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The Greatest Deception of Mankind

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posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 02:57 AM
Whilst a good read this thread I can't help but add my point. All this talk of religeon and God and all the other posts, I can't help but state the fact that the media and therefore the Governments have had a hand in decieving us , just look at all the 'evil aliens' films that are on video or on film , on tv or at the cinema. How many 'good alien' films have their been? not as many I can tell you.
We all grew up with films like 'body snatchers', 'alien' , 'independance day' where aliens come to earth from wherever and decimate mankind. We have been programmed to fear 'aliens'.
We have also had an innate fear of the unknown ever since man stepped out of the jungle thousands of years ago- it never changes.
now we have the media telling us 'aliens are bad' but until I personally 'meet' an 'evil alien' I will reserve judgement because after all 'don't first impressions count'?.
I've flagged this post for the constructive discussion on it and think maybe we should all just examine the facts before painting all the aliens with the 'evil' tar brush.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 03:18 AM
These are personal beliefs and some theory. Here we go you ready. I'm a nut I'll admit it to any reasonable person I am a nut.
I try to live my life by reason and believe that understanding consciousness, enlightenment is the key to life. Reality I believe loosely is enveloped in possibilities that create alternate realities in which anything is possible. I believe that energy tends to cycle, that includes our spiritual self. Stay with me. I believe that undeniably there is life in other places. My understanding of science and consciencness gives certain limitations to these beliefs. I admit that some of this seems vague, but being reasonable also means you don't know the answers to everything.
I base my beliefs on extraterrestrials on the events, and the reactions of those events, testimonials and things I have seen repeatedly. I believe they are here right now, and that they are experimenting with and studying us. I believe that their presence here is inconsequential, and that they simply have no reason to do anything particular right now. I believe that they are altering our existence, and controlling us in various ways. I believe that they are cooperating with our government, and may be secretly operating with other major world powers. I believe that the government spends a lot of money on the armed forces for these reasons, and that the government is afraid they will take action against us when they are done here. I believe that people do exist in secret societies (including the Illuminati, the Vatican, and others) and rich men control information, and that the media is used as a tool to confuse us. I do believe we have made deals and made exchanges of various types including technological and in the exchange of human beings. I do believe that they have something to gain from this. But I have seen extraordinary UFO's firsthand, and nothing moves in that fashion (you know what I mean). I don't know if I have seen the beings themselves firsthand because I have a problem with memory concerning this. My feelings on this are disturbing for good reason. Since a very young age when I first observed depictions of these beings I felt something reminiscent and disturbing. I cannot say that there are more than one kind, but I believe that the so called greys are definitely present. I believe that they repeatedly violate the agreements with our government. I believe that they are completely beyond our capabilities. I believe that they are neutral to our feelings and see us as, animals. I believe that we have been seeing them since the dawn of our kind, and that they probably knew about us or had something to do with our creation. I have seen irrefutable signs of this,it seems to me. I believe there are methods for seeing these signs. I will start with the relation of the bible to the artwork depicted by early man.
The sinister relation other than that these are not only ancient, and religious, is that there are observers in the picture who knowingly see the objects, considering that someone actually painted this. I see this, repetedly. Like other things. Code names, that show up, that officials stumble up and say to explain so called incidents. Not to mention the repeted excuses, weather balloon, swamp gas, birds, shadows, reflections, hallucinations, conventional aircraft, astrological objects, flares. You ask me, God is just a form of spiritualism and has nothing to do with this. I am exhausted on the subject, but I find it necessary to exploit this same subject. Be true to yourself and believe strongly in what you do believe. Do it wisely though. Time for some pills, now what did I do with my pen?

[edit on 08/11/08 by freakngeckos]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by 1nL1ghtened

Just to be clear, are you quoting another post, or is the mention of Jacques Vallee your post? Assuming it was intended to be part of your reply, and I know I should read the entire thread, but I'm having trouble loading the pages, so will have to come back to this thread, which by the way I'm very interested in reading. I suppose I got lost at this point, because your thread seemed it was about the alien visitations disguising that in truth they are representatives of satan - the great deception, and then you go on to speak about Jesus - unless I've misinterpretated this. What I find not making sense with Vallee being used in this debate, is Vallee was affiliated with the Church of Satan, as well as at least one "other" organization (with Hyneck) ....

[edit on 14-8-2008 by violet]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 03:46 AM
I think he wanted to collaborate. But I find his beliefs to be spiritually influenced. And I have a problem with religion and science. Spirituality is not absent though. Just a personal belief. Like I said, not all the answers. I can't sleep now.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by 1nL1ghtened

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by 1nL1ghtened
I also understand your frustration. There is definately as much evidence of God probably more so than of Aliens.

Really? I mean... REALLY??? How many have seen God lately? How many have seen UFO's?

Well, I tell you what. I'll listen to your evidence. Please... What is it?

It is my belief that UFO's are in fact the physical manifestation of Fallen in fact you have answered your own question. Every report of a UFO is also a report of satan's works, who is the opposite or advisory of God therefore in fact proves His existence. Ill go one step further:

Christianity was founded in the early 1st century AD, with the teaching, miracles, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Today it is the largest religion in the world, with around 2 billion followers. Especially dominant in the western world, today's Christianity has a wide variety of forms, beliefs and practices but all center around faith in Jesus Christ.

Mabey all 2 BILLION of us are wrong.

Your evidence is weak to say the least. I don't believe you were ever a show me skeptic with belief like that. Every ufo is a sighting of satan's handiwork? We don't even know for sure that, some ufos are piloted by aliens.

In case you didn't know Christianity and other religions are used to rule over people, history has shown and that is why so many believe it today. Imagine if christianity was not the main religion of so many conquering empires.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:25 AM
Religion is much like a disease, it spreads and kills people until we can find a way to get rid of it. lol

I forgot some things don't wash off with soap and water lol!

Amusing myself but still on topic I guess.

[edit on 08/11/08 by freakngeckos]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by DarksDeception
Firstly, I would like to say: "I can't right very well, so please forgive me?"

With everything that I am, and also through my recent studies on this subject, absolutely agree with 1nL1ghtened!

I have had 2 different encounters, (that i rememeber), but the greatest thing I remember, was this feeling of utter dread! It was beyond anything I have ever felt before! So I can relate to this intence feeling bigtime!

Anyway, about 2 weeks ago, after being almost obsessed with studying UFO's, reports, and cover ups. I just breatherd out and said, "ITS I LIE!", although I knew it was also very real! I didin't understand this feeling at all, but i knew it was about incredible deception!

Once I knew this deception, and whom was deceiving, all I can say is, "I was attacked, by a presence through the night, that even tried to stop me crying out the word, "Jesus"! I remember stuttering the "J", trying to force His name out! I eventuallly could, and when I did, it was gone!
This is the truth, the best I can explain it, and I also care not for acceptance at all, except from Christ that is!

What got me more than anything was: "The simple belief in these entities, (demons), was dangerous in itself!"

It really is the greatest deception ever!
What you had was sleep paralysis right after a bad dream. You woke up with fear. Too fast for your body to give all control back to your conscious mind. You slowly start to gain it back over time. It feels like pressure all over you, so when you keep saying Jesus and finally get it out, you are finally gaining your motor functions back from your unconscious mind. Putting your body into sleep paralysis when you sleep helps get your body the deep sleep it needs.

I have dealt with worse situations than you speak of, but grant it was a sleep paralysis night scare. I had when I was a kid and used to see shadow people. I would see them vividly before I sleep and during sleep paralysis. People just get scared during it because they can't move. I know exactly what is it since I can consciously put my body into sleep paralysis. i learned while trying to astral project so many times, still can't project though. All in all, there is nothing to fear, everyone is afraid of things they don't understand.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:39 AM
I have to disagree with you for several reasons. For one your referring to night terrors. Second off, a person can experience this feeling in situations of extreme fear. They could have put themselves into this position in fact. Another thing that afflicts individuals, are seizures. I have them quite often, and they are also sleep related because of the brain wave patterns exhibited during the stages between sleep. They afflict me at other times too, and there is a reason for it. I will save that for later. However, it would be "likely" that your assumption would be the affliction. Nonetheless, it is assertive to say the least. If I were to make any assumptions from this, I would say that his experience is a result of his emotional state. Be carefully how you make suggestions. For all we know, it may well have been just as he said.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by freakngeckos

I know exactly of what he talking about. I have been in the situations he is talking about and so have so many other people.

My grandmother once during sleep paralysis she saw her dead husband choking her and she felt pressure around her neck. Her brain is making the feeling of pressure react to what she is seeing. Same principle goes for people that have realistic dreams. Like when you fall and hit the ground in a dream your brain helps create feeling upon waking up as if bouncing. Night terror is alittle different it is just a terrible feeling upon waking up making you scared to point of sleep deprevation.

I have had more sleep paralysis, than anyone I've met I can recall 11 times, that I didn't induce myself. Some were sleep paralysis alone, some had shadow people and some had familiar faces. I know what his experience felt like. No matter what he was seeing or feeling, he would have never been physically harmed.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:16 AM
What is interesting to me is the existance of the Fairy folk in Ireland. Legend has it that they are dangrous, but not absolutely malevolent. I think that it is possible that the fairy folk could have been offshoot experiments of the "The Devil" but they weren't fit for demonic possesion so they were rejected and went to Ireland. God doesn't want them, and the Devil can't use them. They are forsaken. The Clergy can scare them off by invoking the name of Christ, yet at the same time some fairly folk like the Brownies will help clean peoples houses so long as they are respected. Contradictory isn't it? Mabe the fairy folk are in leage with the devil, and mabe not. They don't like humans very much, some may clean our houses for us and repair our shoes...wierd.

There is a legend that talks about a Nix. A man heard the poor thing crying by a lake. What was the thing crying about? It was sad that it couldn't be saved by Jesus Christ. Salvation was reserved for humans only. Sad...the man pitied the thing and said a prayer for it. In gratitude the creature saved the man's life later on.

I'm not saying God is the bad guy here. I too have heard many stories of aliens intending evil upon people being repelled by invoking Jesus name. Thats a point for God. Yet at the same time there was the Crusades...hmm.

Why are things so complicated? I'm convinced of the ill will the greys have for us, and I'm convinced they hate Jesus. At the same time I'm convinced of the bible's horrible distortion of history because it was written by man. Come on? Did God really have two bears kill several children because they made fun of one of his prophets? Didn't think that was in there did ya? It is...either in Kings or Chronicles I think. I need to check later on, but it is in there.

I use to be a Christian, but after a lot of turmoil I wont bother explaining I fell away from the faith, yet at the same time I believe in the existance of Jesus and his athority in the spiritual world. Contradictory I know, but so is everything else in life. According to St. Pauls dogma I'm going to hell...lately however I have been feeling somewhat more attracted to Christ and God after a long time of being utterly disconnected.

Strangeness...In any case I don't like the Greys at all. I thought for a while that they were geneticly engineered slaves of the reptilians which made me feel sorry for them, but then again I can be wrong.

Who knows? Occams razor sometimes gets dull...

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:21 AM
Well I go through a similar experience 5 days out of the week so I have done the work dude. Look, I went through all the trouble for you. Have a look.

Unless your a doctor the next best thing, a patient who suffers from all of these. Or a psychologist for that matter... Think it over.

[edit on 08/11/08 by freakngeckos]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by abelievingskeptic
Just a question kcire, why is it so important for another individual to stop believing in God for you?

In any way does his belief affect you? I can not see how it does. Firstly you entered into this thread on your own will, you responded under your own will.

I think it is 'unfair' to consider someone who thinks he is Napoleon (or whatever!) a crazy-guy. But someone who thinks he has a 'relationship with god or Jesus Christ' has to be respected. In my opinion and in this example they look evenly crazy to me. So this is what bothers me most of religious people...They are crazy...But I have to deal with them like they are normal persons (i.e. people like myself).

Originally posted by abelievingskeptic
To let you know what I think. I think it is a defense mechanism because you are scared of being wrong. Please do not be offended by what I am saying here. I think it is a normal way of thinking. If everyone agrees with me, then I must be right! I am just trying to help open your mind as to maybe taking a ittle patience and understanding into your perspective.

You could have a point here...But I am not afraid of being wrong?! And what do you mean with: 'If everyone agrees with me, then I must be right!'...Isn't that a ignorant and often religious way of thinking?

Originally posted by abelievingskeptic
Maybe Jesus and the God of the Bible is his truth and the way he is able to deal with the world.

Oke...Allrighty...But why not set every person free that is locked up in some psychriatric hospital that thinks he is Napoleon? It's just 'their way to deal with the world'...This way everything is oke, even Hitler.

Originally posted by abelievingskeptic
Have you ever thought that maybe some people might need a savior. Whether that savior is a reality or not, maybe some Christians/ Muslims or Jews need someone to rely on i.e God or Jesus Christ, Yeshua, uhammad, Buddha (insert any religiou figure head).

Some people? A lot of people really do need a savior, I agree...People dying of hunger in Africa or in a similar situation. People like 1nL1ghtened on the other hand do not need a savior in my opinion, they just need to get a grib and stop complaining. And the people dying from hunger in Africa need a 'real' savior, they're dying?!

Please read: Understanding Christian Motivations

'Needing a savior whether it is a reality or not'?! Isn't that just silly? And actually a bit stupid? Like; 'It's rubbish, but let's say it's true!'. I just cannot shut of my brain and stop thinking. Sorry. But if I was dying from hunger in Africa this would a whole other story of course!

1nL1ghtened here talks about church and school...So I guess his only problem should/could be his homework, his girlfriend and these kind of things. Not going to church!?

And yes, I think he's from a village or some small town.

All people in church or mosk for that matter, are just there because mommy and daddy are and their mommy and daddy probably before them also and so on and so on...Because it is considered normal in the village or town someone grew up in...Or whatever..But 'really' believing?! Please...That isn't actually part of it (is my opinion!).

From generation to generation people are fooled into believing. If someone would be raised by let's say wolves...It wouldn't believe. It would just be. Farting and sniffin' around. Not even at a older age it would wonder; 'Is there a god?'...Nope! Because this is just something that is invented by wicked man a long time ago. Some kind of 'dumb mass control' or something similar...At least; Made up by man!

Like Richard Dawkins said: "I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world"

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by freakngeckos
Well I go through a similar experience 5 days out of the week so I have done the work dude. Look, I went through all the trouble for you. Have a look.

Unless your a doctor the next best thing, a patient who suffers from all of these. Or a psychologist for that matter... Think it over.

[edit on 08/11/08 by freakngeckos]
Seems I didn't know as much as I thought about night terrors. I just accumulated from the experience of my uncle. But what does epiliepsy have anything to with this?
But there is no way it is night terrors or epilepsy, especially from symptons mentioned.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:16 AM
When I decided to try and author this thread, I had to d alot of soul searching and prayer. I knew that there would be many people who would balk at this information because of fear. UFOLOGY has become a religion in its self, more of a cult. I understand when you challenge someones belief system, your bound to wind up with some serious opposition. Wars have been fought and many people have died for less.

There have been some great questions, and arguments and the fact is that noone knows the whole story and we as a race (the human race) have been placed squarely in the middle of an ancient battle, literally between good and evil. I am not afraid. I will boldly go forward and fight for you, those who are weak and for the blessed meek, for those of you that have fallen away from your Creator...and for those of you who will never know Him.

I also knew that this would not be a popular idea...I am not putting this out there for points, or recognition, popularity or notoriety...quite the opposite.
I have been a contributing member of this board for a long time, and when I joined I believed as many of you still fact the very mention of religion
coupled with the UFO subject would probably received an eye roll from me at the time, but I cannot deny the facts I have learned and felt it important enough to try and let my fellow brothers and sisters know what I have learned, regardless of the ramifications to my "status" in this or any other community. I present these findings as a fellow human in servitude to my God and my fellow men and women. All too many people are focused on "service to self" and cannot grasp the sediment of "service to others" and that is part what is fundamentally wrong with our society today.

I know it isnt easy to understand and I do not pretend to "know it all"... but the crux of the battle is this; our common enemy has had literally thousands of years (possibly many, many more than that) to manipulate, plan and implement this great deception. It started back as far as recorded history and has been in the making since the beginning, and is a work in progress.

I think in time, many will see what some of us do now, I encourage you all to research this your self but do not let it consume your life, for we all have been given a precious gift in Jesus Christ who has left us many teachings for us to follow and study. The enemy will do everything in its power to keep you from this. If he can distract you from looking inward to God by looking outward for other life then his deception will be complete and he has won.

Those of you who have witnessed UFO's and or entities that claim to be from other planets know that once you have personally witnessed something like this...know how it draws you in and does NOT let go. Its part of the phenomenon, it gives you a little taste and leaves you wanting more...much like any other addiction. I have spent years of my life chasing this lie, believing it to be something else. Thankfully I have been released and I wash my hands of this, and its my hope that this will open the eyes of some who aren't too jaded by the very real effects of this ploy. I pray for all of us.

While researching this topic I have come across many disturbing things that i think most of us over look. An example is this image I came across, done for Whitley Strieber of what he recalls these entities that he witnessed looked like:

When I saw this image it really struck a cord in me as I'm sure it will for others. I think its an accurate depiction and there is something very visceral and predatory about it.. and as for what is behind the facade is even worse.

I pray for all of us, in hopes that more people will wake up. The greatest deception of mankind is at hand....time is growing short and they know it, and are doubling their efforts to blind the masses... the wonders in the skies will increase at an ever more alarming rate. I have noticed more and more people who have joined this forum because they too have witnessed these strange signs in the skies. I will always keep an opened mind and I do believe that there is much about this enigma that i do not comprehend or understand and probably never will.

Rev 13:13 'And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. (Rev 13:14 NIV) Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth....'

Make no mistakes, this is a WAR. The cost of defeat, your eternal soul.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:17 AM
Your article is nothing more than fear-mongering!
I`m wondering if you actually work for the Vatican or
something, as I`ve never read so much paranoid
religious nonsense!
another disinfo agent???hmmmm.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by Elmer_Dinkley

I understand your reaction to this thread. Many have said the same things you are and I am of the belief that you are the ones whom are afraid. Many facts have been cited here for those who care to actually read them. You my friend are completely mistaken about fact you would not believe the courage it took to post this. So before you carelessly throw your accusations around mabey you should examine the facts as I have done....

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by thehype16
Seems I didn't know as much as I thought about night terrors. I just accumulated from the experience of my uncle. But what does epiliepsy have anything to with this?
But there is no way it is night terrors or epilepsy, especially from symptons mentioned.

It has everything to do with brainwave patterns. You should try an EEG, or Electroencephalography. It is HARD to get in to do one. I had a team of neurologist come in from Atlanta, GA to Chattanooga, TN to do mine and needless to say they can tell a lot from what they see (they can see your neurons firing, no joke, in spikes). Epilepsy can effect you in numerous ways. It can alter the brainwave activity caused by lesions or whatever source is causing the epilepsy. Some people don't even know they are epileptic, they just jerk or twitch (sometimes just slightly) and they never notice cause people think it's just nerves acting up all the time. The most difficult part to understand is that they can vary greatly in there severity. Sometimes you may not twitch or jerk at all, you might just zone out, as in absance seizures. I have these to be honest with you.
I have others too. People never notice, I have managed to hold a job off and on for the last 11 years and no one has ever caught on, I just pretended to be daydreaming when someone could get hurt (certified fork lift operator, yeap lol)... Unfortunately they cause a number of other problems that cause me to loose jobs frequently, like the unbareable physical drainage and mental anguish. Most jobs ended in fights or desputes and I have no idea how any of them happened.

To be honest with you, there's nothing like a good old fashion hallucination.
lol, kidding. He may have seen aliens or talked to God man... I don't know for sure, just checking the record.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by 1nL1ghtened
When I decided to try and author this thread, I had to d alot of soul searching and prayer. I knew that there would be many people who would balk at this information because of fear.

Why do you think people are afraid, because they don't believe.
People join religions because they are afraid.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by freakngeckos

Originally posted by thehype16
Seems I didn't know as much as I thought about night terrors. I just accumulated from the experience of my uncle. But what does epiliepsy have anything to with this?
But there is no way it is night terrors or epilepsy, especially from symptons mentioned.

It has everything to do with brainwave patterns. You should try an EEG, or Electroencephalography. It is HARD to get in to do one. I had a team of neurologist come in from Atlanta, GA to Chattanooga, TN to do mine and needless to say they can tell a lot from what they see (they can see your neurons firing, no joke, in spikes). Epilepsy can effect you in numerous ways. It can alter the brainwave activity caused by lesions or whatever source is causing the epilepsy. Some people don't even know they are epileptic, they just jerk or twitch (sometimes just slightly) and they never notice cause people think it's just nerves acting up all the time. The most difficult part to understand is that they can vary greatly in there severity. Sometimes you may not twitch or jerk at all, you might just zone out, as in absance seizures. I have these to be honest with you.
I have others too. People never notice, I have managed to hold a job off and on for the last 11 years and no one has ever caught on, I just pretended to be daydreaming when someone could get hurt (certified fork lift operator, yeap lol)... Unfortunately they cause a number of other problems that cause me to loose jobs frequently, like the unbareable physical drainage and mental anguish. Most jobs ended in fights or desputes and I have no idea how any of them happened.

To be honest with you, there's nothing like a good old fashion hallucination.
lol, kidding. He may have seen aliens or talked to God man... I don't know for sure, just checking the record.
As I read through the links you gave me, i noticed I share symptons listed in 2 types of epiliepsy. Good info.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by 1nL1ghtened

Look man, you should really look inside yourself for answers. The only person that can effect your way of life in the end is truly you. I freaked when I came to some of the conclusions that I believed in. I thought it was obsurd myself but the fact is that I have been seeing the signs and hints for a long time. I never expected to believe what I do now. But now that I have come to terms with it, yeah I have to take something sorry. Go see a councelor even with insurance I gotta pay for my meds with no job and that's not easy when you live with your parents to begin with. Besides, you'll at least be sedated. I just hope I can keep my perscription filled. I suppose I should offer you some closure but hey we all been looking for that seriously. Good luck, I'm with ya.

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