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PARA: What You Should Know About Lower Astrals

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posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 08:39 PM
if anyone still reads this, and thinks they can help me, then please u2u me i know about these entities. the dark creatures that can only survive as spiritual leeches. im glad someone brings these little bastards up, because thay are powerful over any person that doesn't know about them. they are the scavengers of the astral world that try to siphon energy.
people say that you are 50% more likely to be attacked. these things just aren't usually seen. when you project, and see them, the uninformed will think something stupid like... oh, no, that thing can hurt me. YOU JUST GAVE IT PERMISSION.
i need some veteran or another to please help me out in the projection sense. i can see things that people describe in the astral realm. and i am aware of auras, and cant see them as much as feel them. i just seem to know about certain darker beings just by being around them. i can't intentionally project, but i try nonetheless. on the few times i have projected, it felt like i spent years in that perfect place, and have never been happier. i don't know my true potential, but i want nothing less than to destroy every dark being i come across, and heal everyone on the way. i know that it is possible, and i have been attacked by one of these creatures. i have given a good portion of my aura to a friend, and saw felt the luminosity of her therafter, but i need someone that can teach me. please help me with this, and you will have a new member of an astral society. there have to be a shortage of helpers ( we are outnumbered by darks, and the ignorant, but everyone should have a chance to help if it is available. im looking for guidance, training. i am looking for help, but losing hope as well. thank you everyone.

i don't know my limitations, and neither do you

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by deadgeneral

Welcome to ATS!

yeah I have heard the if you allow it to scare you or you fear it - you can give them almost permission to do just that?

I have often wondered how to counter these dark forces and could only come up with pure unconditional love - which sounds easier than said.

Is it just as bad to want to destroy something even if it is dark? I think of the reptilian issue - if they become unveiled do we gather and hunt to kill them? Or do we find it in our hearts to forgive them, and try to co-exist?

It's a real issue, and may just be the test of our human condition?


posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
I have often wondered how to counter these dark forces and could only come up with pure unconditional love - which sounds easier than said.


I know there is much debate on this and I can see both sides to the argument. You know those that say unconditional love means nothing to some of these very dark astrals, they just laugh in your face. I think its a combination of several things, like last week I was awake (so not lucid dreaming or astral projecting) and I felt a dark vortex open up in front of me. A very heavy dark energy came out of it and tryed to take me from my body, it felt like it was attempting to pull me upwards. I didnt really have time to send out unconditional love because I must admit I felt fear. We can not send out unconditional love while we feel fear, to be unconditional is just that and fear has no place.

I felt the energy getting stronger so all I could do was visually summon a white shield of light all around me. I then imagined it glowing the brightest it could. I didnt attack this dark entity/astral with light as I try not to do that unless its definatly needed. Its not for me to decide who gets zapped, for all I know its unsure of what its doing here.

In the end it became a battle of wills which is not ideal. The shield of light removed my fear of the entity as I was determined to block it, no way was it gaining entry. Then it left and the room went back to normal. I was very relieved.

I think in an ideal situation unconditional love is all that is needed, but the trouble is we need the confidence and experience to be able to do this. Ive shown unconditional love to astrals who are not as dark as this one above, who just dont know where they are and that really they shouldnt be here. These lower astral entities who can be almost friendly are easy to show unconditional love to but the darker ones are a whole different ball game.

I do think more and more of these things seem to be coming through. It seems all it takes now is for a person to dable with meditation or attempt to open their 3rd eye and gateways open. The walls between the dimensions are getting thinner.

[edit on 20-2-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:28 PM
I have a question. What about... fighting fire with fire?

I mean, there are obviously a lot of these things, and rather than leaving one to move on to the next target, why not meet it head on, work out an agreement with it, take advantage of what it has to offer... kind of a mutually beneficial symbiotic arrangement?

Possibly I'm not quite understanding where the harm is, in these beings. They need energy, we make energy, the transfer of that energy can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves, I'm not seeing how it's harmful. Learning to recognize negative energy could be just as important as recognizing positive energy, like an inoculation teaches the immune system to recognize a virus, and... well, frankly, if they need energy, we have power over them, yes?

Not suggesting exploitation of them--just pointing out that I think there could be other ways of dealing with them than the unconditional love route.

Human beings aren't 100% lightness and good. We have darker aspects as well. That's part of being human. Ignoring those aspects to focus on the brighter ones just seems... to lack balance, I think, and these things might trigger insights into ourselves that I think are worth facing.

Just my two cents.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by quitebored

You have a point fight fire with fire...and I have done this and it got me no where. I spent a terrifying couple of months when these things first started appearing. I was so full of fear I had no idea of what they were and what I was to do. I would summon white light and blast it at them, but unfortuantly they then do the same. Its like you've given them permission to use psychic force on you and believe me its not nice. Its like energy being blasted through your chakras, it leads to headaches, paranoia, extreme tiredness its like a mini hell. No for me this was not the answer. Infact you end up attracting more because your giving them exactly what they want...fear and energy. Most love to take energy from us, they leech it out its what they do. By starting psychic fights with them your just giving them what they want...well this is what I have found anyway.

In the end it became too much to constantly fight these things with fire (white light) to do it constantly would be a sure way to bring ill health on yourself.

They feed off fear and seem to move around using our fear. However the one that I described above for me was too strong to just show no fear towards, in me it was an instant reacion Im afraid, however if another one of that level comes again I will be more relaxed maybe .

You know the worst ones to deal with are not the obviously dark ones, its the ones that form friendships with us, they actually become our friends, sounds wierd but it happens. Then for some strange reason we find it really hard to get rid of them when they become a problem, when they start to take energy from us, possibly because we've allowed ourselves to become " friends" with them. Ive allowed this and it is a problem. They almost become leechy friends that whont go away!! I now have a real problem when I meditate as this is a sure way for these things to attach themselves to me , I have to really put out INTENT that I want nothing to do with them.

I now say at the start of any meditation " I will only contact those of divine intent, all others of non divine intent must leave" INTENT I think really is the only way to not allow yourself to give these things permission to enter.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Well, no, I didn't mean fighting them, I meant, as they're determined to get something from us and we seem to have something they want, why not use the leverage that we have?

Particularly knowing that the only harm they can do is the harm that we allow them to do?

Was just a thought that occurred to me, really.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:24 PM
mmm I see, the trouble with lower astrals is I dont think we need or want anything they have to give. Seems to me they are all take and give nothing in return. It is us who have everything to loose and them that have everything to gain.

Put yourself in their shoes, say you could travel up to the next dimension, everything there would already have everything you had, they would need nothing from you, thats why they are in the next dimension. Theyve learnt the life lessons to get there, they posses the required tools/energy to vibrate at that higher frequency which we are now striving to earn. It is us who would take from higher astrals if we could but they would really need nothing from us.

Thats how I see it anyway...what could we possibly need from a lower astral? All we can do is show unconditional love and hope they find their way. Is this what you meant if not sorry!!

OR maybe you meant to give them what they want in a deal. they get what they want only under our terms? But who decides the terms??

[edit on 20-2-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Yes, that's roughly what I meant. My thought was that in understanding why the lower astrals do what they do and want what they want, we're getting a glimpse into the less-divine nature of a human being.

Put another way, if they're drawn to us, are we also drawn to them? And if so, why? That's the question I would be curious about. I'm not suggesting that they could give us an answer (I doubt they can, and wouldn't trust it if they did) but rather that... if they're using us to get energy, we can likewise "use" them to gain insight into ourselves through our reactions to them.

Then again, I'm not sure I'd trust any higher-ups, either. Why would they want to help a human being develop? Where's the benefit to them? Of the two, I'd be more inclined to trust the one deriving an obvious benefit from the arrangement, as their motivations are more clear. But again, that's just my thoughts on it all.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:46 PM
Yes your right, they are drawn to us, and I have been drawn to them also, why? Not sure. Well one reason is because some of them really need us it seems, or they think they need us, they are attracted to our energy and maybe this needing in them attracts us to them Im not sure. Maybe in these cases it could be of mutual benefit...however they often then become TOO needy and turn into leeches.

There is only one that I can remember that moved on from a mutual friendship of energy exchange. When I say energy exchange I mean allowing them access to spiritual energy. The others did not learn they just wished to take energy and stay where they were. Not sure many actually want to take the next step, if they have us providing them with energy why bother?

Ive often also thought about why would higher astrals bother with us. We to them are like the lower astrals are to us..maybe they wish to help. Hey now your making me think we SHOULD help lower astrals

but not sure I fancy helping the really dark ones.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
Ive often also thought about why would higher astrals bother with us. We to them are like the lower astrals are to us..maybe they wish to help. Hey now your making me think we SHOULD help lower astrals

but not sure I fancy helping the really dark ones.

Sorry! I was just mulling it and the thought struck me... I'm not sure about really dark ones--haven't encountered any, so couldn't say--but it always troubles me to see any creature dismissed out of hand because they are "bad." Always makes me wonder, well, why are they bad, what are we afraid of, and is the issue really with them or with something we're afraid of facing in ourselves?

Bit like helping lepers, in the old days. You're putting yourself in danger, and you risk seeing some very unpleasant stuff, but the ones people least want to help are maybe the ones in most need of it.

Or something like that, anyways.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by quitebored

You know what it is with me, I fear by thinking Im helping them, by allowing them access to my spiritual energy Im not actually helping them at all, all Im doing is allowing myself to become drained. ive thought and re thought about this, am I just allowing myself to become drained and in the process not actually helping a thing. Are they just taking for takings sake

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

That's what I meant about leverage, though. Cut them off like an alcoholic at the bar, you know?

Especially if they're after fear. There's more than enough of that around already for them to be trying to tap fresh sources--that's what makes me wonder how much of it is about the energy and how much could be about something else. Which is why I thought... well, it might be worth trying to work out an arrangement, to try and understand them.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by quitebored
reply to post by Mr Green

Particularly knowing that the only harm they can do is the harm that we allow them to do.

If only that were true.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by antar

If only that were true.

Can you expand on this a bit? What specific harm can they do without us allowing them to? If we see them and know what kind of energy they're after, and can refuse to give it... well, how could they do harm, and what are the specifics of the harm being done?

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by quitebored

Do you have any experience of them? Have you considered striking up a deal with any of them? The one that eventually moved on, and I know he did because he came to say goodbye and thanked me, moved on because I actually said to him, look I expect NOTHING from you but I will give you everything you need, I showed him unconditional love and this some how was exactly what he needed to progress.

I actually miss him, isnt that wierd that we can miss a lower astral.
sometimes i wonder if he was actually a lower astral at all and maybe he was a fallen higher astral that had lost his way , Im not even sure if this is even possible. can astrals fall once they have reached a certain plane?

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by quitebored
Can you expand on this a bit? What specific harm can they do without us allowing them to? If we see them and know what kind of energy they're after, and can refuse to give it... well, how could they do harm, and what are the specifics of the harm being done?

Sometimes even though I know its most probably wrong and I should not allow this, I still do. Do you think its actually possible to become attached also to these astrals antar?

Sometimes they control us to the point its impossible to refuse the energy . Maybe this is where we need to take control a little more, show our intend 100%.

The harm I find they do is drain us spiritually.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Experience of the really dark ones? No, I've never encountered any, so far as I know.

Interesting point you make about the one that moved on--I'll definitely have to remember that, and I think it was the right approach to take in that case--but based on what I have experienced, I haven't yet been afraid of non-physical entities, and I've gained some surprising insights into myself due to my own reaction to them. I consider those lessons very valuable, and wouldn't have learned them without the experiences that brought them on, basically.

I haven't encountered anything higher up, either, though, so my experience is very limited.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by quitebored

I haven't encountered anything higher up, either, though, so my experience is very limited.

Im only guessing he may have been this, as he seemed very different, very open to the concept of unconditional love, he just seemed very spiritual to me but just a bit lost. He also seemed a very old soul , almost ancient at times. He also had a sense of humour, can a lower astral have a sense of humour? The fact he did initially take my energy though does make me think he was from the lower realms.

Ive heard people recall conversations they've had astrally with their spirit guides and they have said how they have a sense of humour.

[edit on 20-2-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 09:36 PM
Interesting stuff, Antar.

I thought you might like a brief personal experience I have previously blogged about that in my mind, have some correspondence with what you are talking about. I'm always intrigued to find unrelated people who independently run into similar things or at least, things which may have similar energy.

The Dark and Fiery Coup


posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 10:10 PM
Without going back to the begining of this thread I wanted to interject something that dawned on me today.

Ok I told you about the dark mans private room and how he had pictures of people and objects dangling all over this grotesque looking mobile for lack of better words, well the one thing that was all over this place that I did not understand and felt was a key point to this whole lowerastral agend were Windmills.

Ok President Obama pledges to place windmill power at the forefront of his agenda. This whole "Go Green" has much deeper meaning that I can impart to you.

This is the begining of something very very wicked for the planet and all living beings.

And one more thing, I noticed that this thread moved in the direction which reflects the underdeveloped mutant Lowerastrals that were coming up through the portal, as being what they are today, that they are somehow energy shadows more than tangible beings that walk inconspiculously among us.

I can assure you this is not so.

As far as fighting these entities once they have become empowered, well I cant speak for that, it is always welcome that you keep the light in your heart and in your daily life through not empty words and false gestures, but through, constantly reminding yourself of the beauty in this world, through random acts of kindness and being a good example to those who may be sitting on the fence. Not in a phony way, but a genuine love for our shared human potential and the knowing to never give up no matter how difficult the road may be.

Just wanted to tell you about the windmills.

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