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Why does the world hate israel

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posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by die_another_day

I'd like to know what about you're talking here. China doesn't like Israel. A great resistance against Jews are in Japan too. So... do you believe that the people of the Eastern Hemisphere are really like them? Think again. They're not fools. Jews and Israel are causing the same trouble to them too.

[edit on 5-7-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 08:56 AM
Isnt USA trying to make a proxy war with iran thru israel?
Israel is more like the watchdog of the powerfull , they say attack the dog attacks , they say sit , it sits.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by dracodie
Isnt USA trying to make a proxy war with iran thru israel?
Israel is more like the watchdog of the powerfull , they say attack the dog attacks , they say sit , it sits.

No. Israel wants to make war and they want involve the USA in it. In the reality the United States has no problem with Iran. They were allies in the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s. But after Iran's evolution and technological advancing is threatening the overall rule of Israel in the Middle East, Israel turned the U.S. against Iran. Iran is not making nuke bombs at all. Israel has nukes only in the Middle East. Iran just wants to keep up with the ages, but Israel don't like this, because if Iran will be much more evolved, Israel will loose it's leading role in the region. The U.S. citizens are also may say thanks to Israel for 9/11, because they were involved in it completely.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 09:17 AM

Jesus said Christians would be hated for His sake. Because I believe the Jews are God's covenant people, they are hated as well. Also, because they must still exist as God promised, there is a spiritual battle to destroy the Jews. You destroy the Jews, you destroy God's plan."

I really suspect the real God has a plan that does not involve taking land that others possess and killing palestinian children. Probably why I spent so much time arguing with the priest as a child until I decided it man had written most of the Bible and made God in His image. Though I had experienced God strongly, and She isn't like that, let me assure you. Every single person counts equally, and the palestines have equal rights, and their children have the right to live abudantly as every child does. In this case Israel is being judged by its actions, and it proceeds with the backing of US and UK, and enjoys a media black out on its atrocities, facts that prove that justice is not on their side. Behaving with diplomacy and a more equal distribution of land and resources, and with a high regard for human life and dignity would be far more fitting as God's chosen ones.

[edit on 5-7-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 09:20 AM
From my limited understanding of the Jewish history I believe they are hated for a number of reasons.
They have a strong sense of community amongst themselves they have often been persecuted throughout history which has made the Jewish community in many spread out countries (Due to persecution and exodus deals.) ban together and form strong internal communities. This has made them seem like a group of people that refuses to assimilate or conform.
Also due to being looked at as outsiders or newcomers they have instilled a strong sense of math and number emphasis that dates back to thousands of years. Helps them to obtain money and make it in societies that they do not govern because they for such a long time have not governed themselves. Math is a universal language and money is a worldly language.(I don't care to do enough research to see if this was already the case before they took a lot of flak or if it was improvised, all the same in my opinion.)

I have used lots of broad terms like them and they. I see nothing wrong with using these types of nouns to describe a group of people that I do not belong to. I have no doubt in my mind that due to persecutions and prejudice that Judaism Jewish Jew Semite and all these terms are purposefully confusing to ensure their own survival. So does the arguable mention of jews controlling Chrisitans via the bible. I see nothing wrong with this if it is true though I'm on the fence about it.
I don't care if Jews are running the world or if they are superior, I don't hate them. If they run the world they deserve to run it. If they were exterminated by Hitler in ww2 they deserved it. I don't believe all the races are equal and life is equal and I don't care if I'm labeled as a racist.
They as a whole were not exterminated and went on to survive. I for one believe they earned their right to live on this planet and the right to their small patch of land surrounded by Muslims.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by mystiq

mystiq. If you convert (Peaceful method) or wipe out Jews (Radical method), you eliminate evil from the planet once and for all. That's a fact. Jews are using God as a shield to cover their lies and their real identity. They're using God, because they don't care about God at all. You know, whose don't have angels, just demons, those whose are also believing only in demons, those ones are serving Satan and not God. I hope this is clear.

[edit on 5-7-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 09:27 AM
You cannot eliminate evil from the land, in any issue, by harming one single child of any race. Because then you become the most evil thing going.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by mystiq

There are other ways to eliminate evil from a land. Me and my kind never would harm a child, even if the child is a Jew. But there is a nice way to eliminate evil. Trust me. I know what about I'm talking.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by AshleyD

this thred is right on target, to many make comments on subjects they
don't know any thing about , people should study the facts presented according to the king james bible, all that is going on in the world right now is according to GOD'S master plan, the book of REV. reveals the circumstances at hand, weather, wars, political, financial, etc., if you doubt these words, confront the one who wrote the bible. ISRAEL will be survive all threats according to GOD'S master plan, it's in the book. " yes " we are living in the end times of the bible, hope this sheads some lite on your questions. anonymous

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 10:00 AM
Crystaline... where are you from?

Seriously Jews don't drink blood lol... and Most Jews like myself, don't even consider themselves Jewish beyond the way a Christian would, a few holidays and traditions...

your really grouping in Jews with a small fanatcial portion of Jews...

and honestly as far as i'm concerned they are the ones who aren't Jewish... they are a wierd sect that formed only 700 years ago...

I, don't care for them either honestly, my sister fell into that religous zealotry... and shes all but lost to me, I had one regukar Jewish friend that fell in with Chasidism and he does not speak to me anymore...

most jews are like me, by number, really, 70% worldwide i'd say and maybe even 50% of Isreal

The freaks with the capes lol just stand out, there's probably some seriusly wierd ancient # in the books but even they don't actually practiuce it lol, mostly most of them spend all day writing and rewriting a dead language... but there is no plot, just a disturbing alienation from any one else...

prior to the inquisition Christ was considered a saint, the only debate at all was the question of actually divinity and even that was only a small Rabbinical sect... the inquisition saw the deaths of countless, regular jews regular people and somehow this "cult" of obsessive jews was born...

most of them really have no idea how alienating they are and there is no plot or plan... just a people brought up fanatical and scared to death from everyone else... and they are, part of the loop, the reason people like you say these things... if you never let anyone in how can they know or trust you?

but I assure you I got stuck... lol and I have to say stuck, as a normal guy who happens to be jewish growing up as the Orthodox invaded my nieghborhood and frankly, they treat me like #, they never let you in unless you conform to them and they make everyone hate me for no reason, 90% of Brooklyn Jews moved out as they moved in, they are...odd to be around, inclusive, seperatist...

but that's all in the end...

[edit on 5-7-2008 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

I'm from Hungary, where the Jews and their damned liberal party is continuously trying to destroy every cultural traits of my country. They also called in the IDF, Israeli Defense Forces two years ago to use it against the Hungarians. So, I don't know what sort of Jew you're, maybe one with moral values, but the ones, whose are living here are evil to their roots. We Hungarians are experiencing what the Jews are doing, but we're fighting against them. Maybe there are good ones, maybe you're one of them. But if you would live in my country, you would think on another way. Hungary is the lair of the evil, blood drinker, destroyer of worlds, no moral value Zionist Jews, whose love pedophilia, love to steal, lying continuously and betraying everyone. But my country is not for sale, our moral values cannot be destroyed. They also wanted to destroy our national statue, which is similar to the Statue of Liberty, just in Hungarian version. It's a nice bird statue, but the Jews wanted to destroy it, no matter the cost. They're evil. We didn't experience anything else from them. So, I'm not going to handle them on another way. They're the enemy of my nation, my culture, so they're my enemy. They're intend to destroy our beautiful angel statues, what I also taking as a personal offense against good moral values and I also take it very personally. I love my home land and I'm and the other Hungarians are not going to let some Jews to destroy a more thousand years old country, it's values, because these psychopaths are believing they're Gods and they have the right to do anything.

By the way, if you're talking about their "Holy" mythical language, the Hebrew, I need to tell you, that real hebrew is not existing. It's called as Yvrit, a fictive language, which is containing around 500 fictive words and was developed after 1945 by the Jews. It's another lie, what they're using to make their damned culture more mysterious.

[edit on 5-7-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by mystiq

Jesus said Christians would be hated for His sake. Because I believe the Jews are God's covenant people, they are hated as well. Also, because they must still exist as God promised, there is a spiritual battle to destroy the Jews. You destroy the Jews, you destroy God's plan."

I really suspect the real God has a plan that does not involve taking land that others possess and killing palestinian children. Probably why I spent so much time arguing with the priest as a child until I decided it man had written most of the Bible and made God in His image. Though I had experienced God strongly, and She isn't like that, let me assure you. Every single person counts equally, and the palestines have equal rights, and their children have the right to live abudantly as every child does. In this case Israel is being judged by its actions, and it proceeds with the backing of US and UK, and enjoys a media black out on its atrocities, facts that prove that justice is not on their side. Behaving with diplomacy and a more equal distribution of land and resources, and with a high regard for human life and dignity would be far more fitting as God's chosen ones.

[edit on 5-7-2008 by mystiq]

She isn't like that

You know what is sad, there is a truth to the Rabbinical sect of Judaism and what it has become, from the time of Christ, Christ a jews conflict with the Rabbis, then it became escalated after the Inquisition where the Rabbis became these, characters that they are in Orthodox Judaism

Originally Judaism is a beautiful religion, it is dualostic, some of the Kaballah and the Torah express and understanding of physics and mathamatics that is profound...

I have to say, as a Jew, I don't like often the company of Chasidics, I feel like they are lost... the traditions are in reality taken from ancient sides of things that have not much to do with real Judaism...

But what struck me was you calling G-d she, because when Moses crossed the desert, the burning Bush, the pillar of fire, the miracles were all actually in hebrew Shekinah, the Feminine aspect of G-d judaism was a duality a male and female aspect of g-d, the universe being life, what g-d created from and it was the Female incarnation of g-d that gave the miracles

Mary Magdalene herself was not a whore but rather the last of the Female Priestesses, she was the end of something... something did go wrong in the religion and... what people see today as Orthodox jews, is not really the full religion of Judaism

I must admit I can understand given the nature how these assumtions are made about Orthodox Jews, the sheer Secularness... I have often felt when confronting them that, I was in Jesus's position dealing with "what's happened to you" I'm not much opf a fan honestly, I mean the rhetoric is ridiculous and founded in nothing...

Buit what people see as Jews is not true Judaism, it was a far more(and is) for some a more eastern religion, more balanced and interesting and open...

this messianic sect that holds sway over judaism... I don't like them either for the same reason I don't like it in any religion, it is in a way focused spiritually on death, this could be said pof aspects of Islam and Christianity too...

True Judaism had a focus on Life on the feminine...

and it was Christ that said to Mary (which of course men didn't add to the new testament) That man had a choice in Armageddon... that we could go to the "heavens" instead of fight on Earth...

But the male dominated messianic/Armageddon sects in all these religions is rining everything

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

If it's that really beautiful as you described, please tell me, why do you eliminated angels, whose are always represented good, nobility and grace, out from your religion and why the Jewish religion is containing only demons? Why do you consider money more valuable then life? So?

[edit on 5-7-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by heliumboy
I am wondering why the world is so focused on the state of israel. It seems that
the israelis soldiers can't even go to work with bad breath in fear that they would be accused of gas poisoning palestinians. Its completely insane that there is so much attention on this tiny little state How important are these palestinians anyway. most arab nations hate them. Nobody really cares about African nations killing each other. so what makes israel different

There has to be something quite deeper than we think to this conflict. lets discuss.

MEL was pretty spot on, until the media crucified him (almost Ironic
really). Any why would they do that?, well apparently at lot of the
media outlets are owned or controlled by Jews.

Disney, Jews
Time Warner, Jews
Vivendi Universal, Jews
News Corp, Jews

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
reply to post by die_another_day

I'd like to know what about you're talking here. China doesn't like Israel. A great resistance against Jews are in Japan too. So... do you believe that the people of the Eastern Hemisphere are really like them? Think again. They're not fools. Jews and Israel are causing the same trouble to them too.

[edit on 5-7-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

Trust me, Asia doesn't give a crap about Israel nowadays. You would know if you are from one of those nations. In Asia, you're never taught to hate the Jews by parents or teachers because they have nothing against the Jews. Those modern Anti-Semitists minority in Asia are pro-Nazi and pro-Christian.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by die_another_day

I never was taught to hate them. They've made me to their own enemy. They've made my country to their enemy. So, I believe we don't need to learn what they're and no one need to learn to don't like them. They're presenting themselves on this way and they may say thanks only to themselves. If someone don't like them, that's usually their fault.

[edit on 5-7-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
reply to post by mopusvindictus

I'm from Hungary, where the Jews and their damned liberal party is continuously trying to destroy every cultural traits of my country. They also called in the IDF, Israeli Defense Forces two years ago to use it against the Hungarians. So, I don't know what sort of Jew you're, maybe one with moral values, but the ones, whose are living here are evil to their roots. We Hungarians are experiencing what the Jews are doing, but we're fighting against them. Maybe there are good ones, maybe you're one of them. But if you would live in my country, you would think on another way. Hungary is the lair of the evil, blood drinker, destroyer of worlds, no moral value Zionist Jews, whose love pedophilia, love to steal, lying continuously and betraying everyone. But my country is not for sale, our moral values cannot be destroyed. They also wanted to destroy our national statue, which is similar to the Statue of Liberty, just in Hungarian version. It's a nice bird statue, but the Jews wanted to destroy it, no matter the cost. They're evil. We didn't experience anything else from them. So, I'm not going to handle them on another way. They're the enemy of my nation, my culture, so they're my enemy. They're intend to destroy our beautiful angel statues, what I also taking as a personal offense against good moral values and I also take it very personally. I love my home land and I'm and the other Hungarians are not going to let some Jews to destroy a more thousand years old country, it's values, because these psychopaths are believing they're Gods and they have the right to do anything.

By the way, if you're talking about their "Holy" mythical language, the Hebrew, I need to tell you, that real hebrew is not existing. It's called as Yvrit, a fictive language, which is containing around 500 fictive words and was developed after 1945 by the Jews. It's another lie, what they're using to make their damned culture more mysterious.

[edit on 5-7-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

That's funny, my Fathers family is Hungarian, we left Hungary in around 1905, your kind of coming up with allot of stories here lol, but obviously as Jews my family left there roots behind for a reason...

and those jews followed us here starting after the 40's and accelerating...

they aren't evil crytalline, k... they are just, pains in the ass, you shouldn't allow yourself so much hate, they interfere, they do, they have an arrogance, bring themselves into a culture and expect the culture to change for them but do not accomodate... but, believing in myths that aren't real or filling yourself with hate doesn't work either

You just say it as it is, like I do with Islam and with them too lol, I don't want to change for you, we aren't going to... it's your religion not ours, firm but without all the kooky anger

I moved from my neighborhood after Ortadox jews settled in, alarms going off all day on saturday out of some ridiculous thing where rest means no turning a light switch, a giant siren that tells when sabath is... so many little things that change things without consideration or desire to join in and participate in your world...

I know, they aren't Hungarians anymore then the Orthodox in Brooklyn are American they are Jews first and... you know they call themselves Jews, but really like I said... they are Orhodox, they are Lubavitch.... they are a sect, they aren't Jews to me just because the keep a Torah with them...

I once went into a great religous Jewish Library and inquired about Enoch...the Orthodox Rabbi knew nothing of Enoch... or much of the old testament in amny aspects, they have their own thing going on...and when they dig in are so involved nothing else matters...

but they aren't actually Evil lol

Let me ask... they all do the beard and coat thing 90% of them by you Orthodox?

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Come to Hungary and learn what the Hungarian Jews are really are. Trust me. I never hate anyone without reason. My people never hate anyone without reason. But they're intend to destroy everything in my country. They admitted this many times. And that's not pain in the ass. That's pure evil. And as a Hungarian, just as all the other Hungarians, we're fighting, because we're not going to let my country to be destroyed by these mentally ill creatures (I'm thinking here for the Hungarian Jews and not for the Jews in overall.). If other Jews are acting on another way, just a question. Why don't they step up against these morons and why do they supporting the planned destruction of my country? If they're really that good as you describes, please tell me, why do these Jews are supporting this? In this case, they're the same guilty as the ones, whose are trying to rip my country to apart.

But what I can tell you, no one ever was able to destroy my country. It's under the protection of the celestials. The Jews are messing with the wrong people this time. We didn't harm them, regardless what they're claiming. We even protected them under WW2 until we had a chance. That's why no Jew were ever deported until 1944, when the fascist overthrown our government. The Jews are harming us. Hungarians are always were their enemy, because we know the truth about them. They've started this fight, but we're going to finish it.

[edit on 5-7-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 10:53 AM
please guys do not mention jesus and the jews in one sentence in a thread labled


the problems with isreal stem back to the death of christ. You must dtart there and read through history to get a clearer understandng.

as for isreal(jews) whats not to hate about them? history will tell you the story.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
reply to post by mopusvindictus

If it's that really beautiful as you described, please tell me, why do you eliminated angels, whose are always represented good, nobility and grace, out from your religion and why the Jewish religion is containing only demons? Why do you consider money more valuable then life? So?

[edit on 5-7-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

This is what I am trying to say, what you know of as Jews (likes to recruit Jews) but is an odd subsection... I would call it a Cuklt that sprang from Judasim

Demonolgy in Orthodox Judaism seems to actually be taught more of then angelic hierarchy? I don't think there is much of a reason for this... it's not eliminated or even contested, but demons to them are forces that one might contend with when dealing with deeper scriptures while the religion teaches that when in need, call directly on G-d and g-d alone... that as a Jew you have a right to ask G-d for help directly.

What they believe is that by only awnsering to g-d and only calling on g-d they can prevent being decieved by demonms that would describe themselves as angels

it is also foretold in scripture that over time... and this is over log time... eaons and eaons of history over 7 periods of armageddon, that one by one Lucifer would trick all of the Arch Angels over to his side until none of the Angels stand as his side, so as a people they believe that by communing directly with g-d they will avoid this fate of failing g-d

I know this as true, it is all about g-d and the books are incredibly deep, hundreds upon hundreds of old testament books and they spend their lives dedicated to what they believe is this holy task of understanding G-d and avoiding anything that represents a pitfall...

and ther eis an arrogance to it and they consider themselves above others...but not in the way you think, it's not a better than you thing... to them it's just Holy...

and the costume being all black and knowing the demonology comes first... and there are many ways they they can be taken as evil... but they actually aren't

They really are just so into the holy boooks, so brainy some of it... it's like they are on dope, they can look wierd and always on these mystical trips... and, like i said I understand them and most people don't and... it floats my way so I avoid orthodox jews... they barely accept me a sa jew anyway and in allot of ways being the historian I am... I barely if at all accept them as jews...

all I was saying is the roots of the religion were different, coming of Egypt it had absorbed allot of priestess culture, allot of Goddess worship... the demonology was all older Babylonian stuff and Judasim hasn't been one thing through the ages...

there is so much religion it has absorbed and the books so old and so many judaism has changed allot over the years...

My version of Judaism is very Christian really, in my life I focus allot more on the teachings of Christ and Mary Magdalene as the two most modern Jews of Renoun

I view Orthodox Judasim to be... an Obsessive thing way to focused on study and philosophies that are ancient and misinterpreted very often and way to messianic oriented to a point of self destructon and self fulfilling prophecy... a life devoted to a coming event... tha doesn't have to happen...

but again Islam and Christianity have these sects too... they just don't spend so much time studying old books like a bunch of wizards freaking as many people out lol

bu in the end, when you see problems and any of the monothiestic religions it always is centered on the Messianic/armageddon sect... they live in a self fulfilling world...

I could take your side on one aspect...they are a daeth cult, but so are the Muslims that believe the Imam is coming and likewise for those living today... in christianity as if the Raoture is coming tomorrow...

So I can't defend them even though the things you believe aren't true... you probably smell of them... the same fear I have from Islam, they bring to your home and impending doom, they believe the end is coming... and all any religion that goes there starts to create they end...

they just aren't doing it on purpose... any of them.

I think all religions should put to rest focused study of the end times, it creates alifestyle... I don't think any g-d would want any of us to live, it's sad really to live as if your time is always nigh, to do things o prepare or be ready for demonic assaults lol, to live so just like a warrior defending g-d, not care if the world burns for your purpose...

But... not this Jew... I live every day, I enjoy life, I won't wear any garb lol or spend all my time avoiding people with my head in abook or make requests of people to change thier lives to honor traditions they don't understand...

these jews aren't any more evil than anyone else, but all religions and their messianic sects have...lost tarck of the fact that g-d put them here to be alive, that's all

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