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Video of a Model that won a contest

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posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 11:46 PM
Could they be the triangles shown on google?

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot
AMAZING FOOTAGE!!! you can clearly see the gravity wave guide pulsating in the middle.. i am assuming with this craft configuration the middle wave guide is used for altitude control.. and the tips for direction and speed... if you notice whenever the craft moves a certain direction you will clearly see the light on the point of the craft pulsating... very good find!! I beleive these crafts are ARV's(alien reproduction vehicles ... they are ours... I don't belive the configuraion would allow for long distance space travel... short distance(our solar system yes) but to warp space time no you need either a cylindral object or a sphere to do that.. because u need the gravity waves to envelop the whole craft .. with points like that I beleive the gravity waves would not envelop the craft they would just shoot out at the points(which increase stability) ...I beleive this design is done for increased stability in our atmosphere this is sorta a hybrid airplane\ufo.... which is optimal for our enviroment..if you have noticed your typical ufo they are usually very unstable...especially in bad weather.. the reason for this is that ufos are like surfers... they ride on the gravity wave they promegrate by shooting the wave to the surface and then it bounces back... hitting the ufo.. and keeping it alfloat if you ever notice a standing ufo.. its usually bobbing.ufos are only stable in extreme high speed.. this is definitely one of our own.. anyone want to learn any of this stuff google bob lazar check out how he predicted element 115 years before it was "officially found" and remember there is no such thing as antigravity... just the opposite.. it uses it!
this is the future of flight! .

What a load of crap. I like the way you say it as if you actually know what your talking about.

LOL, quoting Bob Hoaxzar & Element 115 what a classic. You need to do your homework.


posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 12:11 AM
Hahaha, thanks Impreza! Thought I was being stalked. This is what I call good debunking!

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 12:13 AM
Im completely confused by this thread. The title is misleading, the information is just wrong, and now we have people complaining about hotlinks to their own youtube accounts? Have I somehow quirked ATS and am reading parts of two separate threads?

For a start, the footage linked to in the OP shows a run of the mill 'triangle' UFO which has no point of reference, has no audio, has nothing to explain if it is extra terrestrial or not, the description of it there even states that the person hosting it is not associated with recording it, and claims to have found a 'cheap' camera in the mountains - Oh what a coincidence.

Then the thread continues to speak about Irish footage, politicians, police officers, etc etc - Where is this all from? Are you sure it's not Santas camera that he lost after he returned from his trip to pluto? Really sure??

People are calling this footage proof, claiming that a cop shot the footage, and so on, yet this is obviously, from the description, not the case. Oh but lets not let those facts get in the way, lets make new ones up! Obviously, the person hosting the footage is not telling the truth about who they are, and where they obtained the video from, because it keeps the MiB off their backs. Good call. Whew! Smart cookie that fella.

And so on and so on. Like I say, confused.

All this is to me is another "Hey gais, check out my cgi skillz!!" ego stroking attempt by someone trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. And sadly succeeding.. and lets face it, this one is no Haiti footage...

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 12:14 AM
Yeah homework or over time at the CIA mis information center.

No wave in gravity... gravity is a secret even from the mis informers,
and thats a fact.
No alien or reproduction.
No warp.
No element 115.

What it is is completely different from gravity and works on momentum
extracted from the gaseous Cosmos, or air, by simple static principles
from high school physics.

You were never told of the ramifications and never shown what
Tesla could do.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by bidu82
Guys.. Really, you can't judge this based on a tiny little crappy compression youtube video... There's not nearly enough resolution in the video to judge it clearly... Something like this can be faked. it can DEFINITELY be faked.... What bothers me about this one is that if it WAS real, you'd think they would have left it on long enough to see it leave. why does it just cut off all of a sudden?

I'm not saying it's real or fake, it's merely an example of some of the better looking footage floating around on youtube and it should at least be viewed and discussed.
I agree the length of the video is a bit suss, if i was filming it then i would've recorded it for a lot longer and left the sound intact. But if it is in fact footage that was on a camera that was "found" then there's no way of telling why it's so short etc.

Originally posted by meadowfairy
Could they be the triangles shown on google?


Originally posted by bloodcircle
Im completely confused by this thread. The title is misleading, the information is just wrong, and now we have people complaining about hotlinks to their own youtube accounts? Have I somehow quirked ATS and am reading parts of two separate threads?

I originally posted the vid in the other thread merely because it resembled the idea of what the elusive Irish footage might look like, and I thought it was interesting. After all there's plenty of triangle footage but not much showing the red laser shenanigans.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 12:40 AM
I really hope there has been some mistake by the OP. Please tell me this is not the anticlimactic end to a potentially great shot of UAP?

It looks horribly fake for one thing, and then if it is some craft (doubtful) it is OURS. Terra Firma....

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 12:49 AM
just thought i'd throw in my opinion that the video description makes it stink of a fake to me.

"i just happened to find this cheap camera with this alien craft on it while hiking?" also why are there edits in the middle of the video?

something is fishy i just can't figure out what it is yet.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 12:58 AM
Can the earlier poster tell me once again, Who faked this video with cgi and for what reason did they produce it? Was it for a movie or just to fool around with people. Its getting harder everyday with footage like this being made with software and then people thinking its the real deal. urgg

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 01:02 AM
sigh, are we ever going to see a video of a UFO video that's claiming to be THE ONE in broad day light instead of lights in the sky at night? That thing really can be anything. Sorry, but I just can't get impressed over lights.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Yeah homework or over time at the CIA mis information center.

No wave in gravity... gravity is a secret even from the mis informers,
and thats a fact.
No alien or reproduction.
No warp.
No element 115.

What it is is completely different from gravity and works on momentum
extracted from the gaseous Cosmos, or air, by simple static principles
from high school physics.

You were never told of the ramifications and never shown what
Tesla could do.

not even a one liner

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 01:59 AM
Ever thought videos like this are made purely to sabotage up and coming ufo videos ?.

say a big time special effects guy is paid handsomly to construct a genuine looking big budget/ ufo video, just for when the real deal comes out, it looks shabby/low budget in comparison to his.

It's exactly like that alien in the window story.

[edit on 8-10-2008 by Eisbaer]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:06 AM
I hear ya Botiemaster,

When that big event going to occur?? I'm starting to get older now and I'm still waiting for that one case, that one event that really gets everyone wondering including the hard core skeptics and scientists. I hope I live long enough to learn of such an event.

reply to post by botiemaster

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:10 AM
interesting video.
I haven't seen a look quite like this one yet.

The video quality for a night shot on a "cheap" camera seems suspect. But the fact that the video framed within a larger video frame indicates the process of using a home software instead of a CGI person trying to hoax. In better words, if it was a found camera and the model didn't match the "finders" software for THEIR camera, the video within a larger frame makes perfect sense.

The "laser" beams at the end... hrmm. When it shoots to the right, you see an interuption of the beam.. tree limb?.. also the "beam" isn't straight and it looks like it's going through a haze, fog or smoke. If on a mountain, the weather conditions often have that sort of atmosphere.. hence the "Smoky" Mountains.

The amount of "noise" in the beam indicates a good distance away from the camera as well.

Another the last instant the light that "shot" the beam to begin with seemed to be "pwering up" right before the video quit.. did it zap the camera and owner :O

Please debunk this because if it can't be then I can't show this to my wife
we witnessed some things this past weekend and a story like this will stop some hiking expeditions we have planned..


posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:37 AM
Nooo, that is not the one!

What the heck, man!
This is not the footage we are looking for! Use your freakin logic, guys!

This is pretty freakin far from being "the best UFO-footage in the world"! Can't you agree with that? And if you consider what the homepage says, I severely doubt he would name it "wierd black triangle UFO with red lights. Spaceship?". Don't you think the title would at least mention the word "Ireland"?

Besides, this footage looks nothing like the uploaded pictures of it.

I can't believe nobody reacts to this. What the hell is wrong with you people?

This footage is pretty cool, but it has already been discussed. I don't see it as any proof at all, and I am pretty liberal.

This thread serves one purpose only- to make the requested footage harder to find.

This quest continues somewhere else than on ATS.

[edit to add: oh, I see some people did react... The thread title is misleading, BIG TIME! Can mods fix this?]

[edit on 8-10-2008 by Raud]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:58 AM
Guys as far as I am aware this is not the footage of the Irish UFO, it has not been released yet, the footage was taken from a camera phone. It was taken near Dunboyne village in CO. Meath. The footage taken is alot more grainy than the one here. I live in Dunboyne and have seen the real footage.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 02:59 AM
The blue light in the middle looks like something I have seen in Spencer gifts and the red beam looks like a laser pointer through hair spray or something. I'm not buying this one.

It does look a lot like the one I saw as a kid but the blue lights were on the corners and the middle light was bigger and red. That's not to say the lights can't change. Also one side of this one is shorter than the other two.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by Bspiracy

the small size could be because that is what the phone's native resolution for recording vids is. it's frame in frame because if you blew up a video that tiny, it would be pointless and make it look worse.

one more thing my take on it mysteriously cutting off is because the phone's memory got all used up. that is of course assuming its real, which would be nice but probably not.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by tarifa37

Looks like a Triangle manufactured By Lockheed.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by Sfen Senterra

Yup, that's what I thought.

It is just like an American pilot to laser the area for a laugh.

If it is an R/C hoax then it is darn good.

It has a laser and it has a screen in the center and it is hovering perfectly still. A plane would have to fly around.

Very interesting. I believe it could possibly be an actual Secret American Craft.

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