Originally posted by mystiq
Just as a side note, concerning portal areas, or vortexes, or dimensional gateways. There have a been a couple of posts, and I can't remember where,
but they worried me because I don't know if its fearful misinfo or an actual attempt, but it relates to attempting to permanently close all portals,
like shut them down, and trap us here on earth forever, not that earth would last forever or anything.
My argument to it was based on heart felt spiritual knowledge and nde's, was that when we die, we rarely are alone. Loved ones, guides, and angels
are there. That tunnel we go through, its our own personal wormhole out of here. And that the pit you dig for another to fall in, they escape, at
least spiritually, and the people doing it fall in. Anyway, while this thread may be about closing gates, we need to ensure the Creators intent of
things is maintained, and evolution continues to take place. The entire purpose of the Universe is evolution. Has anyone else heard about this?
Hi mystiq, everyone,
I think it may have been my post you saw. I must also mention that I am an experienced Remote Viewer and have also had a Near-Death Experience.
I can say a few things about remote viewing:
- Remote Viewing was not seen as terribly useful to the military etc. because of the vibrational energy required to prevent what is called "analytic
overlays" or AOLs. Usually what would happen is they would recruit psychics and after however long, they would start to fail in vibration and turn up
worse and worse data. Then they'd have to be relieved and the same thing would happen again.
This meant that they would only dedicate RV tasks to high priority targets, and pursue alternative remote intelligence methods, since it really
wasn't much good to them. This is why they published the TRV manual and then RV eventually went into the mainstream.
- Both "camps" that RV actively can freely navigate and look for markers, when they are more experienced. Their camp looks for people that
effectively show up distinctly "on the map", they are of a much higher vibration than the rest. These are usually the same types that have elaborate
shields in place, they are not letting anyone in. These are the types they are interested in, in case any of them make a mistake, they can sometimes
get some useful information this way. The rest is simply remote viewing of contents of rooms for energized items or general items/layout (the latter
is less applicable to civilian surveillance)
- Our camp is trying to avoid psychic traps that are usually set up around bases, etc, anywhere worth looking basically. By the same token as above,
sometimes something important is overlooked, and useful information can be discovered. This is one of the ways I was able to verify a series of
efforts designed to perpetuate duality/confusion, anything to keep us busy, while the seal on the lower astral plane could be made. Yes it is
I was able to check that the main strategy involved achieving this seal before the "replacement" could be set in motion. If we were convinced,
everything else would be a piece of cake.
The replacement involves the obviously bizarre fluoridation program and what it's done to our pineals - by attracting excess calcium that hardens
into calcite while absorping the fluoride out of the gland, as it is a poison.
Calcite is piezoelectric, meaning it can react to EM stimulation. This can be tailored to induce spiritual experiences.
Yes, this means that true spiritual realms could be sealed off and artificially replaced.
Luckily there is an effective preventative action coming into effect, that will preserve a permanent tunnel through to the upper astral planes. It
will take some time.
In the meantime, the first issue is with Spring/Summer CERN launch and the info. relating to density that can be gained. The only offset to this for
now is to understand how to operate within singularity...