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FED refuses to identify $2,000,000,000,000.00 bank loans!!

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by TheOracle

That is exactly how they want you to feel, a complete lack of faith.

Sure in a city the best you can do is maybe grow some tomatoes on your window... I grew up in NY I know food limitations.

But we are talking about a nation of farmers

as a start

In a complete state of financial collapse you need food water and power and your phones and the last is purely for emotional comfort.

What about Money... affects Farms?

or any existing infrastructure?

The reality is Nothing!

Even the tractors can run comfortably on Bio Diesel i.e. Even if we Can NOT buy Oil, we can grow, plenty of oil at least for the tractors...

1 Trillion can be used to bail out a bank... but with this much coal...we can't get trains of grain to a city no matter what?

It's Ludicrous.... there simply is no actual threat, via economics, beyond luxuries

The simplest thing can be done... and never is done...

assurance of continuation of FOOD... the water comes via pipes

we are talking a handful of people even needed to be working to continue, electric, food, power and water...

The military could for once do a peaceful duty and simply step in...or national gaurd, if people were selfish and insane enough... to shut down a farm, if they wouldn't get paid cash...

For a country with our Raw Natural fear Bankruptcy is sick

It's sheer greed imposed by the greedy

For most... Bankruptcy is a relief... you keep the house, you loose most of your debt and restructure and get a fresh start...

What's the national fear?

They have us enslaved this way and a bankruptcy of the USA, would set us free...

So the Food and Power and essentials... so that we kill ourselves to pay, insurmountable debts

But is there any reality to any American needing to starve because of a financial crisis? or go with out water... or need to evict Millions if the USA has to go bankrupt?

Heck no

And all I a saying is... all across America, we will face a choice, deal with the fake money that has no value... or simply choose, to go about our business... see the food go out, not throw each other in the street and ...keep on going and not panic and be righteous people

They want us to believe in the money even though it's already...pure crap

They want us, to throw each other out of homes at gun point

They want us to not Farm the food

It keeps us working for them...

But I say simply

Boston Tea party time if it goes this way...

We are the system... we enslave ourselves...

Nothing changes about this incredible infra structure or abundance of resources and food or beautiful homes and apts across the land... If Money vanishes tomorrow

If Nyers are starving.... will People in Nebraska grow the wheat and corn anyway and get it there by hook or crook with no govt aid?

Yeah... they will and vice versa for the fish

This is a time for real faith... not limp arguments about g-d or rules to live by or debates about what makes us different...

It's a time to stand together

and all that takes is... genuine good will

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by CaptGizmo

When this Financial Crisis (is it really a crisis) is over, there is going
to be some insanly rich people. Will make B Gates look a choir boy
holding a bag full coins. Their probably going to end up owning half
the US. Money comes and goes, but those weatlhy ones are still
filthy rich. The gap beteen rich and poor is going to be Poles Apart.
Meanwhile the government still steals from Poor to give to the Rich.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:14 AM

2,000,000,000,000.00 on a population of 350.000.000.....That freaking $6,000 per person a year!!!!

no wonder you guys don't have free health care...

GOOD LUCK America.....

[edit on 11/11/2008 by operation mindcrime]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by CaptGizmo

I run an offshore hedge fund wherein ONLY non-US citizens have invested, and am not a resident or Citizen of the USA. Businesswise, we have done fairly well this year, having shorted the market outright and via derivative instruments, earning some 67% thus far.

I received a phone call two weeks ago from one of my key Wall Street acquaintances asking if I had need or desire for $440 million as additional client trading capital? I said, "Absolutely yes, and as a finder you will be compensated with a % of my management & profit incentive fee." He then told me to meet him in NYC on November 9th for lunch wherein we would discuss the details.

The bottom line is that the $ is coming from the Federal $700B bailout, wherein I have no NEED for same, as I merely want new clients, like any other business, NOT government money. His idea was to earn an expected 3% per annum for himself as his fee [based upon my typical calculated performance take of 10% per annum for my self-owned non-USA firm based upon my annual 1% mgt fee and 25% of profit] of each year's beginning annual equity, or, in this case, $13.2 million year one for himself wherein he would declare same and pay all taxes due, as finder. Nothing illegal in this as a legit finder for a non-USA entity, except for the source of the funds? Nope, NOT illegal according to the bailout legislation, they can give it to whom they want, with NO knowledgeable audit or oversight! I suspect a portion of the $700B [say, $2 trillion now] is being "stolen" in this type manner. Saying that, YOU U.S. Citizens [or, say, absolutely legal chattel "slaves" of "United States of America Inc."] are dopes & suckers, with a Congress that is the BEST $ can buy!

I left the lunch about midway through . . . and told him to go F_ _ _K himself! What's wrong with you Americans . . . your Flintlocks too rusty?

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:49 AM
For anyone who wishes to 'arm' themselves with data to combat the fed res and the bankers, then please visit this thread about the free pdf of 'Modern Money Mechanics' (as seen in Zeitgeist addendum)

Show the people that the money is worthless, fake and issued fraudulently.

Maybe then they might take up these pages and wave them in the faces of those who need to be named and shamed into obscurity.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

Excellent Post and how true. You shown a lot of guts to get out in public and try to wake people up.

"Taxation without representation", our tax monies are not going for what we would want.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:39 AM
With this being posted on the mainstream media I am starting to believe that this is being done on purpose.

Why would they post this on Bloomberg?

I am guessing it has something to do with fear, because you can get people to do whatever you want we first you create a chaotic mess, then when the people are so stressed, depressed, hungry, scared the person or group miraculously comes up with a solution to the chaos they originally caused.

Brilliant! Problem solved.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:32 AM
Take your money out of the bank and buy important stuff to live off of. I for one hope the whole thing collapses. Thats less control they will have over us and then people will have no chioce to see the corruption for themselfs.

Use credit cards and buy things of value like camping gear and seeds. Its time to go back to the old way of thinking and to learn to depend on ourselfs not the parental goverment.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

I agree 100%. The Feds, Government are without a doubt the most corupt people on the planet. I myself have lost everything to the Feds because I was trying to bring to the market revolutionary technology to help mankind rid ourselves of oil, electricity dependency, and many other products that would destroy the greedy maoney makers profits. They destroyed myself, my family, and took all my businesses and shut them down. this is our great government. I LOVE my country, but I HATE my government. A revolt is needed, we need to STOP paying taxes and take back a government that was suppossed to work and represent US. Instead, we are the prisoners of our society, we live in stress, sickness, povety and illeteracey because that is how the powers to be want it. We must take back this country before it is too late. Come to arms, no more paying of taxes, lets get some balls and take charge for once.

[edit on 11/11/2008 by Badge01]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:58 PM
This weekend when reading the Houston Chronicle, there was an article about Franklin Bank being in receivership by the FEDS. Seems the owner of Franklin Bank was being credited with developing the sub prime when he worked at Solomon Brothers in New York over 20 years ago.

Why do I bother to bring this up? Bloomberg is suing the FED Reserve for not releasing how the bail out funds have been dispersed.
The general public has a right and a NEED to know where this fiat money
is going.

For those who haven't noticed President Bush was in NY today honoring the men and women on the USS Intrepid ... I can't help but wonder if he's not trying to sweet talk Bloomberg into withdrawing his suit.

[edit on 11/03/2008 by Skydancer]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 01:31 PM

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I myself have lost everything to the Feds because I was trying to bring to the market revolutionary technology to help mankind rid ourselves of oil, electricity dependency, and many other products that would destroy the greedy maoney makers profits.

Sorry to hear that... I am all for new energy technology... but you also have to look at the drastic shock to the economy if 'free energy' was just dropped into our laps.

Hundreds of millions of people would be INSTANTLY out of work... those in the energy fields, plus all the support jobs that go with it. What will those people do without an income? They will have free energy to cook the food they can no longer buy... They will have free energy to heat their homes that they will no longer be able to afford payments on... they will have free energy to run their cars that will be repossesed because they cannot pay their bill...

"Free Energy" does not come free... it has a high price if you work it through...

Besides both oil (found in the ground FREE from Mother Nature) and electricity, also gathered FREE from the environment IS FREE ENERGY

What you pay for is the delivery and the mechanisms to use it...

Your device or idea... were YOU prepared to manufacture and provide them for FREE to the people? N0? hmmmm

Solar cells are a one time install price and can provide extra power that the power companies have to buy from you in most states. If you have a roof, put them in now...

A revolt is needed, we need to STOP paying taxes and take back a government that was suppossed to work and represent US. Instead, we are the prisoners of our society, we live in stress, sickness, povety and illeteracey because that is how the powers to be want it. WE MUST TAKE BACK THIS COUNTRY BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. COME TO ARMS, NO MORE PAYING OF TAXES,

Okay so we have pitchforks and pistols, maybe a few assault rifles, etc...

THEY have stealth fighters and UAV's that need no pilot and can take out your house and you won't even SEE them coming...

Any idea how to fight that?


Mighty BOLD words for someone posting ANONYMOUSLY :shk:

If you REALLY want to know how money works... you all need to look at this video... it will be an eye opener to many

Google Video Link


[edit on 11-11-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 02:29 PM
Please don't bring Jesus Christ into this. This is part of the problem. You want to be Godlike- then be Godlike. You want to change your world? Do the right thing. Take responsibility for yourself, have integrity, be kind, be honest, be someone who helps instead of hurts. Be these things. But - but don't rely on Jesus Christ to give you these things - You already possess them.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by spinkyboo]

[edit on 11/11/2008 by Badge01]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 03:56 PM

But, it seems as though, everyone's waiting for someone else to start acting.

You are bang on the money there and it is how opportunities are missed, I'm saying this alot lately, but I don't care, the time for action is now and in the near future, the reigns of our countries political and economic future are in the air, the old way is shattered, IMO, on purpose, so we can only go forward and they are proposing this as they know we will accept it.

We need to come up with a different idea to theirs (preferably many ideas) and offer these to the people of our countries as a single entity, be it a political movement or just an organization to prevent this.

If people had more options, options offering them more control over their economies, maybe not stability, but control. It will be up to us, no longer can we leave it in the hands of the few, who use it against us, to further their own ends.

Want to know where that money is being funneled?



Edit to fix link and add: Link jumps straight to my post, but read whole thread, they are being very open about this at the moment.
[edit on 11-11-2008 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

[edit on 11-11-2008 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

[edit on 11-11-2008 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

[edit on 11-11-2008 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

[edit on 11-11-2008 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Astyanax
Yellowcard is correct. If the investing public knew which banks were being bailed out and which liabilities were being met, the information would:
  1. provoke a run on those banks, hastening their collapse, which would visit loss and possibly ruin on their depositors (that's people like you);

If the banks were adequately funded in the first place with high reserves and low leverage, it wouldn't much matter.

It's MY money. If I don't feel that my money is secure in a particular bank, not only is it well within my rights to remove said money, but it's the only smart thing to do.
I have a child to feed and clothe. I should just sit back and hope that the bank holding my household's savings is above water? Hope they're not lying to their customers?


The money my husband and I earn to keep us all fed, housed and clothed is damn sure going to stay in a bank that didn't make greedy, irresponsible decisions.

In addition, a good chunk of the money that my husband and I earn is removed via taxation to prop up these scroomed banks, and we have every right to know where OUR money is going.

Keep on with the same ol' "you'll CAUSE the problem by taking your money out of the bank!" It's short-sighted and puts the blame on the exact opposite of the right person.
Just think about who really CAUSED the problem in the first place - the very banks that are so desperately insolvent that they need billions and billions of our taxpayer dollars to pay CEO bonuses and executive junkets.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Okay so we have pitchforks and pistols, maybe a few assault rifles, etc...

Hint . . . need the backing of you know whom . . . think SEVEN DAYS IN MAY.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:03 PM
Sure a lot of zeros in that # -- 2 zillion?

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:19 PM
I had to really take a little more time yesterday to think about the mass amount of money this is a 10,000 dollar brick of money which is in cash more money then I will ever see is about the size of standard house brick used to make a house only in the 10,000 dollar brick amount its made of paper insead of clay or another material.

How many bricks are we talking about here it has to be if stacked on top of each other taller then the empire state building. I cant fathom what I would do with 1 trillion dollars thats not even with in my relm of possibility to even imagine let alone 2 trillion.

Looking at it from a farm standpoint a sheep farm you can shear sheep and get the wool to eventually put it on the open market but the amount of wool were talking about plus manual labor is not even imaginable.

First theres only so many sheep on the planet earth and even if you sheared them all once a year the amount of labor put into the money that you have to pay off the people shearing the sheep is so far off from reality there's not enough assets to cover the labor let alone the debt that will come with backed pay.

Maybe its just me but can anyone do the numbers on the amount of 2 trillion dollars in interest backloaned even in a year at the current lending rate? The amount of debt this will leavy on the people its being barrowed from it will never be paid off were talking about the worlds largest super power being turned litteraly into africa's economy overnight 1 million % inflation and or 1 million dollars to buy a loaf of bread.

No one in this country if they have any remote amount of sense is going to stand for the dollar being turned into the denaro. It might be a good idea to move to iran at least they still deal in gold currency.


posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by falcon

Well multiply these figures by two and you start to get the idea of how much money we are talking about.

One trillion dollars ($1,000,000,000,000) is enough money:

* To buy everybody living in Los Angeles at least one Lamborghini Gallardo.
* To buy 88,052, 394' custom mega yachts; enough to stretch around ¼ of the world.
* To buy everyone living in Belize and Malta a Manhattan apartment.
* To get half of the Democratic Party into a fundraiser for Barack Obama at the $28,500 admission price.
* To give one out of every two men in the United States a Men's Presidential Rolex watch.
* To buy every woman in the United States a Tiffany Diamond Starfish Pendant.
* To get two Mitsubishi 73" HDTVs for every household in America.
* To buy four copies of The Office: Season Four on DVD, to every person on earth.
* To send everybody in America on an all-inclusive vacation to Tahiti (and some people can stay a few extra days).


$1 trillion is enough money for everyone in Buffalo, NY to buy their own 65-acre island in Panama.

This is how much the government is going to cost you (roughly $6,566 for every man, woman and child in the United States).

[edit on 11/11/2008 by CaptGizmo]

[edit on 11/11/2008 by CaptGizmo]

[edit on 11/11/2008 by Badge01]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by falcon
Maybe its just me but can anyone do the numbers on the amount of 2 trillion dollars in interest backloaned even in a year at the current lending rate?

FY2008 interest payments were ~$413B on ~$9T in debt. There's no singular lending rate in regards to gov't debt, so we'll take an average of the above numbers and assume 4.58%.

Assuming monthly payments over the course of one year, with the $2T paid off at the end of the year, if I've done my math properly that amounts to:
$49.96B in interest.

The longer the debt goes on, the more interest piles up.

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