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FED refuses to identify $2,000,000,000,000.00 bank loans!!

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:34 PM
I am so sick of this crap. I struggle paycheck to paycheck and they cant tell me where this money went. Thats BS in the biggest way. I am tired of paying taxes and getting nothing in return. My kids have no health insurance. My husband can get VA treatment but they have removed the er and operating departments of our local VA...cutbacks, no money. This blows big time! We are supposedly bailing banks out. Me thinks we just bought a lot of nice crap for Christmas for somebody~

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:40 PM
I'm converting my office into a bank.

Where is the bailout line?

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:48 PM
I'm guessing in order to get the buyin of the Illuminati underlings they need compensate them for the coming loss of millions of income sources.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:01 PM

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by prototism

Well yee ask and yee shall receive....Here is a guy who has had the guts to do something about it by warning a senate committee on terrorism.\

I created a thread about this one in the General Conspiracy Forum but it has not gotten noticed much.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by CaptGizmo

We must soon all find away to use our system to politically combat this. If we do not, this coup will slam the window on our freedoms and leave us all in a position of resistance and disobedience that may not be so civil anymore. Are there ideas? Anyone? Please? Let's do something to resist politically while we still can!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:44 PM


posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:07 AM

The nation's biggest banks, Citigroup, Bank of America Corp., JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo & Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley, declined to comment on whether they have borrowed money from the Fed. They received $120 billion in capital from the TARP, which was signed into law Oct. 3. In an interview Nov. 6, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank said the Fed's disclosure is sufficient and that the risk the central bank is taking on is appropriate in the current economic climate. Frank said he has discussed the program with Timothy F. Geithner, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and a possible candidate to succeed Paulson as Treasury secretary.

Citigroup, Bank of America Corp. JpMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs Group and Morgan Stanley are all OWNED and OPERATED by the the same International Bankster Cartel that is using TAXPAYER funds to bail them out!!! Wow, they think you people are Stupid!! Maybe they're right in assuming you're misinformed with a little aide from their media of which they own to keep you ignorant of the facts.

I'm absolutely amazed at how bold these banksters are at assuming they are to get away with this! Are human beings really this ignorant?

Form an INTERNATIONAL CONSORTIUM OF AUDITORS TO AUDIT the IRS, Federal Reserve (illegally formed private International Bankster Cartel), IMF, The World Bank, Bank for International Settlements, Central Banks of the world, of which are ALL owned and operated by the International Bankster Cartel (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Warburg etc.). These criminals are pushing forward an NWO to enslave their 'perceived' subjects! Does it take an 'alien' from outer space to wake you people up to the facts before you! I'm astonished at the rampant ignorance run amuck in today's 'society'! Sure, the world's politicians are afraid to speak, noting 6 American Presidents have been assassinated when attempting to reveal and put down the criminal Federal Reserve system in the past but are modern day humans THIS dumbed down? Maybe you truely are a serf class? That is what they're banking on. This is truely unbelievable. The world cannot be THIS ignorant? Please say it isn't so, as they say. Defend your freedom serfs! Defend your Liberty. Defend your offspring. Rid the Earth of these criminals before your children bow down to this 'human' scum! I'm absolutely shocked at the widespread ignorance of the day!!

Barney Frank, Paulson, Dodd and many others are AGENTS of the cartel!!! Wake UP people! Research!

Read the following VERY, VERY, carefully. Below is the most important 'history' lesson you'll ever learn.

Timeline of the Rothschilds

Illuminati Quotes (cowards)

Rothschild quotes

NWO quotes

Forbidden Knowledge Link (review site)


You all are about to become slaves unto some of the most ignorant, selfish, greedy, insane 'cartel' of human scum on the planet!!

I can't sit here and allow this to happen.

Pass this on to EVERYONE you know!!!!

Time is fleeting, your 'independence', 'liberty', 'rights', 'dignity', 'jurisprudence' and everything else you value as 'human beings' are being stolen right from underneath you!

Are you really going to remain silent while you, your children and your children's offspring become slaves?

Truely Unbelievable!!!!

[edit on 12-11-2008 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by Perseus Apex
Form an INTERNATIONAL CONSORTIUM OF AUDITORS TO AUDIT the IRS, Federal Reserve (illegally formed private International Bankster Cartel), IMF, The World Bank, Bank for International Settlements, Central Banks of the world, of which are ALL own and operated by the International Bankster Cartel (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Warburg etc.).

[edit on 12-11-2008 by Perseus Apex]

Who would put that together? Those are the people that control everything. How would you put and international team together to audit the IRS? That will never happen.

Lets just say it does though; what gets dug up is say another unthinkable amount of trillions of dollars spent on things that the public was in the dark about? Then what? How do you punish some one for something when all the people involved are corrupt? I mean every damn one of them too.

The way to make this stop is is up to Americans, not a team of international people. We need big number(of people), and big voices. Small groups will not do. There needs to be massive protest, and if that protest is being shut down, the people protesting should just keep on protesting. I don't mean like 1,000 i'm talkin like 10,000. Until that happens, until Americans have one voice together the guys running this place are gonna keep walking all over us.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by W3RLIED2]

[edit on 12-11-2008 by W3RLIED2]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

It's very simple. You 'retrieve' the ill gotten gains stolen from you from inception. Take back those trillions stolen from you. They are few, you are many! Stand UP. Speak UP. Form a coalition of the 'willing'.

They are silly, ignorant human beings. Not GODS!!!

Remind them of their 'humanity'. Punish them for their crimes! Don't sit there like a bunch of cowards!

Spread the word. Exposure is what they fear the most.

Have you ever wondered why this Trillionare class never appear in Forbes annual 100 richest? I've been waiting for years for someone to ask this question. Waiting very patiently. I assumed when things came to a head, as they have now, that those in the know would speak out.

Silence. Is this the fate of humanity? We shall see soon enough.

Either way, it won't last for long. Question is, who will have the courage to speak UP? Fly on the wall........ready to pounce.

First, I want to see what the populace at large is to do concerning their own fate?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by Perseus Apex

You preching to the quire my friend. There are some of us here who do stand up. I've been protesting since 2002. In the streets getting harrased by the very same people i'm trying to speak for, getting broken up by the cops when there is onle about 20 people protesting (hard to make a real stand with 20 people), getting coins, eggs, fruit whatever thrown at us... It's hard to get your point out to the sheeple from the side of the road holding a friggin sign on a stick, and you'd be surprised how many people look at you like your stupid when you say "our government is lying to us". I know folks on ATS are comfortable with it, but your average American living in suburbia vegging out watching MTV all day doesn't have the slightest clue. And not only that, these rednecks living in Fresno are out right ignorant, it's really scary protesting here sometimes. And i'm 6' 1" and don't scare that easily!!!

It's not up to just me, or just you, ITS UP TO EVERYONE! Thats what I've been saying this whole time. Things like this will keep happening until huge amounts of American citizens get a clue and start getting involved as one organized group. You want to see an end to these little 2 trillion dollar reciepts that just pop up at random, that all the big guys involved just have 'no clue' to how thay money got spent? Then everyone needs to get involved and tell these guys that this crap isn't going to fly.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

When you truely come off as one who speaks with passion about which you claim to believe; people will follow. Truth has power unto itself. Perhaps you know truth though doubt your own knowledge. Speak of that of which you know to be truth and be silent of that which you're unsure of.

Every human being on Earth has a purpose. The PTB for their own purpose conceal truth for their own enrichment (or so they so foolishly assume). They may have 'riches' yet they never have peace. If one crosses their brethren, they suffer the consequences; hence the saying, be careful what you wish for.

I've known those of all walks of life. Everyone has a gift. Strange idea, though true. Even the disabled teach those among us as intended.

Our 'Creator' works in mysterious ways they say. They 'say' with knowledge.

The PTB have an issue with population control. Who is a 'human' to have a say in such matters?

Does this not enrage their Creator to assume 'knowledge' of such a question?
Where would one get off assuming they know better as to how to control population with their own methods?

This alone is a very in-depth topic though and it is not my place to carry it forward. For a 'man' to assume to hold this answer is dangerous and will ultimately result in death as has been revealed in the past and present. Humans have no business delving into the business of the divine.

They inherently know better though choose to violate natural law in their own quest for conquest over their fellow man. Foolish. Who are 'they' to judge the fate of their fellow man?

This is why they are never to be satisfied today or in their future days of ignorant endeavor at their own benefit at the expense of their benefit.

Don't EVER let a human drag you by their chains.

You CONSENT your power to the other.

They are flesh and bone as another.

Sometimes a man gets ahead of his own 'mortality'.

It is up to mankind to remind his 'brethren' where they stand.

You take from your 'Brother', you take from yourself.

Some fools learn the hard way.

Their life will change.

They know what they 'deserve'.

It's to come very soon.

You'll see for yourself.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:29 AM
What about gathering all concrete evidences and support and tell all people through a political popular forum and tell all representatives the facts you accumulated?

I hope congress will not label those evidences as garbage.

What about the military? Where is their loyalty, to the people. to the leaders or to the bankers?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

why did you not take the money, and invest it for the man?
Should not have told him to F___ off. That was not nice.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by fmcanarney]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by michael
reply to post by CaptGizmo

We must soon all find away to use our system to politically combat this. If we do not, this coup will slam the window on our freedoms and leave us all in a position of resistance and disobedience that may not be so civil anymore. Are there ideas? Anyone? Please? Let's do something to resist politically while we still can!

if they send you another stimulus check (they are talking about it), well, be sure to write them a nice note back thanking for the nice vacation from work (unpaid for by your employee of course, since the objective is to decrease your earnings to negate the money they just sent you... less taxes they get at the end of the year, and well....less production, and, you ain't throwing that extra money into the economy, the stimulus has been taken out of your stimulus check!)....or well...
got to washington and thank them in mass, with thank you signs in hand, or better yet, armfulls of shopping bags (stuffed with old newspapers whatever just not bought items), with credit cards held up high, and chanting, quite insanely, SPEND BABY SPEND!!! maybe they will think that the they've finally pushed the american people off the edge and into insanity and finally quit this crap!

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus

Be LIKE Christ . . .
. . .by walking the walk
. . .

But if people lived like that we'd have heaven on Earth.

What use would humanity have for religion if lots of people were already behaving like children of God?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:47 PM
Thanks for those who replied on the dept amount again my mind I guess is a little to advanced in some cases to be able to do that kind of math. I know farming produces more wealth then anything that has stood the test of time including gold.

One of the largest water absorbing crops on the planet earth is the standard orange. I dont know how many of you have tried to grow oranges but you would be really surprised on how much water it takes to produce even a bag of oranges.

There are 300 million people living in the united states. If everyone of them were given a single orange seed that would start a tree it would still have to pollinate to produce fruit. I am by the way no including the recent 500 year flood that will pretty much will bring the U.S.D.A. to a screeching halt as far as produced bread out of this year and next years bread basket.

300 million orange seeds X the amount of seeds that can come off a standard orange the average orange can produce 1 to 2 seeds per slice and theres a average of 6 to 8 slices per orange 8x2 =16 seeds 16 seeds per orange if your lucky and out of those some of them wont pollinate because of the dna on this planet being broken down by wrongful expirements done by groups like monsanto.

If your really lucky and you have good soil you can get oranges in abundance in 2 years and thats if your really lucky. A apple tree depending on what kind of a apple tree it is still can only produce so much and so many seeds and someone still has to sell them to make a profit or even break even for instance getting water to feed the crops in the first place.

There's no way this is going to fly any farmer anywhere in the united states let alone the world wont stand for this just because of what it will do to there bottem line that means just being able to feed themselfs not including what they are expected to do as in feed the populations or make due dates on contracts they have with there government's or grocery stores.

The only real out to this and back up I see at this point would be the starting of seed storage by everyone in the united states and abroad and someone still has to plant and harvest before it can be eaten. And im not even sure at this point if that would do it at all.

Even a small farm that anyone can grow right outside there apartment building window you cant grow apple tree's outside a window the root's need somewhere to sprout and grow out to. And money doest grow on tree's even if you print it at the federal reserve you have to have "Assets" to back up your paper or things like apples or oranges.

If you dont have the assets you cant spend or print the money because I hate to say it this way if you do its your @$$ if you do because just like the repo men come to collect goods people cant afford to pay back the farmers in the good old usa just might come collecting here shortly for those of you in washington who are shortchanging the rest of us.

Viva la france.


posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

I keep reading people's views on taxes and how the government is using our tax dollars without our consent. I've been reading up on the Fair Tax and I think it would be huge in holding the government accountable. There are so many loopholes in the tax code worked in by the lobbyists and congressman. The big corporations pay congressmen thousands to enact tax codes which reap millions for the corps.

Automatically deducted Federal income tax is a primary deterrent to justice. In the early 20th century, everyone paid there taxes once a year. Think about it....if everyone had to write a check to Uncle Sam for ___ thousand dollars once a year, they would definitely watch to see what it was spent on. However, the Fed enacted the automatic deductions so that people would become complacent and not pay attention to where the money actually goes.

I recommend Zeitgeist and the Fair Tax to everyone that will listen. Check out

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

reply to an offshore hedge fund manager:

thank you for being brave to post this online.
you are a material witness to a crime of unprecedented scale.

we - the people of United States - need you.
please post as much as you know here on ATS....obviously your
anonymity to remain.

if you have any supporting evidence, please contact FBI directly
as it is them who need to investigate this further.

if you unable to do so, please U2U me and i'll act on your behalf.

we, americans, are not rusted - we being fed up lies all around.
there are plenty of honest hard working people in our country.
never underestimate what we - the people of United States - can do.

best regards.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by michael

A gun shop in Texas sold 1800 assault weapons in the past three months.

Most manfacturers are a month behind in filling orders.

Lots of Joe the Plumbers are up in arms about the State of the Union.

And we do not wish to redress grievances via the due process, do we?

Is that what we are prepared to do.

I say the day the Gov lies to the USA citizens then they are no longer the legitimate government by default.

Lots of readings that citizens are up in arms about this.

We revolted 232 years ago on the issue of taxation without representation, we can do it again.

Gun shows and pawn shops and gun dealers are busy like there is no tomorrow. Have been for a few months.

The nice thing about the second amendment to the bill of rights is that it is useless until the very moment you need to use it.

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