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Chemtrail / Contrail Experiment?

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posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Essan

Prove what you are seeing? Ok, just for fun lets imagine we are in a room with a red balloon. I say, "I see a red balloon." You say, "I see a balloon but you must prove to me it is red."

I see persistent residual contrails. Even if they are only water vapor and regular jet exhaust, they are pollution. They suppress daytime highs. They trap radiated heat and they cause global dimming.

China has used cloud seeding this summer in an attempt to create rain to clear the skies for the Olympics.

The United States Air Force has conducted cloud seeding experiments as a matter of public record and fact.

If we lived in the period of the industrial revolution and I said ""I do not like the vapor coming from those smoke stacks," you would say, "oh that is normal smoke stack vapor ...why are you so paranoid"?

Well, I do not like contrails, they are pollution and I want test them and to regulate them just like they do smokestacks and car exhaust.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Zepherian

I agree with you and have observed the same thing dozens of time. Except here rain is a rare result. Just gloomy depressing hazy mucky grey sheetlike cloudcover.

Off Topic: Ever notice how ailments that are allegedly caused by lack of sunlight or exess alluminum (e.g. chemtrails), have pharmacuetical products which use chemtrail imagery in advertising, such as aricept, lunesta and the one for restless leg syndrome.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by davidifty

good luck on your tests

heal/protect yourself

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:35 PM
Here's a 7 part series by Discovery channel;
It's at the bottom. I'm watching it right now. Very good info!

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Swingarm

The Morgellons disease is terrible. With the black red and blue fibers coming out of the skin. It is very interesting to read up on morgellons a bit and then go look at the snow melt study from coloradolesare at flickr. This professional photog has been studying what is in the Colorado snowmelt had had found many non-organic fibers and possibly some nanotech, which is like the fibers in Morgellons.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Skipper1975
reply to post by davidifty

good luck on your tests

heal/protect yourself

--- In [email protected], "notrailsmaui" wrote:

This is a post on Chemtrail Central which seems reasonable and honest:
From Ted Twietmeyer

Jeff - This is not what the picture shows.

What you are looking at is an ordinary commercial aircraft configured for flight certification. I know this, becaue my past work included designing the control processor for a special switching system for Boeing Seattle flight by a company called ITI, inc. This system was used for routing analog downlink data from aircraft in the flight test room where FAA inspectors worked. In past essays you have read me rant about V1.0 software no longer being a standard or goal in software engineering. This switching system is one such system still running V1.0. This photo could very well be of a Boeing plane, based on my knowledge of how they perform flight testing.

Here is an explanation of what you see in this photo:

1. All the wiring you see which is reddish-orange is strictly used flight test wiring. According to Boeing back in 1985, there were (at the time) about 9 miles of such wiring on EVERY aircraft. This wiring extends down to the landing wheels as well, which the person who took this photo neglected to include. After flight test certification, ALL orange wire is removed, all the equipment you see is removed, wires to hundreds of strain sensors glued to the inside of the fuselage are cut and wall panels are installed.

2. The black and yellow safety tape on the floor indicates a step in the floor - it's where a mini-computer room floor begins under which numerous wires and cables are run. This too, is removed later.

3. The "kegs" you see in the photo are filled with WATER, not chemicals. Water is pumped from one bank of aluminum kegs to another to change the center of gravity.

4. The rack cabinets you see in the background control pumps for the keg water and monitor both keg water levels and every flight system on the aircraft. The data is converted to a serial data stream, and transmitted via a microwave downlink on the aircraft to the flight test center. A large tracking dish mounted on the roof of the large hanger at Boeing Field near street Gate 39 is used to receive this microwave signal. The plane flies in a big circle over the Pacific Northwest while the dish tracks the aircraft to receive aircraft test data.

5. Typically each plane to be tested is manned by a crew of about 8 in the cabin. The pilot is a test pilot who is an employee of Boeing. He will do whatever whatever maneuver the FAA inspectors tell him to do.

6. EVERY plane manufactured must be put through this test procedure to receive certification and a subsequent license.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:10 PM

Data from the microwave downlink from the aircraft under test enters a large computer room at Boeing field. There, FAA inspectors run through various flight tests and maneuvers while watching the various data to confirm the plane is functioning within design limits. Back in the 1980's, chart recorders plotted key aircraft parameters on paper. The recorder's paper output traveled down a table, and FAA inspectors wrote notes on it as needed. Each of the several inspectors had a push-to-talk headset to talk to the pilot at any time.

I have stood inside a new aircraft at the plant in Everett, WA back in the mid-80s, where Boeing aircraft were manufactured. Inside it looked almost identical to the one in this photo. At that time, the factory at Everett, WA was the largest building in the world with no internal supports, measuring 1/3 mile x 1/3 mile. Even a 767 inside looked small. This photo above is itself illegal, as Boeing forbids photography at their company unless specifically authorized. This is why you have not seen this image before.

An actual flight test in the certification room on the ground is quite interesting to watch. You see the total weight of the entire aircraft, in excess of 200,000lbs. decreasing at about 10lbs per second as the fuel is burned. This data appears on CRT monitors as well as the settings of flaps, throttle, rudder, etc... The switching system I was responsible for had 100 signal inputs from the aircraft and could switch signals to any of 120 instruments, including two Honeywell data recorders. The system is a redundant switching system, which was
fault tolerant in every way.


I do not post this to imply that there are no chemtrails. In fact, I acknowledge these DO exist. My goal is to simply stay with the facts and not lead people astray, or permit others to think that a seriously mis-interpreted photo like this is something it isn't. Since chemtrail sprayers are among the blackest of the black projects, no one will risk being shot just to take a photo of the inside of one.

Ted Twietmeyer

Sat Feb 9, 2008 12:27 am

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Skipper1975

That picture has been proven time and time again to be a load test setup for a commercial airliner, so it dosen't prove anything. If anything I've seen that picture used on these forums used to discredit chemtrail threads. The usual bait and debunk trip.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by Swingarm

I think the alluminium particulate is intended to do the same thing that fluor is in our water and dental higiene: dumb us down without otherwise damaging us. Make us dociles serfs. This and serve as a condensation point for water so as to make clouds. Which cut us off from the sun, which also have positive effects on both our physical health and our psychological well being. Notice how nordic countries have high suicide rates despite high standards of living: thats a melotonin imbalance due to low sunlight exposure in many cases.

I have recently gone off fluoride and stopped drinking tap water. I cannot describe how much more lucid I feel. And my memory is back to it's original state, ie, I normally remember things on demand now, instead of wasting time wading through the fog.

This stuff is real folks, we are being dumbed down by our elites so we don't take control of our own lives and realise how amazingly unfair a lot of social contracts are, and how even unfairer they are becoming. I suspect chemtrails are part of the war on the middle class, or do you folks really think it is just financial?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by Zepherian

OK , I'm with you on the effects, But would this not have an adverse effect on a jet engine? This is the reason I tend to reject chemtrails as producing this. I'm no expert and I really haven't spent alto of time on the whole chemtrail subject. I know intuitively theres something wrong here. But I know theres something wrong in many areas of society. Many are unaware there is something very amiss in our society, therefore chemtrails are right out of fantasy land to them.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Swingarm]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Swingarm

I suppose it depends on the concentration and size of the alluminium particles, if we're talking about loaded jetfuel. Most of the innards of a jet engine is titanium alloys iirc, so a particulate of a softer metal going over them might only have effects on the long term lifespan of the engine I guess. In this scenario people need to investigate the oil companies to see what they put in jetfuel. Yes, those guys with the biggest profits in corporate history who on top of that get subsidies. I know it's a stretch but they might be greedy and powerhungry and low on scruplus. I know, I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist...

Althought my sighting had the planes pretty much laying trails on demand, so I suspect they might use another system, more along the lines of a tanker plane, with dedicated tanks and a dedicated mixture.

I think that it's a complex operation using a variety of delivery systems and compartimentalized organisations, none of which actually seeing the big picture, which is only available to a handfull of elitist and high end serfs, who push it under climate control and military experimentation, fooling the sheeple into killing themselves.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Zepherian

Just occurred to me that the chemicals could be fed into the exhaust and never enter the engine. So I guess aluminum is a possible too.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Swingarm]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:34 PM
This would also make it possible to never have any fuel on hand that was suspect. There may be a completely different supply for the chemical? Just a thought.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by Skipper1975

Please edit your photo, because it's too large.
It's messing up the format.
And, yea, that photo was debunked a long time ago.

That Discovery series was GOOD!
The only problem was that they used standard commercial fuel and it showed no aluminum or anything!

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:22 PM

Don't pay any attention to Oz or Essan - derailing chemtrail threads is their hobby. Their agenda should be clear to us all by now.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by TruthTellist

Any opinion on Morgellans, it's looked on as Delusional parasitosis isn't it? Or is it gaining any ground as a real disease ?

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Swingarm]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by Swingarm

I regard it as an actual disease.

I have encountered it only once (in practice) and it took several months for my patient to recover.

It appears to be a variation of the creeping nematodes found in southeast Asia. The Americans also modified a strain of nematode and sprayed them onto urban and military areas during the Vietnam war. These nematodes were engineered to eat concrete and erode infrastructure - an excellent force multiplier.

Fortunately, I was able to find a treatment for the variation I was witnessing. Unfortunately the treatment involved ingesting high levels of toxins commonly found in pesticides and herbicides. The side-effects resemble those of many chemotherapy regimes and are completely and totally debilitating - even more so than the disease.

One psychological benefit to these extreme treatments is that patient begins to feel immediate relief both psychologically and psychically - I do not attribute this to the placebo effect. I attribute it to Hope being rediscovered by someone who was once not only hopeless but utterly helpless. Such positive emotions have documented healing properties, the state of mind is most important. The chemicals also have an immediate effect in the infestation.

Morgellons is a menace - but it is not yet so prevalent that it is fully recognized by the Medical or Scientific Community. I have no doubts that their ignorance will only worsen matters - especially as it has been identified in several cases to be a variation of creeping nematode - albeit genetically modified. I have no doubt the infestation that I treated was composed of organisms not indigenous to North or South America - I believe it was a variant of what was used during the Vietnam War, or related to it.

Morgellons is an enigma. I hope the US Gov responds to our Freedom of information Act requests on the subject. It is with them that the weaponized strain was created. As of 2000, It is primarily this weaponized strain that is discovered. We know this because it is FAR more resilient than the natural strain and contains more viral DNA and has bacterial colonies living within it. It is believe the bacteria produce the fibres which often protrude through the dermal laters.

High Strangeness.

Tropical Parasitic Organisms

Walter Reed - Dermatology Section

[edit on 3-8-2008 by TruthTellist]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by TruthTellist

Thanks for the info. Any links to read about what you describe concerning military nematodes?

Here is a link with some info on Morgellons.

[edit on 3-8-2008 by Swingarm]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by Missing Blue Sky

I see persistent residual contrails. Even if they are only water vapor and regular jet exhaust, they are pollution.

Well, I do not like contrails, they are pollution and I want test them and to regulate them just like they do smokestacks and car exhaust.

I agree. And a lot of scientists agree too.

However there's no link between aircraft contrails/chemtrail and cloud seeding - although that is something else I'd prefer to see banned or at least heavily controlled.

Originally posted by TruthTellist

Don't pay any attention to Oz or Essan - derailing chemtrail threads is their hobby. Their agenda should be clear to us all by now.

No, education is our agenda.

If you have spent years studying a subject and see someone on ATS post about that subject and make a lot of errors and misunderstandings in their post, would you correct them or not?

btw why do people think morgellons is connected with contrails several miles above their heads? Might as well believe it's caused by fairies.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 06:35 AM
"btw why do people think morgellons is connected with contrails several miles above their heads?"

Maybe it is because of the means in which the US deployed it's modified creeping nematodes.

The Americans modified a strain of nematode and sprayed them onto urban and military areas during the Vietnam war. These nematodes were engineered to eat concrete and erode infrastructure - an excellent force multiplier.

The nematodes were mixed in with Flax Seed Oil as a storage medium and food source before being sprayed onto target zones.

The altitude could be changed depending on the medium in which the nematodes were contained. This would allow them to survive prolonged exposure to UV radiation and reduce freezing of the organisms. Creeping nematodes CAN be frozen and thawed out alive.

Just imagine what the weaponised variants of these things are like three generations of development later..... Currently...

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