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Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by son of PC
reply to post by The Revealer

If things get dicey I have a task for you. Get a flashlight and go outside your dwelling and shine it around. See if you can spot a reflective disc of some sort.

The disc could be red, blue, or yellow. Might be nothing, might be worth a look though.


posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:15 AM
Wonder what Americans will be called if they choose to refuse to serve after the Messiah has asked them to?

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by The Revealer

WOW!!-Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship.

"It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force," Rep. Paul Broun said of Obama in an interview Monday with The Associated Press. "I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may — may not, I hope not — but we may have a problem.
(visit the link for the full news article)

OMG! A Republican (the losing team) Congressman(Not earning his pay) from Georgia -Thinks-(Amazing!) something-may happen!-(His Magic 8 ball said "Reply hazy, Ask again later).

This message has been brought to you by "Fearmongers are us." now with locations in all 50 states and all U.S. territories!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:24 AM

People have guns and ideals, put those two things together and there will be no dictatorship.

Obama is just like any other democrat, the only reason why he is being attacked so much is because he is black. Racism is still rampant in this country, and that's probably why Obama didn't win 5-10% more than McCain in the popular votes.

If I recall correctly, it is more likely that some republican KKK member would snipe down Obama and another republican would claim dictatorship. But first, the republicans would have to indirectly commit some act of terrorism and blame is on Obama's incapability.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by MrWendal
Many people know Hitler as some evil evil little bitter control freak man who wanted to rule the world.

What many do not realize right away was that

a) Hitler was an elected Official.

b) Very VERY Charismatic.

c) At first the people LOVED him and his message of hope, freedom, and prosperity

d) Was an outstanding Public Speaker

e) Also a very inspirational speaker

Hitler sold the public on everything he did. It was all done within a legal frame work at that time. It was not until it was far too late that people saw the evil.

You may be right about all of these things, but don't you be fooled for one second that the rest of the world bought into his (Hitler's) politics.

Its hardly a strong comparison?

Yes, I live in the UK. If you really don't think im entitled to make a response then you are posting to the wrong people. ATS is international (pan-galactic for all I know) so If you want people who will just agree with you and panic, go and post on a republican website!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by blujoose

I do not find the comparison to any real stretch at all. Facts are facts.

Also, I was defending the right of people outside the US to give their opinion and views. You might want to direct your comment to the other poster who did not feel that way.

Originally posted by arcnaver
Sorry, you disqualified your own remarks about American Politics by proclaiming you were not an American. Your remarks are thus circular filed.
I am tired of people from other countries saying stupid things about Political Issues that they have no right to complain about.

That Dang Prime Minister, You English Blokes should elect an Irish Fellow, cuz them English Politicians are just bad bad bad!!! NeoYanks I call them.
Now coming from an American, that sounds pretty stupid huh.

As you can clearly see, my name is not Arcnaver.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by MrWendal]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:36 AM

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
We would have a coup d'etat and/or civil war before that ever happened.
[edit on 10/11/08 by MikeboydUS]

Naomi Wolf already called it a 'coup'. Bush has his own army which has been increased to almost 5,000 troops (I heard 10k somewhere else but I can't confirm it).

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:56 AM

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by The Revealer

You know I mentioned this to my father the other day, and he agrees as well. He says that what Obama is creating is pretty much a federalist police force, which, according to him, is supposed to NOT be allowed. The states individually are the ones that handle their police force, NOT the federal govt. He too mentioned that this was pretty much the equivalent of Hitler's SS force.

I am honestly astounded by the complete and utter ignorace I am seeing from Obama supporters both outside this site and inside this site. Heck I even had a very close friend of mine who voted for Obama say that "Maybe the CONSTITUTION might be too OUTDATED to run this country" Funny thing is... I don't think he's ever read the constitution, because if he did, he would not have made that comment. I'm starting to think that a good portion of the Obama drones also might not have ever read the constitution. Shame on them... looks like history really is to repeat itself thanks to people's ignorance of history.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by The Revealer

THing is, Most Americans love their freedom.

If there were a national Security force, it would be made up of civillians who love their country & their constitution.

Doub't any speech from Obama would make people forsake the Constitution.

The only ppl likely to forsake the constitution, are the elite who have already made it a useless doccument.

I think any public security force would infact be determined to uphold nd even win back the constitution.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:17 AM
I think this could be serious. It's a gut feeling combined with a logical analysis of the techniques used by Obama to get people in a worship-type mode. I'm not saying it's all Obama's doing, in full. I think race could become an issue too. I'm already running into trouble trying to tell African-American friends about him. Some deny anything you say about him by saying that people will say anything to keep a black man from being President. Great way to pit us against one another! Brilliant! Set us up for a race war.

However, I do notice that some African-Americans acknowledge that there could be influences behind the scenes. This is refreshing, that not everyone is closed to the idea that something is up. I also observe that it seems to be thoughtful, informed people in general who will question him. If people weren't already thoughtful and informed about politics, they will eat up whatever the MSM feeds them.

The most important thing I see about Obama's race so *far* is the fact that so many people (of all races) are so ecstatic that a black man is President-Elect, that they are opiated in a sense. I'd say they are happy because of what kind of person he seems and probably is, as well - compassionate, intelligent, diplomatic. So they have fallen into a state of mind that everything is going to be better. Change is coming, they think, so why worry. They put their minds on the back burner. Meanwhile, TPTB are shuffling things around behind the scenes while everyone has gone on with their oblivious lives. The companion problem to this distraction via mass-drugging-by-false-optimism is the devotion factor. This unquestioning devotion and misplaced paranoia of anyone who might want to badmouth Obama will turn into a nightmare under the right conditions. Unfortunately, we can see that the right conditions are already being put into place.

Genius! Our leaders are not as stupid as some of us may think they are. Then again, if they were smarter, they might think of a more humane way to manage their wants with the rest of humanity's needs.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by elysiumfire

Bravo--Bravo. I am going to have to agree that the OP here is
that his candidate did not get elected. I am really sick of the negativity out there, I mean, can we give the guy a chance. I do realize this is a conspiracy site, and that we are always looking for the powers that be who are manipulating the circumstances. But do we constantly have to believe that everyone, and everything is controlled by this New World Order conspiracy? That Obama has to be the anti-christ, just as GWB was before him, and Bill Clinton before that?

I think we need some more of the "silent majority" on this site to take over the reigns here, as not everything is cause to go out and buy canned goods, and waxing philosophic over the tyranny of the reptilian race New World order. Or channeling Gin Blossom goofball, or let's all get tin foil on our heads, or we're all going to be killed in FEMA Death Camps, because I saw some ridiculous youtube video put out by the Saint Birgitta cult.

I mean, folks let's all try to embrace change. Barack has tried to be all inclusive in his party, and has taken on a populist tune to include all those who want to be part of the solution. I think the real issues is that for some of you, if you not paranoid about your government your just not happy. Did you ever stop to think of all the time and energy you've perhaps wasted considering all of these wonderful conspiracy theories, or blindly following some doomsday prophesy, just to find out that it was a hoax? Jeez, just for a moment let's assume you are correct, and we are all doomed. Well, let's spend time with our loved one's and build better relationships with the people we love, instead of walking around like some Debbie Downer--conspriracy theory nut-job.

In the meantime, if something like the stripping of our Right to Bear Arms actually does occur, well we will fight them tooth and nail. If we see evidence that there is something going nefarious going on, we will point it out for open debate. But let's all try and chill out on the sweeping appocalpytic theories here on every subject, and take things with a grain of salt.

Do you realize that we stand a better chance of absolutely nothing happening of any real consequence during our lifetimes, as we do of anything really historic? For instances, somebody give me a major event that happened in the year 706, or 1156 BC, or 1918, or 233? Everyone throughout history believes they are living during the "end times" and that their epoch is going to be universally remembered.

Let's all try to dial down the sensational nature of the posts recently, and try to leave your political leanings aside, so that we can have a true intellectual discourse, rather than a fear-mongering diatribe every other week.

Just my two cents-from the village idiot in the group.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by wintermarches

This unquestioning devotion and misplaced paranoia of anyone who might want to badmouth Obama will turn into a nightmare under the right conditions.

Uh, it already is. Just look at this thread or any thread that doesn't praise our new leader as the second coming. Don't look at the men behind the curtain, just stay focused on the charismatic very well spoken president elect. Things will be alright.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by observe50
I have nothing against the state of Georgia but I will say what I observe and to this day I believe many Georgians still has a thing against black people, plain and simple so please no arguments this is just MY observation.

That's quite possible, but that would be a convenient way to write off everything they say. I'm just looking at this from all sides. Just because someone is a racist doesn't mean *every* thing that comes out of their mouth is idiocy. Problem is, they won't be taken seriously since their hate in general will get in the way of their brain.

Still, we've got so many prejudices from so many sides here that it's all going to turn into a big paranoia-fest where Americans don't know who to trust. I don't like racism any more than anyone else, but in this day and age of media and government manipulation we need to be prepared for every trick to be used against us. It's exhausting, though, sometimes, trying to figure out what makes sense and what doesn't. For now, I go with my gut and then follow up with research. My gut tells me a lot that research explains with facts later on.

If something doesn't seem right here, race aside, we need to pay attention. We all have that intuition and it's priceless. Obama's rhetoric (and Rahm Emanuel's and Zbigniew Brzezinski's advising?) might try to bypass that. No matter. They've programmed a good number already.

I do hope the suspicious ones and I are wrong!

[edit on 11-11-2008 by wintermarches]

[edit on 11-11-2008 by wintermarches]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Clearskies
Oh and did you know about the Israeli Defence Forces?
Those who don't want to serve, (maybe they don't want to torture Palestinians) are called Refuseniks

Hmm. Rahm Emanuel, appointed Chief of Staff, was in the IDF. He left during the Gulf War to volunteer there.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by wintermarches]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Question
reply to post by The Revealer

You know I mentioned this to my father the other day, and he agrees as well. He says that what Obama is creating is pretty much a federalist police force, which, according to him, is supposed to NOT be allowed. The states individually are the ones that handle their police force, NOT the federal govt. He too mentioned that this was pretty much the equivalent of Hitler's SS force.

I am honestly astounded by the complete and utter ignorace I am seeing from Obama supporters both outside this site and inside this site.

I agree with you. Most people do not understand the implications of a national police force, or the concentration of power toward a central government. The governors of each state are responsible for their own national guard, and police force. What Obama is proposing is quite alarming, and with the company he keeps, not surprising.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:47 AM

"That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did," Broun said.

Um, where was this congressman when Bush passed the Patriot Act?
Where was he when Bush signed in H.R. 5122?
Where was he when Bush signed in NSPD 51/HSPD 20?

These Resolutions and Orders were way worse than what Obama proposes. They give power to one person, rather than an entire force (made up of citizens, non the less).

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:50 AM
Racism and ignorance abound in this thread. Sometimes, I wonder how in the world we survived to this point as a race. Thank goodness some wiser and more well-intentioned folks have control of the world, however much those who are much less civil and ignorant berate them.

Dooms.. you do sound like a racist to me. Your stereotyping of blacks is rather sickening in particular, as well as your assumption that Obama would use them as a force, as a sort of rebuttal to slavery. And you spelled some other words wrong as well. For example, empowered, not impowered. Just saying..

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Chronogoblin
You know, the first thing that popped into my head when I read the OP was: "Don't we ALREADY have a Civilian Security Force? Called the Police. Or am I wrong in that thought. Don't they do all the things people have been saying this CSF would do? This has to be one of the stupidest ideas out of Obama's mouth so far. The police have it bad enough as it is. Corruption, underfunding, general public mistrust, etc. All this new force would be good for is enforcing any 'unpopular' laws the President passes, and of course, being yet another drain on our economy. I wonder how he plans to bankroll the whole thing, when cuts to the police and firefighters have run rampant right here in Cali for the past several months.

A few examples: Here

and Here


The big difference though, is that the police answers to the state, not to the federal govt. We're talking here about Obama potentially having his own little private army. Yes, while Blackwater could be constituted as the same as Bush's private army, the difference there though, is that blackwater is an army for hire. So unless Bush gives them money, they won't do squat.

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