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The Greatest Deception of Mankind

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posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by alchemy
I have watching ATS for a while now and come to a conclusion from some of the mindless dumb posts that are submitted. Someone asks a serious question or starts a thread and all they get is sarcasm,ridicule and pointless coments from people. So whats the point of ATS? why do you bother with your sarcastic,irrelevant comments?.
Sarcasm, ridicule, and pointless comments are apart of life, you need to get used to. Why let it stop you from getting your point across. I don't care about it as long as my life isn't threatened. Why not stand strong and just say it, you even be proven right or wrong if you speak up. Why let emotions get in the way of my opinion?

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 08:49 AM
Heretic, I would like to take some time to answer these questions as well because I feel they are important for establishing my feelings at the time of this encounter and feelings examined in retrospect. I appreciate your questions, and feel they are very relevant. Sorry my responses have been out of sequence as I am trying to multi-task with several other things I have going on here at home.

Originally posted by _Heretic
Heya 1nL1ghtened


I find this interesting because first you were like…YAY a UFO, and as they left you were like….BOOO a UFO.

Although humorous, this statement is probably more true than you know...

When you mean Satan, do you mean an actual figure or fallen angel, or do you mean “the adversary” which can be many, or host of entities.

The quick answer to this is both. The architect of this grand deception, I believe is in fact "the satan" far as the occupants of the craft(?) or the entities carrying out this plan and or interacting (abducting ect.) would be his minions or host of entities (ie. fallen angels)

The very name Lucifer means:"Light-Bringer" (from lux, lucis, "light", and ferre, "to bear, bring").He is also refered to as "the morning star" ..a mere coincidence? I dont think so...

I think it is important to establish that in the beginning of my experiences, I didnt believe this phenom to be related to anything spiritual per say...that being said, after this particular encounter not only was I left reeling by the sheer WOW factor of such a close and undeniable sighting, but the also the ramifications of the complete realization the these things (UFO's) are real.

All these things were flooding through my mind, and as I stated, I was elated initially, at this jaw dropping sight...I was not it slowly and silently floated over us, I scrutinized every last detail my eyes could take in.

It appeared to be bright silver or chrome, stamped or molded in one solid piece...there were no seams or rivets, not doors hatches or external lights or openings, vents or otherwise. It was enveloped in what I can only describe as "green fire" completely engulfing this object(?) though it was translucent enough that I could see the details that I have just described (or basically the lack thereof!) I felt it was a solid object, that if I were to throw something at would have bounced off. So imagine my complete surprise and dismay of the "feelings" or "thoughts" that were conveyed to me by this object(?) or entities, which in retrospect was the most pure hatred I have EVER encountered in my entire life.

Its is also important that people understand the this "feeling" was NOT from me... some have suggested I was "abducted" just by such a close proximity and these "feelings" stemmed from that... I will have to say this was not the case...I specifically remember checking the clock in the car after this sighting and only minutes had missing time. We were on our way to work that morning, it was aprox. 4:30 AM and were not late!

And if so, does someone like Satan need lessons in genetic engineering before he can do such things? And with this ability along with this agenda to make us all “die horrible and painful deaths” don’t you think it kinda odd that he didn’t make like a million lions and release them all over the populated world, or maybe some other terrible beast capable of a much quicker solution.

Satan has no real power. Any and all power he does have is given to him by God, as he was also created by God as was everything. As far as the "genetic engineering" or "manufacturing" of physical shells or containers, being that he has no real power, it is my opinion that he has influenced men
(scientists with no morals or Godless men) to try and replicate ourselves or to try to engineer biological clones or automatons for just this purpose, a physical housing for his demons to inhabit so that they can perpetuate this very deception for they are spirits and are limited in physically interacting with us. It is just another perversion of satan trying to "emulate" God and His
creative abilities.

If this were a true plot by someone who holds this much power or genetics, why is it taking so long for him to reach his goals and why the lack of aggression as well all live our lives out semi peacefully while this plan of world punishment and destruction involve only a very small portion of the population.

Satan has limitations, as I stated above the only "power" he has is given and restricted by God. Everything that has or shall come to pass happens on GOD's TIME FRAME...not satans.

It just seems to me that this activity is

A. Not really meant to kill us at all because there are tons of abductees telling their stories alive and well.

B. A plan that is taking WAY too long and lacks the aggression to complete the mission

A. That is the deception...the more people he can get to question their faith, or to trick into thinking that we were "seeded by aliens" and the more people he can lead away from God (by studying and devoting their lives and or time to this UFO mystery and related topics) the more souls he can drag into the pit with him at the end.

B. Make no mistake about it my friend, this agenda of satan's lacks anything but aggression...if you could feel just a third (1/3) of the hatred I felt in that moment, the absolute opposite of complete love, you would understand exactly what I mean. Humans cannot hate, as deeply as these beings can project.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:44 AM
Matthew 24.24

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.

2 Corinthians 11:14

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an ANGEL OF LIGHT.

Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the HEAVENLY REALMS

I just find those scriptures interesting.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by 1nL1ghtened


I've been looking into the exact same thing, with a bit of a twist.

I'm not going to reveal my exact twist concerning this but I will say one thing I have learned through some historical data, bible data and archeological data.

Assuming that the ancient glyphs of the sumerian's was properly translated along with certain passages in the bible itself. All I can say is this one thing for certain.

If anything lands on humanities front yard claiming to be from another planet and starts to identify themselves with the Annunaki, well just run it will not be a good thing. Sure at first it will seem like an awsome time to be alive but considering what the sumerian glyphs say (again if it was deciphered properly) um ya you don't want to be anywhere near these guys in the long run.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 05:53 PM
It seems obvious to me that you are trying to lead people away from their belief in extraterrestrials and lead them into the belief in God. This is apparent in your initial statements concerning, The Grand Deception. You are basing the belief on an experience, and it seems that most of your conclusions seem rather existential and are obviously spiritualistically influenced, and emotional. Your conclusions from this are that extraterrestrials if they may be, are manifestations of Satan. To me it seems as though the mention of Jesus alone was the turning point at which this presence changed it's course. Could you not suppose that the creatures initial response was not a result of something else? Maybe it was just time to go. It was your response to this event that indicates your beliefs are a result of such.

Your emotive standpoint, which seems to be pulling you away from the impartial analysis required to make a proper conclusion of this rather personal experience. What I am trying to say is that, you are rationalizing your own personal beliefs, influenced by your spirituality, and your personal judgement. Experience is however necessary, but I believe that your are taking away what can truly be derived of experience by refusing to let yourself become impartial to the experience. I believe that your convictions are strong however, and that it may not be possible to accept a more rational conclusion by the comparison of that which is contrary to your nature, or at least until you have been subject to utmost scrutiny beforehand. It is only easy to take this standpoint because there are so many other spiritualistic individuals that would support you. Perhaps it is your inability to shed God from the equation. In other words, you seek truth in God, before you seek truth in itself and life experiences.

As a philosopher myself I must say that I cannot deny (or support lol)the existence of God. However, you must subtract him from the equation and accept it as a possibility first. This perhaps is part of my own philosophy (being impartial), above all else is my belief in probability, and simplicity. If you truly did this your beliefs would be different, I believe.

Feelings also, are a response. They are yours however. And if someone made you feel a certain way, it is responsive but you have the ability to control your own feelings. Someone can't implant them in you like an alien implant, the idea is improbable if nothing else. Needless to say they may have tried to influence those feelings.

It seems to be a question of motive of which is based solely on your emotional response. You say their intentions are evil, and that they did evil, but other than your emotional response you have little else. I myself have come to the conclusion that religion and God (including Satan), are a result of human thinking.

There is nothing outside the human realm of cognition that suggest the existence in God. No one could suggest any probability that would denote that man is of God, that doesn't also denote that God is a product of man. And, there are phenomenon that I can not rationalize (most of which do not include God however). So I am not absolutely against God. Also is my acceptance as God a possibility, but not a probable one. I have concluded that this is reasonable but have rationalized the belief because I cannot say God does, or does not exist. Or more because there is nothing that suggest it, that isn't arguable by man. I believe we should all accept this standpoint until something suggests otherwise. I don't like God bashers for this reason (among others) either (I don't care for religious fanatics either, but that is a different story).

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:00 PM
And this is for some other statements that I have heard and wish to respond to.

The belief that Aliens are demons, seems to be based on the belief itself. It's comparison to demons, and not the analogy of the aliens themselves. Also is the lack of evidence that demons are in fact demons, and truly exist. Like others have said there is more proof in the existence of extraterrestrials. But most profoundly, no probability to strongly suggest that demons exist (as apposed to the profound signs of alien existence). This also seems to be a product of spiritualism. Why make the corrections simply because something is evil. They may be. But many things including man, are evil. Perhaps this is the basis for your beliefs, but to me the basis for evil is not enough to define wether or not something is a demon (or an alien, for which some experiences would be contrary to belief of).

On a further note, sarcasm and ridicule are also emotive (and impudent). They are the product of your emotions. I would respond to such with sensibility and good nature. If your an advocate of sarcasm and ridicule it would suggest to me that you are the one with a problem getting your point across. Primarily as a result of your inability to explain arguments with a true sense of reason.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:00 PM
Double post...

[edit on 08/11/08 by freakngeckos]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by freakngeckos


Halfway through the OP...I began thinking, "Where exactly is he heading with this? Sounds more like a post to turn people to Christianity" And I say Christianity, because I believe the true God and Christianity are two completely different things.

"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things" - Isaiah 45:7,8
According to the Bible, God creates and allows all things.

I want to into greater detail, but the amount of time it would take to delve further into all of this and what I believe is the case, with all things...I'd be writing a very, long book.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by sdrawkcabII
Halfway through the OP...I began thinking, "Where exactly is he heading with this? Sounds more like a post to turn people to Christianity" And I say Christianity, because I believe the true God and Christianity are two completely different things.

"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things" - Isaiah 45:7,8
According to the Bible, God creates and allows all things.

I want to into greater detail, but the amount of time it would take to delve further into all of this and what I believe is the case, with all things...I'd be writing a very, long book.

For knowing this, the Cathars were burned.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:10 PM
Very interesting though .
I have not read this whole thread so please forgive if this was already brought up..
Did you ever hear of Aleister Crowley's Lam & the Little Grey Men experience ? Aleister channeled a demonic spirit named Lam , do a quick google search if you are not familiar with the picture of Lam . It's the first ever picture of what we now think of as the gray's .

[edit on 16-8-2008 by Max_TO]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:26 PM
It is inevitable that with a thread of this size, and a subject so deep, that as this conclusion (what I believe to be fact) has progressed, and new ideas are shared and epiphany's realized, and that due to the very subject matter, the posts take on religious overtones.

Moreover, though the progression of this thread, questions have been posed here by members both brand new and old, that have to deal with:








I have done my dead level best to answer any and all questions and theories posed to me by ALL posters, and have literally thanked everyone (yes even the critics of these theories) for their thoughts and involvement, as I believe this subject is bigger than any ONE person.

In the first few pages, (and the subsequent following ones as well) I offered the opinions of "alleged abductees" and researchers with far better credentials that I will ever have, to the readers of this thread for them to consider:

A French Astrophysicist by the name of Jacques Vallee. He began his career as an Astronomer in the 1960s. He had a mentor an Astrophysicist named J. Allen Hynek, who worked as an advisor on the Air Force's UFO studies Project Sign, Grudge, and Bluebook. Hynek was initially skeptical of UFOs. He was the man who originated the use of the Swamp Gas explanation. By the 1970s he had changed his mind about the phenomena but he could not accept an extraterrestrial hypothesis.

Though I also have drawn off my own very personal experiences, to let the readers know just how I could personally have come to this conclusion, I have been careful to inject relevant information learned over the years by others:

"I felt an absolutely indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on earth to be there [in the presence of the entities], and yet I couldn't move, couldn't cry out, couldn't get away. I'd lay as still as death, suffering inner agonies. Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be. And they were here and I couldn't get away." -Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 181

It appears that these latest posters, are not taking into account the first ten pages of responses and questions posed there. That is understandable, and unfortunate... I have been trying to answer very specific questions posed to me by other members here, which answers I base off of MY beliefs.

I do not want the true meanings of this thread diluted by my attempts to answer any and all questions and theories posed to me as this thread has progressed. I have stated numerous times that when I began looking into this matter I felt it was in fact an extraterrestrial issue... that being said, over time that has changed
as I was searching for the truth no matter what it was or what form it revealed itself.. it brought me back to GOD!!

I will not be ashamed to admit that to anyone nor will I ever apologize for it. I do not need the approval of men, and I will not submit to those who are addicted to "intellectual idolatry" and want to argue just for the sake of arguing.

I have submitted my "personal conclusions" to this community with no regrets and with a great amount of respect and humility for those whom are searching as I was... and have contributed to this topic in any fashion and I will continue to try and do so as best I can. This has not been easy by any means and I know it has ruffled some feathers, I have thrown myself to the wolves not for my own benefit (far from it)...or to push any "agenda" other than trying to open peoples eyes to the reality of these so called "aliens" and to the love of Jesus Christ, whom without, none of this would be possible.

I wish everyone success in their own very personal journeys to discover these truths.

God Bless you all, 1nL~

[edit on 8/16/2008 by 1nL1ghtened]

[edit on 8/16/2008 by 1nL1ghtened]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Max_TO
Very interesting though .
I have not read this whole thread so please forgive if this was already brought up..
Did you ever hear of Aleister Crowley's Lam & the Little Grey Men experience ? Aleister channeled a demonic spirit named Lam , do a quick google search if you are not familiar with the picture of Lam . It's the first ever picture of what we now think of as the gray's .

[edit on 16-8-2008 by Max_TO]

Yes I have read this account and it is another piece of the puzzle which has brought me to these conclusions. Thank you for bringing this up because it has not been mentioned yet, excellent contribution.

An account of this series of events can be studied HERE

The ties between this entity and the occult are undeniable. It is, I believe further substantiation of the conclusions that I and others have come to
regarding satans involvement in the "extraterrestrial deception".

[edit on 8/16/2008 by 1nL1ghtened]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 12:45 PM
Heya 1nL1ghtened

Thx for responding to my questions

I find your perspective interesting and not so typical among the growing Christian mindset. The reason I say is because IMHO there has been an upheaval in religion, one may even say a spiritual crisis in these modern times. The Vatican has addressed the issue of UFOs and Aliens on a few occasions and they seem to be taking the issue in a more positive way. I found very interesting and empowering, and would liek your take on it.

It is not that I believe one way or the other or that I am trying to prove a point here, because although I may think one way today, upon epiphany, I re-invent myself tomorrow. So I try to not get to attached to a paradigm because if I am to grow I will one day have to abandon it for a perceived higher one.

My question is what you think of the recent developments in the Church's stance on these issues. For some back ground info I'll toss out the two largest announcements. Ironically Monsignor Corrado Balducci is like the exorcist extraordinaire and we have been discussing the relationship between aliens and demons, anyway here is the snip:

Monsignor Corrado Balducci, official Exorcist for Rome, former diplomat in the Papal Nunciature in Washington, DC, past theologian member of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, and an insider who has the attention of the Pope. Balducci has gone on Italian national television five times in the past several years to proclaim that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon!

Balducci provided an analysis of the Star Visitors which he feels is consistent with the Catholic Church's understanding of theology. Monsignor Balducci emphasizes that encounters with the Star Visitors: "1) are NOT demonic, 2) they are NOT due to psychological impairment, 3) they are NOT a case of entity attachment, but 4) these encounters deserve to be studied carefully." Since Monsignor Balducci is a demonology expert and consultant to the Vatican , and since the Catholic Church has historically demonized many new phenomena that were poorly understood, his stating that the Church does not censure these encounters is all the more remarkable.


These statements were released in or near mid 2006

Now I apologize, I spent about 30 mins scouring the net for a mainstream source for this but alas I could only find reference, but I am sure it is out there somewhere because this was big-time news. And this reference is credible and is duplicated several times on the net from a bigger source, I just didn’t want to toss a link from UFO digest or something as that seemed a little pretentious to me.

Further Vatican disclosure even goes as far as to say that there were ET's referenced in the bible:

John 10:16
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

International Standard Version (©2008)
I have other sheep that don't belong to this fold. I must lead these also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock and one shepherd.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
"I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one shepherd.

GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
I also have other sheep that are not from this pen. I must lead them. They, too, will respond to my voice. So they will be one flock with one shepherd.


continued below...

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 12:45 PM
continued from above...

This gets even MORE interesting because in May of this year The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory came out with an even more aggressive stance on the Alien issue

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Believing that the universe may contain alien life does not contradict a faith in God, the Vatican's chief astronomer said in an interview published Tuesday.

The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, was quoted as saying the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones.

"How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere?" Funes said. "Just as we consider earthly creatures as 'a brother' and 'sister,' why should we not talk about an 'extraterrestrial brother'? It would still be part of creation."


he also goes on to say "Ruling out the existence of aliens would be like "putting limits" on God's creative freedom"

heck they even say "The Bible "is not a science book," Funes said, adding that he believes the "Big Bang" theory is the most "reasonable" explanation for the creation of the universe."

Now this is the Catholic Church here, and although one of the most powerful, it is also the most controversial. I was wondering what your take is on this and how these messages from effect your beliefs. Do you think there is a crisis in the world religions so they are scrambling to get caught up to the 21st century? Are they now corrupt? Are there demons in the Vatican influencing the decisions of the leaders?

Have you talked to your church leader about this stuff? And if so could you share a little of that with us unless it is just too personal.

I am really interested in how the strange and current events of the modern man, are being reflected back by the re-assesment of the ancient text, trying to find answers to modern day problems. This is why your post caught my eye.

Looking forward to your reply


posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by calibanvov
Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the HEAVENLY REALMS
I just find those scriptures interesting.

Yes, especially when rendered as: "For our struggle is not against human opponents, but against archons, authorities, cosmic powers [kosmokratoras] in the darkness around us, and evil spiritual forces in outer space."

Now, even from a secular standpoint, a recurring theme in the NT seems to be that the Earth is under the imperial rule of some very unsavory custodians...

[edit on 17-8-2008 by Eleleth]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 11:41 PM
Hi, thank you for sharing. I know it was hard to relate your story for
multiple reasons. I think we wanted to believe, just like you in alien
life visiting us. If the folks who think you have not done your bible
homework so to speak would do some soul searching themselves.
This kind of truth could be hard to accept and I too was hoping they
were extraterrestial visitors. I wonder how satan and his minions
have accomplished this feat. Also, I wonder if they were alien beings
from another world and were so powerful and hate us so entensely,
why have they not wiped us out and taken over the earth long ago?
Clearly we are and/or have something they lack..we have hope in
Jesus. That is what I think. In all the phenomenas complexity,
keep it simple, accept the truth as a child and the complexity of the
matter won't send you down the wrong path.
I am not trying to mislead you. I may not be a true christian and follow
all his ways but I too have had these spooky, uneasy feelings about these is a feeling that never goes away despite the "real" type ufo
reports that might convince you something else is going on. Sometimes
one has to trust that gut feeling even if it's a reaction deemed reasonable.

reply to post by 1nL1ghtened

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 05:33 AM
link seems the vatican is hiding more then just a few old books. i wonder what they are hiding now? maybe its the truth that their is life on other planets and they are taking their time revealing it.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by _Heretic

Heres where is gets scary, and if you think your feathers are ruffled now..'you 'aint seen nothin yet brother'....

The Vatican is to play an important role in the end time... and its not to win souls for God... it will be instrumental for trying to explain away the rapture of God's church or true perpetuating the "powerful delusion" and their recent statements tell us just how they are going to explain this alarming disappearance of literally MILLIONS of people... aliens or extraterrestrial mass abductions.

2nd Thessalonians 2:11 8-12

8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11For this reason God sends them a POWERFUL DELUSION so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

Now one may ask..How could the Vatican, the most powerful and influential and religious center for Catholicism..Christianity's largest denomination-( or abomination..) be involved is such a "delusion"?

When taking a step back and viewing history, who was behind the Spanish inquisition, the crusades..and many other human atrocities that have claimed the lives of millions of people? Who has been in the headlines time and time again for committing unspeakable crimes against children? It is important for people to realize that this institution has been infiltrated and influenced since its inception..has has been instrumental for carrying out some of the most horrific human atrocities ever committed against humanity. It is no wonder that many non-believers are turned away from the church or religion as a whole, when citing these HISTORICAL abominations.

While I feel strongly about this, it is important that I establish, there are some truly good and Godly people that are catholic...and they serve without knowledge of these "deceptions", that being said what has been done through this institution is yet another work of satan to discredit Christianity as a whole.. an to twist a pervert the "church" which is the body of Christ.

Here is more evidence of how deep this actually goes, Leo Zagami goes into great detail about some of this information:

Leo Lyon Zagami was, until recently, a high level member of the Italian Illuminati a 33rd degree freemason, a true insider and a high-member of the infamous Freemasonic P2 Lodge. He was the "prince", prepared to take over after the older Illuminati "king", Licio Gelli. He is of Illuminati aristocrat bloodline and therefore involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood.

This is Leo's view on the UFO/alien agenda:

"I have discussed the fake UFO mith various times on Greg's radio show and also in several chapters of my illuminati Confessions , like for example the following about the Jesuits in Arizona that should answer a few of your questions about there real nature of these Demons...


Why there is now a Vatican project specifically dedicated to investigating the implications o contact with extra terrestrial races?

At Mount Graham in Arizona , the Vatican in reality maintains its own UFO observatory , staffed with Jesuits for the purpose of doing black magic and working on very detailed astronomical calculations for their so called alchemical work.

This dark approach to the Royal Art of Alchemy is operated unfortunately by the Jesuits with the use of evil Jinns (DEMONS) serving Satan himself the owner of Vatican HQ's. Another important role for the complex astronomical calculations is the possibility of tracing the coming of a true Messiah and the return of the true spirit of Jesus in the end of times, something they obviously dont want in Rome.

Very little consideration is given to the concept that some of them simply exist on the earth in a way that isn't generally perceptible to us.

We continue to assume that we can perceive everything that is "real" with our 5 senses despite all the evidence to the contrary. An overzealous belief in a science and philosophy of materialism has probably resulted in an irrational amount of faith in our physical senses.

Human beings are extremely susceptible to the fabrications of the jinn (DEMONS) who are used in the programs of Mind Control on a massive scale. We believe what they want us to because their impressive materializations and deceptions are tailored to fit our fantasies and belief systems.

Further external sources cite:

For while indeed “aliens,” “outer spacemen,” and “extraterrestrials” can be taken as synonyms, “aliens” has been used in recent decades to describe bizarre slanty-eyed gray entities that thousands claim to have encountered along with strange aerial lights.

Those “aliens” are not extraterrestrial but very possibly demonic, in the accounts that bear credibility. A great deception of our times has precisely been communication with evil spirits masquerading as visitors from outer space and as a result haunting countless people, including Christians.

Virtually every major rock musician – from John Lennon and Elvis Presley to Jimi Hendrix – swore to a “close encounter” at some point.

Those who instantly reject all discussion of UFOs and aliens as “over the top” and superstition – silliness – miss the point and are not cognizant of the case histories indicating not only that a phenomenon has indeed occurred, but that it has an extremely dangerous underside. Such was exhaustively documented by Dr. John E. Mack – a Pulitzer-prize winning psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School who set up to disprove the cases and ended up totally convinced that something was taking place (until his recent death in a car accident).

(To be continued on following post)

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 09:40 AM
(continued from above)

It is becoming clearer as time passes that this "conspiracy against humanity" runs so deep, and is so convoluted with half-truths and deceptions that ascertaining the truth of theses matters becomes a HUGELY daunting task and many lack the fortitude or divine dicernment to even be able to tackle these issues or risk the potentially deadly consequences of revealing theses truths to the blind masses.

So, why has God allowed some people to see this and others not? Why am I being allowed to write these things to you?

I believe the answer is because He is Grace, and He LOVES every single soul He has created and wants to give us every opportunity to accept His truths and come to Him, before He pours out His great wrath on the wicked....for after that, those who still deny Him...will be truly lost to Him and will suffer the same fate as satan and his demoniacally deceived followers.

If you truly seek information and historical references of just who is behind all of this, and how far back these seeds have been planted start here:
The "Black Pope" and The Great Deception

It is a truly exhausting read but important to establish the perpetrator's of all these things that will come to pass as written in the Bible.

Other sources:

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by 1nL1ghtened

i'm catholic(i dont like religon that much) and i knew the vatican held many secrets.for eyample, how jesus was really killed by the spear of longinus,not the cross.and how they hunt down unholy creatures with no remorse. but i never knew it went this far.those god dam murdering/warmongering/secret keeping assholes have to be stop.

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