posted on Aug, 11 2015 @ 03:31 PM
Question for ya guys here (Hi, Network Dude!) - just out of curiosity. I am not a Mason, I have considered it, and chose different (yet similar)
As I understand it, one cannot be a (regular) Mason, and a Catholic, because, the Templars.
(Please correct me if I'm wrong, or to expand on that a bit.)
But what is the Jewish, Muslim, and Hindu outlook on this?
I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but is the Catholic issue just the Templar thing?
I also know that the gentleman who ran against the current International President of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, India, ran on a very Masonic
platform, I guess you could say - and lost, maybe partly because of that, word around the National HQ is, anyway. Whether he was "regular" or other I
can't say (because he didn't,) and I know about Bessant and "Co-Masonry."
It's interesting to me also because the National TS HQ near me in Wheaton, IL, was dedicated or whatever in a Masonic tradition (with Co-Masons, not
"regular,") and there are many Masons involved with the TS, whether "regular" or not, again can't say for sure, because they don't mention it - yet
the "Liberal Catholic Church" is also heavilly involved out there.
I guess that's where some of the internal "political" strife I've heard of arises on occasion? I dunno, don't care lol.
But so, the point is, the Liberal Catholic Church is ok working with Masons, or at least Co-Masonry group members...are they, like, "Co-Catholics?"
Lol, again just curious. I love going out to Wheaton when I can (it's a hike from the city) for events and meetings, there are some good people there,
and always some characters around.
Thanks guys, cheers!