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FED refuses to identify $2,000,000,000,000.00 bank loans!!

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posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 10:07 PM

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 10:08 PM
Hmm... So nearly 2 trillion dollars goes missing, funding for another false flag?

Let's see, seems the last time this amount of money just poofs out of existence (the trillions that disappeared from the pentagon) we had 9/11, so I predicted 9/11 2: Electric Boogaloo will be some fun stuff, I think that now the terrorizzzed general public will except with open arms the new "security" that the gracious government will give them, the chip.


posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 10:20 PM
You know its about time some of the assets started to come out you just cant hide all that money missing from the pentagon and 9-11 and not expect someone in the fed to try to do there job. One thing this proves more then anything large sum's of money have indeed been laundered without the knowledge of the people it was borrowed from.

The real question here is how many people were arrested or put in jail before this story got leaked out and how many people in the fed risked there jobs to make it public.

It looks to me like its starting to hit the fan. Hey ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX dont you think you people have at least a remote responsiblity to report on 2,000,000,000,000.00 and or 2 trillon dollars being spent or not? I hate to break this to you people in the news media but accessory before and after the fact is still a crime you can be hit with.

If anyone of you in the large networks fail to report on this its cause for a investigation on all of you for possible links to organised crime among a large list of other charges you all can be held accountable to. You all gave what? When that so called 800 billion dollars of emergency funding was so called spent you people ran out in a frenzy to cover that.

Where the hell were you people in the media on this one. I used to be on the air and people expected things of me regardless of if I wanted to produce them or not and quite frankly the lot of you need to either be fired or arrested. For failing not only to do your jobs in investigating the misuse of this 2 trillion that wont be counted but on lack of fair election coverage to other canidates as well.

If I had a team of 5 to 10 people and broke into a FBI office and stold all there money I would have the entire 250,000 employees of the FBI hunting me and my team down to the ends of the earth. Mr muller no disrepect on your current job postion but wtf?

I dont know who's running the office of the inspector general but they need to be fired along with anyone tied to the Office of management and budget for failing to put in a spending cap. The ways and means committie also needs to either be looked into or all of them need to be detained and questioned until they can answer who gave who the authority to spend and account for this money.


Viva la france

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by John_Q_Llama
What can we do to change that? Anything? It seems like an insurmountable battle.

Enforce EO 11110.

Inform the nation of this disgusting waste of money, and the other travesties created by FedRes, Inc. If they say your being negative, teach them of inflation, and it's cause. Tell them how much better their lives could be without FedRes, Inc.

Remove federal power and return it to local communities, like it was meant to be.

Etc. Etc.

I could go on and on about this. My biggest problem is nobody cares. As long as people can go home, drink a six pack and watch football, they don't care what happens to their country.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by CaptGizmo

I just am absolutely speechless....this is sickening.We can't trust the government,wall street,politicians,banks,the military or the police. When is it going to hit people that we are being hung out to dry!!! I am sick to my stomach now.

The legit link to this story is:
(visit the link for the full news article)

I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but they are doing the RIGHT thing, if people get the notion that their bank is in need of capital badly, and might or might have go bankrupt, they are going to have a run on that bank. Which is both destroy tax payer money with unpaid loans, and cause further systemic failure. The Fed is doing the RIGHT thing, and you disagree, you obviously don't know what panic will do to people, and well, you haven't really though the situation over too well. Why do you think the Treasury forced banks to take capital? Because if a bank requested capital from the Treasury it would have to be public, AND it would have threatened their line of equity and may have caused a run on their bank...think about it people

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by yellowcard

It must be nice to have a company that can't fail no matter how many bad decisions it makes. Maybe one day I too can destroy a bunch of people's lives and get a bail out package afterwards. FedRes, Inc. has yet to make a correct decision, and will continue to destroy our monetary system. These temporary fixes are getting old, top-down government has failed again.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:25 PM


posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:36 PM
Don't be angry

It serves no purpose

Thus can be like the Boston Tea party, a point where America finally throws it away.

We live in a new society, Jobs barely exist anyway... It's all machines

So what is this "new economy" or "global economy"

All there is, is Farming and life sustaing things and they own those and use those to enslave us...

It's bound to fail

when 40 Million people are Telemarketers

That means the day of Industry and Jobs ended 20 years ago

A new system entirely needs to be put in place

and the Old Gaurd will try and hold power and die trying... not by war, but by old age, some people want to take their ways to the grave...

let them.

But I assure you, money is a done deal no matter how we look at things... It hasn't had any Value since we left the Gold Standard and they made so much fake money we can never return to giving it value

So Money as a concept is Fubar

What will replace it... I have no idea, it's not barter and going backwards

But, I think something more like Star trek will have to emerge from all this

and Change is Chaotic and it will be

You just have to not freak out and know it's going to get better after it gets worse

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

Wake up!The fact that the US Military is the institution dealing with ET's is a disaster for humanity where is our free energy etc sorry,advanced alien tech is for US Black ops only we will remain slaves!!

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:41 PM
Does anyone think the powers that be are setting up for the US currency to fail in order for the "amero" to get in through the back door? Foreclosures, Banks closing. Stock Market plummeting. Bailout Plan. Lose two trillion of it. What's next? Tune in to the Rat channel.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by CaptGizmo
Makes me wonder if this is what had changed Obamas mood in his first press conference.Perhaps this is the news that may have ticked him off as many people had pointed out noticing how he seemed to be not quite happy.

I guess it could be that.

reply to post by mopusvindictus

So be it. I never like the concept of fiat money in the first place anyway. The replacement will be some sort of resource and/or energy unit (RU/EU) "currency". If it's the one then it'll take a while to develop, don't hold your breath.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:01 AM
Guys in reality, they could have just stolen this money.
There is no way to say whether they did or didn't because they wont disclose who got what.
They could have just shipped it offshore for all we know.
They could have just handed out wads of cash to there buddies and kept some for themselves.
Bernanke and Paulson and the other goons said they would give full transparency and now they are saying they wont.
What does this say to you?
These people are lying thieves and need to be arrested immediately.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by roadgravel
Given the rare out cry of people over the bail out, and yet it is business as usual, I would have to conclude that our government no longer represents the people.

They are constantly testing our apathy threshold, and adjusting their grip accordingly.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:13 AM
Sick, sick sick....

I seriously feel ill. Since when is everything treated like a matter of National Security, by people who are not involved in National Security.

We want Transparency. Like GLASS. No more mirror, mirror on the wall telling us what it feels worthy. We want Glass. Windows.


posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:18 AM
We are too comfortable to act,as we should to defend the constitution,our fathers are rolling in their graves,,happy remembrance day!

[edit on 11-11-2008 by all2human]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:21 AM
Wow, just across the border here in Canada, we lost track of a few million (yes million, pocket change to a government) a few years back and we instated a vote of no confidence on the party in power and revoked their control.

Down there, a few trillion dollars go missing, and nobody blinks?!


... can I have some? My government isn't corrupt enough to embezzle money to me... how do I go about stealing from yours? It's not like your tax payers will mind if I run off with a few billion.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:23 AM
Somewhere in the first page of this thread, it was suggested that we make our own money. There are places in this country where they do. There is a in Berkshire county Mass they make Berkshares. Sounds goofy, but they are worth more than dollars and are good accepted in many of the stores and businesses. Co-ops' also have systems for barter and community buying power. The basic idea is to find ways to interact without dollars.
What are the banks going to do? Post a guard in every house so you cant use it after they go tits up?
Will things get worse if the dollar fails? Yes. Will the world end?
Of course not. The great depression happened. It sucked, but we're still here.
On top of that, we might squeak out of this mess. It's not probable but it is possible.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

The problems I have with black projects doesn't have anything to do with the dollar amount. The problems I have is:

1- There are no official checks and balances on where the money goes and why.

2- The government can get away with anything it wants. No environmental, safety, or hazardous work restrictions need apply, even if people die because of government negligence. Because no details can ever be released about what actually is going on with black programs, when people die, and lawsuits follow, the government turns into a brick wall of denial and coverup. They write off a life insurance check to the widow and send them packing with no answers.

3- The entire concept of black programs, secret bases, and other classified government activities stems from a government need for bypassing all oversight, environmental restrictions, laws, ethical guidelines, etc..

I once heard an unofficial estimate that 80% of black budget money goes to biotech/genetic research, testing, and development. I have no way of knowing the actual dollar amount, nor do I know if the source even knew what he was talking about. But with absolutely zero ethical oversight, these people can get away with absolutely anything they want. The government, again, only answering to itself. Even if the 80% amount is low, it is absolutey scary knowing that probably at least millions and millions are going into genetic research while we have absolutely NO idea of what they are doing or why.

And if people die from working on a black budget program, the government doesn't answer to anyone but itself. 5 American soldiers died at Area51 in the early 90's due to exposure to airborne chemicals when those in charge at the base decided to burn off stealth byproducts instead of properly shipping them off the base and disposing of the toxic materials properly. The government broke the law because they didn't want to gain attention to the base by trucking off tons and tons of toxic waste and it resulted in servicemen being killed. When the families of the dead servicemembers tried to file a lawsuit against the government in federal court, they were stonewalled by denials and lies. During the proceedings, in 1995, They were eventually blindsided by presidential determination 95-45, signed by the president himself, officially deeming the base's environmental records and the health records of the servicemen off limits for reasons of national security. Forever keeping a lid on any official accountability for wrong-doing and negligence.

After working 6 years in the Air Force and a few months as a contractor working on a military installation, I am convinced that all military bases are toxic waste dumps where civilian government employees keep a lid on the true extent of the true levels of toxic exposure in order to save money, their jobs, and those of their bosses. I won't even get into everything that I know at this point, let's just say the government is very covert and delicate about how it handles these situations. They even have covert ways of constantly testing the toxicity levels while keeping it all under wraps. One is by burying old ammo cans filled with testing equipment that constantly feeds back the level readings on a network. But they never actually say the area is toxic. Not officially. The last base I worked at was so toxic, they even turned the remote site I worked at into a giant cratered dumping site for disposal of contaminated soil. We couldn't even drink the water where I worked at because of the little sign that said the water had toxic levels of lead.


[edit on 11-11-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Jazzyguy

I don't know that there is a replacement...

The reality is that... people, needed as a means of production will in or lifetimes be a dead issue

The very word "economy" is going to inevitably be ridiculous

Many of us here believe they have solves the OIL issue already and the Cancer issue and... it's kept from us by conspiracy

What do you do with 6 Billion people

who have nothing to do

Some say kill the bulk of them off "useless eater theory"

But I say... what we really are is close to a complete paradigm shift

like what I was saying in regards to Christ...

what is Christ

it's who we would all be without: Fight or Flight (minus perhaps the super powers)

The Nature of WHY we do things needs to change as a people to get by this all... people need a reason to live... a purpose

Really via technology

Survival as a struggle would end for all man kind tomorrow if we factored out MONEY

and there are those who have ruled us by fear for so long... they want us to stay scared but many of us see right through it...

We can... go to the stars, our resources are unlimited, we can give ourselves back the biblical lifespan...

Right now

Either someone or something doesn't want us to achieve that

or we are so used to misery we can't let go of it...

But people "get it'

It's why Obamas message of "change" was so strong

it needs to be radically different, we need to as Americans go to a completely new way of things

Is Obama the guy with those ideas... I doubt it,

but we all know... the whole thing needs to change, Money is...already a done deal

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by DocMoreau

It is pretty sick:

Cur rent DARPA budget, including 2009 -- You can see that half of it is missing, or at least a couple hunderd pages of it is missing, and it's still rediculous! Some of the things we're paying for them to research!

The Black Budget -- good NY Times article, Re-itterates the fact that when it comes to black project money the public never truly sees any budget outline.

There are so many more examples that i want to post, but I'm tired. ...
my clicking finger doesn't want to click any more

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