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Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by bubbabuddha
This just seems like a media attempt to paint those in the South opposed to big government and Obama as kooky conspiracy nuts for actually being concerned about something that they should be concerned about, that being that "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely".

I'm thinkin' we can't have it both ways. The Conservatives thought the Liberal Leftist news wienies were beating on McCain/Palin... Why in the world would there be a "now" Rightist Conservative news wienie group beating on Obama?

We survived Carter (dumber than a box o' rocks)... We'll get by the Divine Mr. Obama. I suspect that in 8 to 12 months, when he has miraculously, or at least magically, NOT cleared up everyone's high house notes, over-gorged credit cards, free food, saved the big three auto compnies,and taken all my money to give you some, and relieve you of your financial responsibilities, that many folks will be wondering why they voted for him in the first place.

Note: the use of "You" was not directed at You, Bubbabuddha, but used for want of a better impersonal...

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:22 PM

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:26 PM
I sense something very dark and sinister IS indeed in the air, Obama is not going to be doing anything but the work he was preordained to do.

As much as this is new dawn for the African American, and well overdue, I have noticed a greater presence of proud Black people in my area which is predominantly WASP's and that they no longer feel like they have to hide or look down or wonder if when they walk into the Doctors office if they will be treated with automatic disrespect because of their eh hem inferior color.

I am proud that an African American has finally risen to the highest honor our proud Country has to offer an individual. For those who feel an injustice by the voice of the Voting public, I say stand down and support the President not the color unless you are talking about the Red White and Blue.

When he accepted this monumentous task, he pledged to be the president of ALL Americans, every color, no exceptions. You know as well as I that when he stood for the first time before the masses on his nomination night, he looked out with the concern of a President who has chosen a time in history unlike any before. He looked at the people, not the colors, you could see it in his eyes, he was sincere in his mannerism, he was strong in his vulnerability.

He is going to be lead to the slaughter the same as everyone, the mess we are in will not be cured in 4 years, what he does will be to the best of his ability and he will make mistakes, and we will all suffer, yet do you really think that any other choice would have changed that course for him or any of us?

We can pretend this is the real world, that things are as they seem, but you know that the shadows control the masses. The shadows control the president. And he is not going to be doing anything that he is not told to do.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by elysiumfire
These attacks upon Obama arise from his controversial thoughts on gun control, and just like a bunch of Iagos, those that do not want gun control are obsfucating, misrepresenting and misleading the statements Obama has made.

Well I disagree. At no point has "Gun Control" been brought up here that I have seen and I have yet to see much misrepresentation or misleading of Obama's statements. We are taking his statements in his speech that he made that was discussing Community Service.

I have already said it once, but it is worth stating again...Obama is not out to create a civilian army for enforcing law. He wants to create a civilian social infrastructure based on service to others.

And you KNOW this how? Because that is what he said? So a politician has never said one thing and then done another? So I guess Bush is not really spying on Americans either is he? He is really monitoring calls made to known terrorist and nothing else?

In other words, everybody helping each other out, and in this manner, bringing the nation back to a strength and cohesiveness based on community, all throughout the land. He does not want to train people to fight but to serve each other in various and diverse social fields. This plan of his, its noble aims, are being misrepresented by paranoid gun owners who are too scared to embrace a better and more community-based country,

I have no fear of a community based country. If anything I think it would be much better. Who could possibly speak against neighbors who look out for one another? It is a noble cause and one that this country needs... but again... is that really the goal or is that what you are being told to move you closer to another agenda?

a country that finds that it has no need to a 'right to bear arms'.

REALLY??? So because you feel there is need for me to possess a firearm, that means I should give up my Constitutional right to own one? And who decides this need? I live in Louisiana, about one hour from the Gulf of Mexico. You say I have no need for a firearm, but go ask that question to my roommates who stayed home with me during Hurricane Ike if they felt there was a need when I caught the looter in the back yard 4 hours into the storm and about an hour after the power went out. I would imagine their opinion will differ greatly from yours.

Also....after 8 years of Bush and seeing the laws that are on the books and will always be a threat to the Average Citizen until they are repealed, I would imagine that anyone would be able to see a need for a right to bear arms.

Let us also not forget the true reason why we have these rights and why they are nto to be infringed upon. Please read this quote

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

I am sure an unarmed nation who may need to take on it's corrupt Government would also have no need for firearms. They could easily take on a military force armed to the teeth with rocks and bottles.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:41 PM
Do anybody really believe, that Obama would become a president without agree to the conditions of the rules of the Bilderberger Group, G8, J.P. Morgan, Federal Reserve or any other kind of a leading establishment - that this new president will fight even against these guys, who made him the first leader of the (invisible) global world power? Jee - get aware whats going on behind the official dull eyewash and get prepaired...

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:48 PM
They are using the media to build a resistence that is yet to come in order to justify an incident and martial law. Bush has this set up long ago along with Clinton and bush SR. Bush has had martial law and destruction of the Constitution long ago working with Clinton, Bush Sr. and Obama will deliver in accordance with his instructions from Immanuel and certainly his chief advisor and handler from the Bilderbergers,
Zbigniew Brzezinski

He will tell Obama what to do and what the CFR wants done for this presidency.

reply to post by The Revealer

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Unit541

Disbelief in a creator makes a great container for those unable to accept their own intellectual inadequacy.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:48 PM
lord have mercy.....lets all run out to k-mart and buy more guns and ammo....
will it ever end

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:51 PM
yes, it will end but it will change in a short while as this will be the presidency that leads us to the New World Order as they have made public since 1990 by George Bush Sr. its coming to a head. mounting armed resistence is exactly what they want and is not a good idea.

reply to post by not coming back

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

People wake up! If Obama would even consider something like that he would be ousted, impeach, over. Stop the fear and the silly adolescent scares. Obama CANNOT do this ever. He would be stopped immediately and sent back to Illinois! Now relax and let's work to get this country back on track.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:05 PM
Read my post on "I didn't vote" and it covers this about Obama.'

reply to post by antar

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Sahabi
Great post and great find. It is true that a private security force is what Hitler used to gain absolute power... for crying out loud Saddam did it too!

Too all of you guys calling everyone a fear monger, and saying this type of thing could never happen... I guess the American Civil War never happened, and Hitler's rise to power must be a propaganda by the Jews?

If Obama was doing such a great call for a reduction of military spending, why would he want to make a Civilian Security Force as equally strong as the U.S. Military? Please answer this question in a logical way, and without the insults.

There was another National security force and their oath was....

I, a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, joining the ranks of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, do hereby take the oath of allegiance and do solemnly vow to be an honest, brave, disciplined and vigilant fighter, to guard strictly all military and State secrets, to obey implicitly all Army regulations and orders of my commanders, commissars and superiors.

I vow to study the duties of a soldier conscientiously, to safeguard Army and National property in every way possible and to be true to my People, my Soviet Motherland, and the Workers' and Peasants' Government to my last breath.

I am always prepared at the order of the Workers' and Peasants' Government to come to the defence of my Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - and, as a fighter of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, I vow to defend her courageously, skilfully, creditably and honourably, without sparing my blood and my very life to achieve complete victory over the enemy.

And if through evil intent I break this solemn oath, then let the stern punishment of the Soviet law, and the universal hatred and contempt of the working people, fall upon me.


25 February 1939

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:12 PM
I am sorry if a link has been posted but you can hear it from his own mouth and see it with your own eyes, not take out of context. There is no way to mistake it: "we got to have a cilvilian national security force, just as powerful, just as strong and just as well funded. Forward ahead to 16:40 and see/hear for yourself.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:37 PM
You guys are a bit far right for me. Bush already created this after 9/11.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:40 PM
ok, weird, well if it happens, i'll fight the dictatorship!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:43 PM
He is being groomed to lead us to a dictatorship as Bush SR. Clinton, and Bush JR has set the necessary acts that will help him. The CFR and Bilderbergers controls the presidency and the three former Presidents plus Obama are all on the same agenda as is McCain. Their opposition to each other is a well acted out protrayal of betrayal. Its all smoke and mirrors. They are now setting up the next incident to allow Obama if he makes it to January, or whoever will be the next president if he is assassinated to declare a national disaster and subsequently Martial law. The UN troops by the thousands are already here in the US and are being trained by our own troops and they reside or train the abandoned bases. They will aid in domestic control. Groups of Blackwater contractors will be deployed and in population centers the Guardian Angels will be deputized and used as a police force. Obama is handled by Zbigniew Brzezinski, one evil man. He is mostly identified by his role in the Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers and the New World Order. He is Obamas chief advisor and was Carter as Carter in his day was naive about this conspiracy. This is all true and the evidence is irrefutable. The only question is when will they tell Obama when to do it. Obama will be told what to say, do and accomplish for the task of taking us to martial law and a dictatorship leading to the North American Union and the Amero....soon.

reply to post by Anonymous ATS

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:55 PM
the scariest thing to me is that the people that can so easily dismiss stuff like this. Oh, they think their smart and they can see through the bs, that it's all propaganda made to smear, yada yada. Let me tell you fools something, your not smart, you are the ignorant ones. It's these kinds of tell tell signs that people should watch out for, but if history has taught us anything it's that the sheep always out number the free thinkers and as this has happened before it will certainly happen again.

Even if nothing happens and history won't repeat itself just yet, to not take heed when the signs show themselves is what is wrong with the human race. Your so easy to manipulate and predict that old school communists could predict what the future held for your sorry butts.

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
Norman Thomas
U.S. Socialist Party
Presidential candidate 1940

"We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism.”
- Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev, 1959

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by tgambill

Zbigniew Brzezinski is a real "Patriot"
Let's just look at what he has had to say over the years...

"We should be therefore supporting a larger Europe, and in so doing we should strive to expand the zone of peace and prosperity in the world which is the necessary foundation for a stable international system in which our leadership could be fruitfully exercised. "

"We didn't push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would. "

"Sovereignty is a word that is used often but it has really no specific meaning. Sovereignty today is nominal. Any number of countries that are sovereign are sovereign only nominally and relatively. "

""Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat."

Feel free to pick up his book called "The Grand Chessboard"

Of course, Biden is always waiting in the wings. As many have forgotten he was the Author of an Article that appeared in The Wall Street Journal that was titled, "How I Learned To Love The New World Order" which was published April 23, 1992

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by -zeropoint-

Well said. Obama's policy positions and life history indicate he is a good man who will fight to do right for the people--not the big corporations and power mongers. That he has made it to White House (almost) is incredible. He is the best thing that has happened to this nation since JFK. Give the man a chance!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by The Revealer

I thought so to. Seeing that there are striking similarities to the rise of Hitler in Germany, being elected democratically. Can you spot a scammer or a con man?

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