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Ask a Mason

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posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 01:32 AM
Hi guys,

I know a lot of you have questions about Freemasonry and it seems like there are quite a few masons here that can answer your questions.

I'd like to invite those who are interested to submit questions and I will be happy to try and answer them. There are a lot of brothers here that can correct me.

It would be helpful if you can limit your questions (in this thread anyway) to Blue Lodge Masonry, in other words the first three degrees. The higher degrees are done in York Rite, Scottish Rite and Shriners and I don't know anything about them.

We obviously won't be able to give you any of the 'secret' passwords (dramatic music here) but I am happy to tell you whatever I can.

Hopefully it can be helpful and I welcome anti-masons to present opposing viewpoints but please keep it civil. (I swear I will pull this thread over...)

And now for the basics...

Requirements for Joining Masonry (US)

    Being a man, freeborn, of good repute and well-recommended;

    A belief in a Supreme Being;

    Ability to support one's self and family;

    Of lawful age; and

    Come to Freemasonry of their "own free will and accord".

Supreme Being Belief Requirement

Everything that is taught in Freemasonry relates to a singular, benevolent God. For an atheist or believer of many gods the lessons of masonry would not make sense because they assume you believe in one God.

You don't have to tell anyone 'what' God you believe in, and no one will ever ask you. In most US lodges we use the Holy Bible for initiation, but a Koran or other book can be used if preferred by the candidate.

Religion and Politics

It is absolutely forbidden to discuss religion or politics in the lodge. A long time ago masons realized these were the two major topics that disrupt and divide people.

We do have opening and closing prayers in lodge that are addressed to the "Supreme Architect of the Universe", but that's about as close as it gets to religion.

Personal Gain

Anyone who joins masonry expecting personal gain or benefit will be disappointed. It's all about giving and not expecting anything in return.

So, what's the point?

Masonry exists to teach men about their duty to God, their neighbor and themselves. As you advance through the degrees you will learn about brotherly love, truth and relief.


If a brother is in trouble (IE losing a job, etc.) masons are expected to help him to the best of their ability, except that it would place them or their family in harm's way. Examples include money, clothes, groceries, transportation, etc.

If you are a mason and break the law you are on your own. Freemasonry promotes lawfulness, citizenship and patriotism. Wrongdoing is not tolerated.

What happens at meetings?

There are two kinds of meetings. We have business meetings a couple times per month that are mundane and boring. The other meetings are 'degree ceremonies'. They are moving and beautiful, and a lot of fun!

Anyway, that's a start. Fire away!

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 01:50 AM
Is it at all possible that you are part of an organisation that, at the very top worships Lucifer?
Is it even remotely possible?
Is it possible that you are not aware of the decisions being made at the top of the pyramid?
Will you answer these qestions honestly or at all?

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by cbass
Is it at all possible that you are part of an organisation that, at the very top worships Lucifer?
Is it even remotely possible?
Is it possible that you are not aware of the decisions being made at the top of the pyramid?
Will you answer these qestions honestly or at all?

Thanks for the questions!

I have heard of the supposed part of ritual in one of the higher degrees of Scottish Rite (I believe) that references Lucifer, but I don't know if that is true or not.

I can state emphatically that *I* do not worship Lucifer and I am not aware of Lucifer being referenced anywhere in Blue Lodge masonry.

I suppose anything is remotely possible, but I can guarantee that I would have no part of Lucifer worship and I don't believe that any Master Mason would have any part of it.

The 'top of the pyramid' is an interesting choice of words. All of the lodges in my state report ONLY to the Grand Lodge and that's it. It would be impossible for any organization to 'control' the State Grand Lodge because it is completely autonomous.

We elect a master of our lodge every year and then he goes to Grand Lodge and elects the Grand Lodge officers. So, in a way, it is more of a pure democracy than even the US government. Every decision made by Grand Lodge is communicated to us and everything we do in lodge is communicated to them and recorded.

I would say, at least as far as Blue Lodge masonry, that it is not possible that there are any decisions being made at a higher level and that we are not being controlled in any way.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 02:22 AM
I will accept that answer but I would encourage you to investigate
other factions of masonry and diligently research the organization that you are a part of. It wouldn't hurt and might bring you a little closer to the truth behind the inner workings of freemasonry.
There are alot of things being said about freemasonry that aren't so flattering. There *MIGHT* be a reason why.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by cbass

I feel pretty confident about making the decision to join. I spent four years researching both sides before I made the decision.

I am always open to learning, though. If you have some good reading material I would be happy to take a look. You can U2U me if you like.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 10:16 AM
Thank you for starting this thread. I have been thinking about becoming a Mason and I have some questions:

1. What is the reasoning behind the branches of the Blue Lodge, like the Shriners and the Scottish Rite? I understand that the Shriners allow alcohol consumption, but I always wondered why there are seperate lodges that are require someone to be a Mason, but operate outside of the main lodge.

2. I've noticed that Masons get verbally attacked and so many conspiracies surround them. Even in this thread you guys are accused of worshipping Lucifer. Why don't Masons, on an official capacity, outright challenge these accusations and assertions? I understand that they can't address every single allegation, but going after some of the more serious ones would show that they are concerned about their image, because right now I wonder why they just sit there and take it.


posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Mahilum
1. What is the reasoning behind the branches of the Blue Lodge, like the Shriners and the Scottish Rite? I understand that the Shriners allow alcohol consumption, but I always wondered why there are seperate lodges that are require someone to be a Mason, but operate outside of the main lodge.
The York and Scottish Rite bodies attempt, through their own degrees, to explore further some of the legend, allegory, and esoteric aspects of Masonry. They approach it in different ways: The York Rite degrees are conferred on individuals, one degree at a time with pomp and ceremony. The Scottish Rite degrees are generally given to an entire class at one time, performed on a stage with the candidates as an audience rather than directly participating in the allegory being presented. In a Scottish Rite "reunion" (the gathering at which such degrees are given) usually only a handful of the 4th-32nd degree are actually enacted. There are some key degrees which MUST be performed every reunion, but the others get cycled through, sometimes almost randomly or depending on who has a team that can perform which degree and is available at the time of that reunion.

I don't know much about the Shriners, as it's not a body I'm interested in joining, at least at this time. It is my understanding that they aren't as big on esoterica or degrees, which is fine too.

I've heard it said that men come to Masonry for many different reasons. There are philanthropic men who are really only interested in the charities that various Masonic bodies support; there are men who seek the camaraderie of fraternity; there are ritualists who believe that the traditions must be upheld by performing every action precisely; and there are esotericists who want to delve into the meaning behind the ritual and explore the mysteries of the human condition. And none of them are wrong, just looking at Masonry through different lenses. It is my suspicion that there are appendant bodies to the Blue Lodge for each of those types: York Rite is very much about ritual and precision. They're the ones who as Knights Templar march drill patterns in formation with swords, etc. Scottish Rite is very much about the esoteric and philosophical aspects. Read Morals & Dogma for Albert Pike's opinions on the condition of man, and his place in the world. It's possible that the Shrine may be focused on charity (with their hospitals) or fraternity (with their reputation for drinking) but I don't know which is a bigger aspect to them, having not attended their meetings.

2. I've noticed that Masons get verbally attacked and so many conspiracies surround them. Even in this thread you guys are accused of worshipping Lucifer. Why don't Masons, on an official capacity, outright challenge these accusations and assertions? I understand that they can't address every single allegation, but going after some of the more serious ones would show that they are concerned about their image, because right now I wonder why they just sit there and take it.

There are a number of issues here. There's the whole "When did you stop beating your children" type question. There are those who believe that because Masonry has a reputation as a "secret" society that either everything we tell you will be a lie, or everything we tell you will be wrong because we're not "high enough" to know the truth. It's infinitely frustrating to try to respond to those types of attack, and yet, as cbass has shown above, that's exactly the tact that most anti-masons use.

[edit on 7/13/2008 by JoshNorton]

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by emsed1

I got to tell you, and the entire ATS staff: this doesn't sit well with me.

This is proselytizing and recruiting.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men

I agree the initial post could be interpreted that way, but from the first response by cbass you've got devil worship, pyramid power structures and other things that go bump in the night in a conspiracy forum. If a few of the other Mason haters (who haven't gotten themselves banned yet) jump in, it could make for a lively discussion.


It could me moved, locked, or whatever, but I'm interested in seeing how it plays out for a bit before a judgment is called for.

Just my 2 cents.

Edit to add: By all means, hit the Alert button on the OP if you like, to bring it to the Mods' attention. That's what it's there for.

[edit on 7/13/2008 by JoshNorton]

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by JoshNorton
I agree the initial post could be interpreted that way,

Great. I knew I wasn't just imagining it.

As for the other posts I really couldn't care what it evolves into. The OP seems like he had an agenda, and if it was religion or, say, something like the cult of Scientology, the entire premise of the thread would not be allowed.

The Masons here love to proselytize and ATS has thus far given them free roam.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men
The Masons here love to proselytize and ATS has thus far given them free roam.

But where have they all gone though? Where have all the "anti-Masons" gone? Both have reduced their activity considerably. Not notice you that?

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Cadbury
But where have they all gone though? Where have all the "anti-Masons" gone? Both have reduced their activity considerably. Not notice you that?
Actually, while the threads have been low bandwidth, I've seen quite a few more names popping up from people claiming to be Masons in the last week or so. People who had not been active in some of the various rows of the last few months.

But I'm generally better at the response than the call. Start a thread, get some motion going, and I'll be in. The couple of times I've started threads they've petered out pretty quickly.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Hi, great thread. Can you answer these questions.

1.Can anyone approach the Masons to join them? (as long as they adhere to the criteria above you stated)
2. Is it true that you have to be invited by a Mason? That you can't just ask the Masons if you can join?
3. Are the higher scerets degrees really true?
4.What is the best thing about being a mason?


posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men
The Masons here love to proselytize and ATS has thus far given them free roam.

I think you love trying to accuse everyone else of proselytizing more than anything else. As masonry does not recruit and masons shall not suffer their zeal of the fraternity for others who, through ignorance, may ridicule it, its quite impossible for any regular mason to proselytize.

If you do not like it when masons and others engage in open discussions about the fraternity, ignore the thread. I realize you prefer that we take at each other with swords and otherwise engage with anti-masons in ways that make us look bad.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 03:54 PM

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by cbass
I will accept that answer but I would encourage you to investigate
other factions of masonry and diligently research the organization that you are a part of. It wouldn't hurt and might bring you a little closer to the truth behind the inner workings of freemasonry.
There are alot of things being said about freemasonry that aren't so flattering. There *MIGHT* be a reason why.

As a so-called "high degree mason" along with others on this board, I'd like to point out that you are attempting to pose questions in a way the elicits a certain response.

You insert phrases like "is it even possible" because you know that most people believe the cliche "all things are possible," and as such, we would have to answer to your questions about "lucifer" that "it is possible." This would then give you a rope to hang us with, as you'd never stop mentioning it, even though it would be completely taken out of context. Since your going to do this, I went ahead and typed this so I can quote myself when you attempt to take me out of context later on:

Is it possible that there is diabolic lucferian worship in masonry? In the sense that all things are at least remotely possible, sure. It is also possible that your a reptilian government disinformation agent that worships Seth and is here to spread your NWO agenda. However, when all evidence, logic, reason, and standards of proof summarily point to there being absolutely no reason as to why there would be any "Lucifer worship" in masonry, its just not happening.

Just because all things are possible does not mean all things occur, nor does it mean all things are likely to occur. It means that, in the sense that this world has too many variables concurrently interacting in ways that we cannot measure, and because we are bounded by our rationality in our ability to interpret the world, we can never completely rule out anything. However, when all evidence points to the contrary, there is no reason for you or any other anti-mason to constantly trot out this entire "lucifer worship" theory which has no evidence nor basis in reality.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 04:01 PM
Edit: Never mind, problem has been addressed.

[edit on 13-7-2008 by ALightinDarkness]

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by ALightinDarkness
I am not going to suffer my zeal of the fraternity

Of course you're not going to do that. It is the only reason you are here - to display your zeal for the craft and mock and demean "conspiracists." And you're quite good at it, too.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men

The conspiracy theorists do quite a good job shooting themselves in the foot. No mocking is necessary. I've figured out if we just let you guys talk and say nothing, you end up showing how wrong and misguided you are without interruption
You may persuade the gullible, but the vast majority of reasonable thinking people quickly see past the anti-mason games.

Also you really should get out more beyond the SS board. Its a lovely place. I rarely post on the SS board anymore, so much for this being the "only reason I am here."

[edit on 13-7-2008 by ALightinDarkness]

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men
reply to post by emsed1

I got to tell you, and the entire ATS staff: this doesn't sit well with me.

This is proselytizing and recruiting.

i would be the first to point that finger were it true. do you not think it would benefit to have a thread like this about anything? ask a satanist, ask a plaedian, ask a whatever other esoteric or pseudo-esoteric theme. he isnt preaching, he is offering an open place to answer questions about a topic rather fitting to the site. i for on am glad.

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