reply to post by TopSecretArea
I completely agree. I just got a few points to make real quick..
Skepticism is relative..
There is a big difference between a being a true skeptic and being in denial as a debunker/non-believer.
Some people have unrealistic expectations
skeptics in disguise believe that the evidence much reach a certain "bar" to be valid or verifiably real. If the "bar" is unrealistically high
based on consistent patterns and attributes of the UFO phenomenon, then the idea is that noone can ever prove them wrong..
But you can never get to the actual truth if you have already made the assumption that it isn't real. An opened mind is extremely applicable here..
And amen for places like ATS where we can come together, share ideas, and overcome the ignorance that has foreshadowed the UFO phenomenon for so
Some people have a motive to disprove the phenomenon and discredit the true skeptics..
A true skeptic/debunker will try everything in his/her power to rule out all the possibilities in an effort to understand the truth in it's purest
form. A false skeptic will do everything in his/her power to cast doubt on the true skeptics and the evidence because their true purpose is actually
to prove the UFO phenomenon wrong even without having all the information beforehand.
Some well known scientists in Acadamea have stated that this phenomenon can't be real because of the fact that the investigators themselves are
forced to act as advocates for the phenomenon and spread the hype. Michio Kaku is one.. But think about it..
There is no support from the scientific community (for many reasons). when there is endless evidence of something very real taking place. Therefore,
the only people studying the phenomenon pretty much have to act as advocates because noone else is doing this important research and investigation OR
telling the world the truth about UFO's. But the only reason it is considered "pseudoscience" is because of the lack of scientific scrutiny.. It
is an endless cycle of stupidity and ignorance within the scientific community that will not end anytime soon..
And if I remember correctly science doesn't assume that something isn't real until these actual scientists do the research and figure that out..
Assuming just makes them look like they don't know what they're talking about.. And no knowledge is gained that way..
You might even call the UFO phenomenon a "theory". But there are many theories within the scientific community that are assumed to be reality. Why
should the UFO phenomenon be any different given the mountain of supporting evidence, while scientists belive that other concepts and phenomenons are
real with even less direct evidence. The scientists really need put their critical thinking skills to work here.. This isn't rocket science.. Yet
we have rockets figured out don't we?
The idea here is to get at the unvarnished truth. There are not simply BELIEVERS and DISBELIEVERS. We have to be objective in our methodology and
that objective is to discover truth regardless of who believes what..
Science, itself, is not exact
Science has many definitions to many people. But it is actually a very simpe concept, IMO. Science is what we think we understand about the universe
around us. The status-quo within the scientific community is always being challenged by new discoveries. Therefore science, itself, may be full of
really smart people, but they can just as easily be proven wrong by fellow scientists as they can make some giant scientific discovery.
So even if the scientists don't believe the UFO phenomenon is real, that doesn't mean they are correct.. And that is a very important concept for us
to remember because ignorance and assumptions within the scientific community can come back to bite them in a way and make the debunkers look
extremely stupid.
The evidence supports the reality of the phenomenon
Some people might say that there is no evidence because it doesn't reach their "bar" of whatever kind of evidence they, themselves, are looking for
in order to be convinced. But the evidence is literally endless. The difficult part is not finding the evidence.
Nasa astronauts are continuing to come forward saying that UFO's and aliens are real.. We have NASA astronauts calling objects in orbit
"unidenfitied flying object" and "alien spacecraft". NASA uses an encrypted communications channel for all discussions about UFO's in orbit.
And a large portion of some of the most convincing evidence is from the same NASA organisation which claims the UFO phenomenon is all in our heads..
Objects instantly appearing and disappearing in the ultraviolet spectrum?? Please..
And the actual astronauts' statements themselves contradict everything NASA spews to the media for public consumption. You can't have it both
ways.. It's real or it isn't.. Should we believe a federally funded space administration or should we believe honest, credible astronauts who have
nothing to gain and everything to lose by coming forward?
What is real evidence and what isn't?
The difficult part is not finding potential evidence. the difficult part is being able to objectively determine what is a falsified hoax and what is
legitimate.. And because of this huge internet fad with UFO's, we here at ATS have basically become so disenfranchised with people coming forward
with fakery and hoaxed evidence that we are suspicious of even what we think is the more concrete evidence.. And with the proliferation of computers
and Moore's law, it is easier than ever for people to create hoaxes, it will continue to get easier in the future, and it will eventually get to the
point where it is almost impossible to discern between the hoax and the real UFO evidence.
It is the hoaxers themselves that discredit the field as well as the public's perception of the phenomenon in general regardless of it's basis in
This is why skepticism is more important here at ATS and in the field in general than it ever has been before. Some people might be tricked, but we
at ATS have a much higher likelihood of sifting out the fakery from the legitimate evidence. And that is one reason ATS is so important.