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PARA: What You Should Know About Lower Astrals

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posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 01:22 AM
Ok now that the thread has been visited by many wonderful light beings, I will continue.

First let me say that emotions and imaginations were off the charts and I just do not want to cause any more pain or fear than what I have already unleashed on this forum and its members.

I will cut to the chase and explain why I felt from my perception why I found this place to be part of something beyond what we normally have to experience in this life.

I have always been challenged by forces which in time lead me to this place. Many experiences laid the groundwork for me to be able to make it through. 99.9% of people would never in a million years have to deal with what I did.

One day while working in the gardens a vision came which was in real time rather than future or past event. I knew that at one corner of the garden on the dirt ground was a gray swirling foggy looking area which was understood to be a gate. It was clear that if the gate could remain closed by love or positive energy, that nothing evil could enter.

Now I am going to date this event which happened in the early 90's.

Feeling compelled to sit near the area and meditate and visualize light surrounding the area was enough to keep it from opening. Period. Pure thought, prayer and intent does work against the lower astrals.

We may not be able to change the lowers who have taken physical bodies and make them have a developing soul at this time, but we can keep these negative portals from opening. It is NOT their time to enter, they are not yet ready nor prepared to move forward while pushing us also forward before we are ready to make the ascention to the next level of existence.

The entities in the next realm or dimensions feel the same way about us pushing our way into their reality as we do the lowers.

You can choose to go either way, you can stay and be the top of the evolutionary ladder or go and be a freshman again, or more like a preschooler.

I realize that some of the realities of our world are frightening and malevolent, and that there is so much evil seemingly at the top of the heap, but I have to focus my heart energy and you should as well on the beauty, the love the compassion. By doing this we can establish boundaries between ourselves and the lower astrals. When we fear it inpowers negative energy, when we love or laugh it empowers higher vibrational frequencies.

Even anger can be a transforming force if you are total and if the anger is so complete that through it you have awakenings, truth descends on you. Look at Jesus in the Temple, his hand held the whip, his hand beat the money changers, and yet in his center he remains focused, calm loving unconditionally. He was not throwing out 'his' anger on the money changers, no he was bringing awareness to the darkend situation which turned a place of God into a portal for the lower astrals to descend and control.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:20 AM
Pain, solitude, fortitude; leads to stillness, leads within.
Truly blessed are those who understand the seriousness of the shadows, but, unfazed, pay scant attention to the dangers, honouring the goal, the outcome, the Soveriegn God.
Hold fast.
Place your intentions carefully.
Eternity will be a place of well earned merriment.
Through Grace.
Rest easy friends.
Raise a pint of your finest made from living water, the finest barley, the pride of the hop.
Meet life with joy...drink and be refreshed.
Stoicism with a grin.
We chart a course through the tempest with ease as we have our goal firmly in sight.
The Rod of Aaron will not be broken.
Nimrod be still as you are bound.

Yes be cheery.
Pothersticks, I say to the last sword of darkness. No need to break it so, a compentent Smith shall emblazon it; fuse it into the Truth, and so, by equal measure shall it deliver unto those who have stood behind its terror.
That my friends is life beyond the void, sub atomic molecular primal fear.
Ahhh yes, the old Hermit reminded me; Grace, always Grace.
Come out ye then who would hide under evil doings, take the ticket of Grace over the river Styx, as there is no other way.
Unless you hold an artifact, or spiritual currency; last time I looked thats how it goes.

Or unless you are gifted with words to give understanding.
unless, unless, unless...

The gold.
The gold is in the hearts of people.
I have enough information to seek such artifacts, but with the 'eye' peering steadily I choose to bide my time.
Suffice to say the keys to understandng these things lies within the 'ballroom' pl.
So, understand the need for vigilance lest a lost soul escape your attention, for this is our true purpose, to hold a light and steady arm to those decieved in ages past.
Let us be resolute in our assistance of these beings.
Gold, gold will come and go, but souls are eternal, unless they choose the null, beyond the void.

No time for screaming , my friends.
One last push.
One resoulute determination to see the thing through.
Lets make our ground clear.
As I said, this is no mere skirmish, it is a rout.

Now picture this...
There is a man who by will and choice, has elected to span the universe...
He has decided he has the capacity to ground out the negative evil which ensconces every dimension.
Can you see it?
Can you not understand that pain, loss and suffering are mere stepping stones to understanding.
Self actualization is the key here...I am me...can you not see that there is a pathway between the I and the me?
Personal responsibility, clearing the mind, centred in commonsense.
Has it not struck you as odd that the esoterics want us to believe it is all an illusion, then they dogmatically tell us of our fates?
This is an oxymoron, yet another classic example of 'hiding in plain sight' as their rigid, disingenuous posturing is always flawed with oversight, and tainted with the self righteous arrogance of those corruptly in power.
Why do I say oxymoron?
Because it is all illusion...therefore WE are able to adjust reality accordingly.
Therefore, should we choose belief in a benevolent loving God, whose message has been distorted to give us a conflicting dogma, by the elite; and further to that should we choose to understand the totality of the whole baal/nimrod/luciferian agenda and it's role in seperation of God and man, well as we choose to beleve it so, it becomes.
Further to that, should we not also understand the hermetic principle of every thing the same, seperated only by degree; then we are given to understand the inner workings of the conspiracy; turning the loving grace of god, into a ritualistic sacrifice.
Think about it.
Love/hate; same thing differing only by degree.
Hot/cold; differing only by degree.
Grace/sacrifice; differing only by degree.
I need you to understand the inner workings of the kaballistic mind; it will help you to more easily see, and discern the truth, from the magic of 'make-believe'
So, the bands of peace, the grounding of negativity is a way of harmonizing the imbalances which will bring the direst outcomes of zero-point.
If, on the other hand, we are at one, still and calm, we can then Praise God Almighty, and should we aslo choose Jesus Christ as King of Kings, then thats great too, because it is an illusion, and by faith, we make it so.
The inner yearnings of the spirit will not be nourished by any other than the One true God.
The theological debate is irrelevant; a ruse designed to take us from the truth.
The inner man is the key here.Thankyou Angelfire for your wise counsel.
I have been set apon a journey where the deepest thought is required.
I can cease to write, but alas I will think it through.
Your words resonate as I have always been told I think too much; that is the lever I use, thought.
For;'If a Man's reach should ecxeed his grasp, then what's a heaven for?' (Browning)
Where else but in the dimension of thought can one manifest to infinite degree.
Think not that I allow my brain to scramble willy nilly.
My mind operates on many level, the training I have done enables this.
Kmow the meaning of the Flaming Sword; renting the veil (of deception), from heaven to earth.
So, Angelfire, does that answer your thought?
I cast my mind over the expanses of the universal horizon, above space, beyond time, under God and I like what I see.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:47 AM
Welcome aboard.
As we navigate the void it is neccessary to remain calm.
If TpTw are in disarray rest assured that the more things change, the more they remain the same.
I suggest that in the spirit we thwart the dark agenda, whilst fostering soveriegnty and the rule of law; for the sake of humanity.
See the fatigue in the faces, be strong, resolute in the face of apathy.
Your stance on a spiruitual/higher dimension is required.
Knights, Lady's, warriors awake!
The smallest light, in the darkest places, illuminates the whole.
This is the key.

Allow fear no place in your life.

Stillness is depth, imagine a deep pond, a leaf stlles apon it, it becomes waterlogged and slowly sinks, settling gently on the bottom.

Our thoughts are as this leaf. If we are shallow and scurry and fuss our leaves are as in an autumn wind.

If we are still and deep then our thoughts can slowly settle as we digest the information.

To those who cannot stiil the mind, I would ask that they engage in a seies of contemplations or visualizations.

Firstly, I would ask that you close your eyes and take a seat in God's garden.

There you will see many plants and birds and butterflies and multicoloured flowers.

You can imagine the scene as you will, remembering that in God's garden all is safe.
Throughout this garden you will also see many fountains.

Look closely, for one of those fountains is you.

Walk to the fountain and look at it. Are the waters spouting forth from the top, or is the flow subdued, a mere trickle, or has it stopped?

Is the font full of clean clear water?
Or is the font cracked, dirty and stained?

Is the base well tended?

Or do the weeds take hold?

The purpse of this visualization is to enable the self to take control of their own circumstances focussing within to change.

Mental stillness requires constant work.

Sounds like a paradox, and it is.

Another form of visualization to curb racing thought is to imagine that the thoughts create erosion akin to flood damage.

The thoughts race around a predictable synaptic track and it can be difficult for self to intervene.

In such instances I call upon my imagination to provide a road worker with a stop sign to enter my creative mind, so that when the errant/compulsive/obsessive thoughts come around I see the sign.

At first I will ignore the sign, even maliciously ignore it, but what has occurred is that I have EMPOWERED myself through insight, i.e. racing thoughts are a problem, then choice; i.e. stop the thought or ignore the sign.

So, self empowerment through stillness and choice.

Choose stilness over fretful worry.

Allow yourself to immerse in the moment, the moment of Now to keenly sense the worth of quietitude, stillness and serenity, for I assure you, that these things are free to us all.
Turn off the telly, tune into your inner being.

For the waters spouting from the fountain are the waters of eternal life, the waters in the font are the reserves of your mental stillness.
The base is the bond between yourself and God

timeline rift repair team at your service sir, myself and very many other doughty souls.

I had a dream...

The ground liqueified

formed waves


raging torrent of

liquefied terra

raging torrent of

human terror

sought refuge for the suffering masses

pitchpoled atop the cavernous gorge of despair atop

a massive obelisque

to a solid wall

breached the zero point

next dream

cosmin intergalactic coppers

8 feet tall

scruffed me by the throat

earthling, if wat you say is true

we will sort it.

I endow you all, truthseekers, one and alike, t

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 10:36 AM
I think that sending love and asking for St. Michael and Gods helpers to assist in cleansing and transforming an interdimensional gate is a powerful way to help. I'm giving this thread a gentle nudge to see if anyone can add more.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
I think that sending love and asking for St. Michael and Gods helpers to assist in cleansing and transforming an interdimensional gate is a powerful way to help. I'm giving this thread a gentle nudge to see if anyone can add more.

This is taken from a web site that I have bookmarked but have not read in detail but feel I need to. It goes into much detail about who or what is causing the most damage to humans and our souls as we progress. I have posted it because it states, and this is NOT my opinion , but it states that many of our "angels" are actually fallen angels, this as you can see includes the arch angel Michael.

The Fallen Angelics - The most powerful of all.

As these have the power to do the most damage to Earths planetary grid, and to the humans personal grid.

* Annu-Elohim- Will bring forth a ‘messiah’, to make the masses give their power once again.
* Lucifer

* Drakonian Seraphim - the archangelmichael etc broadcasts.

* Budhara - (El-shan-tel) * Wesadrak


[edit on 2-12-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 12:22 AM
I think that they have as much power, at this time in history, as we assign to them.

We have given them power, yes. By the power of our belief.

Maybe, by the power of our belief in their not having power, they can be diminished.

Just a thought.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 12:43 AM
so, my question is, antar, how are we able to pick these demons in physical bodies out of a crowd - or at least avoid them??
what should we be looking for? is it possible or is it too difficult to set them apart..?

i love the energy from this thread


posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 09:07 PM
hi everyone,

just jumping into this thread without having had a chance to read much of what else has been posted, aside from initial post and recent posts on the last page.

i have a lot of information to contribute concerning lower astral as a barrier between upper astral and this plane we live on ourselves. i'm not sure how much of this may have been mentioned already.

there is an effort being made to make the barrier more dense to the point of being totally sealed off so that this plane is contained completely. this is a scary prospect, quite literally, your soul is trapped from leaving upon death. a limited number of souls will be able to reincarnate meaning that population will be fixed. in a factory-society reality, this would be not a bad thing at all - very easy to manage after all.

one of the basic frontiers for this is density - particle physics continuously works to gain an understanding of smaller and smaller particles, thus, higher levels of density. the upcoming CERN experiment in spring 2009 is one such effort, and a major one at that. data derived from the experiment could be used to make a seal in the lower astral plane, and they are not concerned by doing that because if knowledge of genetics is sufficient than everything can be produced without resorting to the natural cycle of life - things can all be grown artificially.

there is an effort being made to create a permanent bridge to the upper astral plane at this time - one that could never be sealed over. i realize that this may sound very far out without more explanation, which i would like to do in a following post.

i would just like to see in the meantime if anyone happens to know what i am referring to, and if any of this has been brought up in the thread already.

thanks to the original author for starting a thread on such an important issue!

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by otherworldly
hi everyone,

there is an effort being made to make the barrier more dense to the point of being totally sealed off so that this plane is contained completely. this is a scary prospect, quite literally, your soul is trapped from leaving upon death. a limited number of souls will be able to reincarnate meaning that population will be fixed. in a factory-society reality, this would be not a bad thing at all - very easy to manage after all.

there is an effort being made to create a permanent bridge to the upper astral plane at this time - one that could never be sealed over. i realize that this may sound very far out without more explanation, which i would like to do in a following post.

thanks to the original author for starting a thread on such an important issue!

What a very interesting post, thanks. You could almost start your own thread on some thing as interesting as that, as long as you had some evidence or personal experience to back this claim up it would indeed make a very good topic in its own right.

Why do "they" wish to close the barriers between the astral planes, whats the point of this? No one would ever learn or move up the planes. We would not be able to recieve guidance from our spirit guides who are on higher planes than us, the very idea is as you say scary. I realize lower entites would be trapped on their dimension but I think even these entities deserve the right to progress.

You say it would be a good thing that selected souls would be trapped on this dimension never able to leave, like a factory continously being re used. I do not think this is a good thing at all. We need to be able to contact other entities on higher palnes to guide and help us, and they too need the ability to contact us. I think this is how they progress on the higher dimensions, by guiding us.

I also think the human soul is beyond trapping and any attempt at stopping it ascend the astral planes will only be temporary. I suspect only the creator of our souls has the ability to do such a thing, and any messing about with particles and physics will only fail in the long run. A soul possibly can trap itself by using its free will and surrendering to the dark but I doubt it could be trapped by scientific means.

Interesting you say a bridge is being attempted between this plane and the higher astrals that is to become permanent. Does this mean the connection that is there at the moment is liable to close at any time or break up?

Can you offer any evidence for these plans at all? Who has told you this or channelled you this information? Thanks.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 07:54 PM

i realized i was very ambiguous and unclear.

let me clarify.

this seal is a bad thing, being attempted by one group,

and the bridge to make the seal impossible is a countermeasure being attempted by another (that i am a part of)

to understand this you have to understand the incarnation cycle, and where all these new souls come from when we have population growth at the rate of today.

if you ever study the statistics of population growth, you will notice that the rate of growth has been growing itself. it is not a linear growth, closer to an exponential growth.

this means that gradually the overall population of "younger" souls that have not had as many reincarnations begins to greatly dominate the population of "older" souls that were around since closer to "the beginning" (not the real beginning of course, there is no real beginning, but the beginning of this 3D earth reality in the first yuga, almost 4320000 years ago).

the vulnerability of the society grows proportionately to this effect. young souls are more vulnerable to confusion than older ones. when there are no souls left on the "other side", new ones have to be created, and they come here for their first incarnation.

there are plenty of first incarnation souls in the world. they are not the ones looking for answers - they are the ones mesmerized by the illusion, they are out there playing the game, not aware that very little of this is actually real.

now, the seal is not like a seal around the earth. many people do not know that the astral plane is really at a lower level of density, in the "micro" direction of all molecules and atoms. it's even lower than that. this is where the creative energy of natural life comes from.

to create a seal is to try and replace natural life completely with artificial life, in a way that disrupts naturally continuity. as an example, if you salt the earth, then nothing can even try to grow. then you can put a separator, add a small amount of soil, and grow your terminator seed crops on top of that, and it has been made completely artificial.

a much larger model of this is to completely disrupt the natural process on earth in an effort to make it entirely artificial. it is truly theoretically possible, the question is whether it could be sustained or not.

now, i am still looking in to this myself, but there is another metaphysical level to this where this is occuring as well. it is the level where intervention can take place. intervention happens in a way that is hard for many people to understand. it can create omens, or totems, or signs, that a certain path can lead to devastating consequence.

it seems that those following the path don't want to hear it. they figure it is a bluff, and they can pull off a totally artificial factory society, something not unlike Brave New World if you have ever read it. total control over every aspect of reality, no divine intervention interfering with it, total control.

furthermore, there would be no escape for the workers. this info. is coming from a synthesis of many different sources, and i'm still trying to work it out in my own mind to be honest, but these posts are just an exercise for me, an effort to look for feedback on early ideas while i try and refine the theory.

i'm just noticing the world getting closer and closer to what appears to be this end, and i can see how it would involve the engineered collapse of the old model, something that a financial crisis based on non-existent money (debt) could bring about quite easily.

we shall see, i suppose, and in the meantime, we can try to get a better grip on this huge difference between higher astral plane (where our help comes from), and lower astral plane (which is seemingly controlled by those seeking to make a theoretical seal there)

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 11:42 PM
First of all not everyone walking the earth has a developing soul. They are like the vessels which my friend John Lear has tried to discuss and tell you about.

I am not certain how one goes about identifying these empty vessels as they are just not important and a distraction to all developing souls.

One way to avoid them is to raise your vibrational frequency. When you do this, they do not have the ability to see or perceive you in their reality.

I realize that much of the damage has already been done on one level however in the next higher dimensional reality which we are all ascending to, there are many opportunities to create without the limits of time. So it is as if when you pray, you pray not only for now or the future, but you pray for the past as well.

People are beginning to understand this now as we approach the timeline of a major shift for all of earth and her matrix of oneness. You may recall subtle changes in your individual reality, perhaps a movie star that you clearly remember dying is suddenly doing another movie, or the sun setting in a slightly different angle or position. Even looking at the same star patterns in the sky noticing they have slightly shifted their axis.

As for new and old souls, we are infinite. We have incarnated millions of planets, we are the seeds.

Knowing this, and watching the planet become populated so swiftly in the past 30 years, you can then begin to realize just how many lower astrals are being set in place and to each of these their minions of the soulless.

It is always possible to work from this moment, to close the portals and to make their mission a failure. They are not benevolent beings, and they are not fallen Angels. They are part of this cosmic flow of existence, yet undeveloped, just a potential.

This does not mean that they have no power, no not at all and to underestimate them will send this earth into a fiery burning ember of darkness and hate. If they succeed, cleansing by fire is the only way to purify this planet.

I personally do not want to see one of the most beautiful planets in the Galaxy destroyed by the negative forces which are occupying it today.

I am not alone in this.

I have fought much worse than the demons who are the caretakers of the portals, have been asked to join forces to become part of the complete takeover of not only Earth but other inhabitable planets in our Galaxy.

I understand how others who have faced the same would join rather than turn down the opportunity for complete domination.

I know that there are much greater forces doing battle elsewhere that would not hesitate to take a moment to join us if we need for them to.

Trust that if nothing else.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by pretty_vacant
so, my question is, antar, how are we able to pick these demons in physical bodies out of a crowd - or at least avoid them??
what should we be looking for? is it possible or is it too difficult to set them apart..?

i love the energy from this thread


Thanks, I love your avie. Read my last post for starters ok?
And remember most people will never know the difference anyway, most peope do not fight these entites. It is possible that we choose before coming in to do this kind of work, but I am not certain, just seems like the best guess.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:44 AM
Very interesting thread!

I will explain my view on this matter. First of all, it's all a question of manipulation. In this "involution" of mankind, the biggest problem we face is the manipulation from the "invisible worlds", like the astral world and the mental world or plane. Thoughts come from the mental plane, as a sort of light energy, but when it crosses the astral veil, they are manipulated and we perceive them as "our own thoughts". So, when we think, we are manipulated, simple as that. The entities in the astral world (dead people) feed on the energy we loose when we think, because we believe that thoughts are our own. The reason they do that is to feel some sort of vitality, or pretending to be alive...

Just look at all the cases in the psychiatric hospitals, it's amazing how many people are possesed by entities.

The role of the astral world, or their goal, if you prefer, is to bring us back to their world, and it has been this way for thousands of years. But now, more and more people on the planet are becoming aware of this phenomena and becoming more and more conscious.
A higher level of counsciousness is the only way we will be able to be free from manipulation.

This causes a great stir in the astral world, because they don't want humans to become more conscious. They want to keep their monopoly on the human race. So, they tend to be more agressive with people becoming more conscious. That is why there's a war going on right now between forces of the light and the forces of darkness. The physical realm has one constance: POLARITY . Polarity is everywhere... Right, wrong.... True, false...

Another problem humanity faces is the "memory of the human race". All experiences are recorded, and history tends to repeat itself. A good example of this is the manipulation through religion. Belief systems are also very present in our daily lives. If we believe in anything or anyone, we are manipulated. If we "KNOW", then we are free. Freedom of the mind is the ultimate goal for the new race wich is starting.

Another important point: You cannot believe what i have just wrote, you have to know. But to know for sure, you have to experiment. Experiences from others cannot be transposed. To know something, you have to live it.
Experiences is the point of our existence in this physical reality. Consciousness is the next step.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by antar

I am not certain how one goes about identifying these empty vessels as they are just not important and a distraction to all developing souls.

One way to avoid them is to raise your vibrational frequency. When you do this, they do not have the ability to see or perceive you in their reality.

Antar I find this very interesting. It possibly answers a question Ive had in my mind for nearly a year now. When I first started feeling these changes, this awakening you could say I saw many strange things. Entities and beings would visit, some dark some came just to look I think. However as I slowly raised my frequency to one of unconditional love through meditation and becoming aware these visits of beings with their strange staring eyes have gone. Now I no longer see or even feel them, I now feel a warmth and love that I know is universal and I hope as you say because of this they cant actually see me anymore.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Releasing these entities is an important step in the process of raising ones vibratory frequency and cleaning the slate so to speak of the past.

A spirit will on the surface behave and seem very much the same as a lower astral entity, the biggest difference is that a spirit who is disembodied has lived a life and has past karma, whereas a lower astral has not yet had the opportunity to live and carnate into a human form yet.

Physical, emotional or verbal trauma can call these entities and spirits to us at certain points in our lives when we are most vulnerable. It is entirely possible that during these times we may also agree on an ethereal level to allow them to protect us and help us through when all other divine intervention seems lost.

This is the lie, the trap that they feed off of. When you make a deal with a lower astral whether conscious or unconsciously, they not only attach themselves to your fragmented spiritual state, but often leave you their desires or addictions. Never do they actually help, as a matter of fact they will facilitate the offense or addiction from the outer circumstances such as an abusive situation perpetuated by a mentally diseased individual. A few examples would be a drug dealer or child abuser, even a verbally assaulting situation where you become dis-empowered by another.

Over a period of time, one forgets where the attachment began, and during different points in ones life more lower astral entities can also join forces and become attached to an individual. Eventually leading the individual to seek out others of similar repute.

Negativity then takes on a specific role in a deranged way for the person who is being controlled. They may have started out a mild mannered calm person, and in time become virtually the opposite with uncontrollable outbursts and unrestrained anger and fits of rage.

Unfortunately this behavior attracts the same energy and it becomes a vicious cycle which can and does last for generations.

However it is possible to break this negative vortex of spirit and soul consumption.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 08:01 PM
I really enjoyed reading this site and what they have to say about the different types of attachments and how you can begin to heal in the process of clearing and restoring the fragmented pieces of your soul.

I am not advocating spending money getting your auric field cleansed or in the process of raising ones frequency. I have however done extensive workshops and groups worldwide over the past 34 years which took a fair amount of money. So in the end, it is really up to you and the level of commitment you have towards clearing yourself from many of the typical symptoms which are indicative of attachments.

This said, if you suspect that you do have attachments feel free to U2U me any time for specific guidance on these serious matters which I am certain you will wish to clear before the shifting of the earths axis.

Ask yourself when the shift happens which side of the dimensional rift do I wish to find myself on? Will you ascend into a higher vibrational frequency where you will be joined by others of like spiritual balance or forced to cope with a slightly higher vibration in a darkened world of hellish discord?

Edit for link, lol!

[edit on 10-12-2008 by antar]

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by antar

A spirit will on the surface behave and seem very much the same as a lower astral entity, the biggest difference is that a spirit who is disembodied has lived a life and has past karma, whereas a lower astral has not yet had the opportunity to live and carnate into a human form yet.

Physical, emotional or verbal trauma can call these entities and spirits to us at certain points in our lives when we are most vulnerable. It is entirely possible that during these times we may also agree on an ethereal level to allow them to protect us and help us through when all other divine intervention seems lost.

This is the lie, the trap that they feed off of. When you make a deal with a lower astral whether conscious or unconsciously, they not only attach themselves to your fragmented spiritual state, but often leave you their desires or addictions. Never do they actually help, as a matter of fact they will facilitate the offense or addiction from the outer circumstances such as an abusive situation perpetuated by a mentally diseased individual. A few examples would be a drug dealer or child abuser, even a verbally assaulting situation where you become dis-empowered by another.

Very interesting that you say a lower astral has yet to live in a human body. Would you class all lower astrals as you do above as entites that feed and attach themselves to our life energy? Do they wish to feel what it is like to have form do you think? How would a lower astral raise its frequency do you think to progress as a soul that has body on our plane?

Your above description of the outcome of someone making a deal with a lower astral (drug dealer / child abuser) I can totally see reason behind, however do you think some lower astrals have seen this attachment as a way of raising their frequency so they may instead inspire people to do good? Is this possible that not all lower astrals are bad? The fact they are a lower astral should point to this of course, but maybe some are not as bad as others?

The entity I saw did have a body so this must mean it was from a higher astral maybe, however Ive seen ones without bodies which does now make me think they are very much of the lower astrals. They had eyes but that was all, no form just eyes! But as I said in my previous post, I no longer get bothered by these strange staring eyed entities.

Thank you antar for this thread.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 12:59 PM
MrGreen wrote:

Very interesting that you say a lower astral has yet to live in a human body. Would you class all lower astrals as you do above as entities that feed and attach themselves to our life energy? Do they wish to feel what it is like to have form do you think? How would a lower astral raise its frequency do you think to progress as a soul that has body on our plane?

Think about Hitler, Genghis Khan, Mao, the crusades, inquisitions, and all of the recent atrocities happening on earth while the majority is kept from the truth. Do you honestly think that the goal here is raising the vibrational frequency? Or is the goal to keep the vibrational frequency from raising? When your family is being hacked to death and being starved, you dont worry about contemplating your navel or your inner divinity.

Your above description of the outcome of someone making a deal with a lower astral (drug dealer / child abuser) I can totally see reason behind, however do you think some lower astrals have seen this attachment as a way of raising their frequency so they may instead inspire people to do good? Is this possible that not all lower astrals are bad? The fact they are a lower astral should point to this of course, but maybe some are not as bad as others?

If you have never tasted watermelon you do not crave the taste. It does not exist in your reality. These entities know only one thing and that is what we would consider hell on earth.

As for the example above, it is more likely the child being abused that would make the deal not the abuser who is already under control. It is the innocent young person who is first introduced to the drug dealer who is the ideal soul to attach to, not the dealer who is already under control.

Just as other higher dimensional beings are concerned about humans in their current state sliding into and through their dimensional plane, so too are we concerned about the lower astrals slipping into ours prematurely.

The portals are how they come through in underdeveloped states which would horrify even the most prepared. I gave a few examples in the OP. These are not memories I enjoy and have worked hard to forget until this telling. It does cause nightmares and soul sickness to recall them.

The entity I saw did have a body so this must mean it was from a higher astral maybe, however Ive seen ones without bodies which does now make me think they are very much of the lower astrals. They had eyes but that was all, no form just eyes! But as I said in my previous post, I no longer get bothered by these strange staring eyed entities.

Just because it takes the shape of a body does not make it less dangerous. I U2Ued you about why I think you may have been being visited by these spirits. I am grateful this is now in the past for you.

As for seeing only eyes, I have also seen this and have wondered if it is remote viewers checking in on my energy field. Send their eyes back to them and snap off the connection with love and light. In other words take a deep breath from the depths of your heart and then send them back their prying eyes. Do it with higher intent and love only.

[edit on 11-12-2008 by antar]

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 01:01 PM
Hey everyone, I was just trolling youtube as always and came across George Knapp speaking recently (June 2008) about "Skinwalker Ranch" in Utah at an LA MUFON meeting & instantly thought of this thread since the stories resembled some of antics Antar apparently witnessed to some degree. It sounds to me like there's some kind of portal in that area that all types of entities use (ET & pandimensional apparently):

Part 1 of 12:

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 01:06 PM
Awesome! I will watch them now, Thanks for the contribution, I love George Knapp from C2C who has done a few shows on the subject. Unfortunately I always fall asleep on the good shows...

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