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Why do women break up with nice guys?

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by riley

So women who are feminists are somehow made that way because of playboy...

No.... Playboy, and their like, are for the MEN, not the women.

As KilgoreTrout so succinctly put it, The Mass Porn is designed to Make *MEN* into raving Lotharios, encourage adultery, and generally break up families.

If you want to know where the FEMALE end of this plan is... you should look at all the beauty magazines and such.

and therefore will only have sex with badboys when they really should be putting out for the "nice guys" because they already paid them in advance by being "nice" and being nice should be considered valid currency?

This makes no sense.... I think you are purposely misconstruing the topic in an attempt to Ridicule by Straw-man Attack....

Of course, I could be mistaken.... maybe you have a legitimate concern.

You see, Mass media uses subtle tricks, be it Subliminal, Instinctual, Emotional, whatever... to encourage the populous to MATE, or SEEK MATES in the particular idiom that the Elites desire for their plans.

What this MEANS, actually... is that You see being a "Bad Boy" as... how did you put it? Sexual Currency?

And Women are conditioned to "Put Out" for them, because they already paid for it in advance by being "Bad"

The process is called, DE-Civilization... it is the Opposite of Civilization (the Verb), as it removes the Behaviors that caused society to spring into being.

Namely... people working together, and respecting eachother, as opposed to stabbing eachother in the back over eachothers "Love Interests"

You see... THAT, is how ANIMALS behave... and Animals do not have societies.

They have Herds, or Packs... they roam the wilderness without the aid of Discussion Boards, Electricity, Medicine, or Complex Verbal Communication.

apparently we're all sluts and whores now.

Only the women who have submitted to the plans of the Elite are.... But yes, that *IS* their plan.

You shouldn't take it personally... I mean, I'm describing the Evil of the Plans of TPTB... you aren't trying to defend them, are you?

Many feminists do NOT like porn as as a lot of it degrades women. Tieing it's existence to feminism is ridiculous as porn has always existed.

Yeah.... you weren't really paying attention.

PORN is not FOR women, OR the Feminist Movement.... it was Designed and Created by the Same people, for the Same PURPOSE as the Feminist Movement... but for a Different Audience. (Men)

PORN = Attack against men's Loyalty to Women.

FEMINISM = Attack against Women's loyalty to Men.

You see now?

edit on 8-11-2010 by Edrick because: spelling

edit on 8-11-2010 by Edrick because: clarification

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by Edrick

PORN is not FOR women, OR the Feminist Movement.... it was Designed and Created by the Same people, for the Same PURPOSE as the Feminist Movement... but for a Different Audience. (Men)

PORN = Attack against men's Loyalty to Women.

FEMINISM = Attack against Women's loyalty to Men.

You see now?

Yes,order out of chaos,for their ease of control.

The post by KilgoreTrout and yourself Edrick should be a thread on ATS and dont mean that in disrespectful way,I mean it that it is easily lost under the title of this thread.You two please think or chat together on starting a thread under a grabbing title,because I think it important that many people read that,show what you`ve found.

My limited grey matter though understands it only when its broken down and simplified as in your quote above Edrick.

I think where myself and some are finding it difficult is at the top of the page it says "Talk about all aspects of relationships. Give and get advice on your relationship with your friends or the love of your life." in the last part of giving and getting advice personally is getting twisted into the conspiracy.

I`m not saying this shouldn`t be discussed just that its making it confusing for some,well me for sure.

But other than that I think you know already I believe a conspiracy between the genders is real and apon us and has been for quite some time before my first post in this thread.

Edit to add

Just wanted to expand a little on the above.

Not sure if its allowed,but I think KilgoreTrout playboy post then Edricks response word for word under a title of something like "Playboy Illuminati/NWO conspriacy" or "Playboy Rockefeller Foundation connection" etc etc would be a fantastic thread and is important because its being buried here nearly 30 pages into a topic as this.

I`m sure you guys can imagine the amount of hits that would generate through a search engine.

I would have said in this post earlier but my Mr`s had her purse stolen and we were/are running around caneling cards and renewing etc,heck it`ll be easier if we just all take the mark,RFID.

edit on 8-11-2010 by gps777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:59 AM
it annoys women that they have such strong feelings for bad boys etc. and that's a good way to seduce them by using such weaknesess. BECOME THAT JERK OR BAD BOY...

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:21 AM
...So an all-powerful group of evil entities operates beyond the veils of society, unbeknownst to the population (save for a few extremely inteligent indiviuals lol), poisoining civilization through various elobrate methods not withstanding the intent to cripple society by preventing all the perfectly benelovent "nice guys" from reproducing...

Yeah, that sounds A LOT more likely than women choosing not to be with socially inept men with chips on their shoulders, holding contempt for a society they've failed to integrate into. Lacking confidence, social etiquette, and generally being boring has nothing to do with it in the slightest.

Why am I not surprised?
I guess I really shouldn't be, this is a conspiracy site after all.

I think there is a lot of truth in what H.L Mencken once wrote, and certainly applies to particular indivivuals in our society today:

The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true deserts. He ascribes all his failure to get on in the world, all of his congenital incapacity and damfoolishness, to the machinations of werewolves assembled in Wall Street, or some other such den of infamy.

edit on 8-11-2010 by namine because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by namine

Yeah, that sounds A LOT more likely than women choosing not to be with socially inept men with chips on their shoulders, holding contempt for a society they've failed to integrate into. Lacking confidence, social etiquette, and generally being boring has nothing to do with it in the slightest.

Exactly, I'm glad that you finally understand the truth of reality, as opposed to making snide underhanded comments that show your utter lack of humanity.... because that would be a bad thing.

It's Good, though, that you realize the truth... and perhaps you will also see how other people have been conditioned to attack these "Nice Guys" or anyone that looks like them...

But, maybe they are just too weak to withstand the peer pressures of the Mass media system, and THAT is why they constantly attack, and ridicule those who the Rest of society treats like utter garbage.

But regardless... Welcome to the Side of GOOD, where we attempt to HELP those who are less fortunate than ourselves, as opposed to ATTACKING THOSE WHO WE CONSIDER AS INFERIOR.

Because you don't want to be like those animals!

-Edrick (Do We?)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by Edrick

I don’t go out looking to offend people and I don’t consider people inferior to me for having a different point of view. However I have observed that a lot of “nice guys” seem to have a superiority-complex about them, a rotten attitude of being more intelligent, more just, and more deserving than members of the general public who they deem to be idiotic brutes lacking humanity or sheeple susceptible to the evil exploits of the mass media. Of course, the “nice guys” are above all that, but apparently are not beyond unequivocally bashing women and men different from them. If that’s not attacking those they consider inferior to them, I don’t know what is.

Anyway, Edrick, my intention was not to offend you or anyone else who may feel they’ve been offended by my posts. Having said that, the “nice guys” are far from innocent in all this, and often don’t realize (don’t know if it’s intentional or not), that their self-importance and lashing out at members of society they don’t even know can be offensive, too.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:37 PM
You know how they say.. "big women need love too".

Men are like that you know.. women are always getting offers from pretty much every damn guy they see. A woman certainly does not need to be perfect to be LOVED, and much less to even just get sex. A woman can look less than average, and still get something. She can have countless flaws, men will bow down to her.

But men on the other hand are left to fend for themselves. They are always going down to new lows just to get SOMETHING. No one ever says "beta males need love too". No they don't. If women do consider him she cheats on him for sure, and will leave him in due time. Women expect too much from men these days, for all the # we are expected to do, and we get no thanks, no love. They not only expect us to be perfect, but also "bad".

Now this is NOT even exaggerrating. It's not even 'complaining'. It's just the damn truth. So for a woman to look down on us just because we might want, no NEED a little something, even if it's just non-sexual love, and say to us that we are being selfish? It's the least thing we can have if we are doing everything for them. They call us selfish? Women are getting free rides everyday.

At least here in the western society.
edit on 8-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Edrick

Not Quite Edrick,

I disagree with you here..

No.... Playboy, and their like, are for the MEN, not the women.

Im going to post a definition of Pornography and it comes from Warren Farrell's definition. At first I had difficulty digesting it to it's fullness until looking at what was around us daily.

"Pornography--- access to dreams, fantasies, expectations cheaply, easily, without rejection. Also by this definition ..without RISK, even without much labor..and hence..RISK and rejection."

This is a definition for both males and females. Not just males.

Once you look at the world around you and its basic nature..where the illusion is more powerful and meaningful than the reality and that the RISK/RISKS in producing it can be shunted off to others by social now indeed have pornography. The illusion for those who know and can see beyond the outside pornographic..obscene. Which is also a definition of politics...obscene, Public education ..obscene,

When you read these romance novels and look at much of the genre of women's magazines..steeped in fantasy realize it is obscene and pornographic. Some catalogue this as soft porn..but I can assure you it is quite racy.

I find sports to be in the same genre...pornographic as I have no wish to live second hand..vicariously through the gods of sports nor to worship at this false altar nor buy the products advertised. While I don't agree with much of the advertising and their tack..I consider much of television advertising to be more of original thought, no matter how obscene, than much of the programming. And that is a very sad statement/condition..even pornographic and obscene.

You will never sell me on the idea that Pornography is for men. Most of it by volume is aimed at women. Because it is not marketed in the same manner as that for men does not mean it is not obscene nor access to goods and services, cheaply, and without rejection/RISK.

Why do you think that so many women/females operate on the template that more womanhood can be bought in a pill, squeeze tube, or spray can?? That by purchasing more products of different kinds you can improve your womanhood as well as your motherhood. Now this is indeed obscene/pornographic.

Do you think such an template can be sold to men?? I can assure you that someone out here is trying. One look at Maxim magazine and I realized it was a male version of Cosmopolitan. Buy this product/products or be no one. This is why it is so important to raise children in the public school system..away from the influences of both parents who might well grounded and substitute such obscenity based on consumerism.


Anyway, Edrick, my intention was not to offend you or anyone else who may feel they’ve been offended by my posts. Having said that, the “nice guys” are far from innocent in all this, and often don’t realize (don’t know if it’s intentional or not), that their self-importance and lashing out at members of society they don’t even know can be offensive, too.

I too am not impressed with nice guys nor bad boys. It is highly overrated..both of them. I am not here to be either. Also Namine, no problem on any offense. You have the right to speak your mind here within basic civilities. I'm ok with that..and even if I was not ..this is a debate forum. One had better have a thick bark to go the distance on here.
Intelligence...yes it is important but don't let it outpace olde common sense. I work with engineers. Some of those people scare me. You need to be sufficiently aware so as to be careful at what some of them think or want you to do in solving certain problems.

Good Grief The Quiet Storm,

How shallow can you get??

Men are like that you know.. women are always getting offers from pretty much every damn guy they see. A woman certainly does not need to be perfect to be LOVED, and much less to even just get sex. A woman can look less than average, and still get something. She can have countless flaws, men will bow down to her.

Ever watch women closely. How much they seek perfection and how much they try to hide imperfection. Even more than men. What are you possibly thinking here?? Go to the cosmetics/make up sections of the stores..most any store in Western Cultures. The first thing I noticed is how the perfume/scent section..the products are locked behind glass doors. Why is that Quiet Storm. Is there alot of theft going on here??
Usually this stuff is behind a counter, behind a glass case or both.

Im here to tell you Quiet Storm...this dogma or belief among so many western women is obscene and even pornographic in the manner it controls their conduct.
Mind you now..not all women succumb to this template but it is more common than the average male even knows and it is occult in the manner it is hidden from the average male.
But women in the west are acutely aware of it.

How many women do you know who dream of ugliness and that they are the central focus of all ugliness and want to be constantly surrounded by ugliness??

Women/females are far more bombarded by views and displays of "perfection, beauty, non average" than far.
What you are illustrating is the desperation and ignorance of the average male. If this is so ..I agree with you.
It is indeed pornographic..and so too is the desperation and ignorance of women/females in this as well...and this too is pornographic.
The "New" woman has learned that she can acquire a few more years of purchasing power in the marketplace against the competition by a process called cosmetic surgery. She can now be one of the beautiful ones into her 80s.
What is this womans name...the Red Carpet woman..the Hollywood Groupie..wanting to be 20 again but in her 70s or 80s. And now her daughter too. I dont know how many times she has been under the knife but it is becoming obvious. Goodness Me, I can see her but cannot remember her name..nontheless she is pornographic to me...obscene/shallow...even in the products she is attempting to market. She wants to be surrounded by beauty. Pitiful!! If she is trying to sell beauty..she is way off the mark.

It does not change the woman on the inside..only on the outside. As I understand it there are now males investing in this as well.


edit on 8-11-2010 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by namine

However I have observed that a lot of “nice guys” seem to have a superiority-complex about them, a rotten attitude of being more intelligent, more just, and more deserving than members of the general public who they deem to be idiotic brutes lacking humanity or sheeple susceptible to the evil exploits of the mass media.

You punch a Good Dog in the Face enough, and He will Bite.

Didn't you know that?

You are confusing Cause and Effect.

You are assuming that "Nice Guys" START OUT as bitter, Jaded, and spiteful... and I assure you, this is not the case.

It takes a Cold Cruel populous to turn these "Nice Guys" into Attack Dogs.

Your attempt to Correlate their *Justified Anger* over being constantly belittled by a society that USES THEM UP, to their Default Behavior is quite telling of your perspective, and also... how you arrived at it.

Of course, the “nice guys” are above all that, but apparently are not beyond unequivocally bashing women and men different from them. If that’s not attacking those they consider inferior to them, I don’t know what is.

When the Camels back Breaks... you sympathize with the Straw... Don't you?

Having said that, the “nice guys” are far from innocent in all this

You are Wrong, I'm afraid...

You might as well blame Rape Victims.


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

Not Quite Edrick,

I disagree with you here..

No.... Playboy, and their like, are for the MEN, not the women.

Im going to post a definition of Pornography and it comes from Warren Farrell's definition.

I was referring to Skin Magazines, and you know it.

I find it interesting how you start your post out with "I DISAGREE WITH YOU EDRICK", and then you proceed to Strawman yourself for several paragraphs.

Stop Disagreeing out of Context.

Once you look at the world around you and its basic nature..where the illusion is more powerful and meaningful than the reality and that the RISK/RISKS in producing it can be shunted off to others by social now indeed have pornography.

You really seem to be hung up on this whole "Nice guys deserve what they get because they don't take Risks" schpeel...

seriously.. if Nice guys didn't take RISKS, they would be like every other Bad Boy Loser out there... as the Television wants them to be.

There is no RISK in emulating the Social behaviors that the mass media shoves down our throats, There is no RISK in Western society for being a User and Abuser, a Narcasistic Self centered Jack[snip]...

The *RISK* lies in being Civil, in being Humble, in being... *GASP* YOURSELF!

When you read these romance novels and look at much of the genre of women's magazines..steeped in fantasy realize it is obscene and pornographic. Some catalogue this as soft porn..but I can assure you it is quite racy.

yeah, I get you here... But as you well know, that is not what I was referring to.

Other than that, I have no disagreement.

One look at Maxim magazine and I realized it was a male version of Cosmopolitan.

And THAT, was Spectacular... I'm gonna have to paint that on my wall or something.

This is why it is so important to raise children in the public school system..away from the influences of both parents who might well grounded and substitute such obscenity based on consumerism.

Oh my... you just lost the Whole Game, didn't you?

It is important to Raise children *AWAY* from their parents?

You sir, are being Transparent. Rockafeller sent you, didn't he?

Honestly, I can't tell if that last one was sarcasm or not...

Please tell me you were being sarcastic.


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm
Now this is NOT even exaggerrating. It's not even 'complaining'.

We have already established that it is indeed whining.

It's just the damn truth. So for a woman to look down on us just because we might want, no NEED a little something, even if it's just non-sexual love, and say to us that we are being selfish? It's the least thing we can have if we are doing everything for them. They call us selfish? Women are getting free rides everyday.

You are being selfish if you are demanding women who do not even know you be obligated to give you love or sex just because you claim to NEED it. Now you have the audacity to claim victim because women "look down on you" because they won't put out? You call that loving? Women also have a "thing" about being respected and it is painfully obvious going by your posts that you do not respect women at all so why would they want anything to do with you?

We are not responsible for your lack of coitus. You are.

You expect random women to gratify you sexually and emotionally yet you speak as though you shouldn't have to give anything in return as though they just OWE you cuz you're horny? How many pages ago did we say "go see a prostitute"?

MONEY would at least be something.. and at least if you went to a prostitute you would be being honest with her and with yourself. Right now you talk as though women are all prostitutes that should accept pity as currency so why not go all the way and just pay real money?

..and the (paraphrased) "even fat chicks can get some" comment was just disgusting.

That is NOT being a nice guy so your whole argument doesn't even apply to you.
edit on 8-11-2010 by riley because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by riley

We have already established that it is indeed whining.

What's This "We" stuff, Woman?

You are being selfish if you are demanding women who do not even know you be obligated to give you love or sex just because you claim to NEED it.

And you are being Selfish if you are Demanding Rights that you WILL NOT EARN just because you claim to DESERVE THEM.

Pick a Side, Would you?

Women are Childish Victims in need of Protection...


They are Equal Beings that can Fend for themselves.

You can't Eat your cake, and Have it too.

Now you have the audacity to claim victim because women "look down on you" because they won't put out?

And you have the Audacity to claim being a Victim because you don't make the same amount of money as men?

You call that loving?

You call that Equality?

Women also have a "thing" about being respected and it is painfully obvious going by your posts that you do not respect women at all so why would they want anything to do with you?

Men also have a "Thing" about being respected and it is painfully obvious going by your posts that you do not respect men at all (Punctuation mark Goes Here) so why would they want anything to do with your Vote?

We are not responsible for your lack of coitus. You are.

We are not responsible for your lack of Rights, Money, and Power. You Are.

You expect random women to gratify you sexually and emotionally yet you speak as though you shouldn't have to give anything in return as though they just OWE you cuz you're horny? How many pages ago did we say "go see a prostitute"?

You expect random men to protect you from the Harsh cruel world yet you speak as though you should be granted ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in return for HAVING A VAGINA? How many pages did "WE" say that you don't deserve to Exercise power in political, or industrial fields?

MONEY would at least be something.. and at least if you went to a prostitute you would be being honest with her and with yourself. Right now you talk as though women are all prostitutes that should accept pity as currency so why not go all the way and just pay real money?

Self Consistancy would at least be something.. and at least if you Walked how you Talked you would be being honest with yourself and Us ALL. Right now you talk as though men are all Walking ATM machines And Sperm banks that should accept your GENDER as a reason to fulfill your "Entitlement" to have "It All" so why not *MAN UP* and stop looking for the MEN that you HATE to give you everything because of your genitalia?

..and the (paraphrased) "even fat chicks can get some" comment was just disgusting.

..and the (paraphrased) "MONEY would at least be something.." comment was just disgusting, and telling of your core motivations.... and the ONLY thing that you look for in a man.

That is NOT being a nice guy so your whole argument doesn't even apply to you.

And yet.... you still attack, as if you are Scared to DEATH of actually having to make your own way in the world without men *GIVING YOU EVERYTHING* just because your Vagina Deserves it.

-Edrick (Mirror mirror on the wall.... *BREAK*)
edit on 8-11-2010 by Edrick because: spelling

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Edrick

My post was NOT directed at you... and just as I asked you not to call he "honey" earlier (which you ignored and did again) don't call me "woman" either. Your post is disgusting.. no-where have I claimed the world owes me anything just because for having a vagina but I will not tolerate women being told that they owe random self proclaimed "nice guys" pity sex. You are dragging ats through the gutter with your opinions on women.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by riley

My post was NOT directed at you... and just as I asked you not to call he "honey" earlier (which you ignored and did again) don't call me "woman" either. Your post is disgusting.. no-where have I claimed the world owes me anything just because for having a vagina but I will not tolerate women being told that they owe random self proclaimed "nice guys" pity sex. You are dragging ats through the gutter with your opinions on women.

You're one to talk...

I just copied what you said, and made it relevant to YOU.

If you cant stand the heat, then perhaps you should not Flame.

In case you were wondering, This forum is "Relationship Advice"....

*NOT* "Lets insult Guys who are just looking for Love."

I asked you not to call he "honey" earlier (which you ignored and did again) don't call me "woman" either.

You stop insulting other people because they do not conform to your preconceived notions of what passes (laughably) for masculinity...

And *THEN* we will talk.

If you CLAIM to be Equal, then expect to be TREATED like you Treat others.

Your Cowardly Assaults against people who are just trying to discover the Truth ARE the problem that "Nice Guys" must face in the battlefield of Love.

Your inept Attacks, Assembled by Rote, and Thrown with a Weak arm are, no longer RELEVANT.

Stop trying to Control other people for your own selfish gains.... you are only making this harder on yourself.

*Real Women* know when to Keep their Solipsistic opinions to themselves.


posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by riley

actually.. I was tired.. shouldn't have stated it so brashly. I wanted to change it but I didn't have time and was rushing.

Yea I don't mean to say that I expect anything from women.. but it's all too common for a woman to say "don't expect anything in return" at the same time she is expecting the world in return.
edit on 9-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by Edrick


I was referring to Skin Magazines, and you know it.

LOL LOL LOL Edrick. LOL LOL LOL..pardon me for levity at your expense but anyone versed in the genre knows that Cosmopolitan is a skin magazine.

I strongly recommend that when you are at the drug al..or department store that you look at a copy. Notice the headlines on the front page. There is always (required) some form of sex or sex tricks that will drive him crazy or into your control. Notice that usually the woman in front page with cleavage often bulging over. Look at the ads in the magazine and then compare the space for the ads to the actual space for articles. Notice the tenor of the ads....are they tips for the modern self sufficient woman to become better on her job ..more of a risk taker..more efficient..dedicated ..or are they ads to pamper her with this or that product. Talk about fleshly. Maxim is no different.

There are many of these kinds of magazines on the stands with various degrees to them. How to loose 20 pounds without work and without without really trying.

Notice Handyman magazine tells men how to lose 40 pounds off that walnut cabinet without really trying!!?? Notice how this is done so often in the male genre of periodicals.

LOL LOL..just because a magazine appeals to women does not mean it is going to take the same tack as appeal to men. They are all obscene and pornographic in their appeal and seduction to human vanity in selling their products. Helen Gurley Brown knew exactly where and how she wanted to take this genre and her descendants are keeping the faith.

Cosmopolitan has even had protests of its racy appeal on the stands in public places and they wanted to cover them up like the male genre.

Wow Edrick,

You really seem to be hung up on this whole "Nice guys deserve what they get because they don't take Risks" schpeel...

Short memory Edrick. I also said that I am not impressed with bad boys as well. 'They too deserve what they get and most of them I know who tried to keep up the template are dead in graveyards or in jail. I think they deserve it as well.
Not interested in nice guys nor bad guys. I think both templates are insufficient/lacking. Where have you been Edrick??

As I recall this was some of the gist of my post earlier to Namine

I too am not impressed with nice guys nor bad boys. It is highly overrated..both of them. I am not here to be either.


seriously.. if Nice guys didn't take RISKS, they would be like every other Bad Boy Loser out there... as the Television wants them to be.

There is no RISK in emulating the Social behaviors that the mass media shoves down our throats, There is no RISK in Western society for being a User and Abuser, a Narcasistic Self centered Jack[snip]...

The *RISK* lies in being Civil, in being Humble, in being... *GASP* YOURSELF!

There is great RISK in emulating the social behaviors of the mass media. Great!!! One easily becomes just another stamped out consumer or a person defining themselves by their consumption levels. I know lots of people who cannot define a concept or idea outside of a television or movie they have watched. They have television/movie ideas, emotions, morals..thinking. They put themselves at great risk as well as their children to conform to an image which is not theirs...and few are even aware of it.

You Edrick are a textbook post movie and video examples to make your points. Astonishing!!

I have pointed this out to a few of the young people who can think outside the box. They now recognize this in their peers...that many are stamped out copies of someone else's template and define themselves by consumption rates .not what they know or can do.

yeah, I get you here... But as you well know, that is not what I was referring to.

Other than that, I have no disagreement.

I know to what you were referring Edrick and I disagree. Women are obscenely marketed with such material as well if not more than males/men. In men it is primarily directed in one facet. In women the appeal is multifaceted and much more subtle to the average male. The women get it right away..including the nuanced sexuality.

Remember what I stated in my previous post about the woman with the song about "She's single again..hold on to your man.:"
It takes a woman to bring this one into fruition. Most men are way to ignorant to write such a song.

If this were not so..about dreams, beliefs, expectations, and cheaply without RISK...why do you think there is such a huge market for Romance Novels.

Years ago I was dating an older woman and she introduced me to Yard Sales, Flea Markets, and used book stored. I was shocked to see how full the shelves were with Romance Novels.
They get the whole package for $3.00 or less with the happy satisfied romantic ending. I am grateful to this older woman for expanding my horizons in this genre. It was quite an eye opener when first I was confronted with this.

Please tell me you were being sarcastic.

Yes I was being sarcastic in a manner but quite serious as well.

One of my friends has an electric distiller in his home. They drink no city water. In his child's health class they were teaching about fluoride in the water. His child blurted out that fluoride was a poison and that they don't drink fluoridated water in their home. They drink distilled water.
The next thing you know he gets a visit from the school psychologist. Telling me about it ..I told him that they can do a profile on his kid all day long in school. They came to do a profile on him. They did not like him teaching his kid in contradiction to the class curriculum. Some government guru/goon has done a file on him for speaking out contrary to the government mandate and program.

I am well aware of the Rockefeller Occasional Letter #1 from the General Education Board and what is contained within. Also some of the programs outlined for this nation as far back as the 1930s and 1940s when they slowly became implemented through John Dewey.


edit on 9-11-2010 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by The Quiet Storm

Riley, you seem to turn everything I say around and put words and thoughts into me. None of what you said reflects me and my true thoughts, but moreso your own prejudice and ideas of how men are and you generalize me as being the same. It seems you are just grossly generalizing me with the ideas you get from others about how most men are thought to be.

Who said all I ever could be was horny? You seem to have this idea that men are only about one thing: Sex. That is untrue and part of the brainwashing that goes on in this society. Men very much care about things other than sex.

You talk about money too, as if that's the only thing women care about. My service to her is more than money, and I would not just give money to replace service unless giving money was indeed service, but it does not mean that I all of a sudden just forget about her just because I give her money.

That is quite lowly too, asking for money, when all I could have really cared about was something non-sexual.

All I was saying is that it's hypocritical for women to expect so much from us when we do a lot for them, and all they do is seek more and more without stopping to look at what men have given them.
edit on 9-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:27 PM
WOMEN don't break up with nice guys....GIRLS do.

Just that simple really.

but I will not tolerate women being told that they owe random self proclaimed "nice guys" pity sex

Who wants "pity sex"? Personally, if the gal isn't into it, it's not much different than the solo alternative...
Nobody should ever WANT pity sex....
edit on 9-11-2010 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

Yes I was being sarcastic...


LOL LOL LOL Edrick. LOL LOL LOL..pardon me for levity at your expense but anyone versed in the genre knows that Cosmopolitan is a skin magazine.


Could you post an example of Cosmopolitan having Nudity in it?

Because I don't really see a need to comment on the rest of your post unless you can.

edit on 9-11-2010 by Edrick because: clarification

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by Edrick

Doesn't have to have nudity in it to be a skin mag...look at Maxim or Stuff. Of course, Cosmo is more like erotic lit than a skin mag... C'mon, every issue has some big sex quiz or sex tips on the cover. You see it every week on the stands.

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