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posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:54 AM
Originally posted by DOcean
Face it, you're afraid. We have the first black president. A lot of you probably don't see a whole lot of black people where you live. You're also afraid of something different, which Obama is, very much so. [edit on 5-11-2008 by DOcean]

As far as being afraid of Obama for being "black"...that's laughable. I saw
him once trying to talk "street" to a group of young black people in my town.
It was hilarious. I think Bill Clinton is "blacker."

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by cosmiccat

but how do you know he just knows exactly what to say to certain groups to win them over? as stated before, the 18-24 vote goes to him because younger kids want to be lazy and not work and think they deserve a hand out. i myself being 24 dont see it that way since ive been working manual labor jobs since i turn 16 and know no matter how big of a hand out he gives its not going to change much because more and more people will just want more and more and more for no reasons what so ever aside from they think they "deserve" it, it was just sneaky words used to win votes. i was already working my way out of this country and this just adds on to reasons for leaving, i dont forsee things going good here, but who knows maybe the man is truthful and will do what he promises. then again you still have all the stuff to consider that they have called him out on and say he changed what he said and is lying about.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Gateway

the market is BS, it was put there, maintained and is still beeing run by them.
Can't you see there is a F*****g pink elephant in your living room>!!

WAKE UP !!!! WAKE UP !!!! WAKE UP !!!! WAKE UP !!!!

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:56 AM
Wow, can the OP possibly be more dramatic, or exaggerate any further than he does? I am thinking not. All possibilities at making money is GONE? Economic enslavement? O brother....

Obama is a different president, and considering the blunders and economic disaster of the last presidential administration, we desperately need different. As usual, the board is gloom and doom... we are all going to die, and all that. Big surprise. I don't think some of you would know a communistic or truly socialist government if it bit you on your rump.

While in reality, 99.9% of you (who make under 225k a year) will see a benefit, not a loss. Huge companies who apparently can afford to send executives on 100, 200k or bigger "business trips," I doubt they'll be suffering much. It's a pipe-dream to think that no taxes need to be raised anywhere. When McCain said that during his speeches, I could only shake my head in wonderment. Does he think we are all that stupid, honestly? This *massive* debt we've accumulated must be paid somehow.

If the middle class who makes under a quarter of a million a year sees no improvement, they are hardly going to be using the services of many of these companies you are apparently feeling sorry for. So it's the SAME THING. End result: they still lose money. He is just spreading around the money in a different way.

And people claim that people can be "lazy" while those are successful suffer. Please.. most people work their butts off, and they still can barely make ends meet. If you don't work at all, you'll hardly be getting a break, now will you. If the middle-class has no money to spend, businesses still suffer. And right now, people are really watching their money because of this crisis.

Just because you don't agree with Obama's policies to come, doesn't mean he is a communistic dictator who is going to enslave the people and steal everyone's money. You need a dose of reality, your exaggeration meter is on overload.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:56 AM
I am very worried about what our future is. My husband worked his ass off these past 10 years to build his own company. Because of the tax plans we have been able to make a decent living, and spread the wealth to all his hard working employees. If Obama does what he says, a lot of small businesses will go under, and the idea of being able to work for yourself will be history. I understand how people are tired of paying taxes, so are we. BUT he is planning to tax these businesses to death. That might be great for those who are not business owners, but only on the surface. Do you think those businesses are going to be able to continue providing health benifits, 401K's, etc.? Nope. You will have to pay for that yourself. Since many wont be able to, then they will just go with the govt. being incharge of all medical issues. But hay, if it drops your taxes down....
I do not like that idea.

I am proud that my country voted in man of color. I think most people are. I am glad that Americans want things to change. There are a lot of things that need to change. I just do not agree with his idea of change at all. I am afraid of his idea of change.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:57 AM
I only read OP and I reply to it.

I understand it must be hard for you to feed two children alone. I also understand you are working hard and must fear for your money.

BUT, you in the U.S. cannot talk about socialism. If I present you my opinion, your democracy is a bad one. You practically have two parties. One is an extremely extreme capitalist party and the other is a bit less extremely extreme capitalist party. I'd say Obama is just extreme capitalist, but he's light years away from socialism. If let's say Khruschev would have established Communist and Socialist parties in USSR, where one would be very extreme and the other a bit less, would the world treat USSR as democracy? I don't think so.

And what's more is that socialism in it's idea wants to help people like you are. Forget all the "socialist" and "communist" countries you know. All of them were dictatorships, which used the ideology as a propaganda to stay on power. Cuba in the beginning and Yugoslavia were a BIT closer to true socialism. There isn't a single definition of socialism or communism in which the dictatorship is included. The idea of socialism isn't to take your possession and make it public. The idea is to make people equal. Not that some make huge money by just sitting in their offices (like managers), and others make much less money by really hard work (like yourself).

So just don't think of socialism like it's the system formerly used in USSR and eastern Europe.

Think about it. And I also doubt Obama will raise taxes for people like you and businesses like ordinary people have (maybe you do as well). He will raise taxes for people who make huge moneys and for big corporations. He said he will NOT raise taxes for medium class, which he defined as people who make less than 200 000$ per year. I don't think it is a middle class, in our country it is big money. I doubt you make more than that, but if you do, I'm sorry but I have to say, the taxes won't hit you so hard and neither will your two children. Think about children in Asia, who work just as hard as you do, or even harder and make 1$ per day. And they are 10 years old.
I also understand that you are worried about the education of your children, because it really is expensive. Well in socialism education is free. So I recommend you to think twice about capitalism before deciding for it.

Greets and I wish you successful work and good future for you and your children.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:59 AM
Heck even the Mayans knew Obama would be elected President. Do you really think it's coincidence they targeted the end of the world at 2012 the end of his term?


posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:01 AM
I have never been so scared and sad in my whole life. This is truly the beginning of the end. I was a bit optimistic about this being the end of days, but now I see that this was supposed to happen in order for the US to fall. We have fought wars on other soils to stop evil dictators, now it will happen at home. Hopefully there will be others to help us when our dictator tries to destroy us. I am a true patriot. I love my country soooo much, at least how it was originally supposed to be. Socialism/communism will not help the people prosper, just the opposite. I cannot name one communist country where the peoples' wealth grew and the economy thrived, ever in history. I can only see prosperity among the democratic, capitalist countries.
Good bye America, I will miss you
May GOD help us!!!!!!!

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by GamerGal

Please don't get me wrong and think I'm a republican. I'm a libertarian in every sense of the word. I've voted independent for years. I detest both both parties... dems AND republicans.

With all due respect, you seem to be from the Nancy Pelosi\Howard Dean\John Kerry school of politics. That is, to constantly, shamelessly and unceasingly take 100% credit for EVERYTHING positive, while blaming EVERYTHING negative on the republicans. Both parties are to blame for the mess we're in.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by sovietman
And I also doubt Obama will raise taxes for people like you and businesses like ordinary people have (maybe you do as well). He will raise taxes for people who make huge moneys and for big corporations. He said he will NOT raise taxes for medium class, which he defined as people who make less than 200 000$ per year. I don't think it is a middle class, in our country it is big money. I doubt you make more than that, but if you do, I'm sorry but I have to say, the taxes won't hit you so hard and neither will your two children.

It will hit him, just differently. HE might not have to pay higher taxes, but the company he works for will. That means that company will have to take that money out of somewhere else. Like his benifits. Or his job completely. That hardly means he will not be affected.

I do agree that it is not Socialism , I believe it is more totalitarism .

[edit on 5-11-2008 by mrsdudara]

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by br0oce

By them do you mean the Reptilians, Annunaki, or the Illuminati....or all three?

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by gizmohd
November 4th 2008 marks the dawn of a new day... Myself, my father/grandfather/greatgrandfather etc all served in the military with pride to protect my and your freedoms from socialsm and now I get to explain to my children just why is it that we allowed socialism/communism to win. ANd the sad thing about it all is that they were right.. Because America allowed itself to be bribed with our own money, money that the government shouldnt have in the first place, we vote our freedoms away just for a damn handout..

So, as the title suggests... Welcome to the United Socialist States of America. God help me, I pray that I am wrong and things will not get as bad as I forsee.. But when everything I was taught about freedom and what this Republic stands for is going to be flushed down the toilet, it makes me mad. But most of all, it makes me extremely sad.. Just how is it that I am going to explain it to my children how we allowed this wonderful country to slip away from us.

OP, Have you been asleep for the past 7 years? All the grave things you deliniate have taken place under GWB since 9-11-01. For God's sake man open your eyes and see what this neo-con gang has done to our country.

I'm not sure where we go from here and neither are you. Maybe things will continue to hurtle us towards the NWO. The probability is that Obama will (if he hasn't already) be introduced to the overlords of power in this country to receive his "marching orders", just as McCain would have been, if he had "won".

Stop worrying about things that no longer exist. Things like freedom, honor and liberty. These are but images of a time long past. The concern you should have now is family survival in an ever increasing hostile environment. It matters not what flavor you choose (red or blue or Dem or Rep), the end result is the same...enslavement to the overlords. The flushing took place a long time ago, pal. Sorry you missed it. Get beyond the "dreams" of the no longer exists.

Personal survival of you and your family is paramount...educate yourself, arm yourself and prepare yourself. I agree with you on one point..."God help me"

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by gizmohd

Originally posted by Rotoplooker
Now, if George W. Bush had declared marshal law and maintained his office, that would have been AWFUL!
No flowery throws for that kind of situation.

Amen there!

Obama isn't in office yet. Not that I'm implying anything, but I wouldn't put anything past Bush.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by gizmohd

well we're handing away our freedoms for a false security.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:14 AM
Nothing lasts forever. England still exists but it isn't an Empire. I doubt America will fall like Rome did. I see more of England and France style. We won't be having armies all over the world trying to control other nations but we will be here as long, if not longer, then England.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:19 AM
I know a socialist when I see one, being one myself, and Obama is no socialist. The right likes to throw around terms like "socialist" or "communist" because: A. It scares many people who don't really know what the terms mean, and B. They know that most Americans are so hopelessly ignorant about political philosophies that anything sounding the least bit foreign is rejected. By the same token, many on the left like to throw around "fascist". Bush / Cheney aren't fascists, Bush is just completely inept and doused in super-simplistic religion and Cheney is a corperatist, but not a fascist (yet). A true socialist is several steps to the left of Obama.
By the way, the system worked and the American people got who they voted for. If you believe in democracy, how can that be bad?

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by gizmohd
November 4th 2008 marks the dawn of a new day. Gone will be the days where hard work actually means something in order to prosper in the world. Gone are the days where family matters. Welcome to the economic enslavement of the entire nation. No longer will you benefit from succeeding in business or work. .................. Under his plan if I succeed and become successful I will be punished by higher tax rates. Gone is the American dream. I am rightfully upset. I am a single father raising two children without any help from their mother ................ But now, when Obama removes the Bush tax cuts, my taxes will increase, when Obama orders that the Power Plants pay a ridiculous carbon tax for burning coal, my Electricity costs will skyrocket... Now, when Obama stops us from drilling for more oil my fuel costs will skyrocket.. When is enough enough? Where is the point where Obama comes out and says that they will take 100% of my salary and provide me with what "I need" to survive? Myself, my father/grandfather/greatgrandfather etc all served in the military with pride to protect my and your freedoms from socialsm and now I get to explain to my children just why is it that we allowed socialism/communism to win. ......... But when everything I was taught about freedom and what this Republic stands for is going to be flushed down the toilet, it makes me mad. But most of all, it makes me extremely sad.. Just how is it that I am going to explain it to my children how we allowed this wonderful country to slip away from us.

It amazes me, still, that a board where I used to enjoy debating on, judge others debates on, and overall just data-mine & argue points 0f fact on, has not advanced the dialouge past mindless factless emotional diatribes.
Where I fight my internal intellectual battle that vassilates between the two realities, that this is all dog & pony show and fixed outcomes vs. these are real actors without predetermined outcomes, when it comes to rationalizing the latter, I'm amazed at the ignorance - as proffered by this threads author.
So are you Joe te Plumber, lamenting a future-possible-maybe-success of a $250K income that will see your taxes go up 3% on income ABOVE $250K only?
Does a man in his 40's with 2 grade school kids & 1 spouse for the last 17 yrs advocate the destruction of family?
Does a man who grew up w/a sigle mother struggling to make ends meet, gets through an Ivy League education & becomes a sucess suddenly HATES/DISBELIVIES the merits of HAR WORK?
Drilling for US oil reserves, that couldn't come to market any quicker than 10 years out, is causing a "skyrocketing" of fuel costs HOW?
The US Executive branch will not, nor has the power to, "take a 100% of your salary & give you wht you need". Why even make such a nonsensical statement?
If your wife bore those kids, you're neglegent as a PARENT in not madating child support for them from her through the legal system. It should have nothing to do with some misplaced John Wayne-ism view of the world; it's for their benefit.
We've gone through 8 years of an engineered shift to real-by-textbook-definition-adoption of a Fascist state (Mussolini style, which he referred to as Corporatism = Gov/Society run by & for the benefit of corporations). Part of that model's construct was the implementation of Socialized Capitalism. The bogyman Socialism you're trying to scare up re: an Obama presidency is not only bogus, but ignorant of the socialistic bailouts of major industry implemented by Rovian Republicans AND the fact that several pillars of American society are in fact socialist. We border a Democratic Socialist state & partner with them throughout the EU & NATO. It might be a good idea to look at their stats on crime/incarceration/teen pregnancy/drug addiction et al, before you disparage their model vs. ours.
Like I said, I don't come around much anymore, just to keep up on U2U, but this happened to be the 2nd thread of the morning where I saw sour grape fueled widely inaccurate statements being made, & I just had to comment. No offense to Giz, intended, I just hold my fellow Vets to a higher standard.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by gizmohd

He found a way to mask his socialist ideas and make them look like they are going to help the country. it makes me mad that not more people noticed these socialist ideas.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:37 AM

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 10:38 AM
I agree. King George was, basically, all along a liberal. He never vetoed any out-of-sight spending legislation that the liberals sent up...only vetoing the one bill that should have passed....stem cell fetus research.

The universities and the mass media are controlled by the collectivists. It's time we privatized all public education and let the money saved by the homeowner/taxpayer go towards a market-generated school system where some simblance of the truth (especially about our country's history and the concept of capitalism) can be taught.

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