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500+ Metric Tons of Purified “Yellow Cake” Uranium Removed From Hussein’s Storehouses in Iraq

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posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by The Godfather of Conspira

Ahhh, this photo again. Now hear this: it was taken during the negotiations to re-establish diplomatic ties in the 80s, which were severed after the 1967 Israel-Arab war. Cold War logic at play: contain Iran and simultaneously get Iraq out of the Soviet sphere of influence ("our bastard").

Still, the US contributions of weapons were very, very low; they helped more with satellite intelligence. Most of the chemical weapons stuff was probably supplied, as usual, by Germany.

BTW, the three main suppliers of weapons and biggest trade partners of Iraq in the 1980s (and more clandestine during the 1990s), were Russia, France, and Germany. Does that ring a bell?

I am to lazy to supply links, but use Google and you'll find everything. Check for "US/Iraq diplomatic relations" and "weapons supply Iraq UN report".

Anonymous Coward.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 03:27 PM
Here's the cnn link to the article.
500 tons yellow cake

It seems that he had some interest in doing something with it.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 03:28 PM
Ask yourself why would Iraq want yellow cake in the first place? All it's really good for is WMD production! I guess they just collect this stuff for fun, no?

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by alienj

I think alot of people owe the OP an appology, he posted it and it was a true story

Other way around, the OP owes us all an apology for starting a debate here that was predicated on bull.

Note his careful choice of wording: Purified "Yellow Cake".

That's just false advertising. This stuff would be about as useful to Saddam as a white elephant.
It was industrial grade stuff that the US and the Inspectors were well aware of.

Thus, it is hardly news nor a valid justification for the Iraq War.

Case closed.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 03:37 PM

500 tons of low grade junk, that was found and sealed off BACK IN THE 90's!

This is the best that bush supporters can come up with to justify invading Iraq in 2001?

Are you kidding me, talk about grasping at straws.

Apologize to the OP, yea oooook.

Deceptive title, and trying to slam this in peoples faces like the stuff was found yesterday.

Suck on what? Old crusty yellow cake that was found and contained by the UN in the 90's? yea sure.

....and please, Ultima, stop it with the buried Migs, your smarter than that. I mean what does that have to do with the price of Tea in China?

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 03:44 PM
550 Tons of Yellow cake...

well, that certainly would have been healthy if 10 lb balls of the stuff were loaded into scuds to be scattered in the air when they blasted...

and it definitely isn't proof saddam wanted to make nuclear weapons...

Why are some people in here mental, it is in the end total justification for the belief that saddam was out to build serious wmds... what did he have the stuff for childrens birthday parties? "look achmed it is yellow cake!"

Heeeelllloooo it's a good thing we didn't find anymore...and lol that doesn't mean that our friend with the over sized mustach wasn't trying to get himself another 550 tons, just that... no one sold it to him again...

A guy like saddam having 550 TONS of Yellow Cake in 1992, is absolute verification of the ability of small regimes and even terrorist organizations to aquire Nukes... if someone would sell him that much yellow cake...16 years ago...

well, it means it isn't that frackin hard to get!!!!

Look, and be serious... The truth is the war was about oil mostly, which is not at all such an awful reason for a war if a countries access to resources vital to it's existance could be threatened... well, lets be real, wars happen over these reasons...

But... this shows that, the very wrongest of states and even...really in the case of Saddam and Lil Kim... The worng Individuals... are close to or in the latter case in Possesion of Nuclear arms...

People have to realize this... Kim Jong Il is a PERSON not a Nation state and He himself has access to Nukes at his personal whim alone to just fire off...

The USA's behavior these years, shows that even a country our size could come close... to rolling out of control while in possesion of these kind of arms...

Bush is Out of office, America will drift back to the center maybe even left over time now...

But it's a Lesson... and really the world and Europe and China and Russia should have worked with us and what we tried to do here... because Alone we did seem to come kind of close here to spinning out of control...

If the neo cons had actually attacked Iran and It doesn't look like it will go that way now... but If they did... we would have maybe truely pushed it over the line...

But the direction and INTENT of reigning in small rouge nations and... the formation of an NAU... These are things that need to happen and the world should work with us...

The NAU will be...good, because we have seen even with all our checks and balances some serious power can be stolen in America and the risk of even us going completely over the top is real...

With Canada and Mexico and there politicians and people voteing and in the senate together... the old boys club will be shaken up, the country a little harder to control, the damage done to our legal system moves to repair, more liberal nations become part of this Union...

It becomes alot harder to drift where we just almost drifted...

The EU is a good thing, Russia frankly I'd be happier if it held most of it's old territories...

Thing is in a communications and computer based world, it's not that hard to get control..absolute control of a small nation state... and...

The larger the nation the more there is to loose the less ability you have to galvanize the whole population or for people to put up with a dictator...

alot of Americans were vocal about Bush, he was limited...when this is done we basically passed the test...

But it shows... Nations like Iraq under a Saddam, really can't be allowed... a North Korea can't be allowed... it is in the end a true threat to the world...

If we came as close as we did to dictatorship... and you think about what could have happened...

well then realize the start of this... was relatively rightous, we were all but asked if not asked to go save Kuwait the first time...the power corrupts...

America should not have been left to go this alone because the rest of the world is too comfortable to stomach it... Individual Men... can not have 30 Nukes at their disposal... LIL kim has enough Nukes to ruin the whole world...

what if he wakes up cranky? lol or gets a Tumor...

The US going it alone to curb in nations like this...the intent is good and going it alone... is what Led to the Power going out of control in the administration...

The US in some ways might have let down the world, but the world also let down us... Your allowing LIL KIm to have Nukes, your laughing when Saddam has 550 Tons of Yellow Cake... like it's not serious...

and yeah, Guys, having these kind of toys as their personal unchecked plaything is Bad... IT led to Our Guy having alot more individual power over these awful weapons than he should... or gave the excuse at the very least...

The USA was and for a few months maybe still is in danger of walking that road... and the only reason it could happen is because the rest of the developed world doesn't have the will to help or play a genuine role in... policeing things that someone has to police...

Sure you get a corrupt cop when for decades it's the only Cop in the neighborhood... favorites start to be played, then things get unfair, then one day the guy thinks he's Judge Dread right?

China Russia and Europe seriously need to step up in world affairs and situations...

Saddam and WMD's... Diplomacy doesn't help, people DO have Nukes that shouldn't alot of people are going to die one day...maybe soon, who knows who lil Kim or now Iran or prior Pakistan... or Isreal might sell Nukes too... who who could rise to power or what state of mind in lil kims case this One Guy might be in one year to the next over 40 years he dictates a whole nation?

America wouldn't have gone this route if the rest of the world took more responsability... as an American I never liked us having the job of world policeman, this is a job that needs to be shared and a responsability that other nations that are stable need to actually accept...

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by The Godfather of Conspira
One word: Debunked.

Any real evidence from real sources (other then media)?

Also you must have missed the rumors about Russian military helping with the move.

I know you missed all the information and photos of the hidden and burried MIG aircraft.

Mostly old Soviet era MiG-25s and Su-25 ground attack jets they found them buried at Taqqadum air field west of Baghdad. The best ones were a few MiG-29 Fulcrums but once again from before the fall of the Soviet Union.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 04:24 PM
It bears mentioning that Yellow cake is pretty common stuff. About 64,000 tons are produced a year for a cost of about $10 per lb. It is Uranium Oxide and is far from being of use in even a nuclear reactor never mind a nuclear bomb.

A 500 metric ton load would sell for about $11,000,000. It has about 100 times the energy density of an equal dollar amount of oil so perhaps someone that is in the energy business like Iraq had a legitimate purpose for having this little load of refined ore.

I think the war had less to do with the alleged WMD than it did about the fact that Saddam was pissed off at the US for setting him up with the Kuwait invasion and had stopped taking dollars for his oil and was getting more hostile the more the US pushed for sanctions and such.

He was after all a CIA asset and was trained by them years ago. He took out the democratic leadership of Iraq on orders from his CIA handlers in a bloody Coup that was financed and coordinated by the CIA. Source

Ye reap as ye sow after all.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 04:25 PM
What does 500T of yellow cake actually mean? Remember he did have a nuclear reactor, that Israel went and bombed.

Any nuclear physicists here? or just regular fuel, how long would it run a reactor for when converted to reactor fuel? THAT is what really matters.

From what I remember, you need quite a lot of raw material to produce a bit of fuel.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Nice post,

I think too many of us like to gravitate to our perspective sides and just argue up our extremes. I for one think we as a country are the policeman of the world with some help from other countries. We are not totally alone. But we are the focal point and we seem to take the brunt of the critisism. Just because some folks hate GWB does not automaticly mean Sadam was a saint.

Thanks for pointing this out I'm giving you a Star for having the ability to look at the whole picture.

But this is coming from a guy who likes GWB and I do think if history isn't written by his haters he will be remembered as a man who did what he was convicted to do and if nothing else responsible for the result. Two free and democratic nations.


[edit on 31-7-2008 by William Marshal]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 04:40 PM
This was mainstream news in Canada. It probably came from here to supply the reactor that was destroyed by the Isreal in the 80's. This isn't very dangerous unless you have a functioning reactor.

It's a little disturbing that so few can find anything out about it and are jumping to conclusions.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 05:01 PM
I have heard a few stories recently about some soldiers that were sent back home due to radiation poisoning. The Military will do everything in their power to put a lid on something like that. Also many soldiers’ especially young enlisted men won’t come forward with stuff like this for fear of punishment. Furthermore how would the media find out? A lot of things in Iraq concerning the media have changed. If it doesn’t come out in press release or get leaked by service members you the general public and the news media doesn’t know about it. Clandestine operations are just that. Clandestine!

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by William Marshal
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Nice post,

I think too many of us like to gravitate to our perspective sides and just argue up our extremes. I for one think we as a country are the policeman of the world with some help from other countries. We are not totally alone. But we are the focal point and we seem to take the brunt of the critisism. Just because some folks hate GWB does not automaticly mean Sadam was a saint.

Thanks for pointing this out I'm giving you a Star for having the ability to look at the whole picture.

But this is coming from a guy who likes GWB and I do think if history isn't written by his haters he will be remembered as a man who did what he was convicted to do and if nothing else responsible for the result. Two free and democratic nations.


[edit on 31-7-2008 by William Marshal]

Notice the bolded word. Dude, your ignorance is showing. Why don't you go back to fifth grade and learn the English language and how to spell it?

Also, why do we have to be the worlds police force? Why is it our duty to go invade other countries and cause wars killing thousands of people so a few people in high places can make billions? How does this absurd war help anyone here in America? Iraq couldn't spit on us let alone use WMD because HE DIDN'T HAVE ANY!!!!

Saad Tawfiq's Story

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by The Godfather of Conspira
reply to post by ULTIMA1

There are many reports from defectors that WMDs and Material were taken to Syria to hide from the inspectors.

One word: Debunked.

The Bush administration's senior weapons inspector said in a report released last night that it was ''unlikely'' that Saddam Hussein's forces moved weapons to Syria,

he investigators "found no senior policy, program, or intelligence officials who admitted any direct knowledge of such movement of WMD."

Wait a sec - that's a long way from debunked. In order to be debunked I expect a statement of "we know for a fact that no WMDs were moved anywhere" instead of "unlikely". That's basically saying "I don't think so, but in the end I don't know."

And as for finding no senior policy, program or intelligence officials who admitted any direct knowledge of movement of WMDs, did they find any with knowledge of the movement and burial of warplanes, like the afore mentioned MIG? Because that one was confirmed. I'm betting the answer again would be "no".

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 05:44 PM
I don't think the story is real. When did canadians get involved in Iraq. This should be nothing new, after all didn't we find Californium in a scientist back yard or something about 2 weeks after shock and awe. If I hear it on the fox news channel, then I'll start to believe it. But in the End, if President bush wants his ratings to go up, its simple. Capture Osama. Make it one less thing to do for the next president.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by UFOTECH
It bears mentioning that Yellow cake is pretty common stuff. About 64,000 tons are produced a year for a cost of about $10 per lb. It is Uranium Oxide and is far from being of use in even a nuclear reactor never mind a nuclear bomb.

A 500 metric ton load would sell for about $11,000,000.

Not to nitpick, but the current price is well above that. It was as high as 120 a pound early this year (though it has settled down considerably). The figures for the Iraq deal are said to be in the "tens of millions". The Iraqis smartly wanted to sell when the price was peaked, but concerns about the security and movement meant the stash was sold slightly later than that peak. Still a substantial sum of money -- much more than the 11M you are estimating. Probably closer to 60 or 70 million when all is said and done.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Extraterrestrial Agenda
Suck on this you "Its all about the OIL" Lovers

HAHAHA, this story is totally fake. Not a good post at all.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Extraterrestrial Agenda


if there was # found in Iraq ..i bet my life it was planted

c'mon now..

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 06:21 PM
Yes, The Canadian government stole the nuclear yellowcake from the Iraqis and brought it over to Canada. I guess this is payback by the American Government for having Canadian troops in Afghanistan and the ruling Tory support for the Iraqi/ counterterrorism war.

Sad to have Canada's hand in this theft of Iraq's energy resources.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 06:34 PM
Comeco won the winning bid to buy the uranium. I'm not sure how that equates to the Canadian government stealing resources from Iraq.

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