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Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship

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posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 07:56 PM
Maybe Obama wouldn't even have this idea if more people in this country, and the world for that matter, cared for others as they care for themselves. We should at least wait for the details of his plan, if he carries this out that is, before we start shouting "Nazi! Fascist!"

Is there something inherrently wrong with telling people that they should be more willing to humble themselves and care for each other?

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:03 PM
Let's all take a deep breath, and discuss this logically. First of all, Obama did propose a national civilian security force:

Senator Obama was nearly 17 minutes into his July 2 speech (yet another one where naming Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was required) in Colorado Springs, Colorado when he deviated from his pre-released script and performed without the teleprompter net saying,

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

I actually saw his speech when he made that statement, so there is no question of whether he proposed it or not. He did.

Now, as to whether it will be a "Gestapo-like" force, of course, no one knows what it will be, because there have been no specifics, as far as I know.

There have been some telecasts of Black Panthers that were present during the campaign to "protect" Obama. Here is a video of one of them:

The video called it a Black Panther Civilian Security Force. Perhaps the Congressman made a giant leap and connected them.

I don't think that Obama would seriously consider anything like it, and of course, Congress would NEVER approach a radical group running a government sponsored security force.

Now, having said all of that, there is a lot of space between making a proposal and the implementation. Let's wait and see what develops, before we push any panic button.

In order for a civilian security force to be effective, a great deal of training, and background checking would have to go on.

I think a valid concern would be to look at the problems that ensued when Homeland Security started hiring people for airport checks, etc. and it was discovered that ex-cons, etc. were being hired. I would hope we have learned from that fiasco.

Anyway, since there people would have to be highly trained, and trustworthy, I'm not sure how such a force would be better than having additional military people allocated to the task. There seems to be too many problems related to a civilian security force.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by drwizardphd

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029
Well, if this does infact happen... try convincing the uneducated balck person on the street about what Obama has done to the country.

I'll make an estimate... Ask any 100 black Americans on the street if they know anything about Facsism.

Do you know anything about Fascism? Like how to spell it?

This may come off as rude, but to me you sound like an old racist fool babbling on about some race war that's never gonna happen because most of America has pulled their heads out of their respective asses and learned to respect one another. At least I'd like to believe so, sometimes I'm not so sure.

Go bathe in your own ignorance some more, will you?

Oh I'm sorry... I watch a lot of Fox News... Too much racial propaganda has gotten to my brain.

And by the way... is this english class?

bathe in my own ignorance? Would that be believeing that 9-11 was nothing more than Inside Job... or I'm sorry should I say a Global Inside Job?

It's not my fault that Whites and Black still have tension (did I spell tension right?)

Yes, I might come off a s stereotyping the race of the black man... But I guess you don't realize that I now understand the term "White Devil".

Luciferians are mostly White weather you believe in them or not (Did I spell Luciferians right?)

We don't what Obama represents... But you obviously do.

He could one of them, or he could be like JFK... I guess we will find out.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:07 PM
I didn't know much about Congressman Paul Broun- although my birth name was Brown.
Apparently, he was one of those republicans AGAINST the bailout, unlike democrat Obama;

“This is a huge cow patty with a piece of marshmallow stuck in the middle of it and I am not going to eat that cow patty,” said Representative Paul Broun, Republican of Georgia.

November 3, 2008 by hba1
I received this post from a friend of mine named Jessica Morris who is the Spokesperson for Congressman Paul Broun (District 10) and is a new Contributor to Project Logic GA.

Has A LOT of sense in it.
Southern Moderate African American Issues.
Here's something I wrote up, yesterday.
Is Barack Obama a Communist?
Here's another one I wrote last month.
Makes Americans wonder why we aren't educated on Marxism and Stalinism.

For everyone that says communism is good, and that we don't know what communism is(In PRACTICE), please share your insights.

[edit on 10-11-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:10 PM
Oh wow! See how the plot is excreted from the backsides of their fevered brains! They are trolling for an engagement with their own sad and pitiful tirades...

It is true that a private security force is what Hitler used to gain absolute power...

Yeah! Not unlike Blackwater, or even Bush's own Brigade of troops. I suppose you forgot these little Hitleresque details? No matter, I'll remind the good members of the forum for you.

Too all of you guys calling everyone a fear monger, and saying this type of thing could never happen...

It already has happend...I'll refer you to my earlier response.

I guess the American Civil War never happened, and Hitler's rise to power must be a propaganda by the Jews?

Whatever you are taking to relieve yourself of sane reality, must be an excellent product! I fear though, you are taking a tad too much. Cease and desist immediately, please!

I don't believe what I just wrote, but I can see the fact that most black people will pledge their allegience to Obama no matter what he decides (just because he's black).

Your lack of self-belief does not entail you to be racist, or racially derogatory. Yours is a most abhorrent post! Yet, pray tell us, what is it that is motivating the millions of ethnically diverse Americans toward PE Obama? I believe I know the answer, and I'll wager that it has to do with a belief in the Constitution, a belief in what their country could truly be, and a belief in a man who in his principles, embodys the self-same hopes and dreams as they.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:13 PM
If this "civilian security force" is anyting like the TSA at the airports then, no thank you. I shudder to think the country being a sort of lock down type as you have at airports. What is going to entail? Having your backpack/purse/briefcase searched anytime you go into a store? Having patrols in your neighborhoods by this force? Random car searches?

While I do think the congressman was a little too sensational about Obams becoming a dictator, but the whole idea of this "civilian security force" just seems scary. As far as community service goes, if people want to volunteer to do something, then that's their choice. Last time I checked "community service" was for people found guilty of a crime. There's already talk of alchohol detectors being mandatory in cars:

How much invasion of privacy are we willing to tolerate in the name of being "safe"?

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Blacks this... Blacks that... Uneducated Blacks....

Wow.. you really seem to not only be over-generalizing, and marginalizing, but also casting the entire demographic of "Black America" as ignorant.

I'm speechless.

I didn't mean to come across like a stereotypical racsist... but yes, I will say many poor uneducted black people will gladly line up to serve a fascist agenda (did I spell fascist right?)

Would they do it for Bush? Not so much... will they do it for Obama? It makes it alot easier to to say yes.

Do you not see almost every (poor) black person chanting the name Obama?

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by elysiumfire

I would like to see Obama exorcise the ghosts of the Bush administration, as you say.

I hope he does. He is a charismatic and very likable guy so far.

What I dont want is to see America stop being America. I love our Constitution, and hope he defends it by getting rid of the Patriot Act, rather than undermines it with a North American Union or some other such thing.

No offense, but I dont want our country to become like your country. I know you guys like it, and I am not saying it is bad, but I dont want our right to bear arms taken away. I dont want cameras everywhere, and I dont want a nanny state.

The disarm the people and erode sovereignty movement that seems to be sweeping Europe I dont want here. And that worries me about him. It isnt an entirely unfounded worry. I began to really have concerns when the memo leaked to Canada;

On Monday, a memorandum surfaced, obtained by The Associated Press, showing that Austan D. Goolsbee, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago who is Mr. Obama’s senior economic policy adviser, met officials last month at the Canadian consulate in Chicago.

According to the writer of the memorandum, Joseph De Mora, a political and economic affairs consular officer, Professor Goolsbee assured them that Mr. Obama’s protectionist stand on the trail was “more reflective of political maneuvering than policy.”

It also said the professor had assured the Canadians that Mr. Obama’s language “should be viewed as more about political positioning than a clear articulation of policy plans.”

Maybe I am worried for nothing, and I hope that is the case. If he turns out to be the President so many think he is, I will be happy to be wrong. But I am pretty set against certain types of "change." Anything that weakens our Constitution is unacceptable to me. Even if it hurt our economy by not joining the "lump everyone into big trade blocks" movement that is sweeping the globe, I would rather us struggle and be poorer economically and stay free and independent. Freedom isnt free, and I am willing to pay whatever price is necessary to keep it.

Thats just me. I am not saying he WILL lead us that way, I just worry that he will. I would have worried about McCain as well, but I dont think he had the popularity to pull it off without a huge fight. Obama might. As I said earlier, I think both major parties support corporate interests far more than the peoples.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:18 PM
The old saying by Solomon that there is nothing new under the sun is very true.

During WW2 citizens on the coast were asked to watch for submarines other boats and air craft and to pay attention to strangers coming into town. People were asked to paint the top half of their light bulbs black in case an enemy aircraft came over. And this was in the USA.

Let's go just a few months back in time. Homeland security enlisted civilians who owned boats to keep watch for anything that looked suspicious and report it to the proper authorities.

Now back over a year ago......the FBI invited business owners to join them as a first response type of organization.

I'm sure any history buff can find many more instances through the ages that the government has asked civilians to help fight the good fight.

I'm OK with being a civilian force to be reckoned with. All I need now is my own tank.

[edit on 10-11-2008 by dizziedame]

[edit on 10-11-2008 by dizziedame]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:29 PM
A thread bumped by it's own maker more than 4 times.


posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:36 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship.

Winston Churchill said exactly the same thing about clement attlee in the 1945 election, people thought it was a ridiculous thing to say, churchill suffered for it and it contributed to him losing the election. Obviously Attlee didnt go on to create a secret police force.

Churchills paranoia could be rationalised tho by labours then warm ties to the USSR, a very real emerging threat that Churchill understood all too well. So it wasnt a completely idiotic, baseless or ridiculous thing to say.

I dont think this congressman has that excuse.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:37 PM
The true test of whether Obama will respect the constitution, and discard Bush's move away from it, will be when we see if he is willing to push for the REPEAL of the Patriot Act. If he does NOT, then he is no better than Bush.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:38 PM
Let's see whether Obama will push for the REPEAL of the the Patriot Act. If he does NOT, that will say more than anything about he true leanings.

Reason for edit:
Sorry. I didn't think my previous response was posted.

[edit on 10-11-2008 by ProfEmeritus]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:43 PM
I don't agree with it. Because the past is a representation of the future, at least in most cases. If there is diversion or a change, it is always for a reason. Good people has a hard time doing bad things,especially when they are elected for responsible positions. I personally think that what Mr. Obama endured in his early life will always be a guide for his future. Yes, he can make mistakes. Especially if secret societies succeed installing their agents in his administration. It happened in the past with ex President Jimmy Carter, the most honest president. It is our responsibility to inform Mr. Obama of certain individuals who can be bad for his administration. For example, I read something that he picked a person for his chief of staff position who was on the Board of Directors for FradieMae and is a bad character. The question is, does Mr. Obama know all of that or was it an attempt on the part of bilderberg to install that character in Mr. Obama's Administration. Can any one inform him please. I cannot reach him and wouldn't leave any messages to his committees as that will fall through craks.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by sapphirearaidia

Now on Obamas website they have changed the wording from Required Community Service with No Opt out..

Could you be so kind as to direct me to the Obama website link that you are referring to?
I don't see this information on

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:54 PM
More proverbial Pot calling the kettle Black.

GW has already brought us private military forces, called BlackWater.
Remember they're the hired guns that have been committing crimes against Iraqi civilians and when they were to be charged for their crimes, they were whisked out of the country away with immunity from prosecution.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
We would have a coup d'etat and/or civil war before that ever happened.

The only thing I can really say to that is, don't count on it. If it happens, it will happen with open and willing arms. People will give away their political freedoms, if it means they get to keep their entertainment freedoms.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by spinkyboo

The reason you didn't see it, is due to the fact that Obama has REMOVED his entire agenda from his website:

Over the weekend President-elect Barack Obama scrubbed, his transition Web site, deleting most of what had been a massive agenda copied directly from his campaign Web site.

Gone are the promises on how an Obama administration would handle 25 different agenda items - everything from Iraq and immigration to taxes and urban policy - all items laid out on his campaign Web site,

Instead, the official agenda on has been boiled down to one vague paragraph proclaiming a plan “to revive the economy, to fix our health care, education, and social security systems, to define a clear path to energy independence, to end the war in Iraq responsibly and finish our mission in Afghanistan, and to work with our allies to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, among many other domestic and foreign policy objectives.”

Apparently, they were just promises that he had no intention of carrying out, according to several analysts. That proves he's just the same as all other politicians. Promises, Promises.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 09:03 PM
You know, the first thing that popped into my head when I read the OP was: "Don't we ALREADY have a Civilian Security Force? Called the Police. Or am I wrong in that thought. Don't they do all the things people have been saying this CSF would do? This has to be one of the stupidest ideas out of Obama's mouth so far. The police have it bad enough as it is. Corruption, underfunding, general public mistrust, etc. All this new force would be good for is enforcing any 'unpopular' laws the President passes, and of course, being yet another drain on our economy. I wonder how he plans to bankroll the whole thing, when cuts to the police and firefighters have run rampant right here in Cali for the past several months.

A few examples: Here

and Here


posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 09:05 PM

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