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Why does the world hate israel

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posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 06:44 PM
There Leaders say things like "What America, we control America". "Well handle America"
their Mossad Agents go on TV and say they came to America to document the event... they got on a plane - went to New Jersey to film 911... For Whom,
Rothchild, Flew into New York for 911 and had a penthouse view ..
Our Federal Reserve - domenated by Jewish sounding Names from people who hold dual citizenship or solely Isreali citizenship or british citizens.
nothing really.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 02:07 AM
Firstly please don't get me wrong, I am a humanitarian, spiritually aware and desire to see equality, love and peace as the foundations of all human cultures, which is why I can say the following things to you.

The Jewish race believe they are God's chosen, which gives them a major superiority complex of outstanding proportions.

Israel believes itself to be the supreme nation with the right to inflict war and suffering upon other States and peoples with no remorse. And this is probably due to their historic precedence of committing Genocide on any people's who have occupied lands found desirable by the Jewish race, and in supposedly being supported by or told to do so by "their God".

The land occupied by Israel is not their land, it was the original homeland of some Arabic nations that eventually became Palestine.

England and the U.S. had no right or power to give the Jewish people the land belonging to the Palestinian people, and it was Palestine at the time!

When the world's attention was on New York City in September 2001, what was Israel doing? They were attacking refugee camps with their U.S. supplied tanks and destroying the homes and lives of hundreds if not thousands of people while no one would see them.

Traditionally, the Jewish people have been the power mongers behind much of what happens with the human race, as they have supplied the finances required to achieve what has been done. This is what Hitler saw, and why he felt it necessary to remove that threat, although he was as big a threat to humanity.

About 10 million Jews were exterminated (allegedly) which is nothing compared to the numbers who died in action during WW1 or WW2, and only half the number of those who perished from the Killer Influenza after the war. Millions more from different races have been wiped out by the English, the Spaniards and others, and yet no-one gives a hoot about that... but let something like that happen to the Jewish nation and we are forced by them to have to remember it for all eternity!

And beware anyone who disagrees with the Holocaust scenario then tries to show their proofs to the world on the Internet... oh yeah, you will be tracked down by Israel no matter what country you move to, and they will insure that you are arrested and jailed for "Antisemitism".

Who among us knew that disagreeing with the Jewish point of view was illegal, internationally?

By the way, Palestinians have every right to fight in any way possible to regain their own homeland. They have been disenfranchised by the world's population, they have been kicked out of their traditional homes, they have been slaughtered in the multi-thousands while the U.S. and other countries insure the people are not able to defend themselves against such attacks.. which is why they use the only avenue left open to them!

What would you do if an aggressor was handed the keys to your country and tried to wipe you all out? You would fight any way you could.

I cannot abide by the scenario where one country believes itself favored among all others, especially to the point that it illegally kills many thousands of people every year... not just Palestinians, but anyone who they see as posing a threat to their beliefs and way of life, no matter what country the people are in. Israel has bombed people in Italy and other European countries who they believed may have been attempting to gain data for a neighbor's atomic program.

What gives any country the right to say you cannot do what we do?

Why is it in a country that cherishes Freedom of Speech (U.S.) a famous actor was vilified for antisemitism and forced to retract statements and apologize? Many people thought he was speaking the truth but were too scared for themselves to come out and say it, which makes them gutless in my view.

So now you might have a small insight into why so many people hate Israel.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by Tayesin

The land occupied by Israel is not their land, it was the original homeland of some Arabic nations that eventually became Palestine.

Care to prove it? When there was in independent Palestinian state, not to mention homeland of Arabic nations? Saudi Arabia is the homeland. All the rest was conquered and people were converted by force. So superiority complex is not unique.

and it was Palestine at the time!

Nope. It was - British Mandate of Palestine. Before that - it was devided by Turks into several districts. Check it out:
And after alledgedly 10 millions Jews were exterminated (this number is new, so it is definetly - "alledgedly".) it is a crime to remember? You cannot make anyone guilty that world does not care about what happened in India, Americas, Armenia and a lot of other places. At least world will care about it, i also hoped that it will prevent such a things in the future but what happens in Africa kind of disproves it. Still - 10 millions - not, but millions of Jews were killed only because they were Jews. Bad, good, patriotic, cosmopolitic, bankers, farmers, religious, atheist, soliders, pacifists... So lets forget about it. Would you personally live better?

And beware anyone who disagrees with the Holocaust scenario then tries to show their proofs to the world on the Internet... oh yeah, you will be tracked down by Israel no matter what country you move to, and they will insure that you are arrested and jailed for "Antisemitism

Do you want me to u2u you with numerous links arguing "the scenario", some of them truly anti-semitic? All do it from behind the bars?

Israel has bombed people in Italy and other European countries who they believed may have been attempting to gain data for a neighbor's atomic program.

I do not know what you mean. Care to elaborate? Bombed... With examples,please.
And if many people think that something is true - does not mean that it is true.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by jqpublic1776

Mossad Agents go on TV and say they came to America to document the event... they got on a plane - went to New Jersey to film 911... For Whom

Source? Pretty please?

There Leaders say things like "What America, we control America". "Well handle America"

Source? Please?

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:50 AM
The jews in israel were told in ancient times ,that they were the favoured race of God and would continue so.
Our christianity stems from 2000 years ago from the death of christ, ( nearly all jews did not then, and do not now accept christ the messiah came to earth ,they are still awaiting for him to come)
The dome of the rock is a muslim temple that was supposedly built on top of the jewish temple. jerusalem is also one of the most important places for the muslims.

Different religions WANT the same holy land.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:46 AM
The way I see it, is that the whole damn situation seems unfair.

It is like if the Hopi Indians claimed Arizona as their homeland as given to them by God, so after years of oppression, the UN created a country for the Hopi where Arizona previously existed. Then, with 8 million dollars of military aid per day from China, they started killing all Non-Hopi people (ie. Americans), that occupied their "homeland". Non-Hopis would lose their rights to vote, to move freely, to work. Incursions into American areas would knock down American houses. Anyone who criticized them would be labeled as "anti-first nation", and horrible depictions of the American internment of their peoples would be wildly waved in everyone's face.

But of course, Arizona wouldn't be enough, so the Hopi would start bombing Utah, Nevada, Colorado, California, New Mexico, and starting colonies out there, claiming the whole American southwest was really their homeland. They would start outrageous rumours like Mexico had a nuclear weapon program, and get China to invade it for them. Also having China as ally, would enable all security resolutions against them to be vetoed.

For me, my anger towards the situation has to do with the gross injustice and lopsidedness of the situation. The Jews haven't been there for thousands of years. Should we return China to the Mongols? Maybe kick out all the Anglos and Saxons off the British Isles? It is not 100 BC - get over it.

The religious aspect is simply smoke and mirrors to manipulate the masses. If you can't get people to do what you want, tell them its God's will, and make them fear a painful afterlife. It is a winning formula that has worked since man first conceived of a higher being, and will continue to work as long as there are believers, which judging from this board, aren't going away any time soon.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by heliumboy
just think of it like this

it was revealed in the three major world religions by prophets

islam by muhamed

christianity by revelation

judaism by the prophets or neviim

it was seen even then that israel would be hated by the world

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 03:00 PM
So if it looks like a rat, smells like a rat and acts like a rat then it must be a.....rat....... It is the same with Israel they're hated on because they've brought it upon themselves....

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by jheated6

Oh, i see. So if person sits near rats, smells them and observes their behavior - person is starting to hate. And person hates Israel because Israel is Israel. Good point. People should get out more and not sit in the sewers. Maybe then they will stop hating?

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

You're exactly right, if Israel were to get out of the sewers people would stop hating.... They are defined by their behavior and from what the government is doing they're not looking so good at the moment....

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by jheated6

if Israel were to get out of the sewers

You have something against our planet? I actually love good old Earth.
Few individuals that live to hate cannot turn whole planet to sewers. Trust me. Not once they tried - and failed.
If someone considers Earth sewers - he can wait for few decades and then move to Mars.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by ZeroKnowledge]

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 02:29 AM
FYI - Lots and lots of "Jews" hate Israel because it's a fake, not the real Israel.

Besides, there's pretty good evidence that the "Holocast" never happened and that the real purpose of putting the "Jews" into concentration camps was to keep them out of the line of fire. That doesn't mean there weren't some atrocities or starvations but that was for the post wwii sales pitch used to create Israel. There's some good video (David Cole I think) on YouTube. I understand Mr. Cole later recanted but that was after intimidations from "Israel". After all, if some hierarchy within Judaism was actually involved in facilitating WWII and the Nazis also happened to love the Vatican, what does that hint at?

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 02:47 AM
maybe it has something to do with the fact that Palestine is world's largest prison surrounded with concrete wall...

and maybe it has something to do with these statistics:

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 09:51 AM
I often wonder if this whole thing is contrived, because of religion Israel is handed things and given a free pass on things especially by the United Sates.

Now i'm christen but i also wonder if half the things going on isn't man trying to force revelations to come about, in a contrived way knowing this could never happen.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 12:37 AM
I live in Melbourne Australia and as you already may know a lot of people moved her after the war from both sides.
It is a very multi-cultural city with everyone living together but the Jews are the only ones that live in their own suburb and have security guards at their schools etc.

I am not a racist and have had two girlfriends of jewish decent. But there are a few example of their attitude that have burst my buble.

- A friends mother wanted to buy a childrens clothing store that was for sale on the market. But the owner would only sell it to other jews.
- I have been at a party and been asked questions by jews "like oh my god you are catholic, so you actually believe jesus is coming back ?" I went to a catholic school i'm not a religious person i have friends of all religions but no other asks such single-minded questions.
-They constantly talk down to me like im some sort of an alien and they're superior.

It's a real shame becuase some of my closest friends are jewish, i guess it the hardcore ones that give the rest a bad name.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 10:27 AM
as long as there is good and evil and as long as there is a Living God and a False God, Israel will be hated. The nations hate Israel simply because the nations are being used by the Devil, Lucifer the Archenemy of God and mankind. Historical facts are clear that Jews have been percecuted, hated more than any other race on this earth. Yet still the Jews have contributed to modern History and science than any other people.Wheather you beleave this or not this is the truth and no body can change it. The world will continue to hate Isreal without knowing why. But whatever the level of hatred NO one will be able to exterminate the Jews!!! all have tried and failed. The existence of modern Isreal as a nation is proof that it is a miracle nation. It has existed against all odds and influences even foreign policies of bigger nations.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Tayesin

Israel took nothing. It was given to them. Remember this... Criticizing Israel in not Anti-Semitic, singling them out is!!!! In addition, for you to doubt the Holocaust is remarkable. Even with all the evidence, photos, and stories to still believe it was made up is ridiculous. Do yourself a favor and read a book not published by Hezbollah like the rest of Lebanon.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 04:53 PM
Why does the world hate Israel? The answer is simple. Our moral values are not letting us to love children killers, massacres and fanatics, whose are killing because they believe they have the right to kill others and they believe they're some sort of chosen ones, what they never was in the reality. Israel has no right to exist and it's population is the most evil and also the most primitive on the entire planet. But I believe we don't need to worry, because it will be wiped out within few years and they'll deserve their fate. They created their enemies and they'll pay the ultimate price for it.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 04:56 PM
"Why does the world hate Israel"

Left over hidden Nazi propaganda.
Last time they tried to kill the Jews, the world helped the Jews.
In order to do it again they have to first make the world hate the Jews.
The Grand mufti and Hitler were Allies and both wanted to kill the Jews.
Nazi's are alive and well.And using a mind game war before they try it again.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Interestinggg

Actually you're mistaken. Have you ever heard that in the 20th century the Nazi was who is chased and hunted down the Jews. In the 21st century the Nazi is who is hated by the Jews. But in the reality, the real Nazis of the 21st century is Israel. So, soon someone will simply going to wipe the real Nazis out of the map.

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