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Why does the world hate israel

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posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 11:07 AM
Actually I have read about the more feminine side of ancient Jewish traditions, and about gnostic traditions as well. I always acknowledge both the female and male attributes of God, and even prefer to see a family, as some ancient scripts depict, though probably its symbolism. I really used the feminine as so many use the short form of the masculine and I think that needs to change.
I do not hate Jewish people, just the violence and ignorance that is in this world that would not only take a childs life, but even deprive him/her of an abundant happiness and lack of equality, because thats murder too. And the world does it to very many of its children, and here I'm thinking Africa, and then puts it down to tribal warfare or something we can do nothing about. Working for a loving, peaceful, diplomatic world where accident of birth in either country or race does not mean loss of equality, abundance or wellness is the actual duty every person on this planet. We come down here for a mission, and its to serve others. Failing our mission really sets us back as our soul is meant to advance.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

I'm not talking about that their religion is talking less about angels and more about demons. Actually more Rabbi told me that Angels were directly exterminated from the Jewish religion completely. The Jewish is the only religion on the planet, whose eliminated the good guiding spirits out from their religion and focusing only on the bad ones. I don't see any reason why the Rabbis would ever lie to me.

Before you ask... I wanted to learn everything about them, that's why I know many things about them. I wanted to know why they hate my country, my people. And I believe the reason is lying in this. My country is based and centered around angels. All our myths, all our beliefs. We have hundreds of the beautiful angel statues in our cities, what the Jews are intend to destroy, along with our national spirit symbols, such as our national bird statue. They're also taking demonic sculpts and statues to our cities on why not basis. So, maybe everything what you written down is true... but here in Hungary, everything is completely the opposite, what you written down. Hungarian Jews are believing in Demons. That's a known fact here. We, Hungarians are believing in Angels. That's also a known fact. That's why we have those beauty angel statues all over our cities. In our mythology, they're guarding our country since the beginning. All of our greatest symbols are guarded by angels too. But the Jews are intend to destroy our angel statues one by one, our symbols, replace them with grotesque demon statues, that's also a sad fact. I know it's sounds soooo strange, like if it would be a fantasy book, but unfortunately if you would live in Hungary, you wouldn't see this that so strange at all, just sad.

So, maybe you're a good Jew, maybe everything what you written down is completely true, but what you written down is not applying to the Jews of my country at all. They are pure evil.

[edit on 5-7-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by gate13

But Jesus's mother was Jewish. How can you not mention those together? Also, sadly i do not know much about Christianity, but i have doubts believing that it is driven by

as for isreal(jews) whats not to hate about them


So you can like/dislike, hate/love whatever/whoever you like. But using your? religion that you share with hundreds of millions to shield yourself and your personal problems with it is not a descent behavior. If you are of any religion.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by gate13
please guys do not mention jesus and the jews in one sentence in a thread labled


the problems with isreal stem back to the death of christ. You must dtart there and read through history to get a clearer understandng.

as for isreal(jews) whats not to hate about them? history will tell you the story.

Jesus was a Jew, Christianity is in reality Judasim...

The big problem that there is, is that Christianity won't claim it's place as Judaism as reinvented by Christ

Christianity should simply acknowledge that it is true Judaism... Christ was a Jew, he never said re-name the religion... he said these guys, these priests here are wrong, they lost the way, be he never said not to be Jews, never said fragment the faith...

heres the thing if Christians would accept that christ and his teachings were the teachings fo G-d and the Old Testament Belongs to them... the Torah belongs to you too...

then the wierd little sect of jews that opposed christ would no longer have any... authority or power would they?

Christ probelm was that the priesthood had become corrupted, did not interpret things properly... That doesn't mean the old testament is gone lol, or that his followers were not therefore the chosen people...

he was very clear, follow him and into the kingdom of heaven, the word of g-d was a religion not just a race that was destined to birth him

The ridiculousness despite all the care the Jews take of believing the bloodline might not have passed from them anyway over the years is mental...

I mean really it's a semantic thing...there is this small sect of Jews stemming from those rabbis that don't want to believe Christ was a true Messianic not because they are evil...just because they were wrong and Christians won't take upon them their true name and calling because that handful calls themselves that name too...

All Christians reasonably should claim Hebrew via scripture and Aramaic as the spoken laguage of Christ as their own, all Christians should knw the old testament as well as the new and know all of what Chjrist himself studied...

and Christ never walked away from it just informed the priests that they had gottne lost from the meanuing behind the scriptures...

Id\f you follow christ you follow the same teaching he did, you are the Jews really... the chosen people, these Orthodox jews are... I believe in reality mistaken on the subject, for them to claim the chosen people is wrong, they chose to not follow Christ... so take back the name, take up the old testament and interpret it as Christ did..

but don't walk away from it over JEW wich is nothing other than a word... Jewish people are people of the faith, the line of Adam and Enoch survived through the flood through Noah out of Egypt by Noah

And... most recently, continued through Jesus Christ, If you follow Christ why not call yourselves the chosen ones?

What would this little faction of Orthodox Jews...Orthodox meaning...they are stuck in the tear 0 AD... what would they do? At least acknowledge yourseves as the kingdom of g-d the true kingdom of isreal o which Judeah was only one tribe...

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by abelievingskeptic

Hey, Abs. Long time no see.

You and I have disagreed on the subject of Israel for a while so we will have to continue to disagree on this thread as well. I support the nation of Israel and believe the Jews are God's covenant people and that is that.

So many people keep focusing on what is occurring today in regards to the Israel-Palestine conflict to explain the world's hatred for the Jews and Israel but so many are forgetting the fact that is only sixty years of history. The Jews have been targeted and hated long before that. As in for thousands of years. It would be impossible for the Middle East situation to be a satisfactory answer. So, yes. I believe it is a spiritual battle.

Yes, I remember that thread concerning the rebirth of Israel and how the OP claimed it did not fulfill prophecy. I disagreed and left a response to his thread HERE.

I've expressed my opinion on this matter repeatedly and don't see it changing any time soon.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 11:31 AM
It has been my experience in having an open mind, reading intelligence reports and just being observational that has shown and revealed many things about Israel and their hidden and shadow control over the U.S. and foreign policy. Do we hate the real Jew's, no? I am sure you have heard of MOSSAD.

There have been several spies caught in the U.S. over the last year. Two of the spies were in our Defense Department.

They also set up most of Washington's telecommunication systems, and left a backdoor open for themselves to listen in on anyone, even the President. So I wouldn't rule out blackmail.

The van that was found with explosives on the bridge during 9/11, they were MOSSAD agents and have since been released with no charges. Then you have the lower level agents who were sent here to America and again, caught in a van video taping the 9/11 attacks. They had advanced knowledge that the attacks were coming and were sent to document it.

I believe we are now seeing a sympathy policy aimed at making America feel their kind of danger that Israel feels on a daily basis by occupying land belonging to Palestine. 9/11 in their mind was connecting us to their so called terror experience. It was a door to open more Semite control and religious control.

Anyone is called anti-Semite for simply speaking the truth about Israel and their lobbying the U.S. for Middle Eastern bombardment (Iran and Iraq)! They want the United States to take out their enemy for them and have used 9/11 and other staged events to get to this point.

If we are headed to a nuclear standoff with Russia and Iran, it is not due to terror and Osama bin Laden, it is due to Israeli lobbying and using the fear tactics of terror to get America to go along with another preemptive strike.

America is suffering at the hands of Israel and their security - not the true Jewish religion.

Our Government has been about foreign policy for 7 years - and nothing about America for 7 years. While our infrastructure crumbles around us and no help comes for natural disasters, we have been sending truck loads of pallets with stacks of billions of Fed private bank printed $100 bills into the Middle East since 2004. They devalue our dollar to fund this Israeli protective agenda while bankrupting America and making us weak and vulnerable.

So you ask why Jews are hated - we don't hate the Jew, we hate those that run the Jewish state under the false premise of Semitism.

It's all game, and we are about to lose our Nation due to Israeli control!

We hate this because we are still America - and 9/11 wasn't enough to make us cower under a rock and give in to the thought constant foreign policy and of Israeli perceived terror.

If terror is so bad, why did Cheney and Halliburton move to Dubai in the heart of the Middle East? If 3/4 of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia why didn't we attack Saudi Arabia? Why haven't we received the alternate fuel technology to make us free of the dependence on Middle Eastern oil? Don’t tell me there isn’t a new technology that doesn’t use oil and gas! It has been around for years, but someone is very interested in cashing in on the aspect of keeping that information suppressed and us dependent on oil and gas!

There are your answers!

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by arizonascott

Your entire post is spot on. To answer your question about gas, it's because it's not profitable for them. If they wanted to they could make a car that got 100mpg they could. In fact old cars used to get that much MPG.

I hear commercials on the radio/tv telling me to buy this new and great car, it gets an amazing 15 miles per gallon! They herald it like it's some kind of high-mpg car that's going to save me from debt and some kind of new invention.

Yet, my old beater car that was built in the 80's gets me 35+ mpg.

Give me a break. Do they think we are that stupid? Apparently most of us are.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 11:47 AM
well for one thing...they appear to practice apartheid. for another, they have nuclear weapons and haven't signed the NNPT. for a third, they get preferential treatment. for a fourth, they are rumored to be involved in numerous false-flag instigations. for a third, they have a zionist faction that moves well outside the realm of the traditional definition of zionism. for a fourth, their propoganda after wwii attempted to make the world believe that only jews were targeted and died in that horror. i could go on.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Rumored to....,appeared to.....
A bunch of empty claims makes it OK to hate people? Just for your information, state of Israel after WW2 did not mention holocaust. To come from Europe was something to be ashamed of. Only since 60s-70s the issue is used. Also, show me where it says that only Jews were killed?
But it is enough for you to hate someone based on false or lame sources?
I can bring you dozens of Soviet propaganda claims about US,UK and all the West. Will you hate them because of it?

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
reply to post by mopusvindictus

I'm not talking about that their religion is talking less about angels and more about demons. Actually more Rabbi told me that Angels were directly exterminated from the Jewish religion completely. The Jewish is the only religion on the planet, whose eliminated the good guiding spirits out from their religion and focusing only on the bad ones. I don't see any reason why the Rabbis would ever lie to me.

Before you ask... I wanted to learn everything about them, that's why I know many things about them. I wanted to know why they hate my country, my people. And I believe the reason is lying in this. My country is based and centered around angels. All our myths, all our beliefs. We have hundreds of the beautiful angel statues in our cities, what the Jews are intend to destroy, along with our national spirit symbols, such as our national bird statue. They're also taking demonic sculpts and statues to our cities on why not basis. So, maybe everything what you written down is true... but here in Hungary, everything is completely the opposite, what you written down. Hungarian Jews are believing in Demons. That's a known fact here. We, Hungarians are believing in Angels. That's also a known fact. That's why we have those beauty angel statues all over our cities. In our mythology, they're guarding our country since the beginning. All of our greatest symbols are guarded by angels too. But the Jews are intend to destroy our angel statues one by one, our symbols, replace them with grotesque demon statues, that's also a sad fact. I know it's sounds soooo strange, like if it would be a fantasy book, but unfortunately if you would live in Hungary, you wouldn't see this that so strange at all, just sad.

So, maybe you're a good Jew, maybe everything what you written down is completely true, but what you written down is not applying to the Jews of my country at all. They are pure evil.

[edit on 5-7-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

Yeah your dealing with Orthodox jews... I have experienced this from them in my time, allot of them are as clueless of their own religion as anyone ele, they presnet themselves as scholors yet know nothing...

the reason I stated by scripture of why Angelic Hierarchy isn't taught is whats real... what happens is parents to impose a lesson often will teach things that are bs... what I described when taught to achild surely comes out as... "we don't believe in angels" or "we don't blieve in Christ"

The religous truth however is different, you can imagine a mother (probably not knowing herself) about why Angels are not prayed to..the real reason if you read the scripture is sensible, but what is going to be said...

so yeah some angry Jew said 'we exterminated angels' what a d*7k lol...

But in the end this is why religous extremism is dangerous, there are Angels they come rom the old Hebrew books mostly lol... I mean, it's literally stupid any jew should say this, they tend to think they are the alpha and omega of thought on g-d because they can read the language as it was writtten, and a handful sure do know allot.. but 10x more like any other religion just read what they choose to read lol

I personally thin k if your in a culture and you have this higher perogative of teaching aphilosophy of worship only g-d... you could still teach about the Angels and why for respect for the culture you live in...

Angels are very beautiful, somewhere in the wierder aspect of Hungarian Judaism is perhaps Gargoyles taken as way to ward off Evil spirits? This was very often so in Chritianity and surely at times Judaism too... Could be an odd take on Kabbalism

I agree though it is extremely rude, Very religous people need to have tolerance, I can understand what angers you, probably in times like when Hungarians helped jews during the holocost the Jews were not nearly so Orthodox, it is sad how things work that way... that in fear of being persecuted beliefs can become so extreme that perhaps you become the thing that you were being persecuted for in the first place in many ways.

Religious fantacism is causiong alot of problems in the world right now

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 12:16 PM
To be honest I am jewish and even though it might sound strange, what i am going to say might shock but I am totally against about the fact that we took land from the palestinians and we had no right whatsoever to claim it back !
if we think that way any country or tribe could claim land it owed several hundred to several thousand years ago.
I feel sad because of that I feel insecure and woulld rather have no land in order to live a better life without being harrased about what is going on in palestine

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Actually Hungarians are not worshiping God. They're believing in God. That's a difference. We're also believing in our Guardians too. We're respecting them for many reasons. They're standing between God and us, they're guiding us since the beginning and never let us down. Maybe that's one of the reason why the Government called in the IDF, or why the Zionist Government asked foreign police members to attack Hungarians, because they knew that Hungarian is never turn against a Hungarian. They tried it with our police members, but we never harmed them at all.

And I also need to add, that none of the Hungarians ever dead in these clashes. Unlike in other protests in the other parts of the world, which are usually ending in casualties, since we started to fight against the Zionists, where we had greater clashes, greater ones then any others in Europe, none of the Hungarians ever lost their lives and we also never killed anyone, whose are attacked us. I believe that's telling something about our nation. We're protecting ourselves, but we're never intend to kill anyone, unlike the Israelis, whose sent the IDF here to beat and even kill the Hungarians if we don't like their system. But we defeated them too and they traveled back to Israel without a loss.

Many on the world believes that the state of Hungary is around 2000 years old. In the reality it's more then 5000 years old with great secrets, myths and legends, which are also explaining whey we love our angels. Our one is one of the oldest nation on the planet, but these... let's call in this case Orthodox Jews are trying to fake our history too and trying to destroy everything in this proud little country.

Hungarians are believers and not worshipers, which is a great difference. Although we're a tolerant nation and we're not considering many things as a real threat. But we're protecting our angels, our symbols and the moral values of our beautiful country.

But thanks for the heads up. That's the good in ATS that many are able to share their wisdom with the others. Thanks again.

[edit on 5-7-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 01:34 PM

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 01:42 PM
i suggest you all watch this if you haven't seen it.

[edit on 5-7-2008 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

The title says:
Why does world hate israel.

well for one thing...they appear to practice apartheid. for another, they have nuclear weapons and haven't signed the NNPT. for a third, they get preferential treatment. for a fourth, they are rumored to be involved in numerous false-flag instigations. for a third, they have a zionist faction that moves well outside the realm of the traditional definition of zionism. for a fourth, their propoganda after wwii attempted to make the world believe that only jews were targeted and died in that horror. i could go on

To me it seems that you explained why world (you are part of it, i suppose?) hates Israel.

millions of people of many nationalities died in that war. to hear them tell it it was all about them

Where you heard that?

your name suits you

I know. I am not the only one being objective though.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 02:11 PM
Ahh yes....first off what happen to the Jews as chosen people thread I just tried to post on there and it is no longer there....hmmmm.... Anyways it wouldnt be a true Jewish thread if Mybigunit didnt post here.
First off I dont think its that the people HATE the country of Israel. I know some really do despise the Jews and Israel but I think a lot of people like myself feel the Jews should have their own state similar to the ways that other religions have their states in which they dominate.

With that being said I think it was the way Israel was created in the first place and where it was created is the first cause of bitterness. Also the way the Israeli radicals exploit other countries to do their fighting for them. Hey if Israel wants a state they should have to fight these battles themselves like IRAN for instance. Due to the Israeli lobby in Washington this is now a battle that we are trying to take on even though we should have nothing to do with it. Im all for lending money and weapons to Israel to fight their battles but our boys shouldnt have to fight and die for a Jewish state sorry call me names all you want but its how I feel and I feel that way about ANY religious or non religious state for that matter. You want your own country fight for it yourself we can help but our boys dont need to be dying for your cause.

In final if people want to go fight an die for Israel or any other country for that matter they have that option they can enlist over seas and go help out but I dont think our government should force the mass of us to be fighting wars that does not affect us. Now bring on the flames.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

I agree with everything you have said. When a person wants something bad enough, they should be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve it. If they won't make the sacrifice, they don't want it enough.

That applies across the board to the French, Americans, British, Iraqi, etc.

I'm glad the other 'Jews/master race' thread was taken down.

I'd still like to know why it was posted on the Shabbat when many Jews have flipped off the electricity and turned off the internet.

You can't seriously expect a discussion if you wait until the other party is not there to start talking, can you?

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

Hey, Abs. Long time no see.

Howdy doooooody!

I support the nation of Israel .

I support the human condition and hope the palestinians can forgive the Israeli people and goverment for taking something that was not rightfully theirs. I also hope the Israelis can forgive the Palestinians for the terrorism and innocent lives taken by the Palestinians. I believe this is where the crux lies in world peace and think it should be at the for-front of UN discussion and resolution.

and believe the Jews are God's covenant people and that is that

I would expect nothing to the contrary.
And again, you are a free person. You may believe anything you wish. But that does not make it true. And just a point worth mentioning. You have no all.

Is this your best rebuttal?...

so many are forgetting the fact that is only sixty years of history.

First, that is not even true. History goes back much further than 60 years; when the Hebrews conquered the Canaanites thousands of years ago by slaughtering man, woman and child "by the hand of God"
. Who knows, maybe this does still have an affect on peoples perception of the Jewish faith. History and a peoples past (no matter what religion they are) seem to follow the culpable quite a bit in the minds of the victims ancestors. It rings true for other parts of the world does it not? Why not thre Jews?

Secondly, the most important details lie in recent events (which are closer to 85 years). Why would these years be considerd any less important than 1,000s of years ago? And like I said, other than the Bible texts, there just is not much in evidence of the Jews ever being held as slaves or in captivity. I would say that a book that is dated a few thousand years B.C. that describes a supposed "covenant" from a few thousand years ago would be considered more as inconsequential and much less of a fact than an obvious conspiracy that took place a few decades ago.

So, yes. I believe it is a spiritual battle.

Once again, you are entitled. I would just suggest that this should not be preached or acted upon. It hinges on extremism, and could lead to violence and dillusional thinking. Just my opinion.

I've expressed my opinion on this matter repeatedly and don't see it changing any time soon.

As a logical person I think you fail to look at the big picture, and the actual scenario outside of the evangelical point of view. You are not connecting the dots it would seem, or you are ignoring the dots all together. If you look at the perpetrators of the Balfour act and the banking systems you will find the creators of Israel and much of the world conspiracy have much in common.

This seems to happen when people have made up there mind and close off outside input. No matter the evidence presented in front of them, they refuse to believe what is right there in front of them. You have a "romantic" relationship with a figure that may or may not have existed over 2 millenia ago (I believe Jesus, did,in fact exist). You want him to save you and then when you die live with him for the rest of eternity. This relationship is romanticized everytime you go to church or feel the need to ask for something in prayer or even maybe punished for a sin.

It is understandable to want this type of relationship when we live in such a grand place as the universe where we live as such tiny fragments on the grand scale of things. And like I said, there is nothing wrong with that. Just don't let it pursuade you to do something rather in appropriate.

All in all, the Jews are good people and should not be hated. But they are just that. People. There is no selectiveness with 'God', no matter how much people or religion pushes for it.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by abelievingskeptic
Is this your best rebuttal?...

It wasn't my 'best' rebuttal because it wasn't a rebuttal at all. I remember our first encounter on ATS when our discussion that lasted for pages left us both with migraines (
). So, for the sake of pain-free heads, I decided not to debate anything this time.

Yes, it is what I believe and I made this extremely clear in my comments on this thread that it is my belief as a Christian. Just chalk it up to a different perspective being added to the thread if it keeps our Asprin supply from diminishing.

First, that is not even true. History goes back much further than 60 years

You totally missed my point. That is exactly what I just said. History and the hatred against the Jews goes back much further than 60 years and was around way before Israel was reborn in 1948. However, many are only basing their answer to the OP's question on the last 60 years of history. You just told me what I said was untrue but then you made the exact same point I did.

Again, let's keep our Asprin bottles full this time.

And, once more, that is all I read of your comment.

But I meant what I said: it is good to see you again. I remember as frustrating as our past conversations have always been, you have always made me laugh and smile.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
dicotech you speak like a 2 year old... when the # hits the fan israel will have are back... the romans did "kill jesus". people say jewish people did, simply for the fact they turned him in... and palestinian people took the land from the jews 500 years ago and now they rightfully got it back. the jews did anyways. and also the state of israel is doing much better than the USA is economiclly. and its not do to the USA giving them money!!!

Ok then, if the murdering Israelis are doing so great economically, then let's stop footing the bill for their $3 billion dollar a year aid package.

Want to know why I hate Israel? Why I hate any man that kills for selfish reasons... Read this article...

Israeli Monsters

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