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The "so called" Jews are be behind NWO

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posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 06:13 PM
Colonel are you implying by your post that all non-black races will end up in hell, and that only the "chosen black people" will end up in heaven???

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 08:16 PM
Firstly, Colonel can have what ever damn opinions he wants,
the PC zealots need to drink a cup of tolerance as they expect others to do.

Secondly, i am not anti-semitic in the slightest (some of my best freinds are arabs) but the ludicrous situation of where people cannot say ANYTHING NEGATIVE ABOUT THE JEWS ANYTIME ANYWHERE FOR ANY REASON without being considered some kind of Nazi pis ses me off more than most things even nazis themselves (there just stupid, others should know better) i'll say what i damn well please, freedom of speech anyone?

Thirdly, jews are not Zionists.

Fourthly, Zionists/Jews have a disproporionate influence in affairs outside of Israel specifically in America and the NWO
banking cabal. This is just fact, why? I offer no opinion at the moment.

Fifthly, Sharon is either an idiot or cynical b****. If he removed all Israelis from UN mandated (yeh i hate the UN but still) land ISRAEL WOULD HAVE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND! I (as a neutral party) would support military action on ANY terrorist group that attacked soverign land/citizens of Israel.

Sixthly, the Protocols HAVE NOT BEEN DEBUNKED adequatly unless you consider such an allegation worthy of instant dismmisal without due process due to "anti-semitism" or you demand a debunking and do not accept any other possibility.

Seventhly, there are a lot of sinister self proclaimed "jews"/"Zionists" in control of the NWO however this does NOT mean they are even Jews. For example Bush is no christian this is patently obvious from his Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove antics.

Eightlhly, there is no discernable fundamental problem with Judaism.

Ninthly, I will not hold back my views on Judaism because any issues regarding them are off limits because of the holocaust or whatever. I WILL SAY WHAT I DAMN WELL PLEASE (WITH DUE RESPECT TO ATS AND ALL) BECAUSE MY OPINION IS MY LIBERTY. IF YOU OR A PC POLICE FORCE DONT LIKE IT TOUGH SHT SEND ME TO PRISON THEN!

Tenthly, whether the Protocols are of Zionist origin or not, Someone seems to have said "hey that will work" and taken up the program because this is happening NOW. Is it an element of the Zionists? I dunno. Are the Jews the patsys for the another group and this was just thrown out to incriminate them? I dunno.

Eleventhly, have all the people here who have commented read the protocols? I bet they havent. I have, read it first then comment.

Twelfthly, 6 million jews being massacered is one of the most HORRIFIC acts in history, but it does not grant immunity to criticism in my book, like that or lump that, your choice.

And finally:
I am slowly through reasoning of the evidence to hand coming to the conclusion that the NWO and the general malevolence in this world today is of an influence ABOVE human, by that i mean intellectually and powerfully. I am still working on this one there is a lot to think out its; economic; political; military etc. It may be some kind of devil or even THE devil i dont know (im not even religous in any way) but logical conclusion leads me to believe the Zionists are not the puppetmasters. They may be compliant or they may not, frankly im not to bothered.

A final thought:
Obfusaction and conflict = Designated by the master.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 08:22 PM
One more thing Colonel is right the lost tribe of Israelites or whatever they were called is a different group to the Russian jews and the like who have moved to Israel they are not biblical Israelites.
For what its worth.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by The Fifth Column
Fourthly, Zionists/Jews have a disproporionate influence in affairs outside of Israel specifically in America and the NWO

Ha! you are on to something here. Why does the U.S. care so much about the state of Israel? We do little when thousands are slaughtered in ethnic clensing in Africa. It would be better for us if Israel didn't exist. Then the middle east would be stable, and our oil supply would be more secure.

Does Isreal have a hidden stash of oil? Why do we risk terrorist strikes in the U.S. to back up, arm, and defend Israel in EVERY SINGLE U.N. vote?

If you knew the answer to that, then you would know something important.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 08:29 PM
What if Jesus is behind the NWO?! MMMM

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Agent47
What if Jesus is behind the NWO?! MMMM

Wow... That was brilliant.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by The Fifth Column
Firstly, Colonel can have what ever damn opinions he wants,
the PC zealots need to drink a cup of tolerance as they expect others to do.

Thirdly, jews are not Zionists.

Fourthly, Zionists/Jews have a disproporionate influence in affairs outside of Israel specifically in America and the NWO
banking cabal. This is just fact, why? I offer no opinion at the moment.

Fifthly, Sharon is either an idiot or cynical b****. If he removed all Israelis from UN mandated (yeh i hate the UN but still) land ISRAEL WOULD HAVE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND! I (as a neutral party) would support military action on ANY terrorist group that attacked soverign land/citizens of Israel.

Could you elaborate on the FReserve, and the nwo banking cabal??
I'd love if you could tell me this.
I think you are pretty damn smart mister, judging from your other posts.

Does this have anything to do with FR/NWO??

Their power in the United States is well known and felt. It is stated on good authority that the de-monetizing of the American silver dollar in 1873 was achieved by an agent from the Rothschilds and their confederates by the name of Earnest Seagel, who went to Washington for that purpose, and it is believed by corrupt means succeeded in effecting the change. So cleverly was the matter done that some time elapsed before the change was generally known.

In connection with the above we may state that by the untiring efforts of the Hon. Richard P. Bland, a member of Congress from Missouri, and his co-workers in both branches of Congress, the American silver dollar was again made a legal tender, and that contrary to the prophecies of those who were inimical to the restoration of bimetallic money, and who had predicted fearful results from its accomplishment, no change was observed in the general business of the country, other than that the premium on gold at once decreased, and the purchasing power of silver increased, the two metals becoming thus equalized.

[The text refers to the Bland-Allison Act, passed by Congress in 1878. In later years (1933-1964) the United States Government would confiscate most of the privately owned gold of Americans by making it illegal to own that metal, other than for small items of jewelry. And that same government would terminate the use of silver in US coinage after 1964. As things stand today, all US money is fiat, backed up by nothing of real value, and its purchasing power is based on the government's coercive power alone. The Jews who predominate on the Federal Reserve Board decide what value the dollar will have on practically a day-to-day basis, and the whole of the US government's military and police apparatus is the tool by which that value is enforced. President Kennedy tried to take this financial power away from the Fed by restoring to Congress the power to regulate the value of money. He was assassinated soon after issuing the executive order, which was rescinded by his successor, President Johnson. (Johnson betrayed the United States in 1967 by permitting Israel to get away with an attack on the USS Liberty.) �Jerry Abbott]

[Edited on 26-3-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Here's a thought:
IF the Jews are behind the Illuminati, the agenda of NWO, in with High Ranking Mason's, ETC., why are they living in such a small country? WHy are they constantly under threat of annihilation and terrorism.

It would seem to me that IF the Jews had such a WORLDLY influence that they could make all this just simply cease?


The so called Jews are all over the place. ... Hold on while I got get it.

New York 1,750,000 Washington 165,000 Cleveland 65,000
Miami 535,000 Baltimore 100,000 St. Louis 53,000
Los Angeles 490,000 Detroit 95,000 Phoenix 50,000
Philadelphia 254,000 Rockland County NY 83,000 Denver 46,000
Chicago 248,000 Orange County CA 75,000 Houston 42,000
San Francisco 210,000 San Diego 70,000 Dallas 35,000
Boston 208,000 Atlanta 67,000 Seattle 29,000

Jews in Israel
Total Jewish population: 4.6 million. Ashkenazim: about half. Jerusalem 411,900 Tel Aviv 339,600 Haifa 221,000
Holon 163,700 Rishon-le-Ziyon 160,200 Petach Tikvah 152,000
Be�er Sheva 147,900 Netanya 144,900 Bat Yam 142,300
Bene Beraq 127,100 Ramat Gan 122,200 Ashdod 120,100

Jews in France
Total Jewish population: 600,000. Ashkenazim: 40 percent.
Paris: 350,000. Marseilles: 70,000. Lyons: 25,000. Toulouse: 23,000. Nice: 20,000. Strasbourg: 16,000.

Jews in Russia
Total Jewish population: 550,000. Ashkenazim: nearly all.
Moscow: 200,000. St. Petersburg: 100,000.

Jews in Ukraine
Total Jewish population: 400,000. Ashkenazim: nearly all.
Kiev: 110,000. Dnepropetrovsk: 65,000. Kharkov: 47,000. Odessa: 45,000.

Jews in Canada
Total Jewish population: 360,000. Ashkenazim: over 80 percent
Toronto: 175,000. Montreal: 100,000. Vancouver: 30,000. Winnipeg: 15,000. Ottawa: 12,000.

Jews in Great Britain
Total Jewish population: 300,000. Ashkenazim: over 80 percent.
London: 200,000. Manchester: 30,000.

Jews in Argentina
Total Jewish population: 250,000. Ashkenazim: 80-85 percent.
Buenos Aires: 60,000. Rosario: 25,000. Cordoba: 10,000.

Jews in Brazil
Total Jewish population: 130,000. Ashkenazim: over 80 percent.
Sao Paulo: 60,000. Rio de Janeiro: 40,000.

Jews in Bolivia
Total Jewish population: 130,000. Ashkenazim: more than half.
La Paz: 120,000.

Jews in South Africa
Total Jewish population: 106,000. Ashkenazim: over 80 percent.
Johannesburg: 59,000. Cape Town: 21,500.

Jews in Australia
Total Jewish population: 100,000. Ashkenazim: unknown.
Melbourne: 45,000. Sydney: 35,000.

Jews in Hungary
Total Jewish population: 80,000. Ashkenazim: probably most.
Budapest: 64,000.

Jews in Belarus
Total Jewish population: 60,000. Ashkenazim: nearly all.
Minsk: 28,000.

Jews in Mexico
Total Jewish population: 40,700. Ashkenazim: more than half.
Mexico City: 37,500.

Jews in Venezuela
Total Jewish population: 35,000. Ashkenazim: about half.
Caracas: 20,000.

Jews in Uruguay
Total Jewish population: 32,500. Ashkenazim: 75 percent.
Montevideo: 32,000.

Jewified World Cities
In the Order of Jews in Residence CITY JEWS Latitude Longitude Elevation
name number decimal
degrees decimal
degrees meters
New York 1,750,000 +40.67 -73.92 sea level
Miami 535,000 +25.77 -80.21 sea level
Los Angeles 490,000 +34.00 -118.33 sea level
Jerusalem 411,900 +31.78 +35.22 733
Paris 350,000 +48.87 +2.33 78
Tel Aviv 339,600 +32.07 +34.80 sea level
Philadelphia 254,000 +40.00 -75.17 sea level
Chicago 248,000 +41.75 -87.58 170
Haifa 221,000 +32.78 +35.00 120
San Francisco 210,000 +37.75 -122.17 240
Boston 208,000 +42.29 -71.08 sea level
Moscow 200,000 +55.75 +37.70 170
London 200,000 +51.50 +0.17 sea level

Toronto 175,000 +43.65 -79.33 sea level
Washington 165,000 +38.88 -76.92 sea level
Holon 163,700 +32.03 +34.78 70
Rishon-le-Ziyon 160,200 +31.97 +34.80 150
Petach Tikvah 152,000 +32.10 +34.88 150
Be�er Sheva 147,900 +31.25 +34.80 400
Netanya 144,900 +32.33 +34.85 sea level
Bat Yam 142,300 +32.03 +34.73 sea level
Bene Beraq 127,100 +32.10 +34.85 sea level
Ramat Gan 122,200 +32.07 +34.80 sea level
Ashdod 120,100 +31.82 +34.58 sea level
La Paz 120,000 -16.49 -68.15 4267
Kiev 110,000 +50.42 +30.50 105
St. Petersburg 100,000 +59.92 +30.42 sea level
Montreal 100,000 +45.52 -73.57 sea level
Baltimore 100,000 +39.30 -76.61 sea level

[Edited on 26-3-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 11:09 AM
"Anti Semite" The all powerful word that protects Israel against any kind of attack no matter how much evidence stands against them of wrong doing. It shuts down the conversation quickly.

Lets look at some facts shall we?
Mossad & 911 United Press International

Mossad Exposed In Phony 'Palestinian Al Qaeda' Caper
Posted: 03/18
From: Federal Observer

Top U.S. Army analysts believe Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, is "ruthless and cunning," "a wildcard" that "has [the] capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act." Why, thats a anti-jewish statement how dare you speak truth about Gods chosen.

Mossad Creed
by way of deception, thou shall make war
author: jeremy hammond
take esp note of the role of likely suspect, racist Dr philip Zack, a member of the 'camel club'

Real History and Mossad, The Israeli Secret Service

Also Did you know?

1. Did you know that non-Jewish Israelis cannot buy or lease land in Israel? A Jew from any country in the world is guaranteed citizenship in Israel, while the Palestinians who have been there for centuries are oppressed and persecuted.

2.Did you know that instead of sewing an insignia on clothing to distinguish race (like the Germans did to the Jews before WW2), Palestinian license plates in Israel are color coded to distinguish Jews from non-Jews?

3. Did you know that East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights are all considered by the entire world community, including the United States and the United Nations, to be occupied territory and NOT part of the State of Israel?

4. Did you know that Israel allots 85% of the water resources for Jews, and the remaining 15% is divided among all Palestinians in the territories? For example in Hebron, 85% of the water is set aside for about 400 Jewish settlers, while the remaining 15% is distributed among Hebron's 120, 000 Palestinians?

5.Did you know that the United States awards Israel $5 billion in aid each year from American tax dollars?

6.Did you know that US aid to Israel ($1.8 billion annually in military aid alone) exceeds the aid the US grants to the entire African continent? This aid is used both to buy American weaponry and to buy arms made in Israel.

7. Did you know that Israel is awaiting an additional $4 billion worth of American military hardware, including new F-16s and Apache and Blackhawk helicopters. As Israel's main ally and supporter internationally, the United States is committed to maintaining the Jewish state's "qualitative edge" in weapons over its neighbors.

8. Did you know that the U.S. administration has notified Congress on numerous occasions that Israel has violated the rules on how US-supplied weapons are used? (In 1978, 1979 and 1982 during fighting in Lebanon, and once after Israel's bombing of an Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981.)

9. Did you know that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections from its sites?

10. Did you know that high-ranking military officers in the Israeli Defense Forces have admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war have been summarily executed by the Israeli forces?

11. Did you know that Israel blew up an American diplomatic facility in Egypt and attacked a US warship in international waters (the USS Liberty), killing 33 and wounding 177 American sailors and the US did nothing about it? (Imagine if an Islamic country like Iraq did this!)

12. Did you know that Israel stands in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council Resolutions?

13. Did you know that Israel is explicitly dedicated to the policy of maintaining a distinct Jewish character?

14. Did you know that Israel's current Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, was found by an Israeli court to be "personally and directly responsible" for the Sabra and Shatilla massacre in Lebanon where more than a thousand innocent Palestinian men, women, and children were axed to death or lined up and shot in cold blood?

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 11:11 AM
Jews could be behind the NWO seeing that America is has more jews then Israel and some even believe America is controlled by jews, aslo America ALWAYS back Israel.

We must not forget that Hitler thought this and he killed 6 million of them, so we are in theory walking on dangerous grounds.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 11:35 AM
it was amazing to see how this thread developed and how the disinfo agents and ridiculists and debunkers and the dont say anything about the jews personnel jumped all over this ...turning it in to something other than the original posting and hoping they could turn it into something else like where did the jews come from?
or was jesus black...or who are the real jews.....

Now know this people when you start hitting near the truth you will see a pattern here on ATS and it repeats it self every time.
Thank you to those of you who brought it back to original posting away from those who wished to bury it in double speak.....they know who they are and if you read this posting from beginning to end you will know who they are also.................

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 12:13 PM
It is true that Zionists have a dominance in American government and media far above what their mere numbers in the population as a whole would warrant. "Fifthcolumn" says that he is arriving at what I believe is the correct answer to the question "who is behind the NWO." That is good...

I have studied that question for decades now, and I am completely convinced that he is arriving at the right answer. It is the devil himself. This is truly a cosmic battle that is drawing towards a conclusion. Jews are disproportionately serving this cause because they have historically been two things:

1> good at making money (which helps to put them disproportionately into positions of power and influence)

2> and antagonistic towards Jesus Christ and the Gospel..which puts them more readily at the disposal of the side that opposes Christ (i.e. the right, and God himself.)

Does this mean we should have animosity for the Jews...NO!! Exactly the opposite, we should work to win them to the right side, as they will be eminently useful as soul winners of others who may yet turn from this wicked system that is developing.

Just my two cents....but stick to what we can prove, and that is:

A> The push for world government is proceeding in earnest led by super-elites and utlra-wealthies of all races
B> Some of their confabs (Trilateral Commission, Bilderburg, etc.) are used a forums for planning the demise of all but "the annointed" and thus are inherently un-democratic and ought to be abolished by government fiat in all democratic societies.
C> Jews are not the problem, the devil is.
D> There is only one way to successfully resist and that is to know Jesus Christ as personal savior and to resist through communications of all types "the evil that so easily doth beset us."

Cheers and God bless.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
it was amazing to see how this thread developed and how the disinfo agents and ridiculists and debunkers and the dont say anything about the jews personnel jumped all over this ...turning it in to something other than the original posting and hoping they could turn it into something else like where did the jews come from?
or was jesus black...or who are the real jews.....

Now know this people when you start hitting near the truth you will see a pattern here on ATS and it repeats it self every time.
Thank you to those of you who brought it back to original posting away from those who wished to bury it in double speak.....they know who they are and if you read this posting from beginning to end you will know who they are also.................

So are you saying that I'm an agent of the NWO?

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 12:43 PM
Colonel a member of the NWO
you got to be #ting me
he's too nice to be playing for the other team

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Here's a thought:
IF the Jews are behind the Illuminati, the agenda of NWO, in with High Ranking Mason's, ETC., why are they living in such a small country? WHy are they constantly under threat of annihilation and terrorism.

It would seem to me that IF the Jews had such a WORLDLY influence that they could make all this just simply cease?


Good questions, which I shall answer.

Lets first replace the word Jews with the word Zionists.

Who do the Zionists have a small country? Well, twice as many jews live in the US than israel. So which IS thier country?

Zionists do not need a big country, they control the US. They are not under constant threat of annihilation: they have a big well equipped military, nukes, WMD, things thier Arab neighbors ARENT permitted to have.

As to making it cease, thats precisely what they are doing with the US. They are using the US as an attack dog to wipe out thier biggest enemies: Iraq, Iran, next, Syria, Jordan, ect.

Zionist Israelis can comfortably rule by proxy and a=eliminate thier enemies because they have at thier bidding a lumbering giant of a military industrial complex: the US.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Lets first replace the word Jews with the word Zionists.

I think we're going to need your definition of Zionist...

Who do the Zionists have a small country? Well, twice as many jews live in the US than israel. So which IS thier country?

Look at the numbers. There are 13 million Jews world wide, 4 million of which live in Israel. making up about 90% of the population. There are also about 5 million living here in the US, which has a population around 300 million. They make up 1 60th of our nation, or about 1.7%. I would say Israel is their country.

Zionists do not need a big country, they control the US. They are not under constant threat of annihilation: they have a big well equipped military, nukes, WMD, things thier Arab neighbors ARENT permitted to have.

First, Israel has never said they have nukes, everyone just assumes they do. As for a constant threat of annihilation, look at a map of the middle east. See that tiny nation backed up against the ocean? That's Israel. See all the rest of the land in that area? That's Israel's enemies. Enemies who teach their children from birth that the Jew is evil, and needs to be dead. Enemies who pay families of suicide bombers tons of cash to kill Jewish civilians. They're under constant attack. And what other WMDs do you refer to? chems and bios? Those are rumors I've not heard before...

As to making it cease, thats precisely what they are doing with the US. They are using the US as an attack dog to wipe out thier biggest enemies: Iraq, Iran, next, Syria, Jordan, ect.

And Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, etc. are using the UN as an attack dog in a diplomatic sense while they send their children onto busses with bombs strapped to their waists. And as I recall, the pro-war numbers in polls, even given bias, were a lot higher then 1.7%.

Zionist Israelis can comfortably rule by proxy and a=eliminate thier enemies because they have at thier bidding a lumbering giant of a military industrial complex: the US.

If it's so easy for them, why isn't the middle east glass yet? Why does Israel lose their children daily to suicide bombers? Why is the US pushing a road map to peace most Israelis hate?

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 03:32 PM
Polls are made to create opinion, not reflect it.

If you control all of the major forms of mass communication that can help you to rig your polls more easily (without fear of exposure) too.

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by mepatriot
Polls are made to create opinion, not reflect it.

If you control all of the major forms of mass communication that can help you to rig your polls more easily (without fear of exposure) too.

Ok, granted, that would be true. However, the last time I checked, it was Disney who controlled the major forms of communication. Why do you figure it has to be the "Zionists"?

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies

The so called Jews are all over the place. ... Hold on while I got get it.

New York 1,750,000 Washington 165,000 Cleveland 65,000
Miami 535,000 Baltimore 100,000 St. Louis 53,000
Los Angeles 490,000 Detroit 95,000 Phoenix 50,000
Philadelphia 254,000 Rockland County NY 83,000 Denver 46,000
Chicago 248,000 Orange County CA 75,000 Houston 42,000
San Francisco 210,000 San Diego 70,000 Dallas 35,000
Boston 208,000 Atlanta 67,000 Seattle 29,000

Jews in Israel
Total Jewish population: 4.6 million. Ashkenazim: about half. Jerusalem 411,900 Tel Aviv 339,600 Haifa 221,000
Holon 163,700 Rishon-le-Ziyon 160,200 Petach Tikvah 152,000
Be�er Sheva 147,900 Netanya 144,900 Bat Yam 142,300
Bene Beraq 127,100 Ramat Gan 122,200 Ashdod 120,100

Jews in France
Total Jewish population: 600,000. Ashkenazim: 40 percent.
Paris: 350,000. Marseilles: 70,000. Lyons: 25,000. Toulouse: 23,000. Nice: 20,000. Strasbourg: 16,000.

Jews in Russia
Total Jewish population: 550,000. Ashkenazim: nearly all.
Moscow: 200,000. St. Petersburg: 100,000.

Jews in Ukraine
Total Jewish population: 400,000. Ashkenazim: nearly all.
Kiev: 110,000. Dnepropetrovsk: 65,000. Kharkov: 47,000. Odessa: 45,000.

Jews in Canada
Total Jewish population: 360,000. Ashkenazim: over 80 percent
Toronto: 175,000. Montreal: 100,000. Vancouver: 30,000. Winnipeg: 15,000. Ottawa: 12,000.

Jews in Great Britain
Total Jewish population: 300,000. Ashkenazim: over 80 percent.
London: 200,000. Manchester: 30,000.

Jews in Argentina
Total Jewish population: 250,000. Ashkenazim: 80-85 percent.
Buenos Aires: 60,000. Rosario: 25,000. Cordoba: 10,000.

Jews in Brazil
Total Jewish population: 130,000. Ashkenazim: over 80 percent.
Sao Paulo: 60,000. Rio de Janeiro: 40,000.

Jews in Bolivia
Total Jewish population: 130,000. Ashkenazim: more than half.
La Paz: 120,000.

Jews in South Africa
Total Jewish population: 106,000. Ashkenazim: over 80 percent.
Johannesburg: 59,000. Cape Town: 21,500.

Jews in Australia
Total Jewish population: 100,000. Ashkenazim: unknown.
Melbourne: 45,000. Sydney: 35,000.

Jews in Hungary
Total Jewish population: 80,000. Ashkenazim: probably most.
Budapest: 64,000.

Jews in Belarus
Total Jewish population: 60,000. Ashkenazim: nearly all.
Minsk: 28,000.

Jews in Mexico
Total Jewish population: 40,700. Ashkenazim: more than half.
Mexico City: 37,500.

Jews in Venezuela
Total Jewish population: 35,000. Ashkenazim: about half.
Caracas: 20,000.

Jews in Uruguay
Total Jewish population: 32,500. Ashkenazim: 75 percent.
Montevideo: 32,000.

Jewified World Cities
In the Order of Jews in Residence CITY JEWS Latitude Longitude Elevation
name number decimal
degrees decimal
degrees meters
New York 1,750,000 +40.67 -73.92 sea level
Miami 535,000 +25.77 -80.21 sea level
Los Angeles 490,000 +34.00 -118.33 sea level
Jerusalem 411,900 +31.78 +35.22 733
Paris 350,000 +48.87 +2.33 78
Tel Aviv 339,600 +32.07 +34.80 sea level
Philadelphia 254,000 +40.00 -75.17 sea level
Chicago 248,000 +41.75 -87.58 170
Haifa 221,000 +32.78 +35.00 120
San Francisco 210,000 +37.75 -122.17 240
Boston 208,000 +42.29 -71.08 sea level
Moscow 200,000 +55.75 +37.70 170
London 200,000 +51.50 +0.17 sea level

Toronto 175,000 +43.65 -79.33 sea level
Washington 165,000 +38.88 -76.92 sea level
Holon 163,700 +32.03 +34.78 70
Rishon-le-Ziyon 160,200 +31.97 +34.80 150
Petach Tikvah 152,000 +32.10 +34.88 150
Be�er Sheva 147,900 +31.25 +34.80 400
Netanya 144,900 +32.33 +34.85 sea level
Bat Yam 142,300 +32.03 +34.73 sea level
Bene Beraq 127,100 +32.10 +34.85 sea level
Ramat Gan 122,200 +32.07 +34.80 sea level
Ashdod 120,100 +31.82 +34.58 sea level
La Paz 120,000 -16.49 -68.15 4267
Kiev 110,000 +50.42 +30.50 105
St. Petersburg 100,000 +59.92 +30.42 sea level
Montreal 100,000 +45.52 -73.57 sea level
Baltimore 100,000 +39.30 -76.61 sea level

[Edited on 26-3-2004 by TrueLies]

Firstly, I really hate to LONG QUOTE (which is expressly forbidden within ATS) TrueLies, but I did it for one reason.....with all those numbers quoted, I fail to see a LINK or PROPER CITATION (which is expressly deemed necessary within ATS) to those numbers about provide one or them?

Secondly, I still see how being 'dispersed,' and the numbers related to those 'dispersements,' contradicts or nullifys the postulation I have given.


[Edited on 26-3-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 03:49 PM
Disney?? Were you being serious??

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