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so how long till obama is assassinated

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posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 08:50 AM
djpaec-I think you're mistaken. For one, they've dug into the past and shown much of the problems with mortgage crisis that started this were due to Clinton-era government manipulation and pressure on the banking and loan industry in the 1990s to get minorities into homes they couldn't afford. More importantly, both sides of the aisle have been manipulating the economy and using pressure and regulations to screw around with something they don't really understand for over 80 years.

We do not and have not had a free market economy for many, many, many years. There are practically no people alive who remember an economy not fiddled and faddled with by the government. It's a shame. I was in Russia and the Ukraine in 1997, 1998, and 1999 and I saw a freer market there of unrestricted capitalism than in the US. I knew it then, too. In Odessa and elsewhere, I enjoyed seeing markets that sold anything and everything free of control and coercion.

I would trade America's so-called greatness for a natural and unrestricted economy. I would also trade America's so-called greatness for a dollar backed by gold. I would also trade America's so-called greatness for a dollar minted and guaranteed by the US Government, not a private and unelected group of faceless bankers. Unfortunately, this deal with the devil was concluded a century ago behind closed doors and we've been getting shafted ever since. Hell, it goes back even further to the government agitation for an empire at the end of the 19th century.

I would trade it all for a US that followed and obeyed the Constitution and the founders' intent. That means no more foreign intervention, though. No more wars. No more treaties where we meddle in others' affairs. No more Social Security, grants from the Nat'l Endowment for the Arts, No mroe welfare, workfare, or free school lunches, No more defense contractors in Iraq, No more cooperation with the UN, No more income tax, No more prescription drug benefits, No more Drug War, No more NAFTA, SAFTA, or GATT, No more farm subsidies, No more flex fuel or electric car subsidies, No more anti-gun laws, No more setting Global Policy, No more pursuit of Al Qaeda, and No more flirting with international unification.

We traded our economic and personal freedom for all that great stuff above, but maybe when we go bankrupt and collapse a few people will be interested in trying to do it again right. I doubt you can reform the US sufficiently at this point, though. Everyone has their sacred cows and their favorite benefits. So maybe if the doers and the dedicated are interested in moving we can find an island or something to start over.


posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 10:37 AM

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by Polarbear6

Do you listen to every Rush Limbaugh tells you without verifying what he's said? Or is this a relationship of trust you have, he leads you guys off a cliff and you trust what he's doing.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 11:53 AM
'The Finisher' won't be assinated unless he crosses 'them' which he won't. He loves what they stand for.
The guy was hand picked which was obvious when he beat Hillary.
I do hope he is forced to fess up about his citizenship but alas it ain't gonna happen till it's time for another election and precedent has been set for non citizens to be POTUS. IF we even Get another election.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Zenagain
I would trade America's greatness for you to shut your suck. Just saying is all, go back to Russia, commie.

You place so little value on america's greatness..

I do not believe obama will be assassinated or even any attempts.

Why would the powers that be kill someone who is working for them for their interests?

Same reason Bush Jr wasn't assassinated really.

I believe the days of major presidential assassinations is over now that "they" are the masters to any puppet in "apparent" power. He's just another face to fool you (america) into believing you have a new leader.....yeah, right.

If a presidential candidate was elected who did not belong to the NWO was elected then it would be a different story but with all and any candidates now under the same influence, there's no need.

Just my 2 cts.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 12:03 PM
It is a valid question. I would say that every American president has had at least one attempt made on his life during his term in office. Why should this one be any different? As to whether or not it will be successful, I hope not because I believe the country would be thrown into another civil war.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by mungodave
I think this is a ridiculous thread , and in poor taste.
Hateful even

You gonna let this happen?

Oh puh lease! Where were you when the many MANY threads and posts by members asking the SAME thing about Bush? All of a sudden because it's Obama it's bad to post this? Get off your high horse!

I agree with the OP I think people like yourself are only being angered by this because you feel the need to "protect" the president from "spiteful" comments just because he's the first black president. Newsflash, he doesn't care what you or your kind do or say in a random conspiracy forum that he probably doesn't even read. Go back to your hiding place and come back when you have something more substantive to add.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 12:08 PM
Nasty OP...NASTY. You need to learn English, and learn how to word things. You don't address things in such phrases against the highest seat in the world. It appears that YOU want to assassinate him, or like an assassination is something beneficial or natural, instead of inauguration you're looking forward to his assassination.... NASTY.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by nj2day

It's a dangerous road he will be going down after all why should those too lazy to work get contributions from those that drive the economy of a country?

Why should the mega rich get more tax breaks to line their pockets?

Face it... Trickle down economics hasn't worked... it was a decent theory, but in practice it failed.

Here's an interesting question that will fix both issues "Why should those UNDESERVING of reward, be rewarded?" See, with that, you can put in the incompetent mega rich that try to abuse the system for their greed, and also the lazy bunch that tries to rob the system as well.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by djpaec

OK, that was kind of nasty, but where you responding to my comment about the housing situation or the next part about getting back to basics? I'm going to assume you meant the housing point.

Actually, I've spent the last year outside the US. Regretably, Rush was absent from my life. I think he is entertaining and he makes some very good points. I don't believe everything he says, because I know he's merely a political entertainer. He's quick to announce that when people take him too seriously and try to do something concrete. I read that nugget about the housing situation in the 1990s in a news article I found approximately a month ago online, possibly from WND or the drudgereport. Sorry I can't cite it, but I'm sure it wouldn't be sufficient if I did. My marching orders come from inside, not the republican party. But you can't deny that the Klinton administration and their supporters devised a variety of programs and initiatives for minorities.

Actually, I don't think it should have been a surprise. I haven't heard any discussion about it, but I wonder how many cars are being repoed as a result of the same mess. Boats, too. I can remember seeing ads with "NO CREDIT? NO PROBLEM!" on TV at least since 1993. Everyone was in a rush to extend people bad credit. The government and Equifax, TRW, and the other one I can't remember were all in on the act. Visa and Master Card even created special credit cards a couple years ago specifically for bad risk credit cases. These lines of credit were like credit cards with training wheels for people who were awful with money. Well, not exactly. The training wheels were insanely high charges on an order of %50 interest. I was shocked and horrified when I heard of it, since only a fool would accept such a thing. But such a card would be perfect for a poor person with no options. The credit companies get to suck them dry AND appear to be helping them at the same time. Win-Win.

As for getting back to basics-I think most conservatives would disagree with me because they value the profits and greatness of the imperial America. My prescription would most likely make our economy much smaller, but more reliable, and remove us from much of the world stage.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by IntoTheVortex
good question.

Anytime you have someone come in to power that is willing and has the guts to go up against Corporate America for the common man his/her life is measured by hours.

The big boys play for keeps and if you try to take their money / power away and "redistribute" the wealth they get really angry, very angry.

It's seems fasionable now though for "rebels" to "have accidents" vs being assinated openly. ie: Princess Diana.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 02:11 PM
I don't know when it will happen, I just know it will.

Some of Obama's campaign people were reportedly at the Bilderberg meeting this year (or was it last year?).

So I believe that either Obama was too busy campaigning so his campaign people were sent, or he will be assassinated (false flag) so of course the Bilderberg group won't tell him that lol, that would just be insane, so they decide to tell his managers instead, to get them ready, to let them in on the plan.


posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by David9176
So is this thread 1 of 10000 of an obama assassination? Let's take bets on how many threads will be started with this as the subject. I'll go with a modest number of 587. And i'll put 1 penny on that bet as it's ALL I CAN AFFORD...actually...i better keep that penny for now and i'll put in an IOU instead.

just package the iou as a derivative and do a credit default swap to leave some shell corporation bank insolvent while you take in all the profit

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 02:21 PM
I haven't read any other posts so I'm not sure how the discussion has evolved, but my answer to the OP "how long" before an assassination of Obama?

I really don't foresee an assassination happening. For a couple of practical reasons.

His security is likely 10X what the much despised Bush junior's is. If Bush hasn't been taken out yet then I doubt Obama will be, even with some extreme hatred out there in the world.

Why would he be...he hasn't actually done anything yet aside from being part black and well that's not an accomplishment or's just a colour.

Personally, I see him getting 2 terms - 8 years of Obama. Perhaps attempts on his life or at the very least threats...but nothing successful.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 03:03 PM
I don't think he'll be assassinated. I just think he's being set-up. If the economy get's worse off, we get into another conflict or another 9/11 type event. Even if it's not his fault, he will be blamed. Then you will get a lot of ignorant people saying "that's what we get for electing a ******" as much as I hate to say that, I really think it could mess up race relations for a long time to come.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by IntoTheVortex
how is it bad taste to ask a valid question.
It is in poor taste because, as the question is crafted, it assumes assassination is inevitable. Your question asks WHEN not IF.

It is as if you are setting up a betting booth and taking orders.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 03:28 PM
I think it's an excellent question in great taste. Obama looks to me to be a set up. He may last long enough to become an endeared JFK figure used to trigger the race wars justifying prison camps etc.. Standard practice to get a country's people to destroy each other as in Iraq today. If that condition is coming to the US, it seems like he'd be the one to facilitate it. He may not die, it may be a doppelganger.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 03:42 PM
He is going to be the most protected president in history. The SS is going to have a steel wall around him at all times... if he is killed the person or persons would have to be pretty damned determined and probably have inside help.

That is all I have to say about this.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 03:59 PM
In my opinion, this country's government started going down hill fast in the months leading up to the elections of 1861. And it's been getting worse ever since. And with all the racist hate groups in this country, I wouldn't be surprised if someone didn't try something.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by mungodave
I think this is a ridiculous thread , and in poor taste.
Hateful even

You gonna let this happen?


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