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Why do women break up with nice guys?

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posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by Edrick

Precisely... I think it is interesting how this (what you spoke of about relationships) is mirrored in our political landscape.... Isn't it?

It is indeed mirrored in the political landscape. I find that politics is ideally feminine. You can take from others without RISK and give it to those who don't RISK for votes, power, and influence. All the time tooting ones horn and the horn of certain political parties. If it goes bad you can put others in the spotlight and become scarce..or claim lack of knowledge or Victimization. If it goes well you can take credit for it and very few will notice what has happened..very occult in its nature and this is not accidental.


posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 12:17 PM
I still don't agree with many things you're saying orangetom. You are the way you are because of your past experiences with women. That's what gives you the confidence you have. You are not beyond "oil shortage thinking", only because you physically are. Go through the same real oil shortage I have, and you'll be the same way.

Step down from your high horse and admit that people suffer and I'm not even looking for pity. I'm just saying.

So what, you're beyond all that, I congratulate you. But you seem very stuck up and very unconscious of other's suffering. Ie, you lack empathy. When others are suffering you look them down, to make yourself look better in your own eyes or another.

Maybe it's just a pattern that you out of habit do, because of the way you are. Maybe it's just a result of the 'successes' you have, which make you seem harsh.

The fact is that you do secretly operate also out of the 'oil shortage' mentality when you portray reality in such a brutish and harsh manner. Same with the women who also give credit to it with their "aggression" and "hunter-gatherer" persona you make them seem like cold apathetic animals, or rather monsters.

You're giving reason and justification to be apathetic, and harsh, and with people who suffer yet who are otherwise good people and deserve their basic human rights.

There will always be a divide between people who suffer and successful humans if this problem is not cleared.
edit on 31-10-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by The Quiet Storm

The Quite Storm,

Went to public schools did you?? Got a television/movie education. Are you a "Victim??"

Do you need a makeover to get through the day Quiet Storm??

Go through the same real oil shortage I have, and you'll be the same way.

I am not interested in your sex life or your sexuality. You can believe what I tell you or continue to stumble around as you are doing. It is your call and your pay the price ..not me or anyone else out here.

I am not here to give you pity or carry for you your water.

When I step into a nuclear reactor again on Monday night I will not be thinking about you but only about what I have to do and if the men working with me..and one woman ..can go the distance..not carry on in drama or pity parties. They need to be able to cut the mustard or we will get rid of them...;rapidly. If they cannot handle it they are a danger to themselves and the rest of us. That's the way it is. No pity parties.

You must have one hell of a security blanket to afford such immature thinking and excuses. I am not here to carry your water for you nor the water for the people with whom I work.

In case you don't understand what I am saying about real living out here among the is one from the textbooks. This is Darwinism. Survival of the fittest. It is not is learning and making adjustments to fine tune ones thinking and reacting..under the discipline of learning.

If you have been tit fed/breastfed/sheltered most of your life...learning by experience is foreign to you.
Obviously you have had few male teachers in your life.

This is what you call a high horse. No problem by me. Call it what you like. I have a hard bark. I can take it.

I've had experience with women who can bark, bite, claw, and scratch much harder than you and on this forum ATS/BTS and Riley is one of them. They have sufficient hard bark and salt in them to burn your backside if you want to act like a slug on here.

If you want to hang with Riley and some of the other women here you'd better grow a hard bark and you don't learn this in textbooks or in movies and television.

Even women...have to learn this the hard way. Why do you think so many of them know what you do not??
Why do you think some of the women here on this forum do indeed have a hard bark?? Because they have been through the fire..some of them many times. It teaches many of them go grow a BS filter. The Males of any merit and character as well.

You're giving reason and justification to be apathetic, and harsh, and with people who suffer yet who are otherwise good people and deserve their basic human rights.

There will always be a divide between people who suffer and successful humans if this problem is not cleared.

This..Quiet Storm is where you and I are going to separate quickly. I don't believe in good people. I believe all of us are bad people. No exceptions. I know I am far worse than far. I am not a good person.
None the less I am not here to show apathy for you. You carry your own water dude. You be responsible for it pity parties. I don't change the way I think because I leave work. Not interested in this keeping up with the Joneses.
Life is in fact hard and harsh out here in the world. Why would you believe it is any different. This is why I ask or bring up the point about you having a movie and or television public school education.

It does not occur to you that this divide of which you speak is here for a reason. That you know or learn that your math or numbers are not coming out right and that you need to learn and make adjustments..trial and error. It is up to you to clear it up..not anyone else to fill the buffet line so that you can show up with your plate out for goodies and default through on the breast. You make the adjustments..not the rest of us. You must step out on the limb and make the mistakes and Not we to fill up the buffet line for you to pig out while we take the RISK out of life for you. We are not here to breast feed you.

No excuses Quiet Storm. Grow up. Class is out.

If you want to hang with men..real'd better learn to grow a BS filter. Not only to filter out the books you read but also to judge and identify what you see and experience in life out here among the wildlife. Otherwise you will be tossed to and fro by every changing wind...every thing, doctrine, and experience.

If you want to hang with women ..real women'd better learn to build a good BS filter ..because there are many women out here with as much BS of a womanly type that they can out BS you and or easily weed you out.. And this is something almost no woman will teach a man.

Grow up Quiet Storm.


edit on 31-10-2010 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 05:57 PM

Stop patronizing me. Where's your respect? I'm done with you. You're sick. You're not human.
edit on 31-10-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by The Quiet Storm

I have no intention of patrionzing you. I am telling you as it is. Deal with it.

You want respect..earn it..stand up for yourself..dont whine!! Demonstrate that you can think and act for yourself. Go the distance.

Did you not read the part where I posted that when you are a man you must often conduct your business alone and in difficult circumstances. No one is coming to rescue you, to save you, To flash dance you, to put the choicest morsels on the table for you to consume ..without work and without RISK.

I am not here in this world to glorify my human qualities. Nor your's as well. What are you thinking here??

Did you not understand what I meant when I stated that I believe we are all bad people?? How can bad people glorify their human traits?? You can't.


edit on 31-10-2010 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

I'm going to have to say, Tom.... that you Don't even believe what you Say.

You CLAIM to.. but you don't.

Allow me to Enlighten You.

You claim to be Strong, Jaded, Tough.... Whatever...

You work at your Job, you earn your money, and you claim "Survival of the Fittest" as justification for your condescension.

It is indeed mirrored in the political landscape. I find that politics is ideally feminine. You can take from others without RISK and give it to those who don't RISK for votes, power, and influence. All the time tooting ones horn and the horn of certain political parties. If it goes bad you can put others in the spotlight and become scarce..or claim lack of knowledge or Victimization. If it goes well you can take credit for it and very few will notice what has happened..very occult in its nature and this is not accidental.

Stop Complaining about the power Structure that is Bending you Over, and taking all that you have....

They are your MASTERS, and you should humbly submit to their Superiority.

You know... Survival of the fittest and all.

Agree here. This has become the fingerprint of excellence to be sought after today. Not how much one knows or can do..but how much one can feed off others while looking good.
Television and movies parasite off this template to groom the next generation of malleable voters/consumers.

Again... Stop complaining about being the Victim.

They are clearly superior to you in Every way, which is WHY they have you completely under their Thumb.

Do you not like being taxed into oblivion?

Suck it up, Grow Up, and Be a Man.

You lost the Moral high ground to Judge others, the moment you told them to not complain.

So kindly take your hypocrisy to a Forum where people will pity YOU.

To Defend those, who cannot defend themselves.

This is what keeps you Safe at night.

To Protect the Weak, From the Strong.

This is the backbone of Civilization.

edit on 31-10-2010 by Edrick because: Correction

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 08:01 PM
Well, I gotta thank you Edrick for defending me.

I gotta admit though.. I do have to understand much of what orangetom is saying. I really do my best not to seek for pity, but orangetom just seems overly callous, and I just don't know what to say to him, as he will just keep portraying me in a really negative picture calling me a names like sissy, wimp, whiney, etc. and I'm not going to call him names, I'm just going to be honest. To be honest, maybe I don't have the vocabulary and the knowledge to be "assertive." Maybe I'm too honest, maybe I over-expose myself my heart and my vulnerabilities. Maybe I'm actually just have a big ego. And assertion doesn't always work. Assertion requires knowledge, justification, it's not mere aggression. When it doesn't work, aggression seems to be the only way when passivity is out of line.

but you know, people talk about # you know.. it not always whining, but to get an objective view. It's just observations sometimes.

edit on 31-10-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by Edrick


I dont think so Edrick.

Allow me to enlighten you.

I dont consider myself tough or jaded nor above others. I have beliefs and lines of thinking and on occasion I make them known. Some tend to call this a high horse. I dont think so.
I make no excuses for who or what I am or think. I am driving this bus. Paying for it..taking the RISKS. I choose where and when go my sympathies/understandings. This is my right to so do.

I dont have to go along or play ball as others try to outline for me. Male or female. I have to do this at work as part of a team effort but not once I leave that place.

I do have some sympathys for certain people who have genuine handicaps..but not The Quiet One. If you call this condescension or superiority...well that is your view and your problem. I dont think so.

There is a fellow outside the gate in a wheel chair who has one leg missing. I give him monies and when time allows I let him use my phone to call someone to help him. I dont carry his water for him.

However..I have told him to never to try telling me how much to give or when. It is my monies earned at great risk. I dont let others tell me how much to give or when. That is my decision based on my judgements.

I dont believe in Victimization as it is often portrayed today or another version ..used to get sympathy for the devil. Victimization has become a cottage industry like racism and sexism..homophobia. And politics has further whored out these groups. All of them play the victimization game. It too gets wolfie.

Once you know this template...folks like The Quiet One become very wolfie.

As to this....

To Defend those, who cannot defend themselves.

This is what keeps you Safe at night.

To Protect the Weak, From the Strong.

This is the backbone of Civilization.

This is an entitlement???

Our "Civilization" is going the way of Rome (SPQR) and with all the same baggage of Rome. Soon it will not be able to defend or offer even the appearance of defending anyone safe at night. It will lose it's backbone to whorish politics. This has been going on for some time now through the same deficit spending policies as was going on in Ancient Rome. A world turned upside down. This is not new in history. It is a repeat.

The backbone of civilization is people working/laboring for what they have and able to use their own discretion/creative energys. on what they will spend their earnings/skills, knowledges...not cede it to an all knowing, all seeing government. To direct their energys on their own selfish persuits. Not being socially, ethically, and morally obligated to carry the water for others while they ride with no RISK on the public purse.
This used to be a system called Represenative Government here. Sometimes it is called a Republic or Republican form of government. Today, by public education non standards and a movie/television education, it is called Democracy.

Also Edrick,

I tend not to use movies and television to explain concepts. It shows the television/movie education and emotions of which I call Public Education. You did well explaining your position right up to the point you used a movie/movies to add further emphasis to your beliefs.

The Quiet One,

To my knowledge I did not call you all those names. I did clearly say and imply that you whine to much.
No problem. As I stated I have a pretty thick skin or bark.

Women are not interested in such whining from a man. They tend to want their men ready made and not a project they must make....not whiney. Able to step up to the plate and solve lifes problems for them without RISK. Including their intimate problems.
This seems to escape you in reasoning. A whiney male is not attractive to them. This is what I call growing up and this seems to be a foreign line of thought to you. Some women call this "Confidence."
I know very very few women who are attracted to whiney men who lack confidence in daily affairs..including and especially "Oil Shortage affairs." For most women ..confidence in a man translates into "Security."
They do not want men or males who are higher maintenance than themselves.
This is a standard default setting for most women.

One more thing Quiet One. "Whatever" is a standard default line among many females and the effeminate. It is used when substance is lacking. In like manner to politics, "whatever" is from form and not of substance. I notice certain words very quickly..and "whatever" is one of the favorite of those in this world and of this world.
You might want to make note of this..form verses substance.


edit on 31-10-2010 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 02:19 AM
Dude I'm not whining.

Anything "negative" you say can also be considered "whiney" in the same criteria you label my speech "whiney". Don't judge me, when you judge yourself in the same manner. Judging me as being "whiney" and "negative" is you being whiney and negative. Simply because I talk about things doesn't mean I'm whining, and it doesn't give you any right to belittle me in front of others for simply talking about observations I've made. I don't look for pity either. That's a personal choice and usually people only help out another unless they pity them, which is probably wrong, but what can they do?

You know what I mean. Nobody wants to be a damn victim. You have no common sense? It's human error if they do. You continue to judge though.

Calling me effeminate is weak, and a stupid way to make yourself look stronger. I also don't appreciate your use of my s/n to belittle me.

You're just too much. I dont know why you waste your time here if you are so detached.
edit on 1-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

I dont think so Edrick.

Here we Go Again.

Allow me to enlighten you.

Ah... the Monkey Giving the Bird Flying lessons, eh?

I dont consider myself tough or jaded nor above others.

You Said:

If you have been tit fed/breastfed/sheltered most of your life...learning by experience is foreign to you.
Obviously you have had few male teachers in your life.

This is what you call a high horse. No problem by me. Call it what you like. I have a hard bark. I can take it.

Jaded, Above Others... Etcetera.

Stop being Ignorant.

I do have some sympathys for certain people who have genuine handicaps..but not The Quiet One. If you call this condescension or superiority...well that is your view and your problem. I dont think so.

No... *I* am not calling it Condescension.... The definition of the WORD APPLIES to you.

1. the trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior
2. a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient

If you have been tit fed/breastfed/sheltered most of your life...learning by experience is foreign to you.

That you do not THINK you are being Condescending, Merely indicates your supreme ignorance of the Meanings of the words that you are aping.

There is a fellow outside the gate in a wheel chair who has one leg missing. I give him monies and when time allows I let him use my phone to call someone to help him. I dont carry his water for him.

IF you were beaten by a gang of Thugs, I would laugh at you, and tell you to Carry your own water.

You are a Disease, Man.

And just what do you mean when you say "Carry Your Own Water"?

Do you Serve in the Military?

Did you Invent the Uranium/Plutonium based Nuclear Reactor?

Do you pay YOURSELF, or do your SUPERIORS pay you?

YOU depend upon people who are STRONGER than you are... and yet, you treat others like garbage when life hands them a bum hand.

You enjoy Making fun of others, because it is what you have been taught by the Women.

I am beginning to think that you *ARE* a woman.... being all emotional when it comes to defending the ladies poor choices in picking you.

You know... like the way they Love Diamonds.

Useless, Overprices, Shiny, and completely Superficial.

I dont believe in Victimization as it is often portrayed today or another version

And yet you complain about the Government/Media screwing over your society.

You are a Hypocrite who expects a pity party because you are not free and wealthy, and yet you treat people who do not change who they are for Female Appeal like Trash.

You are quite transparent, and Puerile at that.

You know they say that Children are the most Cruel.

All of them play the victimization game. It too gets wolfie.

Would you mind defining this word "Wolfie"?

Or are you just going to keep making up words as insults because you lack the Conviction to use actual words?

The backbone of civilization is people working/laboring for what they have and able to use their own discretion/creative energys.

Did you invent the Nuclear Reactor that you work in?

Did you invent the Polyphase Alternating Current system that you are taking advantage of Right now?

Did you invent Calculus? Electronics? Computers?

Or are you just patting yourself on the back for being able to use the Fruits of someone else's labors?

You make me Sick.

not cede it to an all knowing, all seeing government.

Hey, stop complaining, they Defeated you Fair and Square.

Survival of the fittest, and their Station in life PROVES that they are more fit than you.

Get back in LINE, SLAVE.

To direct their energys on their own selfish persuits.

Listen, I GET that you *think* that all humans are Evil, Selfish Creatures.

This is why you are ignorant.


Do you know who This is?

Do you know why he is not selfish?

Do you realize how Utterly and Tragically Wrong you are about EVERYTHING?

Because Civilization is about being CIVILIZED... it means that you don't go up to Crippled people and ask them why they suck at dancing.

You are a Vain, Selfish, Self-Centered, Egomaniac, Who believes that you deserve the Fruits of other peoples efforts.

You Do Not.

You deserve NOTHING of Society, of the efforts of Cooperation, of Advancement.

Because you are not human enough to afford others the assistance that you have been granted by virtue of being born in your civilization.

The civilization that you did not build, but have decided to reap the benefits of the hard work of others.

Go live in a Cave, Naked and Alone.

You do not Deserve Civilization.

and people like *YOU* are the reason that it is failing.

*Because it's all about what you can TAKE, as opposed to what you can MAKE.*

Not being socially, ethically, and morally obligated to carry the water for others while they ride with no RISK on the public purse.

I'm not telling you to carry someone else's water.

I'm Telling you to stop Hogging the [snip] well.

Animals follow the Survival of the Fittest... and apparently, that is the only type of "Society" that your Brain can Grasp.

Pure, Unthinking Anarchy.

I tend not to use movies and television to explain concepts. It shows the television/movie education and emotions of which I call Public Education. You did well explaining your position right up to the point you used a movie/movies to add further emphasis to your beliefs.

And Why should I care how *YOU* express concepts?

There's that High Horse again.

Do me a favor.

Start thinking about people other than yourself for a change.

Because if you Don't, then why should anyone help you with anything?

edit on 1-11-2010 by Edrick because: error correction

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by The Quiet Storm

Well, I gotta thank you Edrick for defending me.

Think nothing of it... I enjoy exposing Weak Selfish Animals for what they are.

I do have to understand much of what orangetom is saying. I really do my best not to seek for pity

Don't You [snip] *DARE* apologize.

*YOU* are worth MORE than He (and they) want you to think.

You don't really want to Judge yourself by the Standards of someone who thinks "Manliness" is something that is bestowed by a Woman's Vagina, Do You?

Listen, Western women are Vain, Shallow, Self Centered, and Narcissistic... and they Seek out men who are LIKEWISE Vain, Shallow, and Self Centered, and Narcissistic.

People who spoil women with praise, flattery, and UNDESERVED ATTENTION, because they are unable to Control their Base Instincts.

You have STRENGTH in you, Man.... Do you really think these "Players" Could survive the isolation?


Their WEAKNESS is what is corrupting the Women of the Western World.

They care for no-one but themselves.

Don't you Dare Apologize.

edit on 1-11-2010 by Edrick because: Addition of Henery Rollins

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 06:33 AM
Wow.. you didn't have to do all that, but wow man!

I don't want to show too much of myself but I just had to say something.

As for the 'being sorry'.. well orangetom I can at apologize at least, and forgive, whatever it is. It's better to forgive than forget.
edit on 1-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 01:33 PM
The Quiet One,

Dude I'm not whining.

Anything "negative" you say can also be considered "whiney" in the same criteria you label my speech "whiney". Don't judge me, when you judge yourself in the same manner. Judging me as being "whiney" and "negative" is you being whiney and negative. Simply because I talk about things doesn't mean I'm whining, and it doesn't give you any right to belittle me in front of others for simply talking about observations I've made. I don't look for pity either. That's a personal choice and usually people only help out another unless they pity them, which is probably wrong, but what can they do?

The Quiet One,

You are not handicapped like the fellow to whom I referred outside the gate. You have however, by your reasoning and thinking/value system, managed to handicap yourself mentally without being physically handicapped. This is obvious by your posts and the nature of your posts. This is why you come across as whiny. If I can see it the women on here most certainly can see it.
No problem by me. Bon Appetit.
If you cannot take what I am telling you..cannot withstand it ..How are you going to survive what is coming to you outside the door of your residence?? Do you think anyone out here is going to candy coat it for you?? Do you think that you deserve candy??


You enjoy Making fun of others, because it is what you have been taught by the Women.

You need to check your insecurities here. You don't see me laughing about this. It is a serious topic. Not a laughing matter. Are you going postal on me here??

Do you pay YOURSELF, or do your SUPERIORS pay you?

YOU depend upon people who are STRONGER than you are... and yet, you treat others like garbage when life hands them a bum hand.

You need to think this through much more. They hire me because they don't want to do this themselves. As to treating others like!! Quite Storm has handed himself a bum hand here. Where do you get the concept that people deserve something different than what life deals them ..without RISK??
You do understand that adversity and difficulty properly survived makes one stronger. Defaulting through does not do this.??

Get back in LINE, SLAVE.

I am not a Buddhist nor Hindu.

Because Civilization is about being CIVILIZED... it means that you don't go up to Crippled people and ask them why they suck at dancing.

Civilization is indeed about being CIVILIZED. Quite right here. It was not however built by crippled people. And Quiet Storm is not crippled nor handicapped. What is the matter with your thinking??

You are a Vain, Selfish, Self-Centered, Egomaniac, Who believes that you deserve the Fruits of other peoples efforts.

Interesting summary you have posted here.
I believe you earn what you consume..not default through because you come across as crippled or handicapped.
If you don't earn it do without until you do earn it. This is vain??? Selfish?? Self Centered, Egomaniac??

Oh..before I forget..I am not a big fan of Mahatma Gandhi.

While I do recognize that he put the British or the Crown in a bad light politically, I do also recognize that he did little to change the economic situation in India. Very little changed until certain western influences were allowed to enter and change the landscape of India to what it has become economically today.
The Caste system of India has kept them economically backwards for Millennium. Economic prosperity is not possible under such an system. For this reason I am not impressed with Mahatma Gandhi.
The caste system is just a variation of Feudalism. And feudalism is to what this country is attempting a return.

Oh..and also while I am thinking about it...

You don't really want to Judge yourself by the Standards of someone who thinks "Manliness" is something that is bestowed by a Woman's Vagina, Do You?

I dont know where you get the concept that I think manliness is bestowed by a womans vagina. Go back and read The Quiet Ones posts. I'm not the one with an "Oil Shortage."

Listen, Western women are Vain, Shallow, Self Centered, and Narcissistic... and they Seek out men who are LIKEWISE Vain, Shallow, and Self Centered, and Narcissistic.

I tend to agree with the first part of this quote of yours. the second part....I think it is more like...they tend towards seeking out men who can support these characteristics in them. A good provider of the support required to maintain and even improve this system for themselves and children...without RISK.
I believe that most Western Women have no clue how hard it is on women in other nations without such economic affluence. They tend to think that how western people live is normal. Most of the world does not live like this male and female both.

And finally The Quiet One,

As for the 'being sorry'.. well orangetom I can at apologize at least, and forgive, whatever it is. It's better to forgive than forget.

I am not asking you to apologize though I understand and appreciate the consideration. I am saying you need to grow a pair.

This world outside the door is a hard and harsh place. Lots of wildlife out here ..male and female both. They are not going to coddle you and hence your tendency to whine is not going to help.
You need to understand this about the world outside the door frame and not operate on the principle of whining or that somene owes you by default. Because if you do it is not going to happen. It is that simple.


edit on 1-11-2010 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:20 PM
When Edrick said: It takes sexual experience to be sexually confident, he's right!

This is why a male virgin, once he gets a certain age it just gets harder and harder to lose his virginity and also be normal. Women expect so much from a man. They can tell whether a man is a virgin or not just by looking at him and the way he walks, he's uncertain of himself in terms of sexuality, he lacks the sexual confidence, and experience. Yet at the same time women expect unshakeable confidence... a male virgin can be confident in every aspect of life, though it's rare, but because he is sexually inexperienced, females look down on him, and his own inexperience affects how adept he is socially.

Therefore, if he ever wanted to even lose his virginity women won't even give him the chance simply because he's a virgin. They expect all men to not act "desperate" or needy... yet a bad boy acts needy all the time, only he's violent and women become subservient. A male virgin might be the same, but only not violent.. though he gets flakk. Women can be as needy as she can be and not ever have problems getting a man to sleep with her, or even be her friend. How can I not act deprived? I AM deprived. How can I act like I have sexual experienced, I AM inexperienced.

This is the grand paradox that keeps virgins virgin until they are 40 or even older.

Again, you don't know how sexual inexperience for the male affects him, nor do most women, it affects ALL aspects of his life unconsciously and even consciously. Even if he was not emotional in nature it will physiologically and psychologically hurt him and his chances to actually get a date in the first place. Because women expect too much. They are high maintenance just like you would say. They cannot expect ANY male virgin to be sexually confidence in himself, nor desperate for the very nature of being a male virgin at such an age is by nature deprived. It further proves that most women are like monkeys.. who only go for the male with the biggest display of authority. By mere first impression. Women expect me to be all socially skilled? Well since sexuality is an aspect of the social realm, this means one vital aspect is denied such that the entire system of the 'social realm' in my life is dysfunctional such that I cannot have or even become to know social skills. Because social skills now require that I have sexual experience. It's like money, you need money to make more money. Talk about sex being a commodity, in a very real sense sex is actually used as a commodity. Women use it to make males superior than others. Perhaps the only reason why males are successful is because of the sex they get. If they were ever denied sex they would not be so successful. Sure work came first, but it was guaranteed that a male got sex by a certain age, at the very least with someone, it doesn't matter if it's less. The reality is that sex is used as a prize by women. To motivate to hurt, to do any number of things other than to simply have sex, or even love or make peace.

When women deny men because they are TOO GOOD!? There's something wrong. I had a friend who had many girls, but all of them ended up leaving him because HE WAS TOO GOOD for them. They expected him to be bad, and to cheat on them. When he said he didn't, they either became fearful, or didn't believe him because they thought he should be cheating on them and not acting like he actually cared, so it caused lots of drama. He became turned off by all women and their trouble making natures and now he seems to think he's asexual. This happened when he was very young.. all women seemed to do was hold him back and be associated with drama, and vices. It was he that told me that the difference between men and women is that women get off on pain and that when she loses her virginity she comes to associate pain with pleasure. That's extreme.. and I believe differently but it's not hard to think that women can become confused.

So when I talk about these things, it's an observation. Not simply whining. Again I cannot act not deprived, because by nature I am sexually deprived. I cannot act experienced because I am by nature inexperienced, and these two factors give me the result, the consequences of being rejected by women. Simply going through these and talking about it does not make me a whiner because I talk about the reality.
edit on 1-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:52 PM
Orange tom.. You keep refferring to 'taking risk'. You support a false reality. Risk is not necessary. There's no need to push your view on reality onto others. There's no need for the 'lacking' concept of the 'oil shortage' you say. So why must you impose on others the SAME? Struggle is not necessary. It is a VICTIM mentality.

Again, you contradict yourself. Oil shortage, etc. Yea, you might not act out of the oil shortage mentality, but you still do act within the confines of a reality that depends on lack by speaking of risk, and struggle.

I see, you think that women seek for a man who can take all the risks for her. i'm fine with that... but there are times when she tests a man for no reason. Tests are just that, tests, and what matters in one test does not necessarily mean he will be the same way in real life.. A person can prepare for tests.

The fact is that women are confused when they look for a man who can take risks and instead end up with the wrong man, time and time again because they end up abusing her. Taking risks WITH HER. But in fact she wants men to take risks on her, it proves that he can put aside his heart to be selfish. These are traits of GOOD MEN??
edit on 1-11-2010 by The Quiet Storm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by adigregorio

HE SAID HE WAS ON "His best behavior"

Do you know what that means?


I hardly see this as lying.

For either a male or female to go out on a date where either of them is looking for a long term relationship,anyone would put their best foot forward.I mean who would go out on a date and be on the worst behaviour? how is either best or worst of anyone a lie or a false act.

All I can see from the OP is he wanted something the other didn`t and he should not feel bad about that at all,thats life.Find someone who you are compatible with.

This is not a gender specific problem,these things happen the other way around as well.Where the male isn`t interested for what ever reason when the female does.

I have only read the OP yesterday and then the last ten pages and wow this has blown up.

I`d like to give some of my views on parts I`ve read.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by Edrick

Why is it that Shy Women have so much trouble Getting Laid?

-Edrick (I would like an answer)

G`day Edrick

In my younger years (approx 30 years ago and have grown half a brain since) I experienced the opposite in a couple of shy females,one was extremely sexually hungry,myself being young and very athletic saw this as a challenge on who was going to get worn out first,well over a weekend,I didn`t eat or sleep much and lost around 7kg,I also lost the challenge.I ended the relationship simply for self preservation,I was at the time working for a building company doing 12 hour days and living at and on call at a fire station, it was taxing on my health trying to keep up.

When I have thought about those times since, have wondered if her being border line or full nyphomaniac was the cause of her shyness? I think it could be.

Now obviously I`m not suggesting all shy people are closet nypho`s by any means.Just to make that clear for others.

I saw that a shy woman will still get a lot of attention from males,over the loud centre of attention seeking women quite often.I know I`d rather be with the shy one and see if I can help her come out of her shell,compared to getting the loud one to tone down.

Have been with my Mr`s 17 years now,so most of my views on dating will be from memory lane.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm

This is why a male virgin, once he gets a certain age it just gets harder and harder to lose his virginity and also be normal. Women expect so much from a man. They can tell whether a man is a virgin or not just by looking at him and the way he walks, he's uncertain of himself in terms of sexuality, he lacks the sexual confidence, and experience. Yet at the same time women expect unshakeable confidence... a male virgin can be confident in every aspect of life, though it's rare, but because he is sexually inexperienced, females look down on him, and his own inexperience affects how adept he is socially.

G`Day Quiet Storm I can see what your saying pal,though this would only apply to a percentage of women,not all women want a man that has had many women,they just want their man.If he has decent qualities etc it would matter little to a lot of women who see`s him for who he is.

I think every pot has a lid,well it may not fit perfectly some work will be needed because I don`t believe there is the perfect pot and lid its just a goal to be made,you never know whats just around the corner pal,prepare for it the best you can before it comes.I remember being young and when I went out to find a girl I had not so much success as when I stopped looking and concentrated on my work and self improvement.

Build it and they will come.
then the tricky bit is finding the right one and staying away from trouble.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

You need to check your insecurities here. You don't see me laughing about this. It is a serious topic. Not a laughing matter. Are you going postal on me here??

What's that?

You want me to expand upon my observations of Reality?

Of COURSE I will, Since you asked me so Nicely!

Women HATE men with a Lack of Sexual experience, or who do not attempt to Control other men, either through Physical Force, or Social Domination.

Women Adore Tyrants.

IT get's them Off.

And they are Voting.

In the Western World, Women are the interim Gatekeepers of the Elite... Conditioned by Mass Media to get wet for the Most Cruel, and Inhuman of Males.....

Like OrangeTom here....

Confidence is *DENIED* to men with either:

A. A Solid moral Core


B. Self Reflective Intelligence

By inducing women to only be attracted (Sexually) to the Worst of Men... the Most Stupid and self Centered (Read, the Least Human)..... Intelligence, and the Desire and CAPACITY of Rebellion against the plans of the Elite are kept quite firmly Squashed.

Because the Intelligent males (Read: "Nice Guys") are able to Empathize with others, and wish to treat others as they wish to be treated..... So, instead of treating women like Objects fit only for Sexual Amusement, they Treat them Like People....

And thus, they are Disrespected by Women.

Kept out of the Game.

And insulted by the "Players" whose existence is marked by a decided lack of empathy for their fellow man.

Women Vote for Tyrants.... This should come as no suprise to anyone in this thread....

We all have the Eyes to see that women only respect the men that treat them like Masturbatory Aids, and soulless dolls.

They only Respect Men that treat other men like Garbage in order to get Ahead.

You see... at the TOP of the Pyramid of the Illuminati, is the Elite, of course.

Below them, are their Female Enforcers... keeping Intelligent males in check with Humiliation, and Allowing the most Animalistic of men (Read: the Guys that would make the best mindless enforcers for the Elite) to rise in social status.

And below them, are the rest of Us men.

The Animal Men (Stupid, Egocentric, "I'm better than you because I get Laid") reproduce more often, and with higher quality women.

The intelligent men, breed less.

Intelligence Vanishes from the Western World... as Does Industry, Creativity, and Freedom.

The only Jobs left in America, would of course be.... Peacekeeping Forces for the Global Banking Interests.

(Which they were going to fund through their Global Carbon Tax; Several trillion dollars a year fed directly to the IMF)

The plan, is to Remove the Brains from America and the Western world, Using competitive sports (and competitive relationships) to mold the population into a large global Army to enforce tyranny on the rest of the world.

IT is REALLY easy for them to institute Tyrannical Change in America, because they have Given political power to the Women who Mostly Desire MEN, who Keep Other Men Oppressed.

Women Vote For Tyrants..... you can see it Quite Clearly in their Choices of Relationships.

Women do not Desire Equality, They Desire Tyranny, They Desire Oppression.

And you Intelligent men, are only Fit to be Brain Slave Cuckolds, working your entire life, alone, dejected and rejected, and having all of your creative efforts stolen from you, to serve their interests.

-Edrick (Going Galt)
edit on 2-11-2010 by Edrick because: Who is John Galt

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:20 AM

Cancer (medical term: malignant neoplasm): is a class of diseases in which a cell, or a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood).

-Wiki: Cancer

Cancer is a Disease of the Cells, where Uncontrolled Growth (Reproduction) becomes the Sole purpose for the Cell's Existence.

The Cancer Takes more and more resources for its own unchecked growth, until the Organism is no longer able to sustain it's own life functions.... The totality of it's resources being *CONSUMED* by the Unbridled Instinctual Greed of the Cancerous Cells.

The Compulsion to Pursue Reproduction at the Exclusion of Everything Else that the Organism Requires to Survive.

edit on 2-11-2010 by Edrick because: Quote Sourced

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