent of the working class ranks accelerates. Further, a drafted army allows all workers to receive essential military training, which is absolutely crucial for the success of socialist revolution.

I'm STILL trying to find info on Mao and his blueshirt-wearing 'volunteer' work-forces as well as Stalin's 'volunteer' work-force(although I think he just cut to the chase and started a campaign of terror and expulsion from the get-go.)
Can anybody help me out, u2u me, thanks.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by -zeropoint-
Stop spamming your own damn thread, desperate child. There's no threat to be warning and fear-mongering about, stop such non-sense. I really thought Americans were more realistic and mature in their conduct, it just seems that it's the neocons who can't accept what is, we've found our problem. The minute I saw it was coming from a rightest Republican, I knew it was meaningless. Stop producing fear-mongering negative energy, the man isn't inaugurated yet for Pete's living sake.

Why is it ok for the left to fear monger and wring their hands from day one to 8 years later, but when the right returns the favor suddenly its out of bounds?

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:51 AM
Better question is why is this thread being hijacked over one person's opinion that has nothing to do with the actual topic at hand?

Was it pathetic to bump his own thread? Yes

Was it pathetic to pull the "I guess no one cares about this" card? Absolutely

Yet what does any of that have to do with the left/right nonsense? We are discussing the actual policy of the future POTUS. It does not matter to me if he is Republican, Democrat, Independent or from the Galactic Federation Of Light!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:55 AM

As for why they should be just as well funded and just as well supported? The answer to that seems so obvious to me. I would ask you, why don't you think they should be? I think we just support different things in this regards...

[edit on 11-11-2008 by Lucid Lunacy]

I think that is why everyone suspects that there is a dubious reason behind this civilian force. First of all if he spent as much on the this force as we do on the military we would have to raise the heck out of taxes or borrow a cargo ship full of cash from the Chinese. We spend about 40% or more of the federal budget on military. We spend another 20% on interest on the debt. So if we add another 40% that woud pretty much take care of all the money.

So for one to spend that much money when you dont have it and dont need to have it then there must be some other motive... or he is an idiot. But he seems like a smart man to me.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:58 AM

and Google books
are all I've found, so far.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by The Revealer

If things get dicey I have a task for you. Get a flashlight and go outside your dwelling and shine it around. See if you can spot a reflective disc of some sort.

The disc could be red, blue, or yellow. Might be nothing, might be worth a look though.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:10 AM
Oh and did you know about the Israeli Defence Forces?
Those who don't want to serve, (maybe they don't want to torture Palestinians) are called Refuseniks

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