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FED refuses to identify $2,000,000,000,000.00 bank loans!!

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posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

That hedge fund manager "insider" story is too funny. Sadly, that's how the shadowy elites operate.

Yes, we are suckers.

I've taken the liberty of forwarding your lunch date surprise to POGO. Nothing will come of it but I thought someone should be aware.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 01:18 PM
Here's another article by Pam Martens who worked on Wall Street for 21 years:
The Two Trillion Dollar Black Hole

She describes the whole loan scheme as one huge Ponzi scheme where it is in the stages of collapse but instead of the government investigating and throwing the crooks in jail, they are supporting it.

But outcome 3 is the most fascinating area of departure from the classic Ponzi scheme. Legal authorities have, indeed, examined the books of these firms, except for one area we’ll discuss later. They found worthless assets along with debts hidden off the balance sheet instead of real depositor funds. Instead of arresting the perpetrators and shutting down the schemes, Federal authorities have developed their own new schemes and pumped over $2 trillion of taxpayer money into propping up the firms while leaving the schemers in place. Equally astonishing, Congress has not held any meaningful investigations. This has left many Wall Street veterans wondering if the problem isn’t that the firms are “too big to fail” but rather “too Ponzi-like to prosecute.”

Bloomberg has tried to find out where the money is going using the freedom of information act but the FED refuses to provide any info.

By law, the Federal Reserve had until June 18, 2008 to answer the FOIA request. Here’s what happened instead, according to the Bloomberg lawsuit: On June 19, 2008, the Fed invoked its right to extend the response time to July 3, 2008. On July 8, 2008, the Fed called Bloomberg News to say it was processing the request. The Fed rang up Bloomberg again on August 15, 2008, wherein Alison Thro, Senior Counsel and another employee, Pam Wilson, informed the business wire service that their request was going to be denied by the end of September 2008. No further response of any kind was received, including the denial. On November 7, 2008, Bloomberg News slapped a federal lawsuit on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, asserting the following:

“The government documents that Bloomberg seeks are central to understanding and assessing the government’s response to the most cataclysmic financial crisis in America since the Great Depression. The effect of that crisis on the American public has been and will continue to be devastating. Hundreds of corporations are announcing layoffs in response to the crisis, and the economy was the top issue for many Americans in the recent elections. In response to the crisis, the Fed has vastly expanded its lending programs to private financial institutions. To obtain access to this public money and to safeguard the taxpayers’ interests, borrowers are required to post collateral. Despite the manifest public interest in such matters, however, none of the programs themselves make reference to any public disclosure of the posted collateral or of the Fed’s methods in valuing it. Thus, while the taxpayers are the ultimate counterparty for the collateral, they have not been given any information regarding the kind of collateral received, how it was valued, or by whom.”

It is also quite likely that were these hedges shown to be uncollectible hedges, massive amounts of new capital would be needed by the big Wall Street firms and some would be deemed insolvent.

Until Congress holds serious investigations and hearings, the U.S. taxpayer may be funding little more than Ponzi schemes while companies that provide real products and services, legitimate jobs and contributions to the economy are left to fail.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 08:17 PM
I feel as this only grows larger which it seems it already has to the tune of 3.5 trillion know
This could quite possibly grow into the catalyst that could send many people over the edge as this starts to hit people in their homes as it has already done mine. We may see a new Revolution in this country which to be honest....frightens me. I pray for all of us here and the rest of the world as this will in all likely hood expand further and faster than we think.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 09:16 PM
International bankster cartel run NWO right on schedule.

The market crash and consolidation of the world's assets for pennies on the dollar was all by 'design'.

Demand an international court order to AUDIT the International bankster cartel owned IRS, Federal Reserve, IMF, The World Bank, the world's Central Banks and the Bank for International Settlements, ALL owned and operated by the criminal International Bankster Cartel.

The only way to achieve a 'fair' and unbiased audit would be to form an international consortium of auditors working together to reveal the truth. When the truth is revealed, the world will stand in awe as Edvard Munch's painting 'Scream'. Pass this on to everyone you know. Your fate is fleeting fast.

Then demand restitution and payback for ALL illegal gotten gains attained via fraud and collusion on behalf of all of humanity. This adds up to many Trillions! Take it back immediately. Don't let this scum make serfs out of yourselves and your offspring! It may appear outrageous though this really is the largest conspiracy and act of fraud ever committed in the history of the world! I am in the position to truely know what I say. Act NOW. They feed on the 'ignorance of the masses'.

The PTB assume the people are too ignorant to know any better or are too cowardly to defend themselves. Are they correct? Could this be true? We'll see soon enough now won't we?

[edit on 13-11-2008 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 09:49 AM
This is just a thought.

I believe the Dollar will collapse, there is a possibility the sterling could collapse according to some of our "Bright" economist, Frances leader is calling for a new world order with Brown, Obama and many others, China wants one world currency so does david rockafeller with the new american union and the Amero.

But the people dont want this, so.. we'll... say.. greate a crisis, money will be worthless and then well save the day. by....

All of this leads to one thing

How would you like to avoid waiting in lines for the rest of your life? Breeze through everywhere like you owned the place. Watch lights snap on, doors open automatically, money pop out of ATMs as you approach. Never have to show an ID, buy a ticket, carry keys, remember a password. You would leave stores loaded with packages and waltz right past the cashiers. You wouldn't have to carry a wallet. Ever. Family and friends,FBI,CIA.MI6,Mossad etc could find you instantly in any crowd. Anywhere in the world really. the potential benefits for the people that would control world populations, what you can or cant do are just to great to be ignored and i assure you its only a matter of time.

A cashless society is the next obvious step for the international bankers. Once World currency's collapse and people start starving to death in the first world, "little johnny cant get a nikel for his granmar" then the solution will be gevin to you and that solution in the RFID chip implant.

You will take will beg for it and be happy your alleged government saved the world while taking us to one world government.

A looming crisis is upon us the world over, yet we keep worrying about worthless monoply money created by the fed "wheres it Gone" you should be asking what comes next ( it certainly wont be gold or silver). lol wether or not the masses will pinpoint the culprits..well thats another story

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 09:51 AM
Don't be too alarmed folks... They gave hapf of it to me. I knew a guy who knew a guy who had some VERY incriminating photos...

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by CaptGizmo
Makes me wonder if this is what had changed Obamas mood in his first press conference.Perhaps this is the news that may have ticked him off as many people had pointed out noticing how he seemed to be not quite happy.

Hes not quite happy cause if he tries to do something he'll end up like Ceaser, Washington or JFK.

People who say things like this cant happen or wont happen... you dont have to look further than our own back yards, its happened to France, England, Germany and Austria throughout the 1860 right into the 1940's.

It happened to Russia, and Yugoslavia in our recent past. And its happening right now in Zimbabwe.

Dont for a second think this cant possibly happen, Depression has and WILL happen again. And again... and again and it will keep happening hundreds of years down the road till we figure out a new financial system that works for the average houshold that encourages to savings, not to borrowing and spending.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 04:25 AM
I suggest everyone who is upset over things like this learn the law. Look up the "freeman movement" in google. You have more power then you think. You can bill the police with a fee schedule if you know how to make a claim of right.

Also paying taxes is voluntary as the IRS is not part of the government. Ignorance is why these things continue to happen.

[edit on 11-16-2008 by CPYKOmega]

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

why don't we just make our own currency, we could start by having it pay for "underground" goods and services, and expand from there.

We need something solid and tangible to back the currency up with. IE: the gold standard, silver standard, ect. Maybe pure water? Create
hydrocreds or something.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:33 PM
Well I just had to post this as the Bailouts make perfect sense is so crystal clear after watching this.
This is how Washington explains it.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by wylekat

well, if things got really bad, with little money flowing through the community and lots of people out of work...the city's gov't could come up with different things that they would like done in their city, and pay in this community "money" which there would be a list of businesses, farms, crafters, ect that would agree to take it. this would free up the real money for the people to pay for those things that can't be supplied by the community, or the bills.
this money would have the backing of the labor of the community..

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by CaptGizmo
I have tried to tell everyone I know and even talk about these things to strangers...and all i get are these blank stares as though they don't understand what I am talking about. They think it is all in my head....yet hear it is in black and white yet no one wants to read about it when I present it to them. I get...."I can't walk around all day thinking about things like this or I will go crazy....stop being so negative." It mystify's me.

I know exactly what you mean. At my college a couple people and I are starting a club to get people aware of the govt. STEALING our money, and when we put up signs and have booths set up to get people to join people look at us like where crazy. Even my parents who it should deeply they tell me that I'm a hippie when I get all riled up about it I do not know when people will learn and when we can do something to stop this madness.

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