posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 08:50 AM
djpaec-I think you're mistaken. For one, they've dug into the past and shown much of the problems with mortgage crisis that started this were due
to Clinton-era government manipulation and pressure on the banking and loan industry in the 1990s to get minorities into homes they couldn't afford.
More importantly, both sides of the aisle have been manipulating the economy and using pressure and regulations to screw around with something they
don't really understand for over 80 years.
We do not and have not had a free market economy for many, many, many years. There are practically no people alive who remember an economy not fiddled
and faddled with by the government. It's a shame. I was in Russia and the Ukraine in 1997, 1998, and 1999 and I saw a freer market there of
unrestricted capitalism than in the US. I knew it then, too. In Odessa and elsewhere, I enjoyed seeing markets that sold anything and everything
free of control and coercion.
I would trade America's so-called greatness for a natural and unrestricted economy. I would also trade America's so-called greatness for a dollar
backed by gold. I would also trade America's so-called greatness for a dollar minted and guaranteed by the US Government, not a private and
unelected group of faceless bankers. Unfortunately, this deal with the devil was concluded a century ago behind closed doors and we've been getting
shafted ever since. Hell, it goes back even further to the government agitation for an empire at the end of the 19th century.
I would trade it all for a US that followed and obeyed the Constitution and the founders' intent. That means no more foreign intervention, though.
No more wars. No more treaties where we meddle in others' affairs. No more Social Security, grants from the Nat'l Endowment for the Arts, No mroe
welfare, workfare, or free school lunches, No more defense contractors in Iraq, No more cooperation with the UN, No more income tax, No more
prescription drug benefits, No more Drug War, No more NAFTA, SAFTA, or GATT, No more farm subsidies, No more flex fuel or electric car subsidies, No
more anti-gun laws, No more setting Global Policy, No more pursuit of Al Qaeda, and No more flirting with international unification.
We traded our economic and personal freedom for all that great stuff above, but maybe when we go bankrupt and collapse a few people will be interested
in trying to do it again right. I doubt you can reform the US sufficiently at this point, though. Everyone has their sacred cows and their favorite
benefits. So maybe if the doers and the dedicated are interested in moving we can find an island or something to start over.