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Zeitgeist Addendum Released

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posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
You know I was wondering,

"Conspiracy material is a big business, and the only thing that matters is money."

I did watch most of the first one, but I haven't watched this one,

Trust no one.

no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.

Well... If you haven't watched this movie, then don't speculate on its validity.

Thank you.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by bringthelight

Just like I aways say, earth is a beautiful place until you get here, and have to contend with the bugs, lions, tigers, and bears, crop failures, and disease, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, and floods, or one or two cometary impacts, and each other.

All tribes eventually must have laws and tribal council's and governments, they have to depend on other tribes and bartering.

Humans are frail and subject to human failures,

One or two droughts, and an early frost or crop failure, and we invade the other tribes and eat each other.

You keep going back and insisting things must be pre-tech. But we now have tech to "slave" for ALL of us. Pre-tech, the Elite used US as slaves.

We don't need to do it that way anymore.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 01:10 PM
If resources are managed better, and recycling done on a large scale, with abundant, energy from the sun, wind, waves, and thermal, there is no lack of necessities for the current population. Though they can be fit in Australia, they won't be. They are nicely spread out throughout the world and would only need some adjustments to make better use of land for habitations. This is the only solution that makes any sense, and it stands on the back of a long living tradition already given us by the native communities that shone their lights through the ages. Very practical, very needed. I won't be supporting anything else, and I hope we get this in place sometime soon, because until it is, and the suffering of both our planet and its populous drops down to a dull roar and fades away entirely, many of us will be continually forced to chose to reincarnate back down here, on mission until we either get it right or the earth is destroyed. Personally, I don't want to come back here, and want to go to a much better world, where they already live like this, in longer life spans, are telepathic, and talk that way to their children so their babies don't even cry. I don't want to come back here.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by mystiq
We will have no choice but recycle in order to survive. The elite are about to take control of the natural resources under the guise that Americans need to pay back an imaginary debt that was not created by Americans. At that point we will be closer to knowing who are what is behind the world push for slavery.

[edit on 5-10-2008 by eradown]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by xsagex
reply to post by Amaterasu

They were wars to protect our democracy. Please.. check the history channel or something.

WTF!?! The War in Iraq was NOT to "protect our democracy!" It was to protect our oil interests - ensuring the oil was sold in Dollars and not Euros, make money for the Haliburtons, et al, and increase our national debt to the Federal Reserve (a private corporation).

We were LIED to to go to war. And you would claim it was to "protect our democracy."

As for the "History" Channel... I bet they're owned by a corporation interested in maintaining the status quo. If they said it was to "protect our democracy," then they lied to you like all the MSM channels do.

I roll my eyes.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 01:32 PM
For this system to truly be the way earth is, we have to sidestep and rid ourselves of the elite systems now in place. Their mountain of pseudo-laws and patents will be null and void.
All people will be equal owners of all resources and knowledge. And do I ever see the problems of getting from here to there. Not only would people have to see it and wish it, perhaps by noticing the sane villages based on this when disaster becomes a way of life. Michael St. Clair has a version similar to this for the eco safe villages he's working at establishing. He has a regular room in Project Avalon, as well as a wonderful website. These villages are operating somewhere, and many more will be, when things begin to get rough. Hopefully critical mass will lead people to these solutions rather than anarchy and despair and violence. Convincing people is one matter. Getting rid of the current system and its elite? And preferably in a peaceful, civilized manner? The only way I can think is for people to group up under mentorship, ie. those doing this, and simply start to bypass the system, step out of it and boycott its institutions. But this will be met with oppression. And yet they must continue, never stopping. Getting rid of the current system is going to be very hard, and even if no one commits violence or retaliation when the forces step in to prevent this, but continues to not participate, the casualties amongst people, and children are going to be significant.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
For this system to truly be the way earth is, we have to sidestep and rid ourselves of the elite systems now in place. Their mountain of pseudo-laws and patents will be null and void.
All people will be equal owners of all resources and knowledge. And do I ever see the problems of getting from here to there. Not only would people have to see it and wish it, perhaps by noticing the sane villages based on this when disaster becomes a way of life. Michael St. Clair has a version similar to this for the eco safe villages he's working at establishing. He has a regular room in Project Avalon, as well as a wonderful website. These villages are operating somewhere, and many more will be, when things begin to get rough. Hopefully critical mass will lead people to these solutions rather than anarchy and despair and violence. Convincing people is one matter. Getting rid of the current system and its elite? And preferably in a peaceful, civilized manner? The only way I can think is for people to group up under mentorship, ie. those doing this, and simply start to bypass the system, step out of it and boycott its institutions. But this will be met with oppression. And yet they must continue, never stopping. Getting rid of the current system is going to be very hard, and even if no one commits violence or retaliation when the forces step in to prevent this, but continues to not participate, the casualties amongst people, and children are going to be significant.

For every action, there is an equal opposite reaction. It is clear our elites must be philistines who never read Macbeth. Such ruthlessness can only backfire.

[edit on 5-10-2008 by eradown]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by dunwichwitch
[...That's the biggest step we could possibly take, is non-cooperation with people and things forcing us around.]

Exactly. For us to deal an serious blow to the banking/financial system we must not spend money on things that are not needed, like new cars, expensive cars, the latest clothing, the latest cellular phone. Even grass lawns are not needed. What is needed are vegetable plots and electric cars to vastly reduce our reliance on money to move us around and keep us alive and in quasi slavery.

Say 'no' to your bosses when they make a decision or an order that you know is unfair to you and your body. You have to help yourselves because your health is not their concern. Your ability to earn the most money is.

Once enough people demand the above realities, the system will collapse without a much bloodshed.

It will be so profound then that the Rothchild's and the Rocketfeller's 100 Trillion dollars and 10 Trillion dollars, respectively, will simply disappear. No value, no anything. Monopoly money!

All those centuries of human suffering to generate 100 and 10 Trillion dollars... unnecessary! It doesn't matter how much physical stock the Rothschilds and the Rocketfellers have, who's going to protect their inventory when the money they use to pay their bodyguards is useless? Nobody!

The Rothschilds and the Rocketfellers will be robbed!

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 02:48 PM
I'm starting to believe that this video will end up being the catalyst for the "age of enlightenment" that we are all told is coming. The truth is out there now. The New World Order will not succeed, it will be destroyed. This is a message for the good of humanity and it must be spread.


posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 03:41 PM
'' The Rothschilds and the Rockerfellers will be robbed! ''

No they won't there's not one of you here or in the world that's willing to step up to the plate and do your own dirtywork. Your all secretly waiting for someone else to do it for you. Humanity is merely the pygmies eating the giants.

As Plato put it; One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.

Any one has the opportunity to get elected and change what they want but oh noooooooo everyone sits there benefitting with one hand and complaining with the other.

That's the thing that never stops to amaze me, Human predictablity. No wonder we're so easy to control, Just keep inventing something else to blame so each person doesn't have to take self responsiblity.

That's all Zeitgeist does. It illustrates the flaws of one system giving you something to blame while doing nothing but promoting the same kind of ignorance it's self as an alternative. What's the point of criticising one regime when in REALITY the alternative regime proposed by the movie will merely turn out the same.

Amazing how they skirt around that issue and don't add up all the flaws and realities of what they propose way to be objective and unbiased....not.

I mean honestly you all think the builders, engineers and scientists who sweat and cry blood and our time and energy and lives to build these things,
Are just going to sit afterwards and let people with no use or skills what's so ever come shack up in these so called sustianable communities and start dictating and bossing about and claiming rights all under the guise of helping humanity.

LOL while the rest of us are expected to work at peoples beck and call??? Yet have the same or less rights than someone who contributes nothing, Get real. Human predicitablity and ignorance once again winning the day there. The sheer gulliablity that people think this is going to happen and they can expect others to pick up the slack for them is profound.

I think sometimes it's a case of we get what we deserve with the politicians we elect.

Of course people on ATS and CT'ers are going to lap it up it gives creditibility to our purpose. It's hardly enlightenment though. It's useful though and a tool to learn from but the gushings and guffaws about how pefect it is as a movie is horrendous.

Utopia is a great idea except it's just that, It's always someone elses idea of what's perfect.

[edit on 5-10-2008 by SR]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 03:45 PM
Joining the scum at the top doesn't change things, though for any in service that still hold to ideals, I do thank them. But a quick death by many nefarious means awaits anyone elected who sticks to their guns.
And people are not parasites. Its the other way actually, the wealth that has transferred hands into the elite vampiric hands was created by the work of the ordinary people, unknowingly used as slaves. These vampires make Bram Stoker's Dracula look like a mosquito.
Refusing to not deal with them is the best way.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 03:59 PM
Technology will soon reach the point where the working class is obsolete, that's when they'll unleash the terminators on our butts.

Good movie, thanks for sharing. Starred and flagged.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 04:18 PM
Hello everyone

Can somebody please help me here... I've watched the video, very good indeed, I agree with everything that has been said EXCEPT the religion part. If I understand correctly that video says we all should give up our religion. I know religion MISUSED like the catholics in the past has caused human enslavement etc, but religion is not the problem there its the system taking advantage of people's believes. The Bible doesn't teach anything in it that is today wrong with civilization! Nowhere in the Bibles says it to start global companies and dominate the world and kill everyone and let half the world starve! in fact it's the opposite, the Bible encourages growth, prosperity, technology, creativity, peace, love and above all being free. Can somebody please support me on this or if not please help me where I am wrong

Another thing

The venus project or whatever they called it can and will NEVER work. People need to feel that they are going to get something out of doing stuff. If the money factor is taken out of society what is going to replace the "need something out of doing something" factor?? Everyone will just sit on their ass and do nothing because they don't need to work anymore! Does anyone here really believe that the entire world will work towards a better society without reward? Why would anyone work their ass off if not necessary? And robots will never be able to do everything, somebody needs to repair them and build them! But we can argue that there will be robots for that job but who is going to do the maintenance. The 2nd law of thermodynamics can't be overcome with only mechanical devices, everything tends towards disorder. If I'm wrong with this statement please correct me.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 04:24 PM
Religion is a tricky issue, because it involves freedom of thought and philosophy. The danger is the wars, as well as the human rights that have been abused by rigid old fashioned beliefs. Personally, l would have a temple or church much like in universal unitarianism, where everyone was welcomed, with no sexual discrimination, nor sexual orientation discrimination, where the human rights were the accepted norm, with equality of all people the expectation,and where religion is completely separate from state in every way, ie. no scripture based hangings or divison of goods in divorce. But in the church, all manners of scriptures could be read and studied including those of first nation peoples. Thats what I would recommend.

[edit on 5-10-2008 by mystiq]

[edit on 5-10-2008 by mystiq]

[edit on 5-10-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Saidar
Hello everyone
Can somebody please help me here... I've watched the video, very good indeed, I agree with everything that has been said EXCEPT the religion part. If I understand correctly that video says we all should give up our religion.

Free the chains on your mind and the chains on your soul will melt away.

Religion is the truest form of slavery, let it go and you will finally get to meet the creator of all things, Which is what religion steals from you.

Religion tells you that you can only see God where they say God is. It is a lie. ALL religions are a lie.

If you can't see God in everything, you can't see God in anything.

So yea, Mankind will never truly be free as long as we live by the old superstitions, such as religion.

Free your mind, find God.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Kryties

Star for you on that point!

It's funny how they won't accept the absolute geological and water erosion scientific evidence that their date on the Sphinx is totally off.

Things like that and the extreme lengths that people and organizations will go to in order to protect their religions and mainstream science is what keeps my mind open.

I still think both Zeitgeist and the Addendum should be viewed by all, whether believed or disputed.
Just bringing up the points made in the films can motivate people to do research. That is always a good thing. It can open your eyes to things that you never heard or knew about.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 04:47 PM
Very good film, nothing new for me other than the arragement of info and the conclusions from and understanding gained from this perspective. I will admit I had never heard of the venus project.

Also as far as I'm concerned there are others that could have been added into these films for their technological achievements in spite of the political establishment and money system.

I was thinking maybe they could have delved further into the "Anti-copyright movement" as this film

Google Video Link

does or the Anti-psychiatry movement. I tend to think plays a part in enforcing the monetary and prison systems, yet I find it hard to ignore that aspect, especially the results produced by the german nazis and now the American nazi society. Popular America might as well be called the Neo-Nazi system, what it will take to help people resist this will take enormous effort and energy spreading the word and then follow up through actual actions, such as financial boycotts.

I would urge anyone that enjoys these movies to check out a book "Community Technology" by Karl Hess. I'm working on a film based around his work and many others that espoused a community technology based system of living, that can be brought up through Anarchist civil disobedience.

I found it hardly a surprise that IRS provisons were added to the Bailout Bill, that appears to be what this whole House of Cards tends to be about, keeping the system going even if the currency collapses, propping up selfish people at the expense of all our lives and perpetuating terrorism and drug wars to keep people in fear of happiness and sanity based thinking. Most of the world gets scared when you recommend boycotting the tax system, but there was never any intention of creating an IRS system when America was founded, the people that brought about the FED and the IRS and all the spying agencies have done so through means that enable destruction, fear and death. They perpetuate these systems by the barrel of a gun, even if you refuse to participate they have defined that as a crime and in factr have created 40,000 pages of IRS tax law to prove you are in violation somehow, even if you live outside the money system they think you should be put in a jail, since that itself would benefit the money system more than you boycotting it, so they define you as a criminal if you live outside the cage, just being free in itself now means supporting something other than the system.

I think they maybe insane to want a world like that, they of course use insanity and the psych system to claim that you are the one that has the problem and will stop at nothing to ensure your failure for that would increase their material wealth and gain by enabling a job in the prison or helping systems where they can force you onto drugs that makes profits for the corporations that work at supressing dissent by creating drugs to pacify the public to the ongoing corruption. The entertainment system does the same, hence the reason that copyrights are responsible for many of the ills of the world. The incentive for making art, music or medical treatments should be the desire to help one another, to make life better, money alone cannot satisfy people. But they appear unable to choose a world that leads to the best results by forcing us to compete rather than cooperate with one another.

The underlying motivation for creating anything maybe a love for such an expression or the love of life. To make something for money mostly ruins the urge to make something for the right reasons. The incentive to create something comes from the urge to help others and oneself, to make the world better for our children, not to enslave them in the worlds of our ancestors, if that means the end of work as we used to know it, then all the better. Since the technology maybe being mostly repressed than we should put it into the world of expression and create a entire community to promote the advancement through the repressed media systems and to cover the internet in a sea of technology information and to call them out on the phony scarcity model as has been done on the false flag terror and this movie points out those synergies.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 05:00 PM
"Live and prosper."

I will not blame you if you laugh at the above quote as the lack of education is not your, or your parents' fault.

All the people questioning Venus project, already rising alarms on overpopulation in such an Utopia, requesting detailed plans on how to achieve a proper revolution, I ask you: How much would you give out for an opportunity to travel to space, moon, Mars any barren rock in this solar system, or even beyond the solar system. (the atoms are that generous)?

Rethorical question, since most of the participants here do not have critical thinking.

Give me a one way ticket to the Mars, hell even the Luna and I would grant you everything I have, even my life (a cam could show you my every move on the surface, and my ultimate end if you so please.)

You, the people, have no critical thinking. As the tech evolves, building a resupply base on the Moon, sending the first colonists to Mars in an event of the Utopia, described by Venus project (or any other such projects) is just unthinkable, or is it?

You, the people, still believe in myths; I ask myself what am I doing here, wasting my time -- while at the same time answering: I'm a human being and I hope in you.

C'est la vie..

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 05:10 PM
Just watched this movie.

I agree with pratically all of it. For mankind to prosper we need a few things to materialize: Information has to be free. Technology has to be democraticized. The corporate world empire has to be dismantled. And money must cease to be on a permanent debt model, at least, although I'm skeptical about a moneyless society. At least a non inflationary model would work for me. And the working day has to be reduced to what is really needed, not some elitist inspired 8+ hours convention for slavery.

I found the best bit to be the comment that a Law is what politicians make when they have no idea of how to actually solve a problem. One thing that really gets me about modern life is the legorrea that is thrown on top of us, to the point where everyone is criminalized.

This movie should be watched by everyone and it's a scandal that the mass media networks don't trip over each other to broadcast it.

Easily the most important film of the year, head and shoulders above any bull# out of Hollywood.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by SR
Any one has the opportunity to get elected and change what they want but oh noooooooo everyone sits there benefitting with one hand and complaining with the other.

Um... This is patently false. What it takes to be elected:

Media behind you. Unless you are a corporofascist puppet player, this just doesn't happen.

Money (for flyers, transportation, postage, etc.). When most of us are hoping we have enough money to put food on our children's table, this, too, is an impossibility.

I have said to people I meet, "I am running for President." Did that for several years. But the media didn't interview me, nor did I have the money to get the word further than I could yell.

Don't tell ME "Any one has the opportunity to get elected." It is pure bunk.

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