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Precisely... I think it is interesting how this (what you spoke of about relationships) is mirrored in our political landscape.... Isn't it?
Go through the same real oil shortage I have, and you'll be the same way.
You're giving reason and justification to be apathetic, and harsh, and with people who suffer yet who are otherwise good people and deserve their basic human rights.
There will always be a divide between people who suffer and successful humans if this problem is not cleared.
It is indeed mirrored in the political landscape. I find that politics is ideally feminine. You can take from others without RISK and give it to those who don't RISK for votes, power, and influence. All the time tooting ones horn and the horn of certain political parties. If it goes bad you can put others in the spotlight and become scarce..or claim lack of knowledge or Victimization. If it goes well you can take credit for it and very few will notice what has happened..very occult in its nature and this is not accidental.
Agree here. This has become the fingerprint of excellence to be sought after today. Not how much one knows or can do..but how much one can feed off others while looking good.
Television and movies parasite off this template to groom the next generation of malleable voters/consumers.
To Defend those, who cannot defend themselves.
This is what keeps you Safe at night.
To Protect the Weak, From the Strong.
This is the backbone of Civilization.
I dont think so Edrick.
Allow me to enlighten you.
I dont consider myself tough or jaded nor above others.
If you have been tit fed/breastfed/sheltered most of your life...learning by experience is foreign to you.
Obviously you have had few male teachers in your life.
This is what you call a high horse. No problem by me. Call it what you like. I have a hard bark. I can take it.
I do have some sympathys for certain people who have genuine handicaps..but not The Quiet One. If you call this condescension or superiority...well that is your view and your problem. I dont think so.
If you have been tit fed/breastfed/sheltered most of your life...learning by experience is foreign to you.
There is a fellow outside the gate in a wheel chair who has one leg missing. I give him monies and when time allows I let him use my phone to call someone to help him. I dont carry his water for him.
I dont believe in Victimization as it is often portrayed today or another version
All of them play the victimization game. It too gets wolfie.
The backbone of civilization is people working/laboring for what they have and able to use their own discretion/creative energys.
not cede it to an all knowing, all seeing government.
To direct their energys on their own selfish persuits.
Not being socially, ethically, and morally obligated to carry the water for others while they ride with no RISK on the public purse.
I tend not to use movies and television to explain concepts. It shows the television/movie education and emotions of which I call Public Education. You did well explaining your position right up to the point you used a movie/movies to add further emphasis to your beliefs.
Well, I gotta thank you Edrick for defending me.
I do have to understand much of what orangetom is saying. I really do my best not to seek for pity
Dude I'm not whining.
Anything "negative" you say can also be considered "whiney" in the same criteria you label my speech "whiney". Don't judge me, when you judge yourself in the same manner. Judging me as being "whiney" and "negative" is you being whiney and negative. Simply because I talk about things doesn't mean I'm whining, and it doesn't give you any right to belittle me in front of others for simply talking about observations I've made. I don't look for pity either. That's a personal choice and usually people only help out another unless they pity them, which is probably wrong, but what can they do?
You enjoy Making fun of others, because it is what you have been taught by the Women.
Do you pay YOURSELF, or do your SUPERIORS pay you?
YOU depend upon people who are STRONGER than you are... and yet, you treat others like garbage when life hands them a bum hand.
Get back in LINE, SLAVE.
Because Civilization is about being CIVILIZED... it means that you don't go up to Crippled people and ask them why they suck at dancing.
You are a Vain, Selfish, Self-Centered, Egomaniac, Who believes that you deserve the Fruits of other peoples efforts.
You don't really want to Judge yourself by the Standards of someone who thinks "Manliness" is something that is bestowed by a Woman's Vagina, Do You?
Listen, Western women are Vain, Shallow, Self Centered, and Narcissistic... and they Seek out men who are LIKEWISE Vain, Shallow, and Self Centered, and Narcissistic.
As for the 'being sorry'.. well orangetom I can at apologize at least, and forgive, whatever it is. It's better to forgive than forget.
Originally posted by adigregorio
HE SAID HE WAS ON "His best behavior"
Do you know what that means?
Originally posted by Edrick
Why is it that Shy Women have so much trouble Getting Laid?
-Edrick (I would like an answer)
Originally posted by The Quiet Storm
This is why a male virgin, once he gets a certain age it just gets harder and harder to lose his virginity and also be normal. Women expect so much from a man. They can tell whether a man is a virgin or not just by looking at him and the way he walks, he's uncertain of himself in terms of sexuality, he lacks the sexual confidence, and experience. Yet at the same time women expect unshakeable confidence... a male virgin can be confident in every aspect of life, though it's rare, but because he is sexually inexperienced, females look down on him, and his own inexperience affects how adept he is socially.
You need to check your insecurities here. You don't see me laughing about this. It is a serious topic. Not a laughing matter. Are you going postal on me here??
Cancer (medical term: malignant neoplasm): is a class of diseases in which a cell, or a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood).