posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by mybigunit
I am a "Canuck" who lives near the place the incident occured.
As far as what the possible mind control angle could be...I thought this out last night.
We had a "strange" disease outbreak on a subway car this summer that killed some folks...while your army was doing maneuvers here for a week...Ok
that takes care of subway travel. No further mention of the incident EVER!!! So now we are trained to accept deathly unexplained stuff on the
Now the lovely alternate to trains or plains. I took that same busline from Ontario to British Columbia at the age of 18 with my little
baby. I didn't have a gun with me by the way.
That stretch of road that is deserted is very very long...and those stretches are frequent across the country...that is a prairie province where there
are plains and huge farms.
I figure this is the next move in getting us used to third world stuff. We in Canada are not used to gruesome public deaths...But that is what the
NWO will be doing in the U.S. and Canada eventually as well as the rest of the world. This horrendous act was to accustom us to it.
This person was charged with manslaughter 2...which is a very light charge and usually would indicate a plea bargain. There is nothing to plea
bargain for as everyone saw this happen so there is no lack of witnesses or evidence.
Does that scream SCAM to you? It does to me. This guy may get out in a couple of fact most likely will. If he was paid big bucks to do
this...I am sure a couple of years in the slammer or a hospital will be a small issue to the murderer. Only time will tell what will happen.
Even if he is deemed criminally insane he will be able to get out of the hospital in a couple of years. I worked as a psychiatric nurse with the
criminally insane and had a client who had slit his co-worker's throat from ear to ear with no provocation. This guy, as did many made of the people
I nursed on the job made my hair stand on end...One day I was in a shopping plaza one block from my home and who should appear beside me, call me by
name and say hello...that same person. HE WAS OUT AGAIN! I was praying he would not follow me and find out where I lived.
Since death and suffering are not funny I would really save my sarcasm for myself Yankee neighbor...Guns don't solve everything. Of course it was
not our will to go gunless. Citizens are not consulted here any more than they are there about the wars you engage in so frequently and at such great
cost to humans and society as an entirety. I predict that you will eventually lose your gun privileges in the end. The take over is too precise and matter what Ted Nugent wants.
Always be careful about being callous to other's suffering as it may in turn happen to you.
Anonymous in this post...though a member