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PARA: What You Should Know About Lower Astrals

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posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 01:09 PM
Good find. I just wish it wasn't in 12 parts. But I'll watch them. I just know this all connected to their world domination plan, which in turn is connected to their plans to dominate other worlds as well. Its up to us to start to nurture and cooperate with each other, to withdraw from their agendas, to not fight their wars, and back each other when we grow non-modified foods. We need to step out of this in numbers, and back each other. We'll get a lot more help if we show we're not giving our yes to their plans.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Hah I'm starting to think I'm one of the only people who gets disappointed when a youtube lecture isn't at least 12 parts
I was digging the information overload/extravaganza that was Nassim Haramein's 45-parts O' goodness was honestly kind of sad when it was over...

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 01:45 PM
Well, I do appreciate the information being in depth and I'm watching it. Its very interesting indeed. I had to pause and pray a bit during it as well.

Edit to add: the mason symbols are the history is telling.

[edit on 11-12-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 04:17 PM
I watched several of the videos and so far I have to say this is astounding evidence as George says about the existence of 'something' unexplainable happening here on our beautiful planet.

Will the mystery ever be completely revealed? It is like a story which has been unfolding for thousands of years, and like in the video presentation at the MUFON-LA expo, what is happening now is unprecedented in that people like George and Bob are willing to bring this to the public for a wider understanding and enlightenment of a subject which for ever has been Taboo.

George states that the Ute Indian Reservation inhabitants, which surrounds the 480 acre property are not even allowed to say the name skinwalker lest they be plagued by the entities. However the Ute's seem to believe that it was a curse placed on them by the Navajos for the torture and ill treatment they received at the hands of the Ute's and the Spanish hundreds of years ago.

I do not believe that the Ute were entirely responsible for the cruelty they inflicted on the Navajos back then, instead it is entirely possible that they were under the influence of the skinwalkers themselves.

Many phenomenal changes began to happen after the Euro/Spanish influence on the Ute tribesmen. Prior to the civilization of the Native Americans, there were mini conflicts happening yet for the most part they were simply hunters and gatherers with a daily discipline which showed respect for each other and a common respect for nature itself.

Unless they were under the influence of the lower astrals why would they turn to such savagery and cruelty to each other at a time when they themselves were vulnerable to the Euro/Spanish takeover? Did they make deals to save their own skins and then were back stabbed? In their weakened and confused state were they more susceptible to the lower astrals controlling their minds and actions?

One interesting fact about the Ute Indians is that they have for centuries believed they were the direct descendants of a half wolf half human super being not of this world.

After the conflicts with the Spanish as well as the early Euro settlers, the Utes were forced onto reservations and perhaps this was when the real trouble began in the skinwalker Ranch area.

Prior to this massive control of the lands, the Utes were plainsmen, they traveled according to the weather and the hunting, fishing, gathering seasons. Now being confined to just a few hundred acres, they were trapped, and starvation was a very real threat.

Suppose they called on the ancients which their folklore had passed down for generations, to help them in time of great need? What if the half wolf half human were nothing more than a lower astral changeling, who made secret deals with the Ute to protect them in their time of fear and anguish?

Could the portals have been activated after the Euro/Spanish settlers arrived, or did the Utes themselves open the portals thinking they could trust the ancients? Remember they never keep their promises...

This site is most likely what happens to a portal when left unchecked. George mentions the smells quite often as did I in the op. Also the giants and strange outbuildings which are uninhabited, but if it is the same as the location in the op, it would be a nightmare at night when interdimensional beings do their dirty deeds and experiements.

The story about the animals being all crammed into the shed area was very terrible, for these lower astrals know our weakness our love of animals. As for the poor calf whose nose was ripped off, just more of the type of mentality of the lowers. They have no heart energy.

Remember there is the known which can be scientifically accounted for, then there is the unknown which is a bit more difficult to comprehend and analyse but through proper investigation can prove to show signs of repeated events which can be measured. Then you have the unknowable, and this falls closer into that category than the other two.

I have to stop for now, change the energy you know?

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 04:58 PM
Just finished watching it. At one point there was an actual description of a wormhole or portal seen with infa red with someone in it. Really interesting.
I would not raise my children in such a place.

Just as a side note, concerning portal areas, or vortexes, or dimensional gateways. There have a been a couple of posts, and I can't remember where, but they worried me because I don't know if its fearful misinfo or an actual attempt, but it relates to attempting to permanently close all portals, like shut them down, and trap us here on earth forever, not that earth would last forever or anything.

My argument to it was based on heart felt spiritual knowledge and nde's, was that when we die, we rarely are alone. Loved ones, guides, and angels are there. That tunnel we go through, its our own personal wormhole out of here. And that the pit you dig for another to fall in, they escape, at least spiritually, and the people doing it fall in. Anyway, while this thread may be about closing gates, we need to ensure the Creators intent of things is maintained, and evolution continues to take place. The entire purpose of the Universe is evolution. Has anyone else heard about this?

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by antar

As for seeing only eyes, I have also seen this and have wondered if it is remote viewers checking in on my energy field. Send their eyes back to them and snap off the connection with love and light. In other words take a deep breath from the depths of your heart and then send them back their prying eyes. Do it with higher intent and love only.

[edit on 11-12-2008 by antar]

Really? Who are these remote viewers you speak off? Dont they need a grid reference to find us? How would these individuals have known where I live? I asked several friends at the time if it was them, as I did suspect remote viewers but they really didnt think it was them. I wonder if people can remote view us without having our location or without even realizing they are doing it. I know Ive suddenly seen people in meditation that are sometimes aware of me and sometimes not, but I have no idea of their exact location yet I see them.
The eyes I saw didnt appear friendly or unfriendly, they were just looking and then seemed shocked Id seen them.
I take it remote viewers are humans with this special skill and not astrals.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 07:54 AM
Well, remote viewing is psi and therefore, different methods could be used to zero in on people from a distance, the methods would probably vary from person to person. For some it would be a grid, others, a name. I'm sure there are some who can do this off avatars and the slightest feel of personality. That kind of thing isn't cut and dried. Although I think you'd usually feel a strong pinging of someone, because their attention would be on you, similar to thinking of a loved one or friend for a few minutes, and then they phone. With all this talk of haarp and invasive mind control, I'm not sure we're not zeroed into by some black op grid but this brings up another question, what should someone do when they're under attack or observation?

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
Well, remote viewing is psi and therefore, different methods could be used to zero in on people from a distance, the methods would probably vary from person to person. For some it would be a grid, others, a name. I'm sure there are some who can do this off avatars and the slightest feel of personality.

I know exactly what you mean. Avatars can be a strange thing, some pass me by I dont even really see them, then others have an almost magical quality about them, I feel the energy in them, very strange but very true. Then if you are able to make a connection with the person behind the avatar this only enhances this. I find this all very interesting indeed. However I still dont think its nice to remote view someone without asking them, unless like me I find I do it without realizing it. When I have done this I always contact the person and explain that it was not planned in the slightest.

What a strange world we live in hey!

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 10:07 AM
Its beyond not nice, it means that these are black ops, or even worse. I know I was under attack for posting about Bush and Brownsville massacre, although it happened roughly 1/2 hour after I posted. Suddenly all my energy was sucked out of me like a vacuum. I had a really bad headache develop from it as well, and I had forgotten I had even written on the thread. I believe this was on a David Icke forum. But when I was doing an inner search for why this was happening, the pentagon came to mind instantly and I remembered.

In any case, what worked for me was actually praying for them with love, after I had initially shielded myself and for some reason made it mirrored. I removed that because I just don't believe in attacking back and started asking for all energy coming my way to be transformed and for these people to start to search for true happiness and joy, and evolution of their souls. I had been struggling with this for a while trying to claim the wholeness and health of my higher self but the minute I turned it into something positive, it was over within 5-10 minutes and my headache was gone. Normally it takes hours of sleep to get rid of a bad headache for me.

I believe people are attacked online.

[edit on 12-12-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 10:26 PM
Oh I agree, it is most certain that people get invaded online. I also agree that one of the main reasons I never went with remote viewing was that at the highest levels it is corrupt and used by the darker side.

When you do healing you always first ask before begining to enter anothers energy field. There are at least 12 layers before you get to the physical body. Each field has it's own chakra system and each chakra system has a chakra system.

You may be able to help someone, but it could take several sessions before the person truly allows you access. I have not found a person yet that did not allow me entrance, but still I am open to being told no.

Back to the eyes. I had an experience one time where I saw large dark eyes, but they had bodies attached. It was very confusing at the time because this was in the early 90's and the term 'grey' was just becoming popular. The general concenses was that they were malevolent beings and that was simply not the case with me. I had known the main little guy as Doctor, since I was a little girl. He was performing a procedure on me with his smaller assistant on the opposite side.

It was my understanding that what you put out with them was what you got back, that they were neutral. They would place their eyes extremely close to mine, within just a few inches. At some point he was sticking a long skinny metal rod in my right side between my ribs. The Doctor asked me if I was experiencing any pain and I told him yes I could feel but it was if it was not my pain. He then said "Good then everything is coming along just fine."

Much happened after this procedure, and as soon as the Doctor and all of the others with him left I jumped up and ran to look at my side and sure enough there was a spot with a trickle of blood on it where the rod had been placed.

Just a side note, it was over for me at this junction, they even refered to it as my graduation.

Since that time I became sensitive to implants in others. I stopped practicing the healing arts partially because of it. But thats another story. People really do not like for you to see them, I mean really see them. And there are so many out there with implants.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by mystiq

True. And by sending love and light, it is the best way to deal with it. I really like the way both of you think, I sometimes feel so alone, but then I am blessed with people like yourselves. You are both uplifting and positive people and I appreciate your intelligence.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 12:05 AM
The medical procedure part is blocked out for me. I always wondered if that was why I wasn't allowed to get past the leaks I do have. But when a glimpse of lying down occurs, its my brother I see, as a kid. Just a glimpse of him. When we were walking through the tube between the craft and base, its his face, very pale in the dark drab colorless tube that I remember as well. He looked white with fear.
Despite that they showed kindness and surprisingly more emotion than I thought.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by mystiq

great job as always mystiq. to antar and anyone else that may be able to have the courage to post things of the nature you do, you have at least one supporter in myself.

i have not had an experience that i know of like yourselves, just showing my support. keep 'em' coming guys and gals.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by mystiq

I am also blessed to have a brother I adore, he too was with me during one instance where we were taken for a little ride with a couple of laughing women from the Planet of the Masters, it was a great memory! Thanks for reminding me, lol.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
Just as a side note, concerning portal areas, or vortexes, or dimensional gateways. There have a been a couple of posts, and I can't remember where, but they worried me because I don't know if its fearful misinfo or an actual attempt, but it relates to attempting to permanently close all portals, like shut them down, and trap us here on earth forever, not that earth would last forever or anything.

My argument to it was based on heart felt spiritual knowledge and nde's, was that when we die, we rarely are alone. Loved ones, guides, and angels are there. That tunnel we go through, its our own personal wormhole out of here. And that the pit you dig for another to fall in, they escape, at least spiritually, and the people doing it fall in. Anyway, while this thread may be about closing gates, we need to ensure the Creators intent of things is maintained, and evolution continues to take place. The entire purpose of the Universe is evolution. Has anyone else heard about this?

Hi mystiq, everyone,

I think it may have been my post you saw. I must also mention that I am an experienced Remote Viewer and have also had a Near-Death Experience.

I can say a few things about remote viewing:

- Remote Viewing was not seen as terribly useful to the military etc. because of the vibrational energy required to prevent what is called "analytic overlays" or AOLs. Usually what would happen is they would recruit psychics and after however long, they would start to fail in vibration and turn up worse and worse data. Then they'd have to be relieved and the same thing would happen again.

This meant that they would only dedicate RV tasks to high priority targets, and pursue alternative remote intelligence methods, since it really wasn't much good to them. This is why they published the TRV manual and then RV eventually went into the mainstream.

- Both "camps" that RV actively can freely navigate and look for markers, when they are more experienced. Their camp looks for people that effectively show up distinctly "on the map", they are of a much higher vibration than the rest. These are usually the same types that have elaborate shields in place, they are not letting anyone in. These are the types they are interested in, in case any of them make a mistake, they can sometimes get some useful information this way. The rest is simply remote viewing of contents of rooms for energized items or general items/layout (the latter is less applicable to civilian surveillance)

- Our camp is trying to avoid psychic traps that are usually set up around bases, etc, anywhere worth looking basically. By the same token as above, sometimes something important is overlooked, and useful information can be discovered. This is one of the ways I was able to verify a series of efforts designed to perpetuate duality/confusion, anything to keep us busy, while the seal on the lower astral plane could be made. Yes it is possible.

I was able to check that the main strategy involved achieving this seal before the "replacement" could be set in motion. If we were convinced, everything else would be a piece of cake.

The replacement involves the obviously bizarre fluoridation program and what it's done to our pineals - by attracting excess calcium that hardens into calcite while absorping the fluoride out of the gland, as it is a poison.

Calcite is piezoelectric, meaning it can react to EM stimulation. This can be tailored to induce spiritual experiences.

Yes, this means that true spiritual realms could be sealed off and artificially replaced.

Luckily there is an effective preventative action coming into effect, that will preserve a permanent tunnel through to the upper astral planes. It will take some time.

In the meantime, the first issue is with Spring/Summer CERN launch and the info. relating to density that can be gained. The only offset to this for now is to understand how to operate within singularity...

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 07:43 PM
See my thread over here:

... I'm really becoming concerned we might continue to, as a majority, believe in this archaic and clearly inaccurate dualistic model for reality until the time arrives that it will become a singularity alright... but not the kind most of us would be hoping for.

I would say there is a group aiming for caste-based model (absolute top-down hierarchy) for society.

There is no clear group to have yet emerged for compassion-based model (absolute bottom-up hierarchy), but one should soon if all goes well. And it would grow quickly in popularity.

A bottom-up hierarchy places the majority in highest esteem - those who provide the basic means for an advanced civilization to exist in the first place. Those closer to the "top" of the pyramid are simply filling positions out of pure necessity, necessity of organization, there is no sense of being "above".

We find examples in ancient civilizations, for example the Celtic civilizations ie. the High Kings of Ireland.

We can really have that same structure in an advanced society, we just have to try to get into the low level psychological differences and understand them as best we can.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 09:03 PM
Very interesting information. Thank you for sharing this. I'm going to check out your thread.

For some reason I keep thinking Cern is just a front operation, and was thinking that this involved technology related to this. You know if you hear something, you can pretty much assume the worse case scenario and someone behind the scenes is attempting to bring the nefarious plan in. I can't believe the level of pure insanity at the top.

[edit on 13-12-2008 by mystiq]

[edit on 13-12-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 03:54 AM
They wouldn't go to this much trouble if they didn't think it could work.

What it ultimately comes down to is the "high rollers gamble". If there was a 1 in a million chance they could stabilize a dissonant system into place, they would take it. After all, they have precedents from other entities that were able to do the same. And they have known this for a long long time. This has an awful lot to do with how things came to be this way in the first place, after all.

But needless to say, our entire sun (3113BC-2012AD) has had a history that extends much further back than this sun alone. There were things happening here before the last pole shift (Atlantis) that have everything to do with why our reality has been the way it is, a legacy that has preserved both the means for another "attempt", and also the means for a final escape.

By contrast, we also have the means to put this all to a stop. An interesting statistic might be to consider how many other life forms in the universe have gone through this very same struggle we have. If we really imagine hard about it, it can begin to make an awful lot of sense.

An undeveloped people is not of much use to off-world entities. Sure, a planet has resources, but it might also have types of protection we can barely begin to imagine. The only workaround to this is to allow the people to develop just nearly to the point of off-world sentience, and then (or more accurately, all the while) instill the desire to question the "automated system" into which we are thrust as developing beings, and ultimately, to rebel against it.

If we really go and meditate on it, as far as I have been able to tell, all meditators I have interacted with have independently come to this exact same conclusion - at this crucial moment in time, all developing life forms face the very same question of whether to simply accept the way we are "meant" to develop as life forms that have passed not only the point of intelligence, but now almost the point of inter-planetary sentience, or are we to break off from this progression and rebel against the entire system, ultimately seeking to overcome it.

We can only begin to imagine what reality is like at the galactic level, much less the universal. It is possible that enough hostile life forms were "cooperating" for the purpose of staging a formal rebellion against the entire universal system, something would come of it.

At this level of thinking about the situation, the matter becomes very interesting indeed.

It is possible (and IMHO rather likely), that despite the way our world appears around us these days, a vast majority of the population nonetheless would never choose to participate in this "evil empire" beyond the planetary confines. Many of those still asleep likely do not realize that this is what their attitudes reflect in certain future timelines. This might have everything to do with why a more elaborate plan to circumvent our attraction towards the natural evolution of things was necessary.

Many theories suggest something to the effect that the Van Allen or a comparable energetic boundary surrounding the earth prevents low/dissonant vibratory energies from passing through it. It is possible that an astral seal might be a workaround for this - not only would this no longer be the case, but high/consonant energies might be then the ones blocked.

This would be an effective containment, a very worthwhile strategy indeed.

But something tells me there was simply too much cheating involved - too many were lured to an excessive degree - if a civilization more or less "chooses" to rebel it cannot likely be stopped, but ours was largely coaxed and tricked - it is no wonder that we can feel the intensity of the tension increasing as the response to this cheating builds up in strength.

We'll certainly start seeing the effects not long into next year at all, we should remain alert but resolved to not sink back into thinking in terms of duality no matter what.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 09:56 PM
The existent Containment Field is more horrendous than imagined. Not only has it been in full effect for endless ages, but the escape routes have all been sealed off.

This is not conjecture; this is As Is.

Whoops. Little error. Two routes are still (currently) Open. One: Annihilation; the Second: Impossible! (or as it seems from the views in the 3rd/4th, or 'down here;'-->it is another illusion! not tampered with, just the way it is). They call it the Alpha & Omega routes.

In the meantime, the fault of omission is as great as the fault of commission. This means, they've all had a chance to realize the Truth behind the Veil, the secret of the Double, but chose not to. Those who operate with this knowledge, have taken over , and some sad believers think there are the good guys and the bad guys. There are just the bad guys.

As don Juan has conveyed: Guardians tend to become Jailors after awhile, for the good of the guarded. I call this, as bad as the bad guys.

Ladies & Gentlemen...Come On Down: You are next in be Consumed.

Remember, you are in a system where the Serpent Consumes It's Own Tail...Hmm, wonder what this means???

Escape. See signature.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 10:11 PM
I wonder if the OP has ever seen anything that looks like the image below hovering over your bed?

Also if you have did it make you feel like there was a heavy weight on your chest and you could not breath or call out.

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