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PARA: What You Should Know About Lower Astrals

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posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

From my personal experience, what you are dealing with are spirits rather than physical/manifest demonic entities.

The same for the post above where the dark energy comes and begins to actually suck the life force soul energy from the person, the entity who appears is a Master and one who if needs be can step in and protect when all else is lost.

Earth school is an amazing place and the levels which we traverse are simply incredible.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:44 AM
Many things are happening on so many levels, you can only raise your own frequency or lower it.

[edit on 19-11-2008 by antar]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Hi Mr the avatar of the heart chakra

I wish I could answer that question, but can tell you what I did learn in the dreamtime. There are laws in the aethers for starters..and well neg entities do not play fair , or by the rules...they will try to usurp the rules, but the rules have presidence over all...

I knew someone in the 1990's who dabbled in the dark arts, someone I ended up fighting against. He was able to drag me into the halls of dreams, there are other realms too... such as the shadowlands, astral plane, 3rd gate etc...I only encountered a couple tho....K, from what I learned of the halls of dreams, each door accesses someone's mind...there is a door to hell, and there is a door that is the way door led to a very differ dimension too but too bizarre to explain it...but it was like being in the cosmos,but also dark there, and having hovering stone steps only to walk on, while trying to save souls...very strange...anyways...

Now the one who operates this hall of dreams, there can be several infact, well this operator can cause the halls to crumble, which in term traps the souls permanently, a trap. Also behind the door one can access the person's like it is its own reality kinda thing. What I was about to comprehend was that if someone died in that realm, then the physical body dies in the natural! Also if the silver cord is cut, the physical body dies as well.

Now what I was trained to do later on was to play be new etheric rules. I had to learn to take attacks, stabbings etc...and still live...I had a warring angel teach me and who use to slay me, then tell me to get up and fight back, that I could not die there! Later in my battle training there, when I got stabbed I started to feel it in my flesh/physical, but the same rule applied, I do not die there! Very good for psychic attacks btw. Later I was taught magick and shielding... Now Mind plays bigtime there in that realm! I also had to focus on only the positive when walkabout too, especially on the astral plane,or one can attract neg entities just by thought, fear is another that does the same thing... My tactic was to project divine love, then attack with my blade and then bind them literally in chains! I also was taught places to bind them too..and other stuff.... Unfortunately this is all etheric realm stuff only, differ game once they manifest in the flesh...I still to learn to pull the treasures from that realm to this psychical one...yes I need to learn manifestation. Some call it the gift of miracles...either way tho..alchemic. Right now tho, I only work with seals and talismans...

Another route is to ge tto the place of enlightenment, as least to Arhat. The closest to that would be Monad high buddhic, manas, atma...tho that is still in the illusion,but very close to enlightenment. There are many spiritual gifts that can be of help in Monad, that one does lose in Arhat btw. Now Antar brought up a very good point btw!

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 02:35 PM
Antar commented that they are trying to access humans...these gates are part of there plan....this to me speaks of possession of flesh....We will need to learn how to pull form the etheric realm ot this one, cos I guarentee the will be doing the same...the gates/portal are a door!

I had a dream last year sometime, round the time of getting the dreams about time and TimeLords...even the possible manipulating of time.....long teaching dream that still has me a bit seeking answers...and yes doing with the great platonic age,aeons, and the mayan calendar...and other ancient calendars- egyptian,hindu,hebrew,enochian/jubilee etc...Nothing like seeing the big stone cog in the inner skies of dreamtime I tell ya! Anyways....,had a dream about balancing inner and outter worlds/realms...and about bring the inner treasures out to the outter world to help mankind! Also ingesting the book of manifestation! The book had the merkubah/shield of David on the cover and a black covered book....also lots about seals and keys of Solomon...And yes my dreams and visions are extremely cryptic, as are my I write from rhema alone.

Antar I am also glad you can comprehend to which I write. It comes as a great relief. It appears you were given eyes to see the agenda of the dark overlords of the earth.... the earthen puppets who summon the Gates to open, and for the hordes of darkness to arrive in 3D. Think of the game Diablo with the boss demons coming up from below and ravaging the town of Tristan and beyond! The great evil spreads! Behold the dark wanderers,whos' gems of torment inflict the carnal minds to unleash great evil, who transverse the lands and leave death and darkness in its wake....

Yes, this battle is not pleasant at all to see, its horrid and very messy in the ethers, but also bleeds into 3D ... The dark plan is huge, is like 4 way empire chess...and G_d I sure hope it is over with soon...but I doubt it... Btw 2012 does seem to be a date for them somehow...but for what I donno, other than the end of the long count and the starting of the next great platonic year...or what hindus call the starting of the next satya.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 02:42 PM
I do not write poetry as often as I use to but this one may be of encouragement...

feb 5, 2008....


Oh little warrior
Who's face seeks out the path of the rising sun
To what do you looking for?
And to whom do you seek?
Only that answer can be revealed from within.

Battle scared terrains
A myriad of bodies laid spewn upon the bloody grounds
Smoke rolls upon the scarred lands like the heavy mists
The smell of smoke, burnt folage and flesh
Who's piercing blade still glistens regardless
Is there a purpose to this conquest?

Many have ventured here before
And only their dead bodies remain to speak the tale
Smothered among the blooded battle grounds
Is all that remains now
And the only testamony to their own lost.

For love is the battlefield
And many are they who perish here
Only the strong will make it thru tho
And see the light of the day
For surrender is never spoken from their lips

And yet the fire burns deep within
A raging inferno that can never be quenched
Eternal golden flame ever burning
Dancing the dance of the cosmos
Is the secret well hidden!

So little warrior
Who's face seeks out the rising of the sun
May love lie deep within but never asleep
Tho still clad for battle and sword at the ready
And even tho the battle extensively wearies.

May the dream never fade nor perish
Or the shimmering light never dim in your eyes
For love is all we have to fight for
And is the air that we do breath
And this in itself is the beauty of life in essence.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 03:04 PM
Antar ,I do not think it would be wise to lower ones vibrations, that would be the same as sitting in the lower chakras, and so more prone to being carnal...
Most start the process thru the third eye, then slowly clear the rest but the lower chakras are the hardest to deal with, esp the base or sexual chakra...those usually regard the aid of a guru cos they are most difficult to clear. The best would be to sit in the higher 5 chakras...from wisdom ,heart, throat,third eye and crown! These need to be cleared and balanced, also stabilized...something I still need to do at the level I am at myself!

Btw, the is a knot that need untying in the heart chakra too...that is why that chakra sometimes has 2 colours and pink... Most of the time I see mine as green....only when i see violet do I get fushia, but I do not know why...there is a level that does have dark magneta, but that is in or near Monad! I did encounter a chakra that was very reminded me of hte colour of pewter,so a metal coloured chakra, but there were secondary colours with it, almost neon colours....yellow, peacock blue and pink....Also one time I saw two chakras rotating together in sync,one on top of the other...the other was that of someone else who was sent to help me ascend...the other chakra helped stabilize mine at that time...

there are chakras, and then transpersonal chakras, then Monad...which is far differ than all the others....a differ realm too. High buddhic is the very top of the astral world, manas and atma are beyond it... in the realm of spirit... dont wanna be bugged by dark entities ascend up to manas or atma, get just beyond high buddhic and you;'ll be ok! Cos yes, there are a few but very high level dark nasties even at high buddhic, and they are very subtle with their traps, attacks...and deceptions! I warn you now...beware there!

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by etherial_mists
Monad is beyond Mind and beyond polarity/ is the reflection of the moon on the waters, but still in the illusion. Beyond Monad is the fiery worlds and shamballah where the final test occurs...

The Monad this not the seventh plane and above? Are these not the Realms of light? Are you saying you've been to the Monad realms? If so can you tell me what these realms of light are like..I do not see them as fiery worlds, why would they be of fire? I see these as a realm for ascended masters the 7th and above that is.

Thanks. Will now read your latest post, very interesting btw!

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Hi again. All I can speak is what I experienced,so seen and heard and received via rhema .... there are 3 worlds, each has its own chakras...there is the main 7 most know about, then one passes a veil-called the bindu point, so the first come the transpersonal chakras...things seen here are more transparent and vapourish, not solid or lucid like in the main chakras. Also one encounters the fractals here, repeating patterns of creation, or building block of creation...these chakras go up to high buddhic level and comprise the 2nd world.

Now at this point high buddhic overlaps 2 and 3 worlds,don't know how or why, it just does...last is the realm of Monad which is the level/state beyond Mind, and beyond polarity of thought-all things are interconnected here....cosmos,earth, nature etc. aka creation, all things are unified-all past/present/future is past... and in the end everything will work out fine...

In Monad seeing get really bizarre to grasp, it is impossible to describe that state/level....My mind had a very hard time grasping that level infact...most I recall is the teachings on ego,and the tests about the ego, why it can be so bad, and how subtle the ego plays. Now Monad is comprised of high buddhic, manas and atma. Somewhere in the inner journey of that state I did here the word 'adi' ....Adi was the last and higher state before entering the fiery 'adi' may be the hindu term for atma personally...From Monad and it 3 levels, when one comes to atma/adi then there is a rebirth in adi...also in adi is a sideways chakra/portal..the only one I saw like that, from that portal one enters the fiery worlds...Unlike the levels of Monad this place is clearly seen...the terrain is all on fire, in the center of vision is a calm lake. In the midst of the lake is an ancient stone staircase one must ascend. As each step is taken ,one is drilled and tested on the ego...humblemindedness is the key! When one ascends to the top of the staircase, one is met to the with a floating mountain in the mist. This is shamballah and one ascends up the mountain to its castle. There the person is drilled and tested by a group of kings...this test is the worst I had ever encountered, I felt a terror I had never felt before in all my mortal days! The test again was on the ego! Lastly,in order to advance to the next level the ego must be slained!

If one passes the test, then the kundalini flowers and one enters Arhat. The karma in the 3 dan tiens are burned up...all things become new and fresh and now seen thru the eyes of wisdom.

Now after the final test I could not breath a word till after 3 months cos of the sheer terror I had encountered....I shook me that badly!

In Arhat, one encounters the eternal solace/silence/peace and the True Nature of Self known..think without wrinkle or spot here...the Self in its original form of perfection. In harmony with all creation and cosmos. The raindrop returning and merging with the ocean of solace. The raindrop is not the ocean but becomes one with it. Arhat....the water lilly which burst forth from the muddy water of illusion. The water lilly is the soul. It has always been the soul by the muddy water clouded it own vision of itself!

The step beyond Arhat is what shock me the most, well beside the test in shamballah that is! In that level I saw myself, my image, dissolve completely,it was like a literal death took place, and in the mist of nothingness I encountered the presence of acute, deep awareness that was alive with life, and it was definitely NOT ME! The closest to my understanding of it is the state of NO MIND/NO SELF,also it was a type of deep samadhi. In dreamtime I also recieved a very strange is nite nad I am in a dimly lit cottage with THE TEACHER. He goes to give me a mirror but as I go to grab it,it shatters.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:20 PM
The shatter of the mirror meant that the image of Self was not shattered and gone.

Also in the last level I was told, this is the place where al lis made what this level is is not so certain, may be bodhi but not is in this realm tho that I was told this stage will be gradual, then seeing a huge pink water lilly slowly open. This was the pointy water lilly I mentioned earlier.

So process is something like 1st world-main 7 chakras....2nd world -transpersonal chakras to high buddhic-astral world...3rd world Monad aka high buddhic,manas,atma/adi, then fiery worlds, then shamballah...

Arhat is one who has become enlightened, is called a noble from the illsuion and reincarnation. received the realization of the true Self/Nature. Is a type of lower buddha.

Bodhi is an awakened one, and is also a buddha, and has received the realization of G_d....

Then there is what is called a supreme Buddha, knower of the Path/Way,but they are an extreme rarity...hey come only when the Way is totally lost.

Now each level one ascends, one encounter deeper cleansing of karma and what have you...for the kundalini fire is the purifier....At my stage I need a very deep cleansing of the chakras, other levels require only a percentage to allow passing to the next stage...and when being cleansed of karma and sins,well it surfaces and sometimes there is acting out, but it is revealed and dealt with! Kundalini will have it no other way!

Kundalini is the process of inner transformation. so there is clearing, there is balancing ,and there is the need to stabilize each level.

Now some of this stuff is really going pretty far back, and its a bit rusty to recall every minute detail, but that much I am able to recall at present. Hope it helps.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by antar

This is interesting, I watched the video on youtube about discovering the 10th dimension, it only covered the first chapter but all i heard was that there were only 10 dimensions and all were contained within it.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by etherial_mists

Kundalini is the process of inner transformation. so there is clearing, there is balancing ,and there is the need to stabilize each level.

From what I have heard Kundalini is dangerous if kept unchecked and can actually compromise balance leading to a bad transformation instead of a good one. I believe the heart chakra is the most important one to maintain and focus on to improve one self spiritually.

[edit on 20-11-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by FederalBlackAge

Could you please supply the link to the UTube video? Thanks.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by etherial_mists

Hi EM!

Would you describe the teacher in the cottage for us? I've met with one in similar circumstances and am curious if this is the same one.



posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 10:56 AM
[I]reply to post by antar

Greetings and gratitude all

As above so below

We are a mirror of creation

What occurs energetically in the universe and earth also occurs within our own being on many levels; touching all

One vision one voice to one people one earth one love

We are all one...truely time is now to live love

Love is the essence from which all our thoughts must grow

Introductions to astral realms have been excellently provided by many beautiful beings within this thread

The intention of this post is to provide the energy of a template in form of basic imperatives by which the energy of love will be anchored in ourselves and the earth; radiating love through all creation as is our nature to be

"Conjoint creation and joy for all from its contemplation"

Given all life is connected, we must know our relations to: ourselves, other beings, and planet

There is many levels within the categories; and there is 3 essential topics among them to be discussed which will counteract the force of division rampant on this planet earth and, once lived, will restore the force of unification and our true nature

In respect:
1. Relation to ourselves - vegetarianism
2. Relation to other beings - group meditation
3. Relation to earth - nature living

All of these are interconnected - vegetarianism affects also our relation to other beings and planet earth; group meditation affects also our relation to ourselves and planet earth; nature living affects also our relation to ourselves and other beings... And all represent a lifestyle which will anchor the energy of love on earth

These three topics are exactly on topic, and op exemplified certain forces of division which exist in absence of light and love; certain forces of division which determine plans for us to be separate from ourselves, other beings and earth

We are enticed with distractions which is why we do not always see how entirely easy it is choose to create and live a true life of oneness

Vegetarianism - we cannot speak of oneness if we consume another beings flesh... Do not the certain forces of division treat us as pets to be dispenced with... Know now that the flesh being consumed carries with it an energy signature of a being which was not free to roam the earth and live its natural life... That vibration will affect the frequency of its host if consumed... Plants convert light, they are the closest food source to light... Let us bring in the light!

Group meditation - our thoughts pure are beautiful... Our thoughts pure, collectively, creates worlds... Let us organize and join into group meditations, synchronize with eachother and catalyze the free flowing energy of light and love... There are many sites already participating

Nature living - all that is necessary is given by earth... The closer we are with earth, the more harmonious our biorhythms... The earth is alive and its energies are connected to our energies... To the awakened mind and activated consciousness technology is but a toy, mimicing natural ability... Happiness is with oneness and creation
Investigate 'Anastasia ringing cedars' and you will experience some of the most powerful information of ages entering your being; awakening your awareness to power, beauty, love, and truth of creation

May the Immanent Emanence light all souls with living love


Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by Gemwolf]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Drakiir
reply to post by etherial_mists

Kundalini is the process of inner transformation. so there is clearing, there is balancing ,and there is the need to stabilize each level.

From what I have heard Kundalini is dangerous if kept unchecked and can actually compromise balance leading to a bad transformation instead of a good one. I believe the heart chakra is the most important one to maintain and focus on to improve one self spiritually.

[edit on 20-11-2008 by Drakiir]

Indeed Drakiir the heart is very important in the balancing of the kundalini but it on its own is not enough. To fully understand the kundalini energy and the dimensions it can open we must balance all the chakras. You as well as I know how much can be felt through the heart chakra but I do sometimes feel its important to open and feel the others energies flow.

This whole experience we are going through on this 3D world can not be felt solely through one chakra, that would lead to an inbalance and I often open my other 6 chakras along with my heart. To not open them would mean Im not fully experiencing the energies of the Universe. However I agree with you in that the heart chakra is the most important in connecting the lower and upper realms.

Love connects what is below to what is above. As long as the love is pure and without negativity it will be felt in all dimensions. But for me yes I agree, the heart chakra connects all.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 03:06 AM
So Antar since we are discussing lower Astral beings do you think that maybe some of the beings that we call "Greys" may be demons too? I have been visited by them only once and though it seemed like a dream/flash back I KNOW it was real on some level and not because I want to pretend that it was real but because it was so extraordinary in it's nature. I have never seen Greys or any other types of aliens in my dreams before or after that incident. To me it only reinforces the idea that it was not simply an overactive mind. There are more aspects to my "abduction dream" that proves at least to me that it was more then just a dream and that it held some sort of physical aspect in it. I will never forget the way they were floating towards me! Keep in mind that I was not aware of this aspect before this incident. It was only after I read/heard some abductees describe seeing them floating. I was aware they could walk but not float which is another prove to me at least that it was not some sort of an active imagination on my part. I know our brain does reflect what we read, see or hear in dreams but it relies upon what information was stored in it already.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:26 PM
I don't believe that ets are demons or lower dimensionals, generally. There could be some blending going on however, some sitings and abductions may not be from visitors from other planets, but I do think most are. Seentoomuch's thread is an example of something that represents people from other worlds, not lower dimensions. My own experiences are with visitors.

However, the link with the nazis, bildenburg the cabal, the US power structure, is very significant, and all the disclosures I've ever watched or read indicate they are luciferean/satanic babylonian, and utterly ruthless. The underground bases, reported in Dulce, below the Colarado International Airport, and in Area 51, which are linked to ets, and in particular, reptilians, may be connected very strongly to portals, and interdimensional summoning. As an example, I found this link on another thread about lower astral planes on David Icke's forum:

Having read many occult texts I was caught by Stephen's description of these "longwalkers" and other "creatures" said to exist in underground incubatoriums at such places as Area 51. This was interesting because I had just that day been shown some photos of an area approximately 60 mi. WNW of Area 51 where there exists a large Star of David-like design (Fig. 1) in the Earth. Approximately 15 mi. N of the star design is a triangle design (Fig. 2) which contains concentric circles.

Compare these images with the "magic circle and triangle" (Fig. 3) from page 70 of a book called The Goetia edited by S.L. MacGregor Mathers. The Goetia is the first part of a 17th century Ms. titled The Lesser Key of Solomon the King and it deals with the summoning of "demons". The idea was that a magician stood inside the circle and summoned the demons inside the triangle where they were bound and could not escape. Two of these 72 demons, or "Jinn" as they are sometimes called, are pictured here (Figs.5 & 6). Now, I've never seen a "trans-genic" anything, but these certainly look like they could fit the bill!

I'm just uncertain what we can do now. I really believe something needs to be done. I'm planning on spending time with this issue in prayer/meditation hoping to get an answer. I think others should do the same, because its really unsure how to proceed.

In that thread they were talking about a guest on Art Bell years ago, by the name of Dr. Lockwood. A quick search for him on google is not turning up much. He believed many lower astrals were currently incarnating here. But it appears, they're doing more than that. The only thing I can think of right now is to try and seek wisdom in meditation to discover the best way to help this world and empower goodness and freedom.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by antar

wow... lower astrals? sounds just as crazy as demons in hell.

Sigh. Stop blaming things on imaginary creatures from wonderland. We are doing this to ourselves.

Wake up folks. Look inside, and wake up.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:43 AM
Waking up is important. This is based on personal experience, and there are many similar or related experiences others have had. We aren't doing this to ourselves. We are most closely related to a particular pigmy chimp genetically, a bonobo. They are extremely social, hippy types amongst the apes, and non-aggressive. The aggression humans display is due to extreme trauma and mind control. Naturally, we are very loving and much like our cousins, the bonobo's. Something drastic has been happening in this world for quite some time, and it involves our leaders.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
Waking up is important. This is based on personal experience, and there are many similar or related experiences others have had. We aren't doing this to ourselves. We are most closely related to a particular pigmy chimp genetically, a bonobo. They are extremely social, hippy types amongst the apes, and non-aggressive. The aggression humans display is due to extreme trauma and mind control. Naturally, we are very loving and much like our cousins, the bonobo's. Something drastic has been happening in this world for quite some time, and it involves our leaders.

Yes, you are right. Aliens have infested our leaders to take it over. Wait... I've seen this movie.

Some people are living in wonderland.

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