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U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike On U.S.

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posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:35 AM
We over-estimate our enemy...

No way in the world the Jawa's can build a misslie that could reach the US... it would be sketchy to even Reach Isreal... Nevermind with any accurcy...

This is just the media giving out their daily dose of fear...

Nothing more...

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by Cyberbian
OK, so what is the great benefit of a nuke going off in our airspace and EMPing us into the stoneage?

So we will get off our fat lazy rumps and do the right thing for Africa?

Get a grip! Bush the international altruist is not even suitable for a farce.

Your missing the point... we could avoid that, we went to war for good reasons... they were just moronically lied about...

If the guy camew clean now and simply expressed the truth i think alot more people would understand... and he'd earn alot of respect for not going out having lied to the whole world...

and with that respect, it would be alot, alot, alot harder to pull a number like that on us...

as a Liar, there are those that would be friends looking the other way, those who don't understand and assume far more nefarious reasons and fear us, even want it to happen...

a handful of nuts would have a much harder time getting that emp off IF he earned back the respect of the world and came clean on the whole thing

Even if most people still didn't agree and alot of liberals wouldn't... the honesty would dispel the irrational fears that could legitimize such an action against us...

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by TKainZero
We over-estimate our enemy...

No way in the world the Jawa's can build a misslie that could reach the US... it would be sketchy to even Reach Isreal... Nevermind with any accurcy...

This is just the media giving out their daily dose of fear...

Nothing more...

In this case... I currently agree with that statement

But "boy who cried wolf" is a real syndrome... we went into 2 countries, didn't tell the whole truth as to why...

Certainly Iran is more likely to be a real threat than either and...

well, no one believes the article do they...even I don't...

But really, there are quite a few missing rusiian nukes and korea and pakistan have produced more than a handful...

and it just takes one to make life suck...

The honesty would go along way, we would be more likely to be trusted if we ever do pick up intelligence that some loons did manage to get their hands on one and were planning to use it... Russia wouldn't be parking bombers to try and make us think twice about doing what we would have to do...

and you know the delay in acting on a nuke launch and preventing it could be as little as... 1 second

You don't want to have to think twice about defending your country because it might erupt all over if you do...

Just bad politics...

Our reasons, simply weren't evil or abount conquest... the truth could be told and people wouldn't be so shocked...


most of us all over the wolrd kind of know it was about oil anyway...some of us know why it really matters and had to be done too...

what people are thinking at this point...

Is worse than the real truths...

Not much more a point from my long winded self or that anyone could make beyond those two lines right?

If you lie about infidelity and it implicates you in Murder by accident because of the lie... you might want to fess up about the infidelity and not go to jail for manslaughter when you didn't do it...

[edit on 30-7-2008 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:50 AM
I haven't seen this elsewhere - this is the first time I've come across 'Newsmax' and I think it's bit of a load.

It mentions some rubbish about "EMP!" and other tidbits.. That's some really hardcore hypothetical rubbish.

But then again, this is how they get this sort of scar mongering stuff into the mainstream media - just tantalize some extreme-right news outlet and use them like a patsy for the other media outlets.

In any case, the idea of Iran being able to launch a nuclear strike against the US is.. is.. I don't know, it's just so removed from reality.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:53 AM
I don't think an Iranian would agree with, let alone appreciate, the accusation that he/she is comparable to a Jawa.

I remember seeing a thread not too far back where Iran didn't look much like a barren desert full of sand people. I seem to remember seeing an Iranian party with very pretty girls wearing revealing clothing (no babushkas covering their faces!) and getting crunk, and it could've been mistaken for any party in the Suburbs of a U.S. city.

Anyway... regardless, nobody should do ANYTHING with a nuke, because they would be a complete RETARD to invoke such world catastrophe as a nuclear holocaust. I doubt anyone is stupid or subordinate enough to allow their rulers/commanders, being only human, to risk destroying the world almost definitely.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by mattguy404
I haven't seen this elsewhere - this is the first time I've come across 'Newsmax' and I think it's bit of a load.

It mentions some rubbish about "EMP!" and other tidbits.. That's some really hardcore hypothetical rubbish.

But then again, this is how they get this sort of scar mongering stuff into the mainstream media - just tantalize some extreme-right news outlet and use them like a patsy for the other media outlets.

In any case, the idea of Iran being able to launch a nuclear strike against the US is.. is.. I don't know, it's just so removed from reality.

I don't know... Newsmax is moronic, for sure

But, the simple fact is, if you had one good bomb big enough and you'd want to do the most damage... an EMP strike high in the atmosphere would be best, not really theoretical... our power grid isn't hardened...

Am I saying this is now and it's real?

Of course not...

But the time Will surely come where it will be, Nuke technology has been around a long time now... cats out of the bag

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by dunwichwitch
I don't think an Iranian would agree with, let alone appreciate, the accusation that he/she is comparable to a Jawa.

I remember seeing a thread not too far back where Iran didn't look much like a barren desert full of sand people. I seem to remember seeing an Iranian party with very pretty girls wearing revealing clothing (no babushkas covering their faces!) and getting crunk, and it could've been mistaken for any party in the Suburbs of a U.S. city.

Anyway... regardless, nobody should do ANYTHING with a nuke, because they would be a complete RETARD to invoke such world catastrophe as a nuclear holocaust. I doubt anyone is stupid or subordinate enough to allow their rulers/commanders, being only human, to risk destroying the world almost definitely.

Well, there are some nutty cults and characters out there... heck I think it's a worry from within America as much as anywhere else...

How many people have gone postal in the last 30 years?

What happens when someone working at Pantex snaps one day?

Probably couldn't detonate it but the warhead would sure do some nice damage in an ordinary bomb in a truck...

Crazy people in this world... All i'm saying is, coming clean and taking the heat off things woud help... too many crazy theories in the world about "the great satan" we need to humanize and would help reduce the odds of us being the target first time some maniac feels like trying it out

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by UnitedSatesofFreemasons
You know it's funny...
All they ever say is maybe, could, might, probably, seems to show... nothing with evidence and valid substance as a claim.
It seems that we (ats) need more evidence and valid substance to even think about a claim, then the united states government needs. That just goes to show that the US needs the true People of the united states to choose our actions.

Other wise, we will just let them bark like wolves keeping a group of sheeple in line.

[edit on 30-7-2008 by UnitedSatesofFreemasons]

Youre worng there. They even presented false evidence to get their will come true.

Remember this

No just joking this.

No not that one
this one.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:20 AM
I do not think U.S. and Iran can be compared to the later days when U.S. invaded and beat Iraq.

I would say that Iran is far more advanced and prepared in every sense. They have the backing of some super powered Nations (i.e. Russia) and have capabilities that the Iraqi people did not have.

I know George W. Bush used the War on Terror motto just to get the Iraqi oil fields into the hands of his rich pals but you honestly cannot expect Iran to kneel over and die right away.

It is very interesting that people are now doubting Iran's capabilities all because they think Iraq and Iran are equal in being conquered. I would not listen to George W. Bush in the past but right now if he says anything about Iran the sad truth is the very fact he might be right this time around.

I will openly say that if these rumors of war continue then you can expect an attack on U.S. soil within the next few months. Then expect world war 3, economy collapse, martial law declared, and people in U.S. living in a condensed democracy (like there is such a thing).

I would say to the Americans who are in disbelief know that you have a president right now that killed a lot of Iraqi people and he will go up against Iran because he knows the outcome (Unified attack on Russia via European Union).

Very sad days to come to America. I can only pray your Obama fights this and even if a civil war breaks out then better to die fighting against tyranny then to die joining tyranny of others.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 06:19 AM
Looks like it's gonna be war then. And a costly one too, Iran won't go down as easily as Iraq or Afghanistan (not that they're actually 'down' yet).

If this story hits the MSM in the US people will finally give the administration their excuse and it'll all be down the drain.

It's a shame to say it... but only Obama can save us now! And I'm 99.9% sure that given the chance, he won't.

[edit on 30/7/2008 by GrooveCat]

[edit on 30/7/2008 by GrooveCat]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:03 AM
Is this is a serious article?


Iran's longest range ballistic missile can barely hit Israel, and isn't even in production yet it's purely hypothetical, they have yet to bring these to operational status.
It's a friggin' Scud Missile with some shiny paint on it, and we know how accurate those were in the Gulf War...

And as for launching it from a ship off the US...

Yeah right sure, I'd like to see Iran's missile boats get through all those US ships blockading the Persian Gulf...

Sigh.... I really hope nobody takes this seriously. This is utter bullsh*t.

It's almost reminescent of that claim made prior to the Iraq War that Saddam could launch a chemical attack on the US "with 45 minutes notice".

Yeah that seems real likely now.

[edit on 30/7/08 by The Godfather of Conspira]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:20 AM
hahaha that pic of the missile range is hilarious, what a joke... thats the best they can do over all those years... those Iranians should be ashamed of themselves, prolly take em out with a few roman candles and a hand grenade...

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:22 AM
Insane.........the total ignorance contained in this thread is proof america has lost its mind.

The 12ers (look it up) like akmdingdong "want" to start WWIII to bring on the 12 mahdi to kill all jews and bring Islamo-nazi peace to the planet.

Iran has flat stated many times its wish to kill the US and Israel. The simple-mindedness of some of these post are beyond amazing.

The world will go to the bring of nuclear destruction because of such total ignorance fueled by the irrational hate of "W" by the liberal elite. Each of you are so blinded by your arrogant ignorance and hate you can't see the bombs being built before your very eyes.

look to this link for the truth about Irainian missle.....

[edit on 30-7-2008 by heliosprime]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

the head of a national security panel has warned.

That pretty much says it all. Bogus. I mean do you know how many national security panels there are out there? Quite a few and just because the "head" of one says this does not mean its true and it doesnt mean this guy represents the governements views. Come on people.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by Spock Shock

I think people are failing to appreciate the fact that they arent talking about Iran shooting a missile 'from' Iran,

but perhaps a floating barge?? close enough to the US?

I agree, its absolute bs

But this is what the America people have become acustomed too,

I cant wait for the day bush says something about Iran's apparent nuclear arsenal, but muddles his words and says Iraq..

It'll be like a re-run, only real!

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by heliosprime

Iran has flat stated many times its wish to kill the US and Israel. The simple-mindedness of some of these post are beyond amazing.

You are flat out bullsh*tting do you know that?

When has Ahmadinejad ever said ANYTHING like that?

Sources would work wonders for your non-existent credibility.

look to this link for the truth about Irainian missle.....

None of those missiles provided in that link can reach the US...
Secondly, anything beyond Iran's current Shahab-3 missile (which has the longest range) is pure speculation.

They yet to prove the existence of any of those missiles or their purported ranges of over 6,000km which is ridiculous from missiles which are derived from Iraqi Scuds, which are in turn based on WW2 German V2's...

Iraq fired dozens of Scuds at Israel during the first Gulf War and not one of them caused a single casualty because of their extremely poor accuracy.

At those kind of ranges, the best the Iranians could hope for is that the missile hits North America somewhere.

Please get your facts straight before labelling us all "ignorant"..

Your buying in speculation and hype about things you have no clue regarding.

[edit on 30/7/08 by The Godfather of Conspira]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by The Godfather of Conspira

Not to mention......they don't even have nuclear missles. Other than that, and everything else you mentioned... this is a very credible story.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

but perhaps a floating barge?? close enough to the US?

I would like to see an Iranian missile boat make it through the Persian Gulf without being picked up by one of the scores of US destroyers and Warning Radars dotting the place out there and getting blasted to pieces.

What's more I would like to see them even develop suitable launch platform for a Navy vessel...

Have you seen how big these Shahab missiles are? You can just weld them to the deck of a boat, light a fuse and jump overboard...

It's pure speculative garbage. Somebody didn't take their anti-depressants when they wrote this article.

[edit on 30/7/08 by The Godfather of Conspira]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 08:13 AM
This such a load of crap! Iran attacking America with a nuke launched from a ship at sea......gee I wonder where they got the idea for this bit of pushing for war with Iran......lets ...ahh yes direct from the Epilogue of this book:

Showdown with Nuclear Iran: Radical Islam's Messianic Mission to Destroy Israel and Cripple the United States

They are playing it out like the the tee. They think they can throw anything at us now and we will take it hook line and sinker....we are the "sheeple"

[edit on 7/30/2008 by CaptGizmo]

[edit on 7/30/2008 by CaptGizmo]

[edit on 7/30/2008 by CaptGizmo]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 08:19 AM
Everyone stop for a minute and replay the post 9/11 tape. What have we got?

* mysterious suitcase nukes being sprinkled around the country and ready to be touched-off.

* nukes in container vessels coming into US ports

* nukes being carried through drug tunnels from Mexico

* nukes being loaded on a small private plane

And now, nukes beingh launched at us from Iran.

The PWB keep tossing these ideas out there to keep us all fearful and under control. Additionally, it could serve as the backstory should they decide to pull a Jericho on us.

There's is no way we're going to prevent any economically capable nation from building and/or acquiring nuclear or any other kind of military technology if they are intent on doing so. Sooner or later they'll find a way.

No nation is going to initiate a nuclear (or other WMD) attack on the US. It won't happen. They all know (we publish it annually) our response doctrine. Any nation that launches at the US will have virtually all of its infrastructure, industry and military centers vaporized and forever uninhabitable. The majority of its population will be killed, maimed or sickened. The country will cease to exist as a sovereign entity. They all know this and despite their theological rantings they won't risk this scenario.

Our biggest fear should be of our own government. They've already proved what they are capable of. They've already established that they have no respect for the Constitution or our rights as US citizens. The twilight is upon them. They have ruined the economy and nearly bankrupt the country. They may be desperate to retain control. In any case, they cannot and sould not be trusted.

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