posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 12:50 AM
I replied to this on another board and there were a couple of things that get me about the event as described.
-Seventeen minutes is stated as the time from impact to the appearance of swarming helicopters. For this to be remotely accurate, those helicopters
would have to have been in the air and en route to this very spot (at the speed of the average helicopter) and no further than 25-30 miles away.
-The witness states a "sky crane" helicopter was one of the choppers present to lift the object away. The USAF/U.S. Army no longer use the Sikorsky
CH-54 "Skycrane" helicopter and none that I am aware of are operating anywhere in military livery since all flying examples today are civilian
operated. So, he's either confusing it with a Ch-46/47 or -53 or something doesn't add up.
-This supposedly happened around Needles (which isn't much of a drive from L.V.) and on open, accessible land. Where are the pics? If there was an
impact or significant event there should be some kind of physical evidence of "something" happening there, no? Why hasn't Knapp and his cameraman
driven down, taken some video, talked to some more locals, and filed a more detailed report on this event? Instead, just a "he said, she said" with
no pics or hard info or supporting evidence.