posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:24 AM
I'll give it this... If Bush would have just all along told the truth about the WHY behind all of this (without getting into one of my long diatribes
about it)
A: I think the American people would have supported it... the real reasons are better than the fake ones were by a mile
B: We wouldn't be in this position where "the boy who cried wolf syndrome" would end up applying...
sorry but... there are people in the world alot worse than Bush and be it Iran or someone else the cats out of the bag...who knows who NK or Pakistan
sold weapons too or where some of the old soviet nukes are...
Off a ship, in a box, up the arse of a circus elephant... who knows...
Ther real reasons for this, securing the oil and WHY what it means to not have saddam out... what it means if Chinas growth slows... why the taliban
were a threat to that...
Honesty... wouldn't have been as bad as this where now... nothing they say is taken seriously and there are nuts who would love to start ww3...
The whole thing, I don't think the towers were a complete setup, but it's obvious they used explosives to bring them down...
another lie... and why? people couldn't handle knowing some buildings are set to blow to save lives....
Sad thing is... that's all i think the scandal of 9-11 was... people like to dig deep. But that's about what it was or could have been... if they
fell sideways NY was SH F'd...
And they had to lie... because they treat people like idiots...
So simple... "We need to pipe oil to china from saudi arabia and India too, without their economic growth sustained the whole world is economically
screwed including us"
I yell in here about "the real reason alot"
But I have to give it up...the real reason was alot better and makes more sense than the fake ones... Millions and Millions will starve if shipping
food goes through the roof... WW3 could start if China competes too heavy for oil in our hemisphere...
it stinks.. but it's true... 1 Million Iraqis vs 50 Million Africans... hard choice but I understand my leaders might need to make choices like
that... so do most people...
The Plane they shot down... why deny it? It was the right thing to do?
The whole conspiracy is.. it's not even a conspiracy just a bunch of moronic lies created because they thought we couldn't handle the hard
so now everyone thinks it's all evil...
and what can they do to avert a real tradgedy... what If Iran really is aiming at a box car with a nuke in it on a boat?
NO one will believe them... it will be like we are Nazi germany...and lol i'm 100% certain they are not...
It was about Oil... it's awful to fight over it but... a saddam did need to be out of the way to assure the flow or the whole world will suffer...
innocents everywhere...
we are past peak oil... one screw up prior to us and china and europe building an alternative system and say hello to the dark ages... lol, literally
in many places...
Just because the truth stinks didn't mean they had to lie or even change the course of action...
The sad thing is, when a Nuke does go off now..and lol, it will, people will say we deserved it and really we did what was the best course of
action... If they were honest... most people wouldn't feel that way...
some people would say "never go to war for oil" but there is...there is a rational argument for their actions... it could be respectfully debated,
No one can escape the reality that if an Iraq or Iran dealt with a Kuwait or burnt the fields fighting each other...right now... or even held it
hostage entirely. It could cause the deaths of as many people as ww2 did in a year...from something worse than bombs... starvation.
Imagine if America was truely blackmailed in the next 20 years, Lets say Iraq/Iran had another war and Iran won and goobled them and kuwait and laid
some bombs on the saudis...
and then no corn grows because the tractors have no fuel for 3 months...
not even an extreme scenario.. one lost grow season in the states and canada and australia would be the deaths of millions and millions of people
...and the the bodies and then the disease starts... Africas already ripe with disease... wouldn't take much straw to break the camels back...
So... why lie? at all?
This is the one place I have to concede the argument on this administration... I don't think what they are doing is wrong, nor the reasons for it...
the 1st world can't fall to the level of the 3rd world... EVEN IF we could have acted sooner to avoid that possibility...
But... damn, what a reaction and hysteria because of the lies and bs stories about every aspect of this... the things people invent and believe when
the truth is absent... everything i see in here says to me, the imagination is alot worse than reality and telling the truth should be paramount...
If Bush was smart, he would just fess the whole story...probably wouldn't get impeached even... just say it... "look I was under
are the reasons, I believe I acted in the best interests of the long term survival of the world, I was led to believe that it would be a security risk
to tell all the facts, I am going to disclose everything, your not going to wait 30 years or longer wondering... not trusting your govt...we shot down
the plane...for good reason, we blew the towers...for good reason, we needed to make sure the oil flowed to asia in order to prevent ww3, I made a
mistake listening to the politicos.... blah, blah, blah..."
Here's the whole mistake, thing is it's still salvageable if the guy would just get up prior to November and say it straight and have the guts and
say... I lied, it was protocol, I disagree I want to come clean to America and the world are reasons were just... here is why
and just talk to the world like we all aren't a bunch of tards...
and honestly... I think and believe the guy is the kind of guy who would kind of like to... But he remembers what happened to Kennedy and he knows
what it means to the leaders of China and Saudi arabia as well.. and what the reprecussions might be.
Sort of situation that makes you wonder why anyone would want to leader of any nation...