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U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike On U.S.

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posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by jtma508

No nation is going to initiate a nuclear (or other WMD) attack on the US. It won't happen. They all know (we publish it annually) our response doctrine. Any nation that launches at the US will have virtually all of its infrastructure, industry and military centers vaporized and forever uninhabitable.

Another valid point.

Ahmadinejad may be outspoken but he ain't stupid. The guy has a PhD, I doubt he would actually seriously consider launching a Nuclear attack on the US.

I love the way the media portrays this guys as some loose cannon, a man completely far gone to the point where he can't think rationally.
He's just bloodlusting for war.

When is the last time Iran started a war btw...?

Yeah he's going to Nuke the US and then watch his entire country vaporise....
Wow that would achieve so much for him.

Come on, how dumb do you think he is?
The Soviets never had the balls to authorise a first strike and they're the only nation that could actually have a decent chance at destroying America's nuclear offensive capabilities..

Iran is NOT going to nuke America. Even if they want to, their around 15-20 years away from having the capability to do so.
Come to back Earth people.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 08:53 AM
It's things like this that make me wonder who really photo shopped that Iran missile launch photo.....Iran or the CIA or Pentagon!!

Since it was supposed to be Iran who needed to fake a test, are we to now believe that they are capable of reaching the US with a real missile of any sort??

Count me as another one who's not buying.....

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 08:53 AM
I think most of you are missing what this article is saying.

It is not saying Iran can launch a nuke FROM Iran. The article says that the missile could be launched close to America from a commercial boat with the same equipment on board as any other boat in the area. save for a missile launcher.

Do any of you know Iran doesn't have Nukes? Who is to say? They are very cozy with the Russians, and for a time, if you had enough money, you could get WHATEVER you wanted from the Soviet Union.

I am not saying this is legit, but then again I wouldn;t have said 911 was legit either.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by TruthWithin

The article says that the missile could be launched close to America from a commercial boat with the same equipment on board as any other boat in the area. save for a missile launcher.

I'll say it again.

1. Iran hardly has a Navy to speak of.

2. I seriously doubt an Iranian missile boat or any other frigate could make it through the Persian Gulf without getting picked up by US radars, destroyers or aircraft.

3. That would be SOME commercial boat.
-The Shahab missiles weigh around 2 or 3 tons firstly.

-Secondly they require a huge complement of computers, guidance systems and radars to launch them accurately, there's no way you could fit that all onto some yacht or fishing trawler.

-Third, they need to be launched vertically, which means they need a launchpad with a bracing tower.
How the hell are you going to disguise that on a commercial boat?

Think it through, this doesn't add up.
It's another smear campaign to paint the Iranians in dark tones.

Saddam Hussein was supposed to able to launch chemical attacks on the US as well, we can see how likely that is now.

Don't drink the Kool Aid.

[edit on 30/7/08 by The Godfather of Conspira]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 09:19 AM
Seems like they are trying to make people forget about this NIE especially the paragraph which states:

A. We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons
program1; we also assess with moderate-to-high confidence that Tehran at a minimum is
keeping open the option to develop nuclear weapons. We judge with high confidence
that the halt, and Tehran’s announcement of its decision to suspend its declared uranium
enrichment program and sign an Additional Protocol to its Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty Safeguards Agreement, was directed primarily in response to increasing
international scrutiny and pressure resulting from exposure of Iran’s previously
undeclared nuclear work.

from the same link posted above.

This is the very same NIE that bush refused to take any notice of because "it doesn't say what I want it to"

Same story, different country - he did this with Iraq as well.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 09:21 AM
Best thing the Iranians could do is nuke all the McDonalds in the US. At least that would get all the fat Homies off their fat asses and wake them up to whats going on around them..

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by The Godfather of Conspira

Hey, easy pal, no one is drinking the Kool Aid - don't get your underwear all up in a bunch!

I was just befuddled at 3 pages of posts and 90% of them saying things like, "There is no way Iran could hit the US from all that distance" - Which tells me that no one read the article.

This scenario is actually not all that difficult to conceive. All they need is a cargo ship, which can carry 1000's of tons of cargo (far more than a relatively dinky 3 ton missile) and provide plenty of room for the necessary equipment). Iran has plenty of them.

Listen - I am not saying it will happen, I am saying it COULD.

I love how people like you jump on their high horse and cry BS when it appears you haven;t even thought this through, and probably you didn't even read the whole article.

I agree that this is fear mongering, but you can't just dismiss everything as fear mongering without thinking critically about everything.

Take it easy man, we are all on the same side here.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 09:30 AM
Run sheeple Run and hide. Bahhhh Bahhhhh. Pfft what is Iran going to do shoot one of those missiles that would be lucky to hit Israel at us? THE HAVE NO MISSILES THAT CAN HIT US!!!!!! So the next question is Iran going to take their HUGE military and invade our mainland? Nope I doubt that either considering they dont have a huge military or the equipment to do so. So where is the threat? Your right though the sheeple will soak this up and spout it all out in some form of rhetoric. Run sheeple run and hide the big bad Iranians!!!!

[edit on 30-7-2008 by mybigunit]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit
Run sheeple Run and hide. Bahhhh Bahhhhh. Pfft what is Iran going to do shoot one of those missiles that would be lucky to hit Israel at us? THE HAVE NO MISSILES THAT CAN HIT US!!!!!! So the next question is Iran going to take their HUGE military and invade our mainland? Nope I doubt that either considering they dont have a huge military or the equipment to do so. So where is the threat? Your right though the sheeple will soak this up and spout it all out in some form of rhetoric. Run sheeple run and hide the big bad Iranians!!!!

[edit on 30-7-2008 by mybigunit]

WOW. Case and point! Mybigunit, did you READ the article, or even the post DIRECTLY before the one you posted, or could you not resist posting a "sheeple" comment?

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 09:36 AM

Obama is on board now.........

But for a strike on the US, I'm more learly of the PTB as opposed to Iran.
9/11 redux.........02

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 09:40 AM
Yet another great thread, nice one DD

I think all has been said here from my point of view, total BS more fear mongering and justification for future invasion.


posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by TruthWithin

Yes I read the article and I dont buy the cargo ship deal. Think about this and think real hard ninja boy. You think Iran is going to drop a nuke in a ship send if over and let it go off? You dont think they realize if they did that we would wipe them out with a few nukes of our own? Cmon dude just the same as ohhh Iran is going to blow up Israel ohhhh...Ummm no you how religious they are? They are fanatics thats how religous they are and do you think they will blow up the holiest of all muslim sites the temple on the rock? Use your head we are all on the same team but it doesnt mean we all have the same common sense levels. Not a shot at you btw.

[edit on 30-7-2008 by mybigunit]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit
Think about this and think real hard ninja boy.

Cute. I would make some joke about your name, and believe me it would be pretty easy, but while you are busy thinking with that "big unit" of yours, try and understand, for just a second, what it is that I am saying.

You see, your problem is that you hear only what you want to hear. There are sheeple on both sides of the fence, and you follow this mantra blindly without actually listening.

I never said it WOULD happen, I said it is possible. I was commenting on all of the people in here who saw the thread title, didn't read the article and then made statements about how it is impossible for a missile from Iran to hit the US.

You think Iran is going to drop a nuke in a ship send if over and let it go off?

NO. I do not. I never said I did. But you probably didn;t read what I wrote and just gut reacted to the first thing I said.

Use your head we are all on the same team but it doesnt mean we all have the same common sense levels. Not a shot at you btw.

I am using my head, and I am basing my argument off of the material IN THE ARTICLE. That's all. Calm down, man. Take a deep breath, maybe have some chamomile tea or something.

[edit on 30-7-2008 by TruthWithin]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by TruthWithin

Its also possible a meteor could hit the earth does that mean we all need to go blow up all the meteors in space. Or its possible to get hit by a car does that mean we stop driving? You right it COULD happen I concede this point to you but is it PROBABLE? No. I think we have a better change of a meteor hitting us. Iran does not want war WE want war and if you look at history since the first WW you will see we and the British have been making these peoples life miserable all for oil. I urge you to read up it will be mind blowing. Thats where the sheeple comment comes in. Because most sheeple will read this and right away assume Iran is going to attack us we need to be scared and or go and blow them up. No everyone sits back and thinks critically. Last I think about my unit all the time especially when I go pee.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:06 AM
It would have to be done via a dirty nuke of some sort, perhaps the suit case variety. I really dont see Iran having the naval capacity to ship a missle within range of striking the continental USA.

They have 0 ability to strike us from Iranian territory. Maybe a missle strike against our forces in Iraq, yes, but US territory, I doubt it.

Sounds like scare mongering and posturing by the war mongers and the fear pimps.

Would Iran even dream of launching a first strike against the US? Even knowing full well that their entire nation would likely be obliterated to dust within hours of doing so?

Seems they would have a lot more to lose than they have to gain by even considering it.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Them being wiped out wouldnt even be in hours it would be within minutes. People dont use this logic though they just soak up what the government tells them and heeds their words. Pathetic. Not to many people actually think like you and I

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by The Godfather of Conspira

The only real concern to the USN would be the kilo class SSK`s which iran has.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by Harlequin

They couls have all the subs they want. It won't change anything. The counterstrike would come so swiftly and from so many different vectors (submarine, surface ship, airborne and land-based) that they would barely have time to trun to Mecca. It would be over in a flash.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:41 AM
Ok, this is quite frustrating.

Lets sum this up in black and white

Iran has nukes
Iran has Russia/Soviet Union plus other areas we thought insugnificant
Russia has ships
Russia has just been chastised by the US for taking their nuke ships to Cuba.

Redo that fancy map of yours but from Cuba instead of Iran. Mexico too while your at it.

If there was ever going to be a time to nuke us now would be the best time to do it. The country is divided like a big ol pizza right now. We do not trust our govt. If they do shoot a nuke our way, we could knock it down right? It the rest of the country going to believe that story? Probably not. If a nuke hit smack dab in the middle of Texas would we believe it was anyone other than our own govt.???? Judging from 911 probably not.

THIS is the one time in history where we are so divided that even a nuke from Iran or Russia might not be enough to encourage us to come together and take arms to protect our own assets.

Its election time. Everyone has their own idea on how things need to be done, everyone insists the other is WRONG.

Bottom line they hit us now, and we crumble from the inside. A new president HAS to be chosen this year. We couldnt survive the political fallout from a rock being thrown at us from another country right now. Make it any type of nuke no matter how small the thing is as long at it is a form of nuke comming from the outside and we are done.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:42 AM
Folks missed the whole point here. The test was for the capability of detonating EMP weapons to fry our electronics in the Persian gulf. The test is to make sure they can do it far enough away and accurately enough not to fry their own. The nukes they are working on are not for ground hits, and the tests clearly show at this point its for a nuke based EMP weapon. Detonation at apogee is only used for two things, EMP, and neutron strike. Perhaps they are developing a neutron device as well.

Time will tell. These primitives are not ready for a seat in the big game. The response will be their end.

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