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Video of a Model that won a contest

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posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by Raud
Nooo, that is not the one!

What the heck, man!
This is not the footage we are looking for! Use your freakin logic, guys!

This is pretty freakin far from being "the best UFO-footage in the world"! Can't you agree with that? And if you consider what the homepage says, I severely doubt he would name it "wierd black triangle UFO with red lights. Spaceship?". Don't you think the title would at least mention the word "Ireland"?

Besides, this footage looks nothing like the uploaded pictures of it.

I can't believe nobody reacts to this. What the hell is wrong with you people?

This footage is pretty cool, but it has already been discussed. I don't see it as any proof at all, and I am pretty liberal.

This thread serves one purpose only- to make the requested footage harder to find.

This quest continues somewhere else than on ATS.

[edit to add: oh, I see some people did react... The thread title is misleading, BIG TIME! Can mods fix this?]

I don't think you are getting why this thread was started.I know this video is said to be from the usa,and that maybe true .However it matches the description of the Irish ufo right down to the red laser.I am thinking that it maybe the irish video put onto ytube under a false title and country of origin.Don't you think its a little bit sus that the account was made the same day as the post. And that the story is very strange also.If it is not the irish video then fair enough.Does seem to be a big coincidence though. And how is this title misleading "Is this the Irish ufo footage?(yes this really is good)politician and pilot spot UFO, " Im asking is this the Irish footage?,not this is the Irish footage[edit on 8-10-2008 by Raud]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by butane bob

Originally posted by bloodcircle
Im completely confused by this thread. The title is misleading, the information is just wrong, and now we have people complaining about hotlinks to their own youtube accounts? Have I somehow quirked ATS and am reading parts of two separate threads?

I originally posted the vid in the other thread merely because it resembled the idea of what the elusive Irish footage might look like, and I thought it was interesting. After all there's plenty of triangle footage but not much showing the red laser shenanigans.

Ahh well fair enough on that, I haven't seen the other thread so had no idea what anyone was referring to. I'm certainly not knocking people for posting videos, that's why we're here (I'd hope!) - in order to share what we find interesting.

Might have helped to refer to that thread tho. All I saw was this one listed under 'Hot Topics' from the ATS main page.


posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 05:20 AM
There IS one big problem with the footage: Because of the total lack of referance points (stars, buildings, street lights and so on) there is no way we can know if this even was filmed outdoors.

The thing could very easily have been videotaped inside somebody's house. No way of telling how big it is, either. I could be a home built little model of a UFO.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by bloodcircle

I did this is from my first post on this thread..".I am sorry to post another thread on this subject but I want to give everybody a heads up about this amazing video."

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by tarifa37
]I don't think you are getting why this thread was started.

No, I don't. But the title says it has something to do with the Irish footage, which it certianly does not.

I know this video is said to be from the usa,and that maybe true.

If you know that, why do you ask if it is the Irish one?

However it matches the description of the Irish ufo right down to the red laser.

No, it doesn't. The Irish footage is said to be "the best in the world". The presented footage is average, at best.

I am thinking that it maybe the irish video put onto ytube under a false title and country of origin.Don't you think its a little bit sus that the account was made the same day as the post. And that the story is very strange also.

Much so. That is why I am so disappointed and alot of readers will think that this is the real footage from Ireland. Thus, misleading.

If it is not the irish video then fair enough.Does seem to be a big coincidence though.

What coincidence? That there are more than one (1) UFO-footage on the net?

And how is this title misleading "Is this the Irish ufo footage?(yes this really is good)politician and pilot spot UFO" Im asking is this the Irish footage?, not this is the Irish footage

Ok, fair enough, but it's not the Irish footage, quite obviously. Why didn't you just post this in your original thread? Why start a new one? Makes no sense to me.

Sorry if I come out a bit grumpy on this one, but this alleged "best footage in the world" really got me pshyched to the max and I want to see it! This thread made me disappoited as hell. And since people keep saying "yep, that's the one" makes me believe that the search for the real footage will cease. That would be a real drag.

The footage presented here is pretty cool, but faaar from the best I've seen. Very far. This could easily be an elaborate hoax.

Absolutely no offence. I'm just disappointed.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by ziggystar60
There IS one big problem with the footage: Because of the total lack of referance points (stars, buildings, street lights and so on) there is no way we can know if this even was filmed outdoors.

The thing could very easily have been videotaped inside somebody's house. No way of telling how big it is, either. I could be a home built little model of a UFO.

Yes this is a possible answer and if it is home made they have done a very good job.Can't be easy,could have come from a yet unkown toy with a laser pointer attached.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by Raud

I posted this in a new thread because the old thread had become a little cold and although butane bob had put up this video on the original thread it was not getting the hits it deserved.I was concerned that I wanted everyone to get a look at this video, so by posting a new thread about this new development I hoped it would reach more people(and it has). I know there is alot of ufo vids on ytube , however I have been looking for one that matches the Irish ufo to be posted.This video although not reported as from Ireland does fit the bill.(how many triangle ufo shooting red lasers are there out there?). I am sorry you are not happy about it,but it has ment alot of ATS members have got a look at this video and can make their own minds up ,or add to the debate.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by tarifa37
reply to post by bloodcircle

I did this is from my first post on this thread..".I am sorry to post another thread on this subject but I want to give everybody a heads up about this amazing video."

That's not a link to the other thread. I'm not going to do a 'search' for it that much I know. If it's not that important to you, why would it be to me.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 06:12 AM
I don't know if this has been noticed or reviewed yet.

The following quoted text is what the user jnd1996 that provided the video has to say about its content.

"This is a video was on a cheap camera I found when Hiking in the Smokey Mountains.
This is all that was on it."

I don't find this compelling at all. Unless that is disinformation being spread to renounce the authentic video before it is released publicly, or it actually is the authentic copy fallen into the wrong hands and now being used as propaganda then it's definitely a fake and not the video mentioned that involved the politician that happened in Ireland, so says the topic of this thread. This video is said to be taken in the Smokey Mountains, that's in a southeastern state called Tennessee in the continental United States of America, not in Ireland.

[edit on 8-10-2008 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 06:57 AM
According to , this is the real footage of the incident in Ireland witnessed by three credible people.

I personally believe this footage is a genuine ufo, but whether it is an alien craft or a top secret human craft I do not know.

If it were some secret military craft, would it make sense that they would ride it around blasting lights of all colors making a light show in the night?
If it were a secret craft, then their goal would have been most likely to develop one with the purpose of stealth, primarily. This craft doesn't fit that profile.

As for the lasers, they do look human made, but didn't the late Col. Phillip Corso say that the government learned about laser technology from the roswell crash?

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 07:03 AM
I live in Ireland. Apparently on the same day as the UFO sighting, there was a wedding where chinese lanterns were released into the sky. I doubt however that (and that's if this is the footage), that they would be capable of creating a triangle for such a period of time with a different colour flame in the centre. And let's say, the laser was really just a lantern burning up, how did it create the laser effect. Is the brightness of the flame just highlighting the smoke trail left by the lantern? I'm not sure if the smoke trail would stay there that long as lanterns take some time to reach a decent height.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 07:05 AM
Wow thats nice footage, if it is the Irish footage its very good, assuming its not a fake im not sure what to make of it though, black ops maybe? Could be a UFO, but if the source is so credible why isnt this footage all over the place.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by MorningStar8741

The lights on the wheel are a form of communication, like morris code. Certain lights and pulses give off different Letters or symbols that certain people can only understand.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 07:12 AM
I agree about lasers being too low tech for our alien friends. They like to use solid looking beams of light, often truncated, that we have no idea how to build.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 07:20 AM
I admit, the craft does look man-made. But what would be the purpose of designing this particular craft.. any speculation?

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by Flux8
Do you have some kind of vendetta against me?

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Flux8]

HAHA you just made your self look very silly, look at the top of the page it says "invalid user" You're just logged in at the moment so it redirects to your account page.

[edit on 8-10-2008 by JRSB]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 08:08 AM
I don't know, the more I look at it, the more it looks fake. There are no stars or points of reference anywhere. This thing could be 2"-4" tall, and be sitting on a desk in a dark room, while the camera is being tilted to look like its hovering in the sky.

I don't think this is a CGI hoax, but I do think its a miniature model in someones closet or room.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 08:10 AM
Here's my two cents:

It is legit video. If I was filming something in the sky at night, I would zoom in as best I could to get a good sized shot of it, so that kills any argument about "oh well there's nothing to reference its size so it's got to be a fake!!!"

That sure doesn't look like CGI, I don't care how good people are getting with that these days, it just doesn't look like it to me. And there have been numerous people just in this thread alone who have said they've seen this type of thing before!

Thank God there are a few sane people left on this board or it would be totally worthless, they've already said it, chances are highly likely that is a MILITARY aircraft. When the US Gov't has billions of dollars pouring into black projects every year, it's not hard to make the connection that they have things we can't verify without being "in the know." Cmon, they had satellites spying from space in the late 40's, early 50's (correct me if I'm wrong), they designed the Stealth Bomber like what, 30 years ago? It stands to reason that they have craft we can't fathom. And that is just using logic, I am completely ignoring the possibility we've reverse engineered (or have been given) technology that's not from this world.

Accept it, there are things us peons don't get to know about... Just because it isn't the up close and personal footage touching and feeling something showing you every detail doesn't make it any less real...

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by tarifa37

Oh my GOSH!!!!!

It's Happening!!!!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Hahaha great video, wheres Han,Chewbacka,Luke,Obi Wan, R2D2, C3PO, and Mr Darth Vader?

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