posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:22 PM
Originally posted by Slothrop
i don't see anything offensive about what i said. i personally do not want to be dragged down to the same level as those people, nor do i want to
see the american language corrupted and ultimately destroyed.
I'll supply you with this link:
C Of Tranquility
Layered Prayers
Now, listen to any one of those carefully, please. It's of vital importance that you do. Hopefully, it will encourage you and anyone else who thinks
the same, to open your minds a little bit about what you
think you know about Hip Hop. Just a quick note, the 1st link is pretty hard to
understand. One has to be very knowledgeable to understand what's being said in the 1st link. The 2nd link is easier to grasp.
I will also add that a lot of mainstream rap(Not Hip Hop, as Hip Hop and rap are two separate things) is used to undermine blacks. I truly believe it
used by big corporations to distract us, misinform us and keep most human kind where they think we should be...dumb. I will also say, that Rap music
is not mostly listened to by blacks. Surprising huh? Rap music(mainstream music at least), is mostly geared toward kids between the ages of 12-18.
What kind of kids you ask? White kids! Shocked huh? I think the number was 60%. Yes, 60%. Of course, they're more white people in America than black it's obvious to a point. A lot of mainstream music companies do not target the minority of the population. They target the largest group
in the population. This is how they gain more and more money. You think Jay-Z going platinum was because of the black Hip Hop supporters?
This is not my main point. I will not go into the history of Hip Hop, as I do not see the need to provide people who do not care about how Hip Hop got
started, the culture of Hip Hop, or why it was started in the 1st place. I will say though, that, like Rock music, there are different artists, all
coming from different places, with different experiences and varying degrees of knowledge on different matters. So, to say that Rap music is this and
that, is to speak rubbish mostly, even if you're counting and referring to the mainstream. For you see, majority of rappers are not the ones you see
on MTV or BET. Majority of rappers are underground, get no radio play, no media coverage, and to my knowledge this happens because they do not rap
about your typical cars, bling bling and booty.
[edit on 13-8-2008 by sdrawkcabII]