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PARA: What You Should Know About Lower Astrals

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posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:57 AM
I am very interested in what our friend Antar has to say about her experience.

In my understanding she didn't start this thread to debate the validity of Jesus.

I believe Antar prayed to God that her car would start when she was trying to leave the evil place where she was taking care of the grandparent.

If I have to go back through this thread again and quote her I will. I don't want to have to do that but I can and will.

I kindly and gently ask that we all get back on the original topic.

Love and light to all.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:51 AM
Thanks friends, it is time we attempt to refocus on the the thread and start to either make sense of this, ask questions which reflect the Op and subsequent posts, and then move forward or let it go.

I am no expert and always kind of laugh to myself why people treat others who have had experiences as such.

One experience doth not an expert make... I am here to learn and grow as well and have greatly appreciated the posts which made me think, regardless of agree or disagree.

What I do suspect is that if we work on the ethereal levels, will that from a safe distance help keep these portals closed or at least give them a much more difficult time using them?

Can these same portals be used for bringing in the higher light energies as well as the negative?

Are the same groups of people that control these places actually calling the shots and are they the ones that we are not able to find and therefore expose in the bigger picture?

There are the extremely wealthy, yet I do not buy the fact that they are the actual puppet masters, not all at least.

What part of the most highly secretive organizations are connected? They are put in place to protect us, yet their funding and above the law connections are set up so that they can never be exposed or stopped in fact they are at the highest levels the ones who are the possibly taking the direct orders to control and manipulate.

It is easy to ignore, much easier in fact. The greatest threat is that they not only work on the physical plane but the ethereal.

How many people have been approached by these entities and been given the opportunity to join forces to rule the masses?

if you were approached, would you have a selling point? If it were to save your self or loved ones would you? What if it was proposed to you in a fashion where you could simply ignore the red flags in your mind and see it as an ultimate plan of necessity?

One thing I feel pretty strongly about is that as we all know about perceptions, they see themselves as the way the truth and the light. They see a good person a spiritual person as a weakness.

One more question, are you attracked to the OP because you want to learn about how to close these portals or to just sit back and be disgusted and shocked by the most vile of revelations?

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by dizziedame
I am very interested in what our friend Antar has to say about her experience.

In my understanding she didn't start this thread to debate the validity of Jesus.

This is exactly what I said, once people start to ask questions that are not thread related everything goes off topic. I was not being nasty to the poster who asked questions re Jesus, I was just trying to point out why the OP hadnt answered because of the very issue we have now, what has Jesus got to do with the lower astrals...nothing. Thats why I politely said if the poster was very interested in this area, which it seems he is, and there is nothing wrong with that at all, but that he maybe should start his own thread with this very question.

Shall we end all Jesus debate now then....
It does only lead to heated debate and moves the conversation away from what is relevant.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by antar

Can these same portals be used for bringing in the higher light energies as well as the negative?

Very good question, one I have often asked myself and I think the answer is yes. Ive felt beings of great love come through, and although I cant say 100% they are not tricking me, Id like to think they are of the light. I believe all entities, including us have a soul signature, a spiritual frequency about us which is very hard to hide. An evil entity can try to appear all loving but it cant keep this up for long, its true soul signature will come through in the end. As times move on and the shift starts to happen faster I think it will be even harder for lower astrals to pose as higher ones. But yes I think these portals allow all through if the time and location is right.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by antar

Questions about myself are beginning to derail this thread from the intended purpose.

Im sure we all admire what you have kindly shared in your experiences and with stanislav asking about Jesus or whatever other religious icon shifting the topic off hand. From what it sounds your experiencing very dark entities and I cant imagine what it must be like to go through that all.

As you, Mr Green and others have said back to topic which is Lower Entities, not what happened in a book so many years ago with a prophet called Jesus

NOTE: stanislav - here is where you can start or look through threads related to your topic

Back on topic for all

[edit on 14-11-2008 by Drakiir]

[edit on 14-11-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:54 AM
To the OP, I agree with those asking questions about what you believe in because it is relevant to your experience, I mean who gave you the authority to be a gate keeper?

Who are you employed by? God , Demons?

Don’t take this the wrong way but you did openly admit to sleeping with demons knowing that they are using you. I was lost on that part, please help us understand why you would sleep with lower astral demons knowing they are causing you harm and continue doing it?

God is a valid question in my opinion, who are you employed by? Who makes you the gatekeeper? Who gave you this authority to sleep and battle with demons?

Your story is hard to understand quite frankly, please explain to us who gave you the assignment to do this work? Was it God? Or some light being that appeared to you?

If it was God, which one? If it was another being or Angel who? Why you?

Plenty of questions left unanswered, we are waiting and listening.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by antar

What part of the most highly secretive organizations are connected? They are put in place to protect us, yet their funding and above the law connections are set up so that they can never be exposed or stopped in fact they are at the highest levels the ones who are the possibly taking the direct orders to control and manipulate.

In regard to that question is that there are very high up levels of minority groups who seek to conceal information that can be of use. Who knows how many experiments the governments have conducted away from the public only to keep secret. Its even possible that the governments know of similar situations or circumstances that your going through.

These 'powers to be' are so high up in government, even past the President so as to who knows what's going on I don't know, I just wish there was a solution to your problem.

[edit on 14-11-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

believe all entities, including us have a soul signature, a spiritual frequency about us which is very hard to hide. An evil entity can try to appear all loving but it cant keep this up for long, its true soul signature will come through in the end.

Thats it right there

Lower Entities from the Lower realms and even up to the mid realms all try to deceive and trick people into accepting their influence on them sometimes without even knowing it. Sprits of Light naturally dont do this as they are the more reliable ones to take notice of and even listen to guidance from.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 12:31 PM
Hello Antar, I agree with some people here asking questions about what you believe in because it is relevant to your experience IMO, I mean who gave you the authority to be a gate keeper? Who employed you? Please don’t take this the wrong way but you did openly admit to having an affair with one of the lower astrals knowing that he was using you. I was lost on that part, please help us understand why you would sleep with a lower astral knowing they are causing you harm and continue doing it? God is a valid question in my opinion, who are you employed by? Who makes you the gatekeeper? Who gave you this authority to battle with demons?
Your story is hard to understand quite frankly, please explain to us who gave you the assignment to do this work? Was it God? Or some light being that appeared to you? If it was God or Angel which one? If it was another being who? Also why you? Plenty of questions left unanswered. Thank you

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

So what you are thinking green is that yes they can be used for both. Does this depend on who is at the gate when it opens, do you suppose? Or are there negative and positive entrance exits which are as distinct as the negative positive energy vortices's and ley lines themselves?

Also from reading the above posts by mystic, I had to think about why certain areas were chosen and protected , built upon by people like Hitler. By doing so is there a chance that they could be reversed and eventually used for higher light entities to pass through to help aid man in his darkest hours?

If so what are your thoughts on the melting of the polar icecaps and the fight for the territory by different Governments? What of the many Temples and shrines, pyramids, even the Vatican itself? Are there points which will become exposed and accessible in time? Are they already being used? How many portals exist?

In closing one do others spring up elsewhere? Can this end of the battle spectrum be won? Are places like Darfur concentrations of these portals? Is this the fate we in other parts of the world will become in time if something drastic does not change to deflect it? Can people awaken enough to stop the maddness?

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Filter
Antar has proven that demons and abhorrations are real.
Look at this thread and its posts.
It is clear there are people taking an "evil" side already.

What a sad accusation.
Not only is that assessment unfair it is inaccurate.

First, let’s get serious about the “beyond”, and not overzealous. Antar has not proven the existence of anything but her own writing skills and ability to tell a story. Beyond that neither you nor I have any proof that what she has stated has taken place. Even if we BOTH have gone through the same experience that she has, down to the letter, this would still not prove her story to be truthful.

Second, contrary to what most believe there is no real "evil" side. There is no lake of fire for sinners. No hell. No heaven either. Just “places” that could pass for either of those notions depending on your perspective. You can get stuck in both types of places. One you can work to get out of or remain in. Things are not as black and white as they appear and for the most part we hold onto such notions because it makes it easier to sleep at night. Justice is not meted out exactly like we would want it to be. Some things on the surface can seem unfair.

I personally have seen both sides conversing with one another while in another dimension. I appeared there randomly but once I got my bearings, since my random thoughts were creating backgrounds, I saw the two figures that I was familiar with in discussion and was confused at the time. I was always told not to fear anything I saw in these places and I saw many bizarre things, but this was more difficult for me to accept than any strange being. It isn’t something I expect most to even try to understand but I suppose they will find this out eventually.

Look at it this way, it’s all similar to the section of the bible where both the Devil and God essentially tormented Job while chatting it up in the process. Like most parts of the Bible this story is a simplified version of a very complicated truth. I understand that this sounds odd, but just know that things aren’t as simple as demon and angel. I wish it was sometimes but they all have their role and so do we. The key is to be done with certain things when the opportunity comes.

Until you understand the complexities of these relationships that I myself am still learning, I'd be a bit more reluctant to foolishly call someone a demon.

On a grey area "fictional" post!

So you believe that her story is made up?

This is not supposed to be fiction. It’s supposed to be a personal experience that can delve into the beyond, which you are not required to “prove”. It was an excellent idea in my opinion, but no, this isn’t supposed to be a creative writing session.

Discrediting Antar, hurting her. Asking her if she is insane and asking why she doesn't deserve her children.
This thread stinks of hate.

I can’t understand how anyone could not comprehend the rationale behind being reasonably skeptical and tentative when hearing a fantastic story. Honestly, do you believe everything you hear or read? If so, this is not healthy.

There is no conspiracy on my part to discredit Antar. There would be no point.

The issue of drugs that she herself mentioned were the catalyst that ultimately sent the her to live in a nest of proverbial vipers. The drug issue was presented to the reader as a part of an insidious plot to destroy the heroine, yet at the same time it was suddenly off-topic and personal if looked into. So it came down to the fact that I was told to just accept this story and all it's aspects without any sort of critical thinking. Just give it a "thumbs up" and say great job. Such a thing would benefit no one. I have to remain critical, it is essential that we all remain that way when we face the many trials that will continue to come.

Look, I know a woman that I would consider to be one of the more "powerful" people that I have come across, in that she is innately aware of the things we can do. She could tell you many fantastic stories and I know that she would be telling the truth or at least the truth as she see it.

Yet she plays the middle. Absorbing peoples energies, or dabbling in what would be considered darkness while playing around with the light because it makes her look spiritually learned and “cool”. She could tell you stories that I know would be true but she would be telling them for herself in reality. Yes, she too considers herself a light worker. She certainly seems to be, but her act is far from together and she knows it. Which is why she feared me. I thought we could learn from one another but coming across someone like me was a threat to her because we were experiencing the same things (in spite of our choices we made regarding them) and I was taking away the one thing that made her feel special in the crowd she was in.

She was even visited by beings of light, and literally told not to fear me. This was accompanied by the smell of sweet flowers (yes there are good smells too
and waves of energy across her aura. Yet she did not listen to me or anyone else that wanted to help her. She has her path and I mine, and you can't force understanding.

This is the exact reason why I wouldn't share anything on a level this serious without knowing if the audience is serious.

All I can say is that our experiences differ. I wouldn’t accept myself in a dark situation, and if I put myself there it wouldn’t be long before someone came and asked me what I was doing. Ultimately this is what I could not understand about this story and why I hesitate to write my own. I want my reasons to be clear and before that I would have to ask myself some questions. What does my story offer? Is it told to help elevate others to a better understanding or my own ego at play in order to make myself seem somewhat special when I know that we all are? In the end, what have I accomplished? What solution did I give other than cryptic warnings?

For me when reading another persons story I would have to understand that persons motivations and yes even try to understand their perspective. There are other possibilities that could show why someone is in the position they claim to be or have been. Their mind state and decisions are fair game for at least cursory questioning to establish an understanding for any reasonable mind.

You have misconstrued simple and reasonable scrutiny into puerile hate and venom.

Please take ownership of this and don’t pass it off as mine.

- Lee

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by antar

I have no concrete knowledge regarding whether any of this is even real for certain (this despite my own strange experiences, which I can't even say for certain were anything either) but if I'm open minded and consider the possibilities that these gates exist, then I have to say that if they do, my reason for being attracted to this subject is both to understand this potential phenomenon and because I would want to close them, especially if their existence is facilitating any of the activities responsible for some of the weird things I and others have experienced (again, I'm keeping an open mind, so I'm not saying that they are.)

[edit on 11/14/2008 by AceWombat04]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by Mr Green

So what you are thinking green is that yes they can be used for both. Does this depend on who is at the gate when it opens, do you suppose? Or are there negative and positive entrance exits which are as distinct as the negative positive energy vortices's and ley lines themselves?

I can not say for sure as I dont think this is information any of us truely understand. We can only go on what we have seen and experienced, however Id say it depends on which entity is at the gate at any particular time. Like a door way, you really cant control whos on the other side when you go through it, it could be anything. If we then form friendships or relationships with certain ones they will of course return if they want to. I think we as individuals do have some control of what we allow through but it seemed in your case you were dealing with something far more powerful than most people meet at interdimensional gates. I dont know if Id be able to cope with one so strong. I only hope I dont have to.

I know I was so puzzelled by the very first ET/entity I met 7 years ago, I have searched out methods and means of astral travel and chakra opening to try and see exactly what is beyond our dimension.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 02:51 PM
I really enjoyed both of your responses and Lee you are so insightful it blows my mind. I can understand why you would be hesitant without thoroughly considering the complicated task at hand before exposing information such as I have, it was more a decission which has come for me, no longer remaining in the shadows of this knowledge, no more waiting to see if someone else would initiate.

I believe that all creativity comes from a pool which we all have the potential to tap into to. Yes there is perception however if I go fishing on a boat with 3 friends and I catch a fish, the story may be told in 3 different manners, but the experience is real just the same.

Now if I get cut from the net, and you know from experience how I could have avoided getting hurt, as my friend you would give advice therefore saving me pain next time.

I am a friend. A good one at that. There are so many individual stories on many levels which could and should be discussed to make a formidable plan or to decide to bend over and kiss our arses goodbye when it comes to these portals. They can be seen most easily in the ethereal realms and this is where the support comes from the Shamans and psychic light workers, then there are also those that work on the physical such as myself, and we also have those who do their best in the mental planes.

So the question of why some sense while others experience, have been met right? I simply cannot be the only one who has found these power points and remained to keep them closed. I think of the Politicians in Washington who are Light workers...

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 03:05 PM
I discovered many years before this experience that not all people on the planet are at all in control of their action, thoughts or deeds. If you believe anything I have said , know this is true.

If a battle was to break out on multiple levels before their eyes they would sit watching TV not even able to see what is happening beside them.

I have always called them the voters. In other words they are neutral energies which have no developing soul. Like minions.

So when this thread affects you purely on a personal basis, if it only resonates with how it affects you, then this thread is not for you. This thread is for those who would fight for the rights and freedoms of all.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:01 PM

Just my opinion, but one of the most glaring issues with Christianity is the belief that Jesus died for everyones sins. No one is born with "sin". Original sin is a story, a metaphor, and not much else. If you take the bible literally all the way through then you will get caugt up in the control structures of it. A large part of that bible is false, some of it is true but most of that truth is encoded so you have to do research and find your own truth out of it.

As for Jesus, no one can say for sure if the man existed. What I know from my own experience is that the story of Jesus includes parts of Egyptian and Pagan mythology that were stolen, and then the church who propagated Christianity attempted to kill off all the Pagans and old religion believers. That right there should be very suspect. I believe that Jesus probably did exist, but he wasnt the son of God. The son of the one Christians call God would not be loving and peaceful as Jesus of Nazareth was. The man was probably an outside entity that agreed to come to earth and impart knowledge, in the same way Buddha did.
reply to post by quetzalcoatl13

Very wise and excellent post. I too have come to the above conclusion. While Jesus could possibly have been a person I suspect he is a spin off of the sun god legend.

All our religions were created by "the keepers" to control and manipulate human kind.(my own humble opinon).

Now, an invasion has taken place (read The Threat by David Jacobs) and humanity I believe recently has had another "tweak" in his DNA pattern. Just because we may all look human doesnot mean we all are. To varying degrees individual DNA patterns are changing.

Personally from what I have seen I believe if my perception was correct that there are scientifically other dimensions or paralle universes and some of the dwellers particularly of what we call the lower astral planes beings who have tricked humanity into believing they are gods.

I personally believe and I maintain my right to believe that there is no one God, heaven, hell, angels. All of us together are "God" it is the oneness of all creation that is "God".

Some of these other dimensional beings are obnoxious and they instituted "religions" to side track us away from our real spiritual nature. They have no spirit, no heart. They are not kind and do not love. That is how you can tell them.

Some how some Kabbalah rituals can open gates and many of our "elite" use Kabbalah (Case in point, Madonna). I don't think it's magic per se, it's simply a tool to open up gates to another dimension, paralle worlds.

Again I point to David Icke. I believe he has come closest to what is actually going on. Look around you at the worlds governments. Look at who has the money and the power on this plane of exsistence.

There is another possiblity too that we are citizens in a holographic universe (read Michael Talbot's Holographic Universe)

Mankind thinks he is "the master of his own fate" he's still so young and inexperience he's being manipulated by these beings.

I feel in my heart Antar's message is true. Some of what she says I have experienced and hope that the trolls leave her alone and let her speak further without having to be so guarded.

Sometimes you get more information if you remain quiet vs shooting someone down.

[edit on 14-11-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Your post is very wise and speaks volumes of truth. Thank you, you see further than many. When will this end for us, when will we be given the truth you speak of so well. I seek this truth, I want and need this truth I know is out there. I demand this truth. It is wrong that we are decieved by lower entities, it should have been stopped long ago. Man has the power within, he has just forgotten. We need to remember but many forget. Why have we agreed to this?

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

The one thing I have noticed (being spiritual not religious) is that religion is the 'great divider' when its incorporated into society and especially when there are so many. I believe its designed to segregate and keep the world apart instead of together as it should be, thats the issue.

Spirituality has no discrimination which means that I dont have to assess someone based on what book they read or what religion they practice. I asses the person on what makes them 'them' and the spirit they have, this is truly the uniting factor.

To the OPs main concern I think that the experiences that you have gone through would be stressful and traumatic. However I think the solution is going to be a hard one to find especially in regard to having portals and different beings of dark and light come through them.

I think a good place to start is to determine which ones are good and which ones are bad and especially if its possible, to associate with the good ones only and reject the bad.

Its probably allot easier than what it sounds but its the best I can offer as any possible solutions from me, and Im sure others would be just guesses. I have not experienced anything like this and I dont know many that have, I hope you do find some people with advice who are in a similar situation.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 08:20 PM
It seems to me that they targeted areas that were known, sacred portals. So they have redirected the flow to the negative somehow. Although somewhere I read that gates were portals that led to many destinations, some positive, some negative. Can't recall too much about it though. The question is, can they then be neutralized. Made positive.
The particular portal you felt was past the point of repair. Yet they had all packed up. I was wondering if it meant it was just an open door, and all the negative energy they were feeding it wasn't needed, or if it meant the portal could no longer be used by them.
Obviously this is from the top groups, known and unknown, that are luciferean.
And I really wondered what it meant to have demons/fallen angels in human like bodies. What is their agenda here? Are they intermingling? Or grouping for a war?
Was this place in the city, or a town, or a country manor? I've been trying to picture it?

How do we learn to affect portals? How many people walking amongst us are lower dimensionals, or do they keep to themselves in wealthy influential places?

We need to plan what to do to keep try and keep our families safe.

Techniques would be good to share. Ideas too!

[edit on 14-11-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:25 PM
I can see how my answers get ignored and dismissed when it dont fit in with others views on it.

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