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The Greatest Deception of Mankind

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posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

Third, How do you know that the translations of the "Bible" are completely accurate? Coming from someone who wrote his MBA thesis on the inaccuracies of translation from one language to another I would be more careful about throwing passages around that more than likely have been grossely mistranslated over a couple thousand years. This is all I will say in this post about this subject simply because it is far to complex to discuss in an open forum such as this.

I can translate the real meaning of any word in the bible in less then 30 seconds--the wonders of technology. That is the weakest excuse known to mankind. If you dont believe then go read the root words yourself wheter it be in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, you choose.

I recommend a program called E-Sword, its free and then you cant use this lame excuse to disprove a book that has been around for thousands of years.

Thanks for trying though

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:22 PM
Hi - long time browser, first time posting.

I've given alot of thought to this very topic - long before reading it here. I will start by stating clearly that I am a Christian and while I don't believe THAT fact makes me an authority, I also DO NOT believe that it causes me to be biased. This entire scenario makes much more sense to me than any of the others and I think there are many other topics that relate to this, but for the sake of addressing THIS topic, I'm not going to go into all of that.

In my mind it would be the ultimate deception. Here is one scenario; say our world is in turmoil (whether it be from natural disasters, the proposed planet X event, etc) and someone (aliens/demons) show up and proclaim, "We can save you and your world. We have the technology. All you need to do is....(fill in the blank). While this scenario may seem far-fetched, stop and think about it. IF this actually happened, it's nto a stretch to say that nearly everyone on this planet who is not a true Christian or strong believer in another religion, would at least consider believing and trusting in these "whoever they are," and following what they say to do. Even many Christians would be deceived and the Bible does speak of this in the Gospel of Matthew, from Jesus' own words.

I lived in New Orleans for many years and saw firsthand alot of the voodoo, psychic, demon-worship culture. Things I would have never believed possible, things I was warned to stay away from and even warned to not spend too much time in thought about so as to not become too curious. Bad things. There is so much we don't see or understand and you're right, we either believethat what God says is true or we don't. It's black and white. Now the Bible doesn't really discuss UFO's, aliens, or life on other planets, so it's hard to quote the Bible as a reference on this topic

BUT - this is, in my opinion, the most important POINT...if this scenario of yours is accurate...if they are demons in disguise, we'd all do well to be prepared IN CASE we ever see such a day when deception comes our way. It would be foolish to NOT prepare regardless of what you believe.

Lastly, if you or anyone else wants to dig a little deeper into this idea, go read the book NEPHILIM AND THE PYRAMID OF THE APOCALYPSE - itputs forth some very interesting ideas about the past and future. Sorry I can't remember the authors name but I simply typed that name into eBay and found the book. It was an amazing read even if it is very speculative.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:29 PM
I have also researched the Ufo and Alien subject deeply and have come to the same conclusion. I do not believe that everything in the Bible is true so I am not basing my conclusion on the Bible. Every religion speaks of gods coming to this planet and leaving their influence so the Bible isn't the only book that talks about the whole gods and Fallen Angel senario.

I once read that the Greys/fallen angels are stuck here and that they can only travel so far into space. There are real Aliens but they choose not to come here because of the Greys. The Greys are shells used by the Fallen Angels and this isn't the 1st planet that they have wrecked. So if the Greys have been here just as long as we have then that would not make them aliens. I don't want to meet a grey or get abducted. I think they are evil.

Some people kill me thinking that just because The Greys/Fallen Angels may be more advanced that they wouldn't be interested in doing us harm. I don't trust every human so why would I trust an Alien/Demon. The Greys are like The Borg!

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by 1nL1ghtened

Light - I agree with you and I'm relieved to see that there are so many Christians on this board, following the "signs" in the sky and alerting people to what is coming. I believe 100%, no doubt about it, that "aliens" are actually demons - all are demons. The ones that appear to be "nice" are simply leading the deception and the Bible clearly tells us that Satan makes himself to appear as an angel of light. I wish more Christians would study their Bibles and actually believing what their Bibles say - yes people, there really are demons.

My brother encountered a UFO at an intercection in Pontiac Michigan, near Pontiac Lake, about 2 years ago. He said he was waiting for the light to change and then this big black triangle appears above the intersection and, though the lights were changing, no one was driving. People were just getting out of their cars to view this thing and traffic came to a stand still. Then the thing shot off very fast and it was gone. The next day, at the same time, he said he saw it again in the same location. I asked him why he didn't take a picture and he said that he didn't understand why he didn't take a picture with his phone. He said he thinks everyone was so shocked to see it, that they were not thinking clearly.
He hasn't seen it since.

2 weeks ago, I was camping in an area with no light pollution. It was around midnight and I was looking up at the sky. I saw a shooting star. Not a big deal. But then I saw what looking like a blue ball with a blue streak behind it. The weird thing was that the path and tail was no longer than the distance from my outstretched thumb/index finger, with my arm extended. I thought it was an interesting shooting star, but within 2 or 3 seconds of seeing it, I saw the exact same thing again, in the EXACT same location and path in the sky. Weird.

[edit on 14-8-2008 by tall_girl]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:33 PM
Ok... It would seem my previous posts were not acknowledged, so I will throw out another thought and hope for discussion...

What if... What if religion is used as a control device by aliens, and wanting to move the thought that they are ALIENS to a religious take instead, they approach people they know will likely see them as "demons" and give those people a "push."

Suddenly religious fervor is up, and the religion continues to have its use as a control device.

Is this not as likely as scenario as "they're really demons!?"

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by 1nL1ghtened

Interesting post many years ago I was associated with Lord Hill Norton (deceased) and Paul Inglesby . The evidence sugested exactly what you said in your post. Lord Hill Norton instigated an initiative and Paul Inglesby who was involved with the church produced after much research a booklet that went into great depth about the alien/grey deception and how they were demonic spiritual entities as opposed nuts and bolts aliens/ufos.
They were quite concerned about the implications for mankind, a lot of the research was not published publicly but circulated to board members privately (I was one). food for thought indeed

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
Ok... It would seem my previous posts were not acknowledged, so I will throw out another thought and hope for discussion...

What if... What if religion is used as a control device by aliens, and wanting to move the thought that they are ALIENS to a religious take instead, they approach people they know will likely see them as "demons" and give those people a "push."

Suddenly religious fervor is up, and the religion continues to have its use as a control device.

Is this not as likely as scenario as "they're really demons!?"

Explain why "aliens" deny the deity of Christ? Do they communicate about how false any other belief is or just the belief that Jesus is God? The Bible says to test the spirits. Any spirit that denies the deity of Christ is lying.

Also, I do not believe that true Christians, strong in their faith and baptized with the Holy Spirit, are abducted by "aliens." It is impossible. Satan and his demons have no claim to the bodies of those that are in Christ - none, and therefore he has no right to expirement on our bodies, etc.

[edit on 14-8-2008 by tall_girl]

[edit on 14-8-2008 by tall_girl]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by 1nL1ghtened

If your story is true, it seems to me that you certainly have the fear/love of God in you. Thereby, when witnessing such a phenomenon, not only were you excited or enlighten, you may have also felt feelings of doubt, no less resulting in a feeling of fear or dread due to conflicting feelings of creation vs. evolution/extraterrestrial life.

Some feel there is only black and white when dealing with the issue of life elsewhere in the Universe vs. Singular Creation by God here on Earth. Though, I'm not much on organized religion, I see it in more of a grayish color spectrum. Why draw a line? I can't see a Creator of the Universe only manifesting one planet that is inhabited by lifeforms. It's a pretty vast Universe out there. Why waste it?

I feel that rather than objectively looking at all the facts, you reverted to your Creationistic beliefs for fear of being rejected by your family, friends, congregation, church or ultimately Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit and Heaven itself.

I may be totally off kilter here, but that's just my thoughts on the subject. Seems to me that God could offer up some sort of physical manifestation to enlighten people of Earth, just as Satan could do to torment humans, if that were truly the case.

But after all, if you do believe the Bible, then Satan has reign over the Earth. Which raises my question: Could this physical life we live actually be Hell? It seems to me that Sexuality, Over-indulgence, Love of Money, Non-Caring, Vengefulness, Envious, Power-hungry emotions rule over most people's lives here on this planet.

But then again, maybe that's why the aliens hate us so much? Maybe they're dumbfounded that mankind thinks itself the highest form of life in the entire Universe and don't understand why we're so close minded. After all we're at a place in time where our technology far exceeds our spiritual understanding of our lives.

[edit on 14-8-2008 by tyranny22]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Nivek Serca
WOW kcire what emotion did 1nL1ghtened hit. He must have hit a nerve.

It always hits my nerve when people like this are taken seriously...While my questions to this person aren't answered. How can one take a person like this seriously?!

But you are right...It hit a nerve...

This 1nL1ghtened is talking about a bizare, delusional situation from within his own personal bizare delusion...

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 02:24 PM
I believe you are partially correct. The conclusion I've come to is that they are Archons. It is most likely these to whom Paul obliquely refers as the "princes" and "powers of the air" in his epistles; the Gnostics wrote about them extensively in the Nag Hammadi texts, which contain far more truth than most people have ever considered. Charles Fort once said, "I think we're property ... we belong to something."

As to why they are here, "they say that the soul is the food of the Archons and Powers without which they cannot live, because (the soul) is of the dew from above and gives them strength."

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
Ok... It would seem my previous posts were not acknowledged, so I will throw out another thought and hope for discussion...

What if... What if religion is used as a control device by aliens, and wanting to move the thought that they are ALIENS to a religious take instead, they approach people they know will likely see them as "demons" and give those people a "push."

Suddenly religious fervor is up, and the religion continues to have its use as a control device.

Is this not as likely as scenario as "they're really demons!?"

Dear Amaterasu,

I tried to explain to everyone that I will try and field questions as best as I am able, (this has turned into a huge thread) and in fact I did reply to one of your posts... to help you out the the exact post is here: (CLICK ME!)

To answer your latest question; Yes I have entertained that thought, and many, many others.

My research strongly indicates otherwise, hence the name of this thread is NOT: Aliens The Architects of Religion I do appreciate your thoughts and comments and on a side note: I am part Cherokee Indian, and the elders whom I spoke to about the UFO phenomenon have never heard of the Hopie's "terra papers" and think "UFO's" are in fact spirits.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by kcire

Originally posted by 1nL1ghtened
Why do I think people are afraid? They are afraid because they have turned away from God. They are afraid because deep down.. we all know the truth. Some of us embrace it...some of us reject it, after all that what "free will" is. People are afraid because they just dont know...they have no directions. People are afraid that their life has no meaning and that there is no afterlife. People are afraid for many different reasons, what are yours?

Oh my...1nL1ghtened...

So 'free will' for you results in believing in something that isn't there (according to me for one)? You really are afraid...Pathetic one.

Also all your excuses, like; 'I know it isn't easy to understand and I do not pretend to "know it all' don't sound like there is much faith even in your own thoughts.

Dear kcire,

I can tell this is a very personal subject for you and by name calling "Pathetic one." and by trying to twist my words, or calling my explanations "excuses" really says alot about your fear. Your afraid there could be a shred of truth in what I have presented and it directly challenges your current belief system. I fully understand and accept this.

The sentence of mine which you are challenging first is:

'I know it isn't easy to understand and I do not pretend to "know it all'

Has do with humility not faith...NOONE but the Creator "knows all" and you can take that to the bank.

Also this just always amazes me:

I think in time, many will see what some of us do now, I encourage you all to research this your self but do not let it consume your life, for we all have been given a precious gift in Jesus Christ who has left us many teachings for us to follow and study.

You say 'some of us know now'?! I guess there are a lot like you out there, god fearing people I mean.

Yes at least 2 BILLION last I checked.

Last time I checked there were more 'religious people' then people who just don't need this delusion.

What does it actually mean to you:

"for we all have been given a precious gift in Jesus Christ who has left us many teachings for us to follow and study"
What did you study?


The things you follow I will not even try to get out of you, because answers on this I probably never get. Afraid of all I could say about it? You're lack of faith is almost embarrassing me and I don't even care that much?!

Would you be so kind as to qualify that statement for me?

Maybe you're not the right person to ask all this. According to you we are all being decepted because like you stated: 'our common enemy has had literally thousands of years (possibly many, many more than that' to do so...What 'god' has done in the meantime I will probably never understand?!

I'm not sure what God has been up to, but if you would like to accept Jesus into your heart, you could ask Him yourself!

Again you just prove your lack of faith in what you say is the only way.

I'm sorry but your mistaken. As you quoted earlier, I distinctly said:
'I know it isn't easy to understand and I do not pretend to "know it all'
Please qualify for me how this is a 'lack of faith'. Being a Christian does not mean you instantly gain all the knowledge of the universe. In fact that was the beginning of the downfall of mankind when satan deceived Eve in the garden of Eden, to eat of the tree of knowledge, and directly disobey Gods commandments.

Nevertheless I always want people like you to explain things regarding religion to me because me myself will never be convinced. That is why I try to understand why you are so convinced...How come?

I think its a matter of truly seeking God, and life experiences. For example there have been three times in my life, that no matter which way you slice it..what angle I have looked at the events from...I should have DIED.

When I was 3, I was traveling down I-75 with my mother, grandmother, and aunt. For whatever reason...I decided to open the door while we were going about 55 MPH. I was sitting in the right rear passenger seat, with my aunt sitting next to me, I had undone my seatbelt and was figiting around...and decided I wanted to take a look outside. Of course upon doing so, I immediately fell out of the vehicle out onto the Interstate. Now thats all I remember as a child until the I'll have to use my mothers descriptions of the event to fill in the gaps.

She heard the rear door open and immediately slam shut! My aunt (who was around 10 at the time) started screaming her head off. "Stop!!! Sean fell out of the car!!!" To my mothers horror she looked in the rear-view mirror and saw me sitting up in the middle of I-75....and worse yet barreling down on me was a semi-truck desperately trying to break without jack-knifing into the traffic on either side of it. She slammed on the brakes and the car she was driving slid off the side of the freeway. Leaping from the vehicle she and my grandmother desperately sprinted towards me.. but by this time I was several hundred feet from where their car was stopped.

As my mother watched, knowing there was no way she could reach me in time she started crying as she ran for my life. Just then, a man(?) came flying out of nowhere running from the op posit side of the freeway where some construction was going was so close the he dove for me and from where my mother had collapsed on the side of the road she swore that truck ran both me and the man trying to rescue me completely over! She went into shock and my grandmother, the rock that she is kept running towards the accident, also witnessing the same traumatic
conclusion. The truck did jack-knife and blocked all four lanes of traffic.

Sobbing uncontrollably she slowly walked towards the semi, expecting the worst. Then, the man(?) stepped out from behind the semi..with me in his arms. I was cut and bruised and dirty but completely alive. My grandmother fell to her knees in awe..the man(?) walk calmly over to her and handed me to her. She quickly flipped me over forwards and back to check me for injuries... and stared in disbelief at the large very prominent tire marks across my little white t-shirt.

(To be Continued .. no more space)

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:15 PM
(Continuation of previous post)

As she thoroughly checked me over and finding me not crying, just blinking, wide-eyed she concluded that not only was I miraculously still alive..but besides the cuts and scrapes and the giant tire mark across my t-shirt, I was OK!!

She whirled around to hug this man(?) who saved my life, and noone was there. Plain and simple, just poof- GONE. She described the man as tall, wearing blue-jeans and a white t-shirt quite plain looking and bearded. The ambulances arrived and the paramedics on the scene could not believe their eyes....the tread pattern on my little shirt matched the semi's front tires perfectly.

They rushed my mother and I to the hospital and we checked out later that afternoon just fine. Although they cut the t-shirt from my body to take x-rays my mother kept it for years, until it was lost in a move with a lot of other stuff, I saw it myself. Remeber I said in the beginning of this event I didnt remember anything else but the end of the accident...I still remember to this very day as I type memory resumed as the truck was passing over me, I distinctly remember being held in someones arms, though not being able to see their face..only light...and the hoses and jacks underneath the semi its self. And I will take a lie detector test any time any where that what I say here is TRUE.

So you ask me how can I be so sure there is a God..... I know.

[edit on 8/14/2008 by 1nL1ghtened]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by 1nL1ghtened
So you ask me how can I be so sure there is a God..... I know.

Just to answer this quickly...

How can you be so sure this was something 'God' had arranged? Maybe it was this so called 'Satan'...Just saving you to collect your soul at a later time.

If we are getting serious please tell me...

Now I will look into the other things you stated as answers to me!

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by kcire

If I may, instead of asking others about God . Why not ask Him yourself. And wait for Him to answer you. You can also pick up the Bible and read it for yourself instead of others interpreting it. Than you can be really informed on what the Bible says. I would recommend the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These are the accounts of Jesus's closest friends while he was on earth. And they died for that fact.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by 1nL1ghtened

I wouldn't argue about that there's some connection to religion.

I've lived a life of what has appeared to be an abductee and much of what I went through also involved religion at time to time. Sometimes they would refer to themselves as the guardians and they also had given or loaned me some of their technology, which I apparently no longer have.

One really interesting device was 'as if' a watchers (or remote viewing)device that could help me see even future events and interact with people.

My brother used it and saw himself in a casket at the age of 33. He became religious for a short while until he fell in love with the preachers young daughter. He eventually died when he was 33 of a drug overdose as if by fate.

The future isn't always certain. This is where prophecy in exact details can possibly be manipulated and altered. That is as if it's a scripted program of events.This was one of the things the guardians or watchers told me about. Although, this could also mean God's program. (whoever that is)

The God head figure would (as if) already know the end and the details of our (relatively) short lived sufferings that would be trivial compared to what is 'everlasting'. It's like fast forward during a movie and skipping most of the boring stuff. I guess some people need to learn the hard way? Catholics mention pergatory. Some may say that god is sleeping...or in the future already?

While I do believe there's a strong connection with religion and history, I have learned to still remain skeptical as to their sources and agenda.

After what I've been put through 'as if' for having any interest in religion, it would seem 'as if' I was punished for it as well.

I had been at what seemed to be the bottom or the pit of my life around 2001 and 9/11 and had went thru the salvation bit with an evangelist that assured me that was all I needed to do regardless of what many church doctrines teach. So, I pretty much feel no need for anymore fringe benefits at this time. (phew, praise the lord amen brother etc.)

I think many cultures hold pieces of this world's greatest puzzle and that IS something we can solve and understand if we work together.

Just as an example: remember the biblical story of Babel and David Icke who said we've been dumbed down? This could be a good clue.

Good luck with your search for truth and salvation.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:33 PM
Here we go:

Originally posted by 1nL1ghtened
Has do with humility not faith...NOONE but the Creator "knows all" and you can take that to the bank.

If I could take this kind of crap to the bank I would be a rich man! So please...It is just another lame ending of a discussion. 'No one but the creator knows all', 'God works in mysterious ways'...And then some. Please!

You also constantly keep mentioning that 'people should wake up'...Isn't this the opposite of being humble? Thinking you are 'awake' while others are sleeping? Deluded one...

(you stated
I think in time, many will see what some of us do now, I encourage you all to research this your self but do not let it consume your life, for we all have been given a precious gift in Jesus Christ who has left us many teachings for us to follow and study.

(My answer to this
You say 'some of us know now'?! I guess there are a lot like you out there, god fearing people I mean.

(Then you're answer to this
Yes at least 2 BILLION last I checked.

So...Again...Were does your faith actually come from? If 2 billion people are not enough to 'fight the deception that Satan has worked on for thousands of years', then what is? You see what I mean with 'lack of faith'?

(my question
What did you study?
(your answer

But is reading the bible and taking this to be true called a study? I just call this reading a book...And afterwards becomming crazy. I wonder what would have happened if you had read 'mein kampf' instead of the bible.

If you had 'studied'...You would have realized/concluded that the bible was written by many mortal man. The 'why' I guess is nicely explained in the documentary called: Zeitgeist, but since this isn't the so called 'word of god' I guess it is a waste of time even mentioning this to you.

Do you believe that everything you read is true? Or only just the bible, because in this same bible it says it is the word of god? :worried:

(I said
The things you follow I will not even try to get out of you, because answers on this I probably never get. Afraid of all I could say about it? You're lack of faith is almost embarrassing me and I don't even care that much?!
(yo answered
Would you be so kind as to qualify that statement for me?

I asked in my first reply on this crazyness of yours..."What is this 'personal relationship with Jesus Christ' according to you? How does this relationship reveals itself? I mean...Do you hear voices or a voice? Like Moses did...? I never get this part of the story, please enlighten me.

You are just like a UFO to me, I have to see it to really believe it."

Much later you somehow have answered this with the car-accident story (to which I made a quick reply!) which in my head again is a story that could mean anything. It's just hearsay...Even for you...But especially for me. And even if it is a true story...See my quick reply on this.

You just believe what you want to believe!

You stated that "our common enemy has had literally thousands of years (possibly many, many more than that' to do so" regarding the great deception and I asked you what was 'god' doing all this time. And of course a discussion ending answer followed: "I'm not sure what God has been up to, but if you would like to accept Jesus into your heart, you could ask Him yourself!"

So if I let 'Jesus into my heart' I could ask 'God' what he has been up to? Mmhh...Oke...Will do just that! Silly rabbit...You see the non-answers you people always give?

If you let Jesus out of your heart maybe he could finally be of some use to others!

At the moment I know enough about and from you and will not continue the discussion. I will try to create a whole new topic on the matter. You will see this when it is there...I have never started a topic on ATS so this could take a long time, but now I have to...

[edit on 14-8-2008 by kcire]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by tall_girl
Explain why "aliens" deny the deity of Christ? Do they communicate about how false any other belief is or just the belief that Jesus is God? The Bible says to test the spirits. Any spirit that denies the deity of Christ is lying.

Some do not deny this - but explain that EVERY ONE OF US is God. Some suggest that that was the message of Jesus (read the Gospel of Thomas...left out of the Bible likely because Jesus said God is within and not without; it was not seen as good for controlling humans to teach them that they don't have to go to church, or tithe to a priesthood).

As for your last line...take ownership of your statement. As in: IN MY OPINION, any spirit that denies the deity of Christ is lying.

Hey, I have no issues with you having that opinion.

Also, I do not believe that true Christians, strong in their faith and baptized with the Holy Spirit, are abducted by "aliens." It is impossible. Satan and his demons have no claim to the bodies of those that are in Christ - none, and therefore he has no right to expirement on our bodies, etc.

LOL! Ok. Sure. Again, you may believe that just as I may find it amusing. (I believe there arel a number of abductees who would be very upset that you suggest that their faith in Jesus isn't good enough...)

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Nivek Serca
If I may, instead of asking others about God . Why not ask Him yourself

Thanks for your kind outlook on things...I guess you are religious? Because only religious people say things like: 'Why not ask him yourself?'.

Isn't anybody listening? I do not believe there is such thing as a 'god', so how could I ask 'him'? Please...I am so obvious on this.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by 1nL1ghtened

Light, the story of you being run over by the truck brought tears to my eyes. Our God is an Awesome God and He is still performing miracles - we KNOW that - we don't just "believe" it. Faith comes first and it is our faith that solidifies our belief. We truly can KNOW God - not just know of him (religion, in my opinion).

[edit on 14-8-2008 by tall_girl]

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