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Video of a Model that won a contest

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posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 11:00 AM
(edit 10-09-2008)
I can not believe how much interest this video has gotten.
To answer a few questions.
The camera was NOT a camera phone
it is a cheap picture camera with video capibility. It had no sound.
It only had a 4meg card in it and the video filled the whole card.
It was found along a trail near the North Carolina/Tennessee border.
It was found before the Irish video was announced. I only put it up when I heard about that one because it sounded like the same thing.
A UFO/Paranormal reacher has the original right now. He said he will put the full higher quality video up this weekend on a website. When he does I will come back and post the link on top of this page.
I am not claiming to be the person that filmed it. I have no idea what it is, I want your opinion good or bad.
I just thought it was very interisting and a bit scary.
I can tell you that when you see the original you can see that it is in fact a laser coming from it.

From the youtube post

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 11:27 AM
UPDATE on video:

(edit 10-09-2008)
I can not believe how much interest this video has gotten.
To answer a few questions.
The camera was NOT a camera phone
it is a cheap picture camera with video capibility. It had no sound.
It only had a 4meg card in it and the video filled the whole card.
It was found along a trail near the North Carolina/Tennessee border.
It was found before the Irish video was announced. I only put it up when I heard about that one because it sounded like the same thing.
A UFO/Paranormal reacher has the original right now. He said he will put the full higher quality video up this weekend on a website. When he does I will come back and post the link on top of this page.
I am not claiming to be the person that filmed it. I have no idea what it is, I want your opinion good or bad.
I just thought it was very interisting and a bit scary.
I can tell you that when you see the original you can see that it is in fact a laser coming from it.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 11:35 AM
Yep. I am glad to hear from him. I have invited him again to register on ATS and join this discussion. I hope he will do that.

I hope that UFO researcher will post the original video of higher quality soon.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 12:51 PM
Sadly this video is a hoax, actually a purposeful one. It was NOT filmed in Ireland, but in the USA!

It was part of Joshua P Warren's annual UFO Experience. People get together and make, and fly their homemade UFOs. One guy this year actually duplicated the Phoenix Lights for about $25!

The pilot and the politician took the video and misadvertised it.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Deaf Alien

Just got back from work and I see there are some developments.Can't wait to see the original version.Still smells fishy though.Not sure If I believe this found the camera on the mountain story, I guess time will tell.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by tarifa37

I'd like to say i sit on the fence with ufo's untill i witness it myself .. see.. touch etc.
I'm still a believer in we are not the only ones out there, ans i also want to believe the many highly respected people that come on here and share their facts or opinions.
And trying to weed those out who are just init for a profit, or pleasure.

The video here feel like where's the sky... even though quality is bad we see no stars atall.. unless its a very cloudy night.. just my 2 pence.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by tarifa37

Sigh... it's a transport plane, most likely Russian. Tu-104?

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by tarifa37

WOW! This is deffinitely the best footage of a triangle craft that i have ever seen to date! I believe that these specific type of craft are military in origin, not E.T. but that is still a mystery all the same if i am correct, eh lady's and gents, for they have not disclosed anything about these things yet either. Peace


posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 04:51 PM
Who ever said the lights on this thing are "safety lights" maybe the aliens think the lights are pretty.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Ziltoid_the_Omniscient
(edit 10-09-2008)
I can not believe how much interest this video has gotten.
To answer a few questions.
The camera was NOT a camera phone
it is a cheap picture camera with video capibility. It had no sound.
It only had a 4meg card in it and the video filled the whole card.
It was found along a trail near the North Carolina/Tennessee border.
It was found before the Irish video was announced. I only put it up when I heard about that one because it sounded like the same thing.
A UFO/Paranormal reacher has the original right now. He said he will put the full higher quality video up this weekend on a website. When he does I will come back and post the link on top of this page.
I am not claiming to be the person that filmed it. I have no idea what it is, I want your opinion good or bad.
I just thought it was very interisting and a bit scary.
I can tell you that when you see the original you can see that it is in fact a laser coming from it.

From the youtube post

That's one of the most unbelieveable B.S. I've ever heard as long as i"ve been exposed to this UFO nonsense.

So, the person who recorded this momentous event just left it in the middle of nowhere?

Where did the person go? Was he beamed up the UFO by that flimsy laser? Or was he vaporized by the so-called death-ray? OMG.
"Aliens are evil!
Hollywood was right all along!"

Also the UFO has landing lights? Unbelieavable. Why would it need landing lights? To follow with the FAA rules?

So how did he managed to get the footage from the so called UFO researcher?

Why didn't the UFO researcher made public in the MSM? Larry King anyone? If the footage was real? That would garner A lot more attention. Not to mention the money that this footage can get IF it was real.

So we are supposed to believe this guy said in a youtube post? Why didn't he said this before?

"I can not believe how much interest this video has gotten."

Gowsh. Who woudda thunk?

I'm smelling a rotten fish.

[edit on 9-10-2008 by AntisepticSkeptic]

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 06:32 PM
As far as landing lights, I don't know why people assume this would soley be feature of flying craft of this planet. Why would an alien ship have lights? Could be one of a hundred reasons, who knows. Why would you NOT have them? If you were landing in a bay with say, many other ships, landing or guidance lights probably wouldn't hurt.

If you are going to debunk, that's fine, but at least consider things more carefully before declaring them categorically impossible. I could fathom many reasons that any craft capable of flight would be outfitted with lights of one kind or another. They may not even be lights per se. They could be technology (propulsion or otherwise), of which a side effect is to produce light.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 07:16 PM
These aircraft are generally believed to be UFO's of ET origin, but credible work has been done to verify that they are US Air Force experimental aircraft. Folks at NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science) have tracked down various sightings and traced these aircraft to locations close to US Air Force bases. From a recent article on this subject from NIDS, quote:

"NIDS makes the case that Big Black Deltas, or BBDs, are U.S. Defense Department airships. They are so large they can carry massive payloads at low altitudes, cruising at speeds three to five times as fast as surface ships.

Among a range of NIDS observations, the group believes the BBDs are powered by electrokinetic/field drives, or airborne nuclear power units. These craft also fly at extreme altitudes, high above conventional aircraft and the pulsing of ground-based traffic control radar.

Elecrokinetic propulsion means that no propellers or jets are used. A hybrid lighter-than-air craft would rely on aerostatic, lift gas, like a balloon. No helicopter-like downwash would be produced. Except for a slight humming from high-voltage control equipment -- and in older BBD versions an occasional coronal discharge -- a Big Black Delta makes no noise.

Given a slew of BBD capabilities -- from silent running, diminished drag, elimination of sonic shockwaves, to operation from ground level to full vacuum -- NIDS calls for pushing this black world technology out into daylight for commercial benefit."

So you see, this aircraft is most probably a conventional invention that has not been made public, and is used for a variety of military purposes. For UFO believers, it would appear that they are ET in origin, but only because they hover, make no noise or a "humming" type noise, use lazer guided motion sensors, etc.

A number of these sightings have been seen in my home state of Virginia over the last six months (see the National UFO Reporting Center). Given the number of military bases in this state, it makes sense that they are being flown out of locations in remote parts of Virginia or West Virginia - namely mountain locations or classified DoD locations in underground mountain facilities.

Many credible aircraft scientists agree with NIDS findings. No, they are not "alien".

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 08:12 PM
Could be a piece of plywood painted black, strung with lights (plus a laser-pen on a servo)and suspended from a "pokey" little RC helicopter.

Would explain no sound and the lack of directional movement.

Those suckers are hard to hover even in the daytime.

Not impossible.

[edit on 9/10/2008 by nerbot]

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Bob Down Under
Please Read This

It is an update from ufo blogger on the video as it seems it may be CGI but no real proof as yet.

wait, the person says they found the tape in the smokey mountains. thats the NC/TN border, no where near Ireland.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 10:37 PM

This is a cheap camera. Somehow he camera is immune to microbounces prevalent even in tripod mounted EXPENSIVE cameras (like the one used by Johhny Anonymous in Gilliland's ranch)

CHEAP CAMERA. No shakiness whatsoever. That's impossible.

And this cheap camera has an AUTOMATIC OPTICAL ZOOM? It's evident this is somekind of an optical zoom, unless if it was a 'digitally enhanced zoom' then the footage would be grainy when it was zoomed at the center of the craft's disco lights.

So whoever shot this footage, managed to hold it steady as if it was mounted on top of a robotic gyroscopic stabylised arm in the middle of nowhere, at first managed to zoom it waaay close at the object (making the discolights visible) but then somehow sway it to the sides intentionally after that while keeping it in a linear steady fashion? WHY?

But then decided to left it in the middle of nowhere?

"Uhhh I think I should sway it a little side by side to make it real, even though I zoomed it closer initially and got a very clear view of the discolights but who cares the farther the better and the more realistic"

"Okay let's leave the camera in the woods with this phenomenal footage so someone can upload it to Youtube instead of getting money selling it to a television network" woopdeedo



But then again if the original source of this so called 'real' footage never surfaced at all , people would always have the excuse of "It's a coverup!"
"The men in gray took it!" "The black guberment did it!" And so on.

[edit on 9-10-2008 by AntisepticSkeptic]

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by AntisepticSkeptic


Seriously, STOP IT with THE interspersed CAPS LOCK.

And just so you know, I disagree with your fallacious assessment...

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 10:42 PM
I'm not yelling.

I was emphasizing.



And what's so fallacious about my assessment?

It's backed by facts and common sense.

Handheld cameras have microbounces. Even tripod mounted expensive cameras do. Cheap cameras don't have gyrocope stabylized robotic arm built in with them.

People don't throw away or leave a camera with a footage of something phenomenal in the middle of nowhere.

Of course anything that contradicts with your beliefs are fallacious, even though they're flat facts and common sense grasped by a normal sane straight thinking human being.

[edit on 9-10-2008 by AntisepticSkeptic]

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 11:31 PM
wooohooo , i broke 1000 ats points!!!

of course 1 year later I still have no idea what ats points are for, but woohoo I have 1000 of them!!!!

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by Ziltoid_the_Omniscient
wooohooo , i broke 1000 ats points!!!

of course 1 year later I still have no idea what ats points are for, but woohoo I have 1000 of them!!!!

Each point is = to a $ ,so drinks are on you.
You just need to give ATS your bank details and they will deposit the money for you.Its a great system and means that many ats members have now managed to give up work alltogether and write posts and threads full time

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by nerbot
Could be a piece of plywood painted black, strung with lights (plus a laser-pen on a servo)and suspended from a "pokey" little RC helicopter.

Would explain no sound and the lack of directional movement.

Those suckers are hard to hover even in the daytime.

Not impossible.

[edit on 9/10/2008 by nerbot]

I think if it is not cgi then this kind of set up could be the answer.When I look at the laser light it does remind me of a laser pointer(pen).How they did the blue light I don't know(and that is the reason I think it could be cgi).Look at this toy helicopter note the laser feature.I too am very sus about the lack of camera shake I know how hard it is to eliminate shake even with a tripod.The slightest movement at full zoom makes the object you are filming jump around everywhere.If it was filmed using a simple digital camera chances are it only had a 4X optical zoom wich would enable a far smoother picture than a camera like my sony handy cam with its 40X opical zoom.

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