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Conspiracy against God

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posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:07 PM
I don't think anyone hates God. You either believe in him or you don't. If you believe in him, then you believe that he is good and you love him. If you don't believe in him, you neither love him nor hate him because he doesn't exist. I suppose some people do hate the religion itself, but if you want to know the reason, just look in the mirror, or at your fellow Christians. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've gotten flack for being an atheist, been looked down at as if I don't know the truth or am unwilling to accept this, and all the while knowing that they are the ones that believe in a nonexistent being. It can create some hostility to see someone with a "holier than thou" attitude saying they are going to pray for you because you're such a heathen.

In short, no one likes it when their beliefs are challenged or belittled. If you don't like the hostility, then tell your fellow Christian friends to stop pushing their beliefs on others who have no interest.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by harrytuttle

WHAT!!!! NO Santa Claus

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:11 PM
I don't hate God because I don't know God.

Look at it from my point of view. I have had people tell me a bunch of # but it all comes from people. Artifacts, texts, stories, and anything else you can think of that is the source of our knowledge of God all comes from humans. Why should I believe any of this? Humans and time corrupt all information anyway.

I find it so pretentious that people actually think they know what the universe wants them and everyone else to do. I find it sad that people spend their lives trying to please a God off of the information that comes from other people.

The worst part of this whole thing is that people take it upon themselves to force their own personal ultimate truth into other peoples lives, whether by violence or by social constraints (abortion, gay marriage, etc.).

My belief is very simple, I do my best, I try to be a good person, and I try to enjoy the experience that has been thrust upon me.

Religious people always talk about faith, but I find that so ironic because it seems like religious people have the least faith in the Universe. The Universe is my God, this whole system is amazing and perfect. I trust that everything will be ok, I trust the universe is positive. I trust that no entity will be upset if my goal was to be positive. I trust the universe gave me a brain because it wanted me to use it.

I have no reason to live under the constraints that other people have made up.

"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself. " - Carl Sagan

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Jezus]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by harrytuttle

You know, the bible says, "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God." So, I'm hear to tell you, the bible says you're a fool.

If I have to choose between the bible and you and have to make a bet on it, I'm going with the bible.

I challenge all the God haters to read the bible in its entirety and then return to the post.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Ichabod
reply to post by harrytuttle

You know, the bible says, "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God." So, I'm hear to tell you, the bible says you're a fool.

If I have to choose between the bible and you and have to make a bet on it, I'm going with the bible.

I challenge all the God haters to read the bible in its entirety and then return to the post.

You do realise the Bible is a work of fiction written by several authors dont you?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by Wotan

What basis do you have for calling it fiction? Are you saying it's *all* fiction? Oh my, what about David, Solomon, Moses, Paul? They just didn't exist at all? Well, this is breaking news that you better tell the rest of the world about.

Get serious or get off my post!

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:34 PM
TextYour reasoning is outstanding! Thank you! May the Lord bless you!reply to post by Bigwhammy

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Ichabod
reply to post by harrytuttle

You know, the bible says, "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God." So, I'm hear to tell you, the bible says you're a fool.

If I have to choose between the bible and you and have to make a bet on it, I'm going with the bible.

I challenge all the God haters to read the bible in its entirety and then return to the post.

First off, I'm not a God hater, and I have read the Bible (most of it). I used to be a Christian. Nothing in the Bible made me believe in God, what did make me believe in God was the fact that my parents raised me to believe in God. From the start, I was brainwashed, as is 90% of America. So I got older, started to see the big picture. Night after night asking God why so many people have to go to hell and suffer for all eternity. Night after Night receiving no answer whatsoever. When I was a Christian, I saw all the contradictions in the Bible, but I simply swept them under the rug because I was raised to believe that it's a sin to even question God. When I got older, I told myself that the truth is more important than my own personal belief. When I did this, I was able to see the Bible for what it is: one big lie.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:40 PM
A conspiracy to separate humans from God? I can not imagine anything more welcome! The human race is never going to grow up if the human race remains connected and suckling at God’s breast..

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by Ichabod

Where are they?

In the bible.
You wouldn't prove santa claus existed with a christmas book.

Respond to my previous post if you want to comment on anything.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Ichabod
reply to post by Wotan

What basis do you have for calling it fiction? Are you saying it's *all* fiction? Oh my, what about David, Solomon, Moses, Paul? They just didn't exist at all? Well, this is breaking news that you better tell the rest of the world about.

Get serious or get off my post!

Its a work of fiction loosely based around some historical figures in an attempt to give it some authenticity. If you can prove otherwise I would like to see the evidence.

There is far more evidence for Santa Claus.

[edit on 2/8/08 by Wotan]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by TruthParadox

One big lie? And what is that? That God exists? That God is involved in our lives? That there is an afterlife? That David himself worshiped the triune God of the bible? That there was an exodus from Egypt?

What exactly do you think is the "big lie."

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by Wotan

So, your contention is that several dozen authors who didn't know each other meticulously wove this story together, carefully drawing on truthful history, in order to deceive us into believing that there: a) is a God, b) is an afterlife, and c) that God wants to spend eternity with us.

And this has somehow worked into what? A grand scheme to control us?


Sounds like you need to start your own conspiracy post.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Ichabod
reply to post by Wotan

So, your contention is that several dozen authors who didn't know each other meticulously wove this story together, carefully drawing on truthful history, in order to deceive us into believing that there: a) is a God, b) is an afterlife, and c) that God wants to spend eternity with us.

And this has somehow worked into what? A grand scheme to control us?


Sounds like you need to start your own conspiracy post.

You know as well as I do that the bible was contrived by the Roman Emporer Augustus. They heavily edited it, re-wrote it and made it fit their purposes apart from the fact that it was written well after the 'fact'.

The bible and christianity is the BIGGEST conspiracy of them all.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:56 PM
I hate your God because your God has many cunning and deceitful ways to get you foolish God worshippers to preach love and practice war. Do you deny this? I have been a first-hand witness to infighting within a church congregation! You fight and back-stab within your own congregations while you delude yourselves into believing it is all about “love”.

You preach unconditional love while you practice the social "conditioning" of tithing.

I hate your God because your God brainwashes you to think your faith is unquestionable. You always have a way to squirm your way out of any logic which exposes flaws in your beliefs. You use duplicity/hypocritical circumstance shuffling in order to evade any and all doubt. Your sanctimonious arrogance is appalling. You do not listen. . You do not listen. . You do not listen. . You do not listen. . You do not listen. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE CAPACITY TO LISTEN TO ANYTHING WHICH THREATENS YOUR SENSE OF SECURITY. It is always an endless parade of denial and evasion. (Cognitive dissonance)

Why does your God want my soul? Your God supposedly already has a soul. If I have a soul then it should belong to me, not to some invisible parasite.

God is a junkie, strung-out on the human race soap opera.

Why should I need God to protect me? God created Satan as an enemy so God would have a reason to “save” me. Just as the Government/CIA/NSA/A-Z creates and funds terrorism/enemies so I will need the Government to “save” me. God uses the hegelian dialectic the same as a government does, but for some twisted reason God worshippers think it is acceptable for God to do it but it is not acceptable for a government to do it. I hate God because God has cunning ways to brainwash people into believing it is alright for God to do things no one else would be allowed to do. God worshippers are brainwashed to be morally corrupt.

“Heros” exist, not to save people, but to maintain a dominant social structure which keeps people in their “place”. I hate heros. Do you think this is wrong? It is not wrong, here is proof: If you get caught in a crossfire you are a “necessary loss” (unsaveable) because the “hero” has “more important” things to do. I hate heros. Your God is going to “save” the human race by sacrificing the human race. God save us from God.

If you think this is not specific enough, here are two examples:

1. Before the Fall, God says Adam and Eve were perfect. It is impossible to tempt a perfect being because perfection has no needs through which to establish temptation. This proves God is a liar and Adam and Eve were not perfect because only imperfection can be tempted. This proves Adam and Eve were not at fault for being tempted. This proves God set mankind up for the Fall and then God had an excuse to punish mankind when God is the one in need of punishment for entrapping mankind. You twisted God worshippers falsely squirm your way out of this by adding a condition to perfection by saying God meant “perfect for a purpose” Conditional freedom is not freedom and it is a lie to call it freedom. Your God is a liar, you worshippers are wrong and you always find a way to not LISTEN and to evade this proof.. I hate your God for making you so absurdly obstinate.

2. God supposedly gave mankind “freedom of choice” and then God violated it by scattering the languages at the tower of babel You falsely squirm your way out of this by saying: “God knows what is best for mankind”. So what!! God still committed the violation!! Knowing what is best does not excuse the violation. You say mankind was doing wicked things and this why God had to pass judgement and punish mankind. The only reason mankind does wicked things is because god created mankind imperfectly in the first place.

I hate God because God is a liar, God is an entrapper, God is a wicked being guilty of enforcing illegitimate punishment, and God uses cunning deceptions to keep mankind divided and waging war upon itself.------- Divide and conquer----- Down on the farm with the other animals.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:57 PM
Where do you religious nuts get off? There is no GOD Period.

Try Darwinism, at least it makes far more sense.

I cannot believe that in this day and age, people still believe in something so archaic and backward as religion and gods.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Wotan

that's incorrect. most of the old testament books, for example, were written way before the roman empire much less the days of the ecumenical councils.

i did a study on this, to find out, so i wouldn't be giving out disinfo on the subject. the dead sea scrolls confirm alot of it, as do the original sumerian, akkadian and babylonian texts. archaeology also does, although the archaeology surrounding the life of jesus is a bit more scant. we're talking the life of one man who only lived a few decades, vs. generation upon generation of his forerunners.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by undo]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by Ichabod

The big lie is of course the claim that God exists when he simply doesn't. What about the religions you choose not to believe in? You consider them a lie do you not? Religions have been used for political gain and control for ages. The reason most Christians believe in God is based on emotion or a feeling that God is there. I know that feeling because I use to have it myself as a former Christian. I also used to get the same feeling about monsters under my bed as a kid. Just because I felt they were there doesn't mean they exist. The more you focus on something, the more it becomes real in your head. Emotions and feelings are highly blinding to the truth and therefor no religion can hope to use their logic as a tool against non-believers. Sorry for going a bit off topic, but I had to respond to you.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by MITCHEL

well, mitchel, that's alot of generalizations. to top it off, it suggests the only way your accusations can be answered is to totally agree with your opinion, else the person is cognitively dissonant. ya know, i didn't get up outta bed one morning and say to myself, gee, i think i'll try to live this difficult lifestyle, where most of my partying buddies will ditch me, i'll have to be celibate till marriage and faithful after marriage, i'll have to start dropping any bad habits i have, and actually attempt to love and forgive people who have done horrific things to me. no, i wasn't born that way either, so this is not some bizaare genetic deformity nor is it an attempt to screw up your life.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by MITCHEL

Well, I give that a 9+ for God hating. Thanks for some honesty finally.

As for Adam and Eve, they were perfect including their ability to think rationally and make choices. Just because they invoked their own preferences doesn't mean they weren't perfect. Eve invoked her own authority to make choices the minute she decided that her preferences, rather than God's, were going to determine her actions.

One might easily wonder why God allowed choice if it meant that his creation was going to live in this fallen world rather than Eden. I think he did it because he wasn't going to make us love him. Counter to what most on this post seem to be preaching, I don't think God wants to fellowship in eternity with a bunch of robots. Certainly, it introduces the problem of sin and what to do about it but it seems that God is permissive in this regard.

As for all your other points on hypocrisy in the body of Christ, etc., I don't think anyone would dispute that Elvis' fans are not nearly as attractive as Elvis.

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