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Originally posted by junglejake
What is this black people are cursed crap? All of you biblical scholors seem to have forgotten original sin: we're all cursed. To propose that God cursed people and they turned black, and all moved to where the darker skin helped fight skin cancer and allow the proper amount of vitamin E into the system. Then, as we move north, people become more and more "curse free", getting lighter and lighter skin.
Why, it almost sounds like the contention is that the aryan race is God's chosen race, since they are the only people who are curse free...
Originally posted by Colonel
Oh, you ewant to talk about the Bible?
Originally posted by Colonel
Ok, I can prove to you that the Jews weren't white. Esau was the father of the so called white people or should I say, the Edomites..
Genesis 25
24 And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb.
25 And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau.
26 And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years old when she bare them.
Now, who is red and hairy---Black people right? Now, I don't remember Jesus being a Jew ever being an Edomite---even tho they got him looking like one.
Originally posted by dbates
dbates: Well, I can't say that I've ever seen a red hairy person. That would be interesting.
Colonel: I don't know where you're living. I see 'em everyday. On the street, on TV, on billboards, etc. They go by the misnomer of "white people." How can you tell. Pinch my skin and its still stays brown. Pinch a white guy's skin and it turns bright R-E-D because he is an EDOMITE.
dbates: Isaiah 11:10-12 [/url]) God said that they would be re gatherd from the "the four corners of the earth.
Colonel: Ya know, I had to delete all that other stuff because it was crap. But, about this scattering. When I was in Hong Kong, ya know what I discovered? The first Fillipinos ever to set foot on the territory weren't Chinese....THEY WERE BLACK. They are called Beluga and are still alive today.
The first Aussies? Black. They're the aboriginies. What the hell are black people doing all the way across the planet far from their homeland if these aren't the people that God was talking about in prphecy in his "scattering?" Or, are we just gonna watch TV and believe that?
Furthermore, the Bible said Jesus was a Jew and was black.
Revelations 1
13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
Burnt brass? Hair white like wool? Sounds like a black guy to me---not the guy on TV. Whoa. Jesus was black which means his forefathers were black which means the Tribe of Judah was black which means the Tribes of Israel were black.
But, let's look at this:
New York Times Reveals that European-Descended Jews are Counterfeits and have no Blood line to Abraham
The fact that most of those who call themselves Jews are not Jews (Rev. 2:9) and have no claim to the lands of Palestine because they have no genetic relation to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob can no longer be suppressed. The October 29, 1996 N.Y. Times, in an article entitled, "Scholars Debate Origins of Yiddish and the Migrations of Jews," states:
"Arching over these questions is the central mystery of just where the Jews of Eastern Europe came from. Many historians believe that there were not nearly enough Jews in Western Europe to account for the huge population that later flourished in Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and nearby areas.
"By reconstructing the Yiddish mother tongue, linguists hope to plot the migration of the Jews and their language with a precision never possible before.
"It has even been suggested, on the basis of linguistic evidence, that the Jews of Eastern Europe were not predominantly part of the diaspora from the Middle East, but were members of another ethnic group that adopted Judaism.
Oh, but let's not think on this and stick with the LIE, right?
[Edited on 24-3-2004 by Colonel]
Originally posted by Colonel
Colonel: Ya know, I had to delete all that other stuff because it was crap. But, about this scattering...
Originally posted by Colonel
Furthermore, the Bible said Jesus was a Jew and was black.
Revelations 1
13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
Burnt brass? Hair white like wool? Sounds like a black guy to me---not the guy on TV. Whoa. Jesus was black which means his forefathers were black which means the Tribe of Judah was black which means the Tribes of Israel were black.
Originally posted by Colonel
YOur proof is again just that...crap.
You have a picture of molten metal when the description is polished brass as if burnt inn a furnace. Next you have Sharon with silky hair---nothing like the hair like wool reference. This is crap, a distortion of what was written. And the third part, the radiance, refers to shiny skin. When blacks use oils on their skin there is a radiance to it. But, I didn't expect you to know that.
[Edited on 25-3-2004 by Colonel]
Originally posted by dbates
Originally posted by Colonel
YOur proof is again just that...crap.
You have a picture of molten metal when the description is polished brass as if burnt inn a furnace. Next you have Sharon with silky hair---nothing like the hair like wool reference. This is crap, a distortion of what was written. And the third part, the radiance, refers to shiny skin. When blacks use oils on their skin there is a radiance to it. But, I didn't expect you to know that.
[Edited on 25-3-2004 by Colonel]
So, when black people put oil on their skin it shines "like the sun shining in all its brilliance"? Obviously, you have no need for lighting in your home. You just need to put on some oil, and poof! You glow like the sun in all it's brilliance?
Originally posted by Valhall
Can I point out something. Your militant approach at pushing your opinion on the color of Christ indicates that you are a far greater bigot than most of us who believe in Christ.
I got news for you. I don't care if he was green. Why is this issue so important to you?
You don't know what color he was. We don't know what color he was. And it just flat isn't important. So why the fantacism with this issue?
Originally posted by Valhall
Well, your comments are exactly what I'm talking about. You don't seem to "get" that the color issue concerning Jesus doesn't make a rat's-arse of a difference to most of us. It seems to matter a great deal to you.
Concerning your unfounded allegations that any current Jew that is not black is a "fake", that's so much B.S.
You're starting to worry me, Colonel.
Originally posted by TrueLies
So you are the bigot. You want to believe what you want to believe, you want to be mainstream... Go ahead.
But come back when you have done your research.
Read all sides, think for yourself, don't pussy foot around pretending you know everything when in fact you know nothing.