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Why do women break up with nice guys?

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posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by CeasarKhanTheGreat

I really don't mean to insult you

Your post was filled with lame attempts to attack me/my point with arrows that were WAY off the mark.

And your Showmanship wasn't good enough to make up for your lack of substance.

Do you have a Retort?

A Discussion on the Topic at hand?

I clearly remember providing specifics along with my critiques.... Which I will now Go over Again, so as to stay on Topic.

The purpose of Social manipulation, especially in regards to Shaming language, and manipulation, is to crush the Self esteem of those men with Intelligence and a solid moral core, so that they do not pose any serious challenge to the plans of the Elite.

The continued Labeling of Intelligent, and Moral men as "Losers" is quite telling of the ultimate motivations of the elite....

To facilitate Men of Weak moral character, and lack of understanding and comprehension, to be elevated into positions of power over Men of Intelligence, and Ethics.

This creates a sort of "Prison Warden" class that will keep the only potential enemies of TPTB oppressed, and demoralized for the small price of "Sexual Relationships" that are facilitated by the manipulation of the Masses "Sexual desires"... Coupled with the poisoning of fluoride (that has been scientifically proven to cause RAPID sexual maturation in Females), and forced Gender integration during PUBERTY, when these kids are supposed to be learning.

So, the Educational system is set up to not only reward mindless obedience to Mass media enforced NORMS, but to prevent any independent thought from springing into being, by wearing down children's minds with Rote memorization, and a "Don't you DARE question Authority" approach to Education.

He who OBEYS is elevated above those who THINK FOR THEMSELVES.

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

edit on 6-11-2010 by Edrick because: Error correction + Nietzshe

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Edrick

I don't agree with you.

King Baldwin IV: A King may move a man, a father may claim a son, but remember that even when those who move you be Kings, or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand before God, you cannot say, "But I was told by others to do thus." Or that, "Virtue was not convenient at the time." This will not suffice. Remember that.
Kingdom of Heaven

Life is a Chessboard.

Are you sure you know all the moves applicable to the game being played?
edit on 6-11-2010 by CeasarKhanTheGreat because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 05:47 PM
It's not really a selective thing to be exposed by the mass media when it's in your face everywhere you go. The people, the clothing, the body language, the societal structure, etc.

Even if you don't watch TV you're still affected by Mass Media. It's not just the media in electronics. It's all images, vibrations, etc.

It's called mainstream for a reason.

You are only being selective here if you choose to move to a community that has no connection to any other community that is being influenced by "mainstream mass media."

An ignorant but good person can go to America and before he/she knows it is already adopting all of the habits and patterns of the people.

Humans are social or at least communal, they are meant to be, otherwise they wouldn't survive.

A person can choose to stay away from all that if he has no choice but to immerse himself in the society. What is he going to do though lock himself up and have agoraphobia? Everywhere he walks he'd be exposed to this stuff. Live like a ninja? Sooner or later it gets to you. Unless all that is out of sight, out of mind.

It would literally take a superhuman to go through it all unscathed and unmoved. Is the average person capable? I think not.

The people giving you stars are most likely just giving you stars because they see us as merely blaming the world and not thinking about ours. Says who though? I can see the world, just as I can see myself. Though in fact sometimes you require others to see yourself or learn of yourself. So what gives? You like to think you live totally independent? You're not a completely sovereign being if you're living on Earth.
edit on 6-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 05:52 PM
The right to be let alone is the foundational principle of the Bill of Rights in the USA.

Everyday this is being impinged upon. Without freedom to express yourself, without privacy without sovereignty.

So don't act like you're completely independent, and that you can manifest every single thing you desire instantaneously on demand, unless you can. You are not a private man if you're living in the States.

Sure you can do what you can. But again don't act like it doesn't take some energy. Everything takes energy. Time is energy.

Sexual energy is one of the most powerful ways to deviate a person. Once the sexual energy is stirred the mind is open to corruption if you have not mastered the true sexual arts, and no not masturbation nor just ordinary ejaculatory sex, or even non-ejaculatory sex.

We were also bred, yes bred to fear and hallucinate whenever we experience what we don't know. Once we attain a high level of spirituality one has to go through the clearing of the ego, for sure, and it's usually never a smooth ride because again, we were bred this way.. to be fearful of "God". To not have the ability to know too much.

Only very few make it out, and yes it's really worth it. But once you do you are no longer "human"... at least in the normal sense of a human. You are hominoid of some type.
edit on 6-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by _selectThis_

I agree with what you say.

Though, sometimes objectivity is not readily accessible if you're already caught up and before you knew anything was up, don't you think?

This is why.. it's important to know that the EXTERNAL is just as INTERNAL. Not one over the other unless for a specific reason. It's rare for a person to come out of a ghetto unscathed. And for a reason.

Though everyone that is here is here for a reason. Therefore I am the way I am for a reason, and you are, everyone else is. You can't really blame them, for if you were in their shoes, you'd be in the same situation. "IF I were you, I'd be you."

But yes I agree with your post. In fact you're probably one of the only I agree with most here.

Because at least you're not boasting here like some of the hypocritics here.
edit on 6-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by CeasarKhanTheGreat

King Baldwin IV: A King may move a man......

Would you like to elucidate the specifics of what you mean?

Or do you wish to be vague on purpose?

Seriously, though.... what does that quote have to do with the topic at hand?

We are talking about Relationships between men and women... and you bring Souls, God, and Religion into this?


-Edrick (s7U0aLk5Js4)
edit on 6-11-2010 by Edrick because: 55

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 01:20 AM
The Quiet Storm,

My apologies for not posting for some time but like GPS 777 posted, I too am on 12 hour shifts and time for the boards is at a premium.

And before I go to far here I want to extend my salutations to GPS 777 as it has been some time since I have seen their posts. I hope all is well with you down under GPS777 if I recall correctly your location.

Ok..Quiet Storm now to reply to your posts beginning back on page 20.

When Edrick said: It takes sexual experience to be sexually confident, he's right!

I disagree totally. Confidence comes from much more than mere sexual experience or even from sexuality.
If all a man has on his mind and soul is sexual confidence he is telling me that he is high maintenance and or a dumb a--.

Sexuality in western cultures is considered, by social defaults, to be a woman's prerogative not a man's. Women in the Western economically affluent social structures are encouraged to flaunt and hang out their sexuality in numerous ways/manners while men are encouraged to suppress their sexuality under disciplines. That is unless you are female or highly feminine. It takes much more than sexuality to be a man and confident. Only public education standards or non standards can get people so turned upside down.

And for you GPS 777..when I state a public education I am referring in facetiousness to a television/movie education. I am not referring to real honest education or honestly learned experience. Hope this clears up some of the default confusion here. Do not misunderstand me please. I am not against education. I am against such provincial limited education and world view...that people are primarily their sexuality or defined by their sexuality or sexual orientation. You have to go to public school to get this naturally stupid and dumbed down. People are to me so much more than sexuality or sexual orientation.
I am not speaking against sexuality here. I am speaking against stupid and being dumbed down.

The Quiet One, Something known by men..not just males ..but men who have had to walk the walk of safety net. And that is when you walk this safety net..all the sex is the world will not make up for the RISK you often take for the safety and well being of others. That you cannot seem to make this connection is to me a clear indicator of your youth and inexperience....lack of confidence. That you focus to heavily and immaturely on something which is all out of proportion to it's intrinsic value in the marketplace.

IF you don't learn to properly handle your stumbling stone ..I can assure you that it will handle you and roughly..without mercy.

Confidence in a male or more appropriately a man is much more than mere sexuality. They are not the same thing. Women may find this attractive in a man but men who are men and have the knowledge/wisdom and experience of men know the difference. Because they have no illusions about the RISKS they have taken in life to learn about such confidence. And when men work in high RISK enterprises..they want such men around them who have such experience/confidence and it is not sexual at all.
And now days if they have women working around them in this kind of environment ...and you literally have your backside on the want a woman/women with you who knows much more than mere sexuality..a woman who can go the distance...not just shake her backside.

If the best you or anyone else can do is speak of sexuality and sexual confidence I would say your deck is missing alot of cards. Remember what I said..women in the west consider sex and sexuality to be their default setting ..not yours. All you have to do is go in any grocery store or department store and look at the magazines and newspapers when going through the checkout stands and see article after article dealing with sex and sexuality directed to women. Watch the ads on the boob tube.
Go to any department store and notice about a 7 to 1 disparity in goods and services directed towards women and females verses males. How much of this stuff is marketed to the women/females by reason of colour, cut, packaging, and price verses the male. This awareness tells you alot about who has what market share and that this marketing technique is not accidental.

Being a man or woman is so much more than sexuality. You do not need to be so focused on such a stumbling stone that it becomes like a drug to you. It cripples you and your posts.

I will also tell you that I dated older women for most of my life. There are lots of women out here who would gladly take your virginity for the novelty of it. Thus also indicating your mental crippleness. Older women are not gun shy at all. 'This is what I found out. They are also..many of them accomplished "Hunter Gatherers."

When you get accustomed to older women ...the younger ones fade quickly. One other thing.. most older women can do more than just microwave...a big plus in today's fast food lane of life.

When women deny men because they are TOO GOOD!?

Good grief Quiet One...get a grip. Women are not interested in good men per se. They are interested in men period. This may vary with the culture but they are interested in the men who can give them the options in life. Not high maintenance and especially whiny men. To many women and even young females ..whiny men are high maintenance. The same thing. They will even settle for the illusion or appearance of a man rather than an obviously whiney man. I should not have to tell you this.

Try being a man instead of worrying so much about rejection.

Ever heard of this fellow named Harlan Saunders..aka...Colonel Saunders of the Kentucky Fried Chicken fame. He didn't whine and roll over and post on ATS/BTS Relationship forum when he could not get someone to try his fried chicken. He went to over 70 peoples and businesses before he found someone willing to give it a try. He did not cry about his sexuality or sexual problems. He kept at it.

Get accustomed to rejection if you are a man in this world. When you get accustomed to it sufficiently to stand on your will also learn that women also do not take rejection all that well. It is just popular to think it is a male problem. It is not. It is an ignorance problem.

So when I talk about these things, it's an observation. observation..great! But your observations do not speak of confidence nor experience and confidence in all aspects of life from Experience. And I am talking about every walk of life here..not just sexuality. Good Grief Quiet One. It takes more than sex to be a man in this world. Try applying that to western women and see what happens. There will be all kinds of chaos.

Orange tom.. You keep refferring to 'taking risk'. You support a false reality. Risk is not necessary. There's no need to push your view on reality onto others. There's no need for the 'lacking' concept of the 'oil shortage' you say. So why must you impose on others the SAME? Struggle is not necessary. It is a VICTIM mentality.

I must tell you Quiet One..go back and read your posts and see who has the sexual victim mentality here.
Life is full of RISKS...even SEXUAL RISKS. If this were not would have no reason for your postings here on this NICE GUY thread. If you cannot handle sexual rejection you will not be able to handle any other kind of rejection as well. Men know this by experience and confidence. Rejection is lessons in RISK management. What are you thinking here??

Why do you think women tend towards men of confidence...because it lowers their RISK problems...access to goods and services without RISK. Same with marrying or dating up the economic ladder towards success and status. Because it lowers their RISK management problems. This is also why they bristle at competition from other women...because it changes/increases their RISK Status as well as potential economic status.

I have to chuckle to myself because there is an olde country western song done by a woman. It stated something like..."She's single again..hold on to your man!!" This woman was not kidding.
Most men I know are to dumb to come out with a song such this. Only a woman can get this one on target.

I had to look it up as it has been awhile. I believe also that numerous other women have done this title since those days.

How many women do you know who marry or date down the economic ladder..say ..with the garbage man in western economically affluent social structures?? Check it out fits.

Now if you can even understand what I am saying here ..go to some drug store or department store and look at a copy of Cosmopolitan Magazine..the cover..the headlines and look at the sexuality openly posted just on the cover. Buy one the articles and take the quiz. I hope you comprehend what you are reading. Mind you now ..not all women buy into this very lowest of common denominators but they do chuckle quietly over it.
And they all do understand ..competition..the other woman.

Well enough of that and I am still only on page 20 of this thread.

Oh..and this here ..Quite One,..think this through carefully.

The fact is that women are confused when they look for a man who can take risks and instead end up with the wrong man, time and time again because they end up abusing her.

This can mostly happen in Western economically affluent social structures. I say this because in many third world countries the women and children will not survive..they will perish at a higher rate. The men in these nations perish at a higher rate as well.
This translates into mostly in Western economically affluent nations can women afford such confusion/stupidity and a false template and survive.


I agree with you here...

In the Western World, Women are the interim Gatekeepers of the Elite... Conditioned by Mass Media to get wet for the Most Cruel, and Inhuman of Males.....

Like OrangeTom here....

In a manner of speaking ..the economic markets are primarily directed to women and in this manner they are indeed the Gatekeepers for the Elite. Correct on your part. Women in Western nations determine almost all of the big ticket sales ..almost all. Homes, cars, clothes, groceries, vacations, et al. The men only earn the monies and often at high is mostly the women/females who determine how it is spent.

as to the summary statement...what women respect in a man is a man who can tell them NO and make it stick as long as he is correct and can stand by his beliefs and expectations. Not wishy washy..or whiny or influenced by every changing wind....and especially by her changing him like the wind.

By inducing women to only be attracted (Sexually) to the Worst of Men... the Most Stupid and self Centered (Read, the Least Human)..... Intelligence, and the Desire and CAPACITY of Rebellion against the plans of the Elite are kept quite firmly Squashed.

LOL LOL LOL who is whinning here about government by secrecy?? Women and young peoples with "Human Emotions " as their primary appeal are more easily controlled than men under disciplines. Women and children dont care about disciplines as long as they have a safety net provided by the disciplines of others..or provided by a government substitute wallet. Either way ..someone else takes the RISKS for them.

A confident man does not worry about this..he chooses women to keep from outside this template because he knows this kind of woman or female is high maintenance..good for only one thing against her and her children's maintenance costs and these maintenance costs only mean more RISK for him. There is little overall difference in this type of woman/female and maintenance costs. And Governments have induced/promoted much of this type of conduct.

And thus, they are Disrespected by Women.

A confident man knows not to concern himself with this template. A confident man knows this beyond sex and sexuality because he knows that when he must take real RISKS for his monies and successes these women will not be with him. It is that simple. He will be alone or in the exclusive company of other confident men who also know the difference.
Neither will these whiny men be with him. He does not worry about them as well.

Women Vote for Tyrants....

Women tend to vote for "OPTIONS" and preferably from the pubic purse. Politicians are more than willing to give them from the public purse for votes and in the process set themselves up to be tyrants.
It is a circle which feeds on itself and the productive sectors of Western economies.

You see... at the TOP of the Pyramid of the Illuminati, is the Elite, of course.

Below them, are their Female Enforcers... keeping Intelligent males in check with Humiliation, and Allowing the most Animalistic of men (Read: the Guys that would make the best mindless enforcers for the Elite) to rise in social status.

You are preaching here of the Occult forces of this world and their religion/religions are feminine..very feminine. Any study of Occult religions will confirm this. They are primarily of Feudalistic or Feudalism in nature and religion and Royalty appeals to the feminine. And Occult religions are very sexual in nature. This is known in certain historical writings if you can find real Occult books .not the drivel sold from most book stores.
And Occult religions are still here and the very basis for most governments and rule by secrecy.
Most western governments have long ago been taken over privily by the forces of debt and deficit..thus owing their sovereignty to these occult forces/religoins. In America this seems to have happened with the death of Abraham Lincoln and even at a faster pace since Teddy Roosevelt.

And finally before reading on past page 21..

GPS 777,

If you are trying to help the guy have a bit more heart dude.

My position is that most of what The Quiet One has is Little actual discipline in life.

Nothing wrong with having heart..but heart alone in this world will not cut it. It takes more than heart. Otherwise you are mostly feminine and high maintenance.....expecting others to allow you to default through on lack of discipline/

Life does not work this way out here in the world away from the shelter of the classroom.

I hope that, in process of time, The Quiet One learns this lifelong lesson.

Oh ..and I am not being hard on him. I can assure you, and I am probably preaching to the choir on this GPS 777, that the world outside the door is much harder/more harsh on us than anyone here on this thread will ever be.

Hope all is well with you and your house down under.


edit on 7-11-2010 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm
reply to post by namine

Not exactly.

Any woman who is capable of provoking lust is the same way then?

Any beautiful woman?

Even I like the women who most men don't even like.. because I see beauty in all women. I'm not good enough for even those women either it seems.

It amazes me, I'm not a bad looking guy. I see people who would be considered worse than I, and they get much more than me. It's usually because they try to fit in with the crowd, that's the only way. Ie, the males they portray themselves to be 'bad boys'.
edit on 2-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

Wow The Quiet Storm,

Your posts keep getting worse and worse.

You've never seen a woman lust?? Even the so called holy of holies..married women?? What rock have you been hiding under?? I can assure you women lust and do so more often than do men. They may do it in a different light or manner than men but lust they certainly do.

Women understand sex, sexual appeal, sexual influences across a wider spectrum of what we see daily than most men are even aware. In colours, in cut, line, function and even across nature itself. Just because a woman does not make it obvious as do many men does not mean she is not lusting or subject to lust on some level.
I believe this escapes you and often.

You know these afternoon talk shows..the lie detector ones or what is that other format...ahhhh....DNA tests. What happens if you take the sex and sexuality out of these programs...guess what?? You dont have any program. Thats what. Get a clue Quiet One. Same thing with Cosmopolitan Magazine.

Keep it up...

I agree with GPS 777 and even with much of what Namine posts.

Lookin for love in all the wrong places?

If you want to give up,thats entirely up to you,though dont blame those bad apples you keep running into,because there are still level headed women out there.

A good woman is indeed a rare commodity out here. As too is a good man.


Do you honestly believe that One good woman, automatically Negates the Self centered Vanity of the Vast majority of western woman?

The Vast majority of western women are *NOT* Helen Thomas....

They are Paris Hilton.

I cannot stand Paris Hilton nor the other women like....gosh I can't seem to remember her name...the one who keeps going back to jail of recent.?? Someone supply the name here for me please??

These bored idle women are good for only one thing and it is not sex. It is obvious that they only have one career skill in life and that is their consumption rates and entitlements. I also dont have any use for males of this caliber.
This is why I have no interest in most sports and hollywood figures. Hollywood and even the music industry is a very very poor template on which to build character. Make merchandise of your

It seems to me that western women DEMAND power that they do not Earn, Whine about wanting More privileges than they Deserve, And in general, Do not Understand Causality.

Agree with the proviso that western men or males are rapidly begining to follow this template as they are becoming more and more raised by women and a televison/movie education. Little male role models in their lives now days. Males now days seem to know more about the latest gadget and gimick or product to come down the pipeline than about problem solving skills and thinking. They are in essence ..pretty and feminine..also very "sensitive."

LOL LOL this is funny. I say funny because of something a woman told me about a job interview.

And how many just put on Push up Bra's, High Heels, Makeup, and Low cut shirts.

Western Women Understand Appearances, Not Personality.

Thus, they only *SEE* Appearances, and not Personality.

They do not understand personality, because THEY are never JUDGED on the quality of their personality....

Because they are Judged only on their Appearances.

As they are judged (and rewarded with Attention) by men who do not *HAVE* personalities, other than what the Mainstream Media *GIVES* them.

There was a woman in the crew in which I worked. (Shipbuilding) She found an easier job opening in the company with better hours and conditions. So she applied and when the day came for the interview..she got dressed up to the hilt. You know what I mean ..with her wares hanging out and advertising that she was willing to work her way through the food chain.
Guess what happened??!! The person giving the interview was a woman. LOL LOL about funny!! When I was told the story I busted out laughing. She did not get the job and was asked why she was dressed for an interview in that manner. I have been told by many women that there are many women/females out here who have no clue how to dress professionally or for a job or an interview. They dress like they are going out clubbing on Friday and Saturday night.
Mind you now ..not all women are like this..but it is become very common....same thing with feminine men or males.

GPS 777,

Good Grief!!!

Nothing wrong with that,actually if most men like the Pam Anderson only types then I`d say you have a healthier outlook but........

I cannot stand that woman...just like I cannot stand Paris Hilton or that other woman who keeps recently going to jail. I Reckon I am just not into big breasted women. I find it rather gross and overdone..especially if it is not done by nature.

Lindsay I remember the name..what an airhead.

Yeah..your reading it right GPS 777.

The Quiet Storm,

I keep telling you that your posts keep getting worse and worse. I'm going to clue you into something which most of the "MEN:" out here know and for the most part dont have to be told.

This here shows your lack of understanding about many things with women or even just females.

I don't understand why a man has to 'woo' while a woman does nothing.

Do you understand what WOOING means? Wooing means I have to compete with all other men, with her own mind to get to her.

One of the indexes or tell tale signs of suitability of a man to a woman who is hunting and gathering men is the ability to "LEAD."

I dont believe you comprehend that what is called "Wooing " is also an index of a males suitability to "LEAD." And LEADING is also an index of a males ability to take RISKS for a woman and also for children.

It is obvious to me why women or females reject you. You have no ability to lead. Most women do not want to lead a man..especially through difficulties for which he should already be self made or capable of quickly learning. If a woman must lead a man...she can do it herself without him. Got it yet??

Want to know why you have problems getting sex...there it is!!??

Now do you understand GPS 777 why I appear to be hard on the fellow.?? I'm not really hard on him. He is hard on himself by lack of comprehension. He is going to stay that the classroom..until they learn to properly lead...out here where life is happening.


edit on 7-11-2010 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

When Edrick said: It takes sexual experience to be sexually confident, he's right!

I disagree totally. Confidence comes from much more than mere sexual experience or even from sexuality.
If all a man has on his mind and soul is sexual confidence he is telling me that he is high maintenance and or a dumb a--.

Wow, I think you missed the point of that statement Entirely... allow me to elucidate that for you:

Confidence: assurance: freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities

Yeah... That is the Definition of Confidence.

Now, here is the Question...

If I asked you to design a Rocket to get to the Moon... Would you be confident in your abilities to do so?

You seem to think that "Confidence" is a Catch all term, meaning "Do you like yourself", and this is not the Case.

Confidence is Situational.... Meaning that Some people are Confident in Certain Abilities.

A Doctor is Confident with his Scalpel... but maybe not with his Taxes... or His Car Maintenance abilities.

A Politician is Confident in their Abilities to Sway the populous, and Gather support... but maybe not confident in their Computer skills.

The Term I Used was *Sexual Confidence*... not *Confidence in WHO you are*, or whatever.


I agree with you here...

In the Western World, Women are the interim Gatekeepers of the Elite... Conditioned by Mass Media to get wet for the Most Cruel, and Inhuman of Males.....

Like OrangeTom here....

So.. you agree that you are Cruel and Inhuman?

sorry... I know that's not what you meant... but I thought it was funny how you posted that.

as to the summary statement...what women respect in a man is a man who can tell them NO and make it stick as long as he is correct and can stand by his beliefs and expectations. Not wishy washy..or whiny or influenced by every changing wind....and especially by her changing him like the wind.

Yeah... that's the Problem... people who never change, or change their mind, are already Dead.

Evolution, of People, Societies, Species, etcetera is a process of constant change.

As far as women wanting men who will tell them *NO*, I will agree with.... Women desire to be Ruled... or, to put it more mildly.... Women desire Strict Boundaries that they can safely play within.

And this I think is the Danger in Women having the Vote...

Because They will vote for Whatever Changes and morphs those boundaries (Think of it like a Political [snip]-Test that they commonly use in their relationships to test the Waters)

And since women are the MAJORITY, there can BE NO voice of Reason setting the Boundaries.

You see what I mean?

LOL LOL LOL who is whinning here about government by secrecy??

This statement tells me that you didn't really understand our previous conversation.

Women and young peoples with "Human Emotions " as their primary appeal are more easily controlled than men under disciplines. Women and children dont care about disciplines as long as they have a safety net provided by the disciplines of others..or provided by a government substitute wallet. Either way ..someone else takes the RISKS for them.

Yeah... You just Agreed with what I was saying, after telling me that I was Whining.... Are you feeling alright?

A confident man does not worry about this..he chooses women to keep from outside this template because he knows this kind of woman or female is high maintenance..good for only one thing against her and her children's maintenance costs and these maintenance costs only mean more RISK for him. There is little overall difference in this type of woman/female and maintenance costs. And Governments have induced/promoted much of this type of conduct.

Are you saying that Confident men choose women who are... "Not Emotional"?

Or are you talking about some *OTHER* template?

Because I'm pretty sure that ALL women are necessarily Emotional.

(At least in the Western World, Which would be the entirety of the Problem)

A confident man knows not to concern himself with this template. A confident man knows this beyond sex and sexuality because he knows that when he must take real RISKS for his monies and successes these women will not be with him. It is that simple. He will be alone or in the exclusive company of other confident men who also know the difference.

Again, you speak of a "Template", and I can only assume that you mean the Emotional Flightiness of the western Woman....

But you are not making a differentiation between the Confidence that you are talking about...

Are you talking about Sexually Confident men, Professionally Confident men, Technically Confident Men... what?

Because You can be EXTREMELY confident in your chosen field of expertise, and yet not be Confident when it comes to the opposite sex.

Neither will these whiny men be with him. He does not worry about them as well.

Ok, then stop whining about the Government, will ya?

You are just making yourself look bad.

Women tend to vote for "OPTIONS" and preferably from the pubic purse. Politicians are more than willing to give them from the public purse for votes and in the process set themselves up to be tyrants.
It is a circle which feeds on itself and the productive sectors of Western economies.

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.
-Alexander Fraser Tytler

Q.E.D. Women Vote for Tyrants.

You are preaching here of the Occult forces of this world and their religion/religions are feminine..very feminine. Any study of Occult religions will confirm this.

Now you are just being Deliberately Generic, and it would seem, Grossly Uninformed.

Let's Go down the List, shall we?

You have Khabbalism, Apocrypha and Gnosticism, Islam and Sufism, Taoism, Bhuddism, Yogic traditions, Hermetic Alchemy, Astrology, Geomancy, Divination, Renaissance Occultism, Rosicrucianism, Tarot, Golden Dawn, Wicca and Witchcraft....

Very Few of these Place the Feminine at the Top of the Cosmic Hierarchy, and the ones that DO, are not that much in practice nowadays.

What the Powers that Be study (in an occult sense) is derived from Khabbalistic, and Egyptian Hermetic practices... Both are rooted very deeply in the Masculine. (Not to mention Alaster Crowly's contributions, the Golden Dawn, and Satanism)

They are primarily of Feudalistic or Feudalism in nature and religion and Royalty appeals to the feminine.

Feudalistic? Again, you seem to be misinformed about the majority of Occult practices.

The Cultures of the Time were feudalistic, I'll grant you that... but the practices, and beliefs of these studies are hardly political in nature.

Unless you are Referring to *GOD* as a Feudal Lord.

Which would make sense in a way, I guess.

And Occult religions are very sexual in nature.

Again, you are generalizing more than is prudent.

There IS some aspect of sexuality IN these occult topics, but it is HARDLY the main focus.

Most of them deal with personal Transmutation (ascension, illumination, enlightenment), and unification with the Archetypal Godhead.... on an INDIVIDUAL level.

This is known in certain historical writings if you can find real Occult books .not the drivel sold from most book stores.

How about the Sefer Zohar; "The Book of Splendor"?

It deals with paths to ascension through an understanding of the different levels of separation from the Godhead.

Not much Sex in there I'm afraid.

And Occult religions are still here and the very basis for most governments and rule by secrecy.
Most western governments have long ago been taken over privily by the forces of debt and deficit..thus owing their sovereignty to these occult forces/religoins. In America this seems to have happened with the death of Abraham Lincoln and even at a faster pace since Teddy Roosevelt.

Yeah... that DOES happen, actually.


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

I cannot stand Paris Hilton nor the other women like....gosh I can't seem to remember her name...the one who keeps going back to jail of recent.?? Someone supply the name here for me please??

Frankly, I'd rather not venture a Guess...

It is obvious that they only have one career skill in life and that is their consumption rates and entitlements.

You see the Spread of this Disease, right?

And you see the Problems with this, Politically, Right?

Given the earlier quote:

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.
-Alexander Fraser Tytler

There was a woman in the crew in which I worked..... the interview was a woman.

Yes... it says a lot about what Western Women have become, doesn't it?

This here shows your lack of understanding about many things with women or even just females.

I don't understand why a man has to 'woo' while a woman does nothing.

Do you understand what WOOING means? Wooing means I have to compete with all other men, with her own mind to get to her.

One of the indexes or tell tale signs of suitability of a man to a woman who is hunting and gathering men is the ability to "LEAD."

Okay... I see you are having a problem with this very simple act of Deductive Reasoning... allow me to help you out.

Women Want a Man They can Follow, one who "Sets the Boundaries", so to speak.

Men are Inclined by this desire to LEAD.

What happens when you have women, who naturally want to FOLLOW the Strongest Alpha male... Make Decisions on behalf of the entire populous?


edit on 7-11-2010 by Edrick because: He's watching You.

edit on 7-11-2010 by Edrick because: clarification

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by SuperSlovak

Hey I am the biggest (place d here) ick to women and it works.

Rule number 1 No violence!!!!
2 Be coy.
3 Push her limits just a bit.
4 Be sensitive.
5 If she needs you or is hurting, hold her and DO NOT try to start something physical unless she initiates it.
6 Be a tease! You wouldn't believe how well certain remarks that sound offensive as all heck) work so long as they are said in a confident manner.
7 Remember your 2 month anniversary and every few months switch it up and remember other events and surprise her with a trinket.. (women react to shiny objects:::::::Squirrel!!!!!!!! Where was I oh yes shiny things.)
8 Put thought into gifts don't just purchase the first thing you see..
9 For Gods sake don't forget her birthday.
10 Keep it up as long as you are together.
11 DO Not get DRUNK!!!!!!! A beer or two, glass of wine sure; trashed off your rocker NO!!
12 Make her happy.

And remember there are plenty of fish in the sea!


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

Im sorry but all you really do is patronize and demean everything I say or do. You know nothing about me, you make so many assumptions. You talk about this "risk" factor like it defines me yet you don't even know me or what I do.You don't know much "risk" I take, and I do take a lot of risk. You're overusage of the term is simply being used to make me feel weaker and inferior. You only use shaming language to make yourself look better than another. Wouldnt you know that most men take risks only because of the women they already get attention from.

And the stars you get are from ignorant women who can't see through your facade because all they care about is brutality.

And yes.. in terms of human sexuality in males.. it takes experience to make skill. Skill is what's required of women in sexuality. Human sexuality, not mere confidence or luck.
edit on 7-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:14 AM
I can see why the women are no longer posting in this thread.

They don't like the delusional types.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:16 AM
G`Day OT I understand where your coming from

This is what I have been trying to say Heart Matters........
ATS thread

I cant imagine this guy referiing to women in derogatory terms that start with S and W and P even if they did fit the definition as like a couple of posters in this thread that have trouble finding relationships.

Now did he get a women because he`s an alpha or because he`s a bad boy or because through pity,or was it because of the man he is.The latter is my opinion.
edit on 7-11-2010 by gps777 because: vid

edit on 7-11-2010 by gps777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:17 AM
I see many men here doing this quite unconsciously here:
‘The Catalogue of Anti-Male Shaming Tactics’

edit on 7-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by Edrick


The Term I Used was *Sexual Confidence*... not *Confidence in WHO you are*, or whatever.

Yes I understood that the term you used is sexual confidence. I don't have much use or respect for a man whose major forte or experience is sexual. To me they are high maintenance ..just like many women.

Sexual Confidence does not a man or woman make. Men and women are so much more than sex and sexuality.

This is a concept which seems to escape many with a public education of today.

However I also know that women find men who can do more than just sex in be sexy because these men can acquire or perform and take the RISKS out of life for them and their children.

Yeah... You just Agreed with what I was saying, after telling me that I was Whining.... Are you feeling alright?

Public education is becoming a movie and television education majoring in instant gratification principles ..without RISK and often catering male and female to the emotions..not reality or the RISKS needed to turn it into reality.
Thus it eventually becomes entitlement mentality the voting booth and the political purse strings. Male and Female both.

I despise the connection between politics and Hollywood..for the lie it teaches to people. Also Edrick..I don't think much of Democracy. I think it is a sham on people and will eventually sell all down the drain.

Are you saying that Confident men choose women who are... "Not Emotional"?

No ..even men have emotions. The difference is that men tend towards discipline in keeping their emotions more under check. Not living for them constantly along with all the trimmings at someone else's expense/RISKS.
A woman grounded in certain disciplines can be difficult to find in this world...especially in the Western World but they are out here.

Because You can be EXTREMELY confident in your chosen field of expertise, and yet not be Confident when it comes to the opposite sex.

Some men yes they can be just as you describe. But men who have been out here know that they do not have to "Try out " like try outs for the baseball team..with women. If a woman does not approve of a man ...cut her loose. There are plenty of women out here. No man who can think past the next commercial break should ever have an "Oil Shortage." A man who cannot get past such "Shame" should consider "Seppuku."

" I cannot live with this shame!!"

LOL LOL..I am being facetious of course..but it illustrates the nature of such a drug taking over ones soul.

Now Edrick on to a slightly different line of thinking..

Let's Go down the List, shall we?

You have Khabbalism, Apocrypha and Gnosticism, Islam and Sufism, Taoism, Bhuddism, Yogic traditions, Hermetic Alchemy, Astrology, Geomancy, Divination, Renaissance Occultism, Rosicrucianism, Tarot, Golden Dawn, Wicca and Witchcraft....

Very Few of these Place the Feminine at the Top of the Cosmic Hierarchy, and the ones that DO, are not that much in practice nowadays.

Feminine in this sense means in this world and of this world..not necessarily as in female per se. Power in and of this world after the god of this world.
All of those religious systems of which you mention are from Paganism...which has its origins in the Occult religions. They seek power in and of this world through a type of Priesthood supporting feudal royalty for the purpose of power and authority in this world. The Ultimate authority become god men or demigods here in this world. Absolute power. Democracy is attempting by occult means to return to this power in the hands of men. Cradle to grave power. It is a concealed/occult method of returning to Divine Right of

Also if you study many of these systems..their degrees are royal titles/ in the nature and structure of their power over others. Often by subtle means..hidden ..occult.

What the Powers that Be study (in an occult sense) is derived from Khabbalistic, and Egyptian Hermetic practices... Both are rooted very deeply in the Masculine. (Not to mention Alaster Crowly's contributions, the Golden Dawn, and Satanism)

The Kabbalah is not from the instructions given to Moses on the Mount. It is from other sources. Yet the Hebrews got all involved in this practice. Now there are others involved today in the Greater and Lesser Mysteries of the Kabbalah than Hebrews..but the history is there for those who want to study it or see the patterns.
And Alister Crowley believed in and practiced Sex the point of depravity. So too did others under the various degrees who chose that path. This is also what the Hebrews were doing in the groves and high places of the day. This was their versions of the Bunny Clubs of the day. In the hills and groves in the day time and in the valleys at night. The sun and the moon and the master.

Yes...I have a copy of Morals and Dogma in my private collection. At one time I had the Golden Dawn book along with the Rig Veda and Kabbalah.

But none of this I learned was important. Most of these are counterfeit systems of men. Very highly organized systems and very affluent..but they are counterfeits as is the fruit they have produced and will produce in western nations...because of the very nature of what they are.

There IS some aspect of sexuality IN these occult topics, but it is HARDLY the main focus.

Correct in this statement. The main focus in the sexuality is the power to be gained through its usage or misuse. It's hidden concealed usage or misuse.

Gotta go ..lots to do here today. Been up standing the night watch.

Thanks for your post,

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

Yes I understood that the term you used is sexual confidence. I don't have much use or respect for a man whose major forte or experience is sexual. To me they are high maintenance ..just like many women.

Sexual Confidence does not a man or woman make. Men and women are so much more than sex and sexuality.


This is a concept which seems to escape many with a public education of today.

Well, I wouldn't say that it "Escaped" them... more so that it has been KEPT from them, if you get my meaning.

I despise the connection between politics and Hollywood..for the lie it teaches to people. Also Edrick..I don't think much of Democracy. I think it is a sham on people and will eventually sell all down the drain.

Well, the main problem with Democracy is what I mentioned before about the Herd Mentality, or "Social Proof"... when the majority lacks sufficient understanding, they will usually follow whoever "Seems" the most correct; And this is a Function of "Charisma" or "Self Confidence" more than it is a function of *Correctness*

An educated populous is a necessary condition for Freedom... Whether your Governmental system is Democratic, Monarchy, Federalist, Republic, whatever....

IT is usually Apathy that springs from comfortable contentment that causes the populous to become lethargic in exercising their voice in government and political affairs.

A woman grounded in certain disciplines can be difficult to find in this world...especially in the Western World but they are out here.

True... and this is typically the Reason for women not being allowed into Governmental Circles of power in the past.

It's not so much that Women are not CAPABLE of exercising Emotional self control... it is more that they have no Incentive to do so.... since there are plenty of men who reward them with attention and affection regardless of their demeanor.. regardless of whether they are "Disciplined" or not.

And to me, This is a horrible disservice to women at large.

The few good western women that are left, are usually the product of a Traditional Family unit with strong Paternal Influence... or... one of those rare intelligent women who sees past the emotional flattery of the mass narcissistic media.

Some men yes they can be just as you describe. But men who have been out here know that they do not have to "Try out " like try outs for the baseball team..with women. If a woman does not approve of a man ...cut her loose. There are plenty of women out here. No man who can think past the next commercial break should ever have an "Oil Shortage." A man who cannot get past such "Shame" should consider "Seppuku."

No, I'm sorry... but it seems that you are still not getting it.

We cannot allow the reigns of Government to be handed to a group that is not expected to work for their own happiness and contentment... especially in the areas of Relationships.

Without Effort, there is no Growth.

Without Growth, there is no understanding.

Without Understanding, there is no Correct Choice, or Correct Action.

And this leads to Tyranny.... this lack of understanding caused by being protected from reality.

Feminine in this sense means in this world and of this world..not necessarily as in female per se. Power in and of this world after the god of this world.

While I will agree with you that the Religious power structures are of this world, I would argue that the Occult teachings are Not of this world... but of more complex and subtle powers and energies.

And this is one of the main problems with Religion.

From my research, most religions start out as teachings of Wisdom in an age of Ignorance....

The teachings become popular due to their inherent truth...

The popularity morphs into Tradition, and Power Structures....

And then the Jackals move in, take over the "Power Structure", and completely disregard the original teachings, for the pursuit of their own power.

This is how religions become corrupted.... by the love of power.

It is said that Power Corrupts.... but a more correct statement would be that Power Attracts the Corruptible.

So, whenever there is a Concentration of Power... like for Defense, Infrastructure projects, Religion, Education, Etcetera... one can always expect those who desire power for their own purposes to "Infest" that Structure.

Also if you study many of these systems..their degrees are royal titles/ in the nature and structure of their power over others. Often by subtle means..hidden ..occult.

Nope, this is just the corrupt power structure that was placed *UPON* the occult teachings.

IT is the message that matters, not the material trappings that have accumulated AROUND the message.

I would even go so far as to argue that this "Of the World" problem of Religions and Occult teachings is not "Feminine" in nature... OR "Masculine"... it is more deeply ingrained than mere gender.

IT is a mutated, self serving, and solipsistic form of the survival instinct.

The Kabbalah is not from the instructions given to Moses on the Mount.

HAHAHAHAHA.... No... No it is Not.

Khabalism, has its origins in Egyptian, and Pre-Egyptian Hermetiscism...

You should read up on King Solomon, and the Building of his Temple.

It is written, that God gave Solomon a Ring which allowed him to speak to any living creature, and command the Demons of the Abyss (the Pits)

He used them to build his temple....

I would venture a Guess that much of the Khabballistic teachings are derived from a mixing of Their early Deism, and their knowledge of Demons.

Of course... this is only a Theory.

Early adherents of the Kabbalah portray Solomon as having sailed through the air on a throne of light placed on an eagle, which brought him near the heavenly gates as well as to the dark mountains behind which the fallen angels Uzza and Azzael were chained; the eagle would rest on the chains, and Solomon, using the magic ring, would compel the two angels to reveal every mystery he desired to know. Solomon is also portrayed as forcing demons to take Solomon's friends, including Hiram, on day return trips to hell.

Gotta go ..lots to do here today. Been up standing the night watch.

Hope you got some good sleep man!


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Edrick
The purpose of Social manipulation, especially in regards to Shaming language, and manipulation, is to crush the Self esteem of those men with Intelligence and a solid moral core, so that they do not pose any serious challenge to the plans of the Elite.

The continued Labeling of Intelligent, and Moral men as "Losers" is quite telling of the ultimate motivations of the elite....

To facilitate Men of Weak moral character, and lack of understanding and comprehension, to be elevated into positions of power over Men of Intelligence, and Ethics.

I bought a load of 1960s Playboy magazines from a junk shop this weekend, for the articles. You wouldn't, these days, buy it for the 'porn' anyway. It is incredibly modest by today's standards. Anyway, the writing is incredible. Articles by Len Deighton, John Updike, Truman Capote, Bill Cosby, William Burroughs, Sir Robert Morley, Arthur C Clarke...etc, etc. Absolutely anyone, who is anyone. There's even poetry by Allen Ginsberg. Stunning little treasure trove in that respect. But, as I am going through them, a theme starts to develop. Firstly, there are Hugh Hefner's editorials, which if he wrote them, or even cast an eye over then, I'm a monkey's uncle, but in each and every one of them there is a reference to Alfred Kinsey. Which is the biggest pile of biased cack to ever be dressed up as scientific study and has served as encouragement for the sexualisation of children ever since, and is still referenced in creating sex education programmes for children even though it has been proven that he, to all intents and purposes, paid paedophiles to rape children!!!!!!! And was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation...

The next thing to strike me, well actually, that probably preceded all else, the advertising. It is about 70 to 80% advertising. At least 50% of that is for alcohol, mainly spirits. Very little of the 'porn', mostly topless stuff, is original, and makes up, total, 2%. The original stuff is generally tied into some kind of advertising, so would have been paid for by the sponsor, basic principles, do this/get her this/blah blah and she'll show you her tits.

Which is the third thing, the articles are very liberal minded, to some extent even by today's standards, and many of the contributors are well known women writers (although I didn't recognise any of them, I'm sure they are as claimed to be) speaking of 'women issues' very positively, I noticed that the 'cartoons' and jokes, which appear around the centrefold area, were quite derogatory towards women. As is the Hugh Hefner editorial, or the 'Playboy Philosophy' as they call it, though not directly. In one, he uses Kinsey to confirm that having extramarital sex is better for marriage, and then arguing that in religious law, presumably appealing here quite specifically to Catholics, divorce is a worse sin than adultery. In the same paragraph he sneakily reaffirms a man's right to rape his wife. Though not in so many words, but you can see the nod to the wise. It is all very careful not to tread on any one's toes.

The letters are peachy too. I doubt a single one was written by anything other than a professional writer. I'm sure you would have been okay, but the vocabulary in some of them had me reaching for a dictionary. All of them, as you say, confirming that if you don't want to have multiple partners or whatever, you are not 'normal'. A good two thirds of them are from Christian's from the 'Bible belt'.

All this, structurally serves to provide to the widest possible audience, they even talk of the 'Playboy Household' and they clearly aim to maintain the class or socio-economic divide in addition to encouraging the maintenance of the sexual one, I guess, the point being, schoolboys don't read the articles, they look at the titties and read the cartoons. As they get a little older they may read the editorial. Similarly, the 'working man', sorry to stereotype, blue collar worker, will read the editorial, in addition to the pics and the cartoons. All these aspects of the magazine confirm subservient, mentally inferior, female stereotypes...though the editorial does it subtlely, with the Kinsey 'normal' barometre being pushed. Those that actually do read the articles are less likely to read the cartoons, as they consider that sort of thing vulgar, but are most likely of an economic bracket to be drawn in by the rich man gets beautiful young girl by buying her shiny things advertising, which is then confirmed by the editorial...or 'Playboy Philosophy' that you are saving your marriage by taking a mistress. The wife, who interested by the pictures of famous and glamorous women, is then assured that by allowing her husband to 'play away', she is preserving her economic status, and will too, if she follows the advice of the women writers, ensure her own supply of shiny things from husband who loves her more for understanding that he has 'needs'. Plus you have all that becoming the aspirational model from below, which can only lead to disillusionment with reality.

As a piece of social engineering, seeing the results from retrospect, it is quite brilliant, it covers the entire social spectrum.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

I bought a load of 1960s Playboy magazines from a junk shop this weekend.....
....It is incredibly modest by today's standards.

Precisely... I would even go so far as to say that THIS was the original purpose of the Magazine.

To create a Culture of *EXTREME SEXUALITY* that necessarily destroys familial bonds.

Anyway, the writing is incredible. Articles by... ...Absolutely anyone, who is anyone.

Yeah, there is that Social Proof I was talking about.

"If Guy/Girl X does it, then *I* must do it!"

It's really incredible, isn't it?

Firstly, there are Hugh Hefner's editorials, which if he wrote them, or even cast an eye over then, I'm a monkey's uncle, but in each and every one of them there is a reference to Alfred Kinsey. Which is the biggest pile of.....

Kinsey wrote about pre-adolescent orgasms using data in tables 30 to 34 of the male volume, which report observations of orgasms in over three-hundred children between the ages of five months and fourteen years. This information was said to have come from adults' childhood memories, or from parent or teacher observation. Kinsey said he also interviewed nine men who had sexual experiences with children, and who told him about the children's responses and reactions.

Yeah... That's pretty Sketchy.

And was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation...

LOL! Tell me about it, Right?

During the 1940s, Kinsey embarked on a large-scale study of the sexual habitsof men and women. Initially, his resources were limited, and he used his ownmoney to hire staff and pay expenses. In 1943, he received a $23,000 grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, which enabled him to hire more staff and expand his efforts. Chief among his staff were colleagues W. B. Pomeroy, who alsoconducted thousands of sex interviews, Paul Gebhard , and Clyde Martin. Thefunding briefly legitimized his undertaking, which became known as the Institute for Sex Research of Indiana University .

As a piece of social engineering, seeing the results from retrospect, it is quite brilliant, it covers the entire social spectrum.

Yes.... this kind of thing is the Male Counterpart to the Rockefeller Funded Feminist Movement.

Turns women into Sluts, and Whores....

Turns men into Lotharios and Johns....

Great post KilgoreTrout... Starred!


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:40 PM
So women who are feminists are somehow made that way because of playboy and therefore will only have sex with badboys when they really should be putting out for the "nice guys" because they already paid them in advance by being "nice" and being nice should be considered valid currency?

I'm just trying to get this back ontopic as it just derailed back to being a women bashing thread.. apparently we're all sluts and whores now. :shk:

btw. Many feminists do NOT like porn as as alot of it degrades women. Tieing it's existence to feminism is ridiculous as porn has always existed.

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