posted on May, 12 2004 @ 09:53 PM
Obviously you are either a jewish person, or you are from another race that is in total defense of the jewish people, because you are not even
considering the fact that maybe , just maybe, the jews are behind the NWO, I say this because you are constantly, refering to my posts and other
different posts as racisicts and supremacists, you are not even considering the fact that, again, maybe. just maybe theres jews behind the new world
order. Theres also a post that mentions that the jews have been persecuterd over and over for the last 4000 thousand years, but ofcourse the post
doesn't say why the jews have been under persecution, now you probably wont understand, any word Im writing or probably are in denyal of everything
I write, but for those who are not in denyal of what their inner self is thelling them, (open minded) , this post would be considered by them. But
getting back to why the post doesn't mention why the jews were persecuted throughout history , I dare you ROOT to tell me WHY THE JEWS HAVE BEEN
PERSECUTED THROUGHOUT HISTORY? and why is this thread up. why is there even the slightest suspicion or consideration today that the jews are behind
the New World Order? answer me those questions so I can see if you are a childish debater or a mature one. So far, you've acting like you are
under attack from the People who has the suspicion that the jews , are behind the NWO, and really nobody is attacking you my friend we are just
writing down our thoughts so stop acting on the defense and even if you are jew, why dont you just say so, we can have have even a healthier dabate, a
christian that say the jews are behind the NWO and the jew who says that anybody who thinks that is anti-semitic, hater, white supremacist.
discriminator racist etc, etc,,