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500+ Metric Tons of Purified “Yellow Cake” Uranium Removed From Hussein’s Storehouses in Iraq

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posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece

U.S. To Re-Hang Saddam Hussein
JULY 15, 2008

WASHINGTON, DC—Calling the December 2006 hanging of Saddam Hussein "anticlimactic," White House officials announced Monday their intention to hang the late Iraqi dictator again this year in an attempt to garner a more favorable response from the public.

"We're really looking for something that will refocus the American people's attention on all the positive aspects of this war," White House press secretary Dana Perino said. "We were counting on the death of this brutal despot—who, by the way, gassed his own people and was just like Hitler—to be a major media event for us. Instead, we wasted three or four great news days at a time when we really could have used a few high points."

I can't believe this didn't receive any comments, debunking or wasn't recognized as satire from The Onion.

This is what kind of country we're currently living in.

Nothing is considered too outrageous, too bizarre, too messed-up for the neocons. Whether it's legalized torture, domestic spying to catch "terrorists" who never existed, the elimination of Habeas Corpus -- a 17th century legal foundation of individual freedom and liberty, offing a million civilians in an illegal and immoral war based on blatant lies and greed, or re-hanging a dictator (!), what was formerly considered completely outlandish and un-American is now tolerated and even accepted:

Has America become Fascist?
by Sherwood Ross
Global Research, August 1, 2008

If it hasn’t gone the way of Mussolini’s Italy and Hitler’s Germany, it sure is teetering on the brink. America is a nation in deepening crisis, a nation whose leaders repeatedly plunge their citizens into, and make them pay for, serial wars abroad, while stealing their liberties at home. USA has become a country that trashes its citizens (New Orleans), tortures its enemies (Abu Ghraib), threatens other nations with nuclear fire (Iran), flouts international treaties (UN Charter re Iraq), and spies on (FISA), and intimidates, its critics (No Fly). Americans that can clearly see the totalitarian machinations of Vladimir Putin in Russia and Hu Jintao in China are blind to the fascism threatening to envelop them as well.

What kind of country have we become? Is there anyone who doesn't understand how Hitler came to power? Will you tell your grandchildren that you were one of the "good Americans?"

[edit on 3-8-2008 by GoldenFleece]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:13 AM
9-11 was an inside job.

I don't care if they find 5000 tons of yellowcake.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

You speak as if we want America to have nukes. Your government is the most corrupt in human history.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 09:17 PM
sorry, I can not validate that this transaction took place. pictures show one container - and one solider with a gigor... that's not 500 tonnes of yellow cake. more evidence please... and where did they deliver it too... where Yellow Cake is mined..?// interesting... hoax or one seriously classified ... cuz, nothing usually means nothing... and really look at what is there and tell me it represents the story being told...

[edit on 22-10-2008 by BornPatriot]

[edit on 22-10-2008 by BornPatriot]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by Maxmars

Iraq has no nuclear power generating plants.
Wonder what Saddam was gonna use it for? Dirty bombs or a nuclear scud missile?
This was meant to be used for WMD's.
FBI agent George Piro recently described debriefing Saddam Hussein for seven months after his capture, he disclosed that the Iraqi dictator admitted his intention to re-start his weapons of mass destruction program within a year.
Here is a link to a story of the 550 Metric Tons of yellowcake.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 06:29 PM

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 12:52 AM
have any of you been to iraq??? have any of you fought in this war???? well if your not gunna support it either way oil terrorism WMD what ever you all think i know and will keep to myself.. if you dont support us soldiers then step the hell in front of us.. we are giving you your freedom.. terrorism could happen in the U.S. in a heartbeat you are damn lucky to be living in a country with freedom not getting killed because you show skin or you wave to the wrong person or you say the wrong word or help someone in need.. so grow the hell up and think about others loved ones deployed and support them dont complain about what the war is about cause no one really knows there is so much # that is confidential that no one knows about and yes that is you all.. so dont think you know what it is about unless you have real facts.. and yes it is good we got all that yellowcake out of their possession just cause iraq may not be able to use it doesnt mean they aint selling it to other terrorist organizations that can you have to look at the big picture terrorism isnt in just afgh and iraq its all over.. thats im gunna say..

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 01:11 AM
Iraq was building a nuclear power station named Osirak, if I remember correctly. The US and Israel (the usual 2 culprits) declared they had firm intel that Iraq was engaged in a covert nuclear weapons programme (sound familiar?) and Israel bombed the plant.

ourse, their previous assertions about a weapons research lab under the Osirak plant were proved unfounded by UN weapons inspectors and the IAEA after the fall of Iraq. No such underground weapons lab or nuclear weapons programme existed and the US and Israel were unable to provide any solid evidence (again, sounds awfully familiar).

The Yellowcake Uranium is not an enriched source by any means and is in fact unrefined raw material used to create the fuel required for a power plant. Of course the press would like to "sex up" the story and try to use it as some sort of evidence of a weapons programme for the masses, even if it is scientifically incorrect.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by Britguy

Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it.

The reactor at Osirak was an MTR reactor, one better suited for helping produce materials for a weapons program than for producing energy. The first country to bomb it, was Iran. During the Iran-Iraq war they sent a mission to bomb the site. Then the Israelis launched their raid. In response, the United States condemned the raid and placed a hold on a shipment of aircraft to Israel.

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