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Chemtrail / Contrail Experiment?

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posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 06:53 PM
I have noticed a few new Chemtrail threads on ATS over the past few days and it seems this may becoming a more popular conspiracy theory.

I read this on Rense earlier - "Chemtrail Attacks On MIllions In Europe Continue" -

Anyway it got me thinking.

Is there a way that, we the general public, can test to see whether 'the fallout' from these supposed chemtrails have traces of toxins within them? (Barium, aluminium. Ethylene Dibromide, Blood Cells - i think every type of substance as been mentioned in many threads)

Would we be able to test for toxins in our general rain water? I presume, when it rains, supposed toxins are absorbed and fall to the ground?

If this is the case, where would we send samples of rain water to get analysed? Im live the Uk so any ideas would be welcome.

I think if we could all agree (from experts if any are out there) to find a relatively cheap and simple way to participiate in a expreiment of having rain water (or air) from areas around the world tested it may help to suport the argument or kill it.

I notice many many planes pass over my house over the past few years. Some leave trails some leave hardly anything. I posted a pic a while ago above my house - (I have quite a few more but havent uploaded them yet)
I understand there are many factors and counter arguments why planes leave trails but im prepared to collect some rain water and send away to test.

Does this stand up? Would this be a valid experiment?

Responses welcome....

[edit on 2-8-2008 by davidifty]

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 07:00 PM
It would have to be VERIFIABLY uncontaminated.
(Don't know how you would do that)
Some have said the only way would be to send a 'sampling' balloon up to collect or do it from an airplane.
A guy did it in Texas using rainwater and it had an EXTREMELY high barium count and was in the news, but, many discount any ground samples.
I know chemtrails are real, but, it's SO hard to prove!
Our skies used to be so clear, here in the mountains.(pre-'05)

[edit on 1-8-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Clearskies

Hey mate,

I agree.

I may be a little naive but i was thinking simply collecting rain water from the roof of my house (stick some type of container / bottle up there).

I suppose local chemicals in the air could contaminate the samples etc....But, even though it may not prove chemtrails but i suppose it would give us a good idea of what is in my/your immediate vicinity.

I would like to know what my kids and my wife are in-haling everyday.

So lets imagine we have a sample....where would we send it?

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by davidifty

I don't know where you would send it.
I know where I live, there are places for high grade water analysis. (costs about $700)
Surely there is someplace for air testing!
I'm a woman, BTW.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 07:35 PM
In order to test the "chemtrails", you'd have to collect the emissions right behind the plane while it's flying along. Rainwater collected at ground level picks up everything (car exhaust, factory emissions, particulates from far off lands, etc) in the air. For testing, find a local chemical testing laboratory.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 07:41 PM
I would love to know how to test them, I am an avid sky watcher, its the first thing I check in the morning each day. Anyway, as a chemtrail theorist, I take a lot of pictures of the long white streaks across my sky. Here is one of my latest:

X marks the spot. I wish I knew what they were. Hope you get more replies to this thread, lots of people hate chemtrailers, and I dont understand the hostility myself. It is a very interesting subject.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 08:07 PM
Here's one of mine from last year; X marks the spot!
Notice the Haze on the mountains!

I live in a rural area in the Georgia mountains and on any given day, lately, there is particulates that haze the view.

Here's another one thats older.
Look at the brown clouds mixed with the white ones;

This is from rense and is a good picture (although altered)
about what is going on;

[edit on 1-8-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:40 AM

I have posted some of mine. These are from Manchester, England. Taken at various times over the past few months.


I have just noticed something weird on the pics I have just uploaded....

If you look at pics 4,5,6 they is a object/smear/blemmish that appears on these photos - can anyone comment?

I have never noticed this before as it looks like clouds and it also looks as if there is a identical blemish of it just below.

What is strange is that the back ground clouds and trails are different on each shot but that object remains. I have checked my other pics and the camera doesnt show this on any other pics i have taken. (Ixus 75)

It could be somehting on the lense but its pretty weird.

Any Ideas?

[edit on 2-8-2008 by davidifty]

[edit on 2-8-2008 by davidifty]

[edit on 2-8-2008 by davidifty]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:43 AM
I dont think britain sprays anything anymore...they did from about 40's to 80's though...lots of nasty things ecoli etc...MOD admitted they did,but refused to comment on any ongoing activities....

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:05 AM
And what makes anyone think that what they are seeing are anything but normal contrails? You know, those things that have been photographed and studied for decades - and which tend to occur more frequently the more frequently we fly?

If it looks like a contrail and acts like a contrail, maybe it is a contrail?

And testing anything on the ground will not tell you what is being sprayed 5 or 6 miles above your head. Although it may tell you what was being sprayed 3 weeks ago 8,000 miles away .....

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:09 AM
There are a few reasons why this wont work

1. At the height at which contrails occur, it is not possible for rain to fall and reach the ground. Any descending precipitation will hit dry air first and evaporate, and will also be dispersed by upper air jetstreams

2. Contrails that persist ir spread out can easily be explained by basic meteorology. I have posted it hundred of times on other threads, so if anyone wants me to explain....U2U me, so I dont repeat myself

3. Rain water, like the similar test on Rense, is not an accurate way of measuring chemicals in the atmopshere. That is why weather ballons and radiosondes/ ozonesondes exist. Hell, I launch them for a living

4. Rense is an inaccurate resource, he is not a meteorologist (I know its not a reason, thought I would add it though, lol)

My two cents, but as a Met scientist I can guarantee this will not work and only feed peoples paranoia. If you want a proper test done, I would speak to the British Met Office and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by Essan

Hey, I agree...thats the whole point of trying to debunk or prove if they are contrails or chemtrails.

As i have no experience of knowing how we could measure whats in our air or fallout from these putting this out you all.

What can we do independantly to know what we are breathing where we live?

I will make more of an effort to take pics and video. I have seen planes in close proximity, some releasing trails that linger for ages and some that dissapate in a few mins. I appreciate its very difficult from the naked eye to estimate how high two planes are flying..maybe others can. All we can do is post the pics.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Well..i will look up your posts and have a good read. Sorry for annoying you.

Your answers kind of give me what I need - basically we cant do f all.

I thought it was a good idea at first.

What about the object in pics 4,5,6 - any ideas what that maybe?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by davidifty
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Well..i will look up your posts and have a good read. Sorry for annoying you.

No thats ok, you're quite new here so all is forgiven

What about the object in pics 4,5,6 - any ideas what that maybe?

Hard to say what it is without being there and observing it, but my guess is that it is a lenticular cloud (altocumulus lenticularis). They are often saucer shaped and build on top of each other like picture 6 shows. They are often posted here and claimed to be UFO's. They are also a good indication that their is turbulence in the atmosphere and often occur near mountainous regiones, although they are not exclusively confined to those areas. If its not that it is most probably a pileus cloud (check the last link)

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:17 AM
I think it would probably be more productive to point your camera to ground level if you want to find out what's going into the air you're breathing.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by CO Vet
I think it would probably be more productive to point your camera to ground level if you want to find out what's going into the air you're breathing.

But maybe it's easier to blame some distant, indefinable, aircraft that you can pretend is on a secret govt operation, than your own car, or the factory where you work, or even the local arable farmer spreading his pesticides and fertiliser?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Essan

An example of sarcasm that just isnt needed.

I tried to put up a valid post to debunk or prove chemtrails and there is always a few who love to stick their 2 line sarcastic comments. Grow up.

I cant definately prove chemtrails exist but you can prove they dont!

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:55 AM
Trying to disprove every phobia imaginable to an individual is not a very effective use of anyone's time. You continue taking pictures of airplane contrails if that makes you feel better.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by davidifty

Chemtrails Oz and Essan go hand in hand. They are here to try to limit disscussion. Don't let it bother you.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Essan

There are TWO factories in our county. When I called the Atlanta EPA, in '05, they told me their sensors didn't show anything from them!
I told them something is wrong with their sensors.

Those pictures I took were in winter, so, no pesticides, fertilizers.(They don't spray fertilizers on the farms around here.)

Almost ALL of the nearest factories have laid off AND are working people on half days or closed completely. I am one of those laid off.
Down-sizing has left MUCH less pollution!
Also, stringent fuel emissions laws leaves less exhaust fumes.

Couldn't heavy metals free fall at a much more vertical rate?
I know that when they spray, I can sense the toxins very quickly between planes.

Maybe they don't spray where you live, they didn't here until about '05.

When I wrote the Governor, he at least took it as important enough to have a natural resources official write me a letter explaining (wrongly) that air quality was O.K. and the last higher levels were in '03.

Doesn't any of you think it strange, that at the peak of summer and HIGH pollution in California and other places, the EPA only occasionally shows air quality there higher than orange?
EPA forecast for Saturday

If you look at the AirNow cams
you can see that it looks a little like China almost everywhere.
I can remember going on top of the mountains and being able to see other states CLEARLY. That was until 2005!
I don't care if someone doesn't believe me!
If someone isn't spraying where you live, good for you!

The Georgia Guidestones
Put there in the 70's, specifically calls for

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

in it's FIRST commandment!
UN depopulation programs

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Clearskies]

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