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Facts Mormons WON'T Tell You...

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posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:07 PM
Honestly guys, tell me. What's your beef with Mormons?

As far as I've known they have fairly interesting beliefs some of which I agree with. They're always polite, respectful and dress nicely. They're honest, decent, god fearing folk. They're family oriented with strong familiar and social values.

They're a whole lot more tolerable than most of the "Christians" I meet on ATS.

So seriously, why hate on Mormons?

That's like hating on bunny rabbits.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:11 PM
I was raised as a Mormon, and I come from a long line of strong Mormon stock......

I read everything you posted and I did not find one thing that was not true.

Its all true.......those ARE the Mormon beliefs........NOT the extreme FLDS, but the mainstream LDS folks like Mit Romney.......

One of the main Temple Ceremonies is posted here on ATS in well as photos of the Mormons in the special 'endowment' underwear for Temple ceremonies.....just search the tag line Mormons .....or LDS

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by Tiloke

I agree with you Tiloke mormons will tell you all of those things if asked, But one thing they can't seem or don't want to explain is why their Illustrious founder was run out of 3 states and almost killed in two of them for lying stealing and cheating, why he joined secret organizations and stole their principles and practices (freemasonry) and incorporated it into many of the morman rituals they still use today, and why the sashes some of the higher morman clergy wear have pagan/satanic symbols. Never had a single mormon ever want to talk about that.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by Shadowflux's like the 'South Park' episode where, on one hand, they made fun of the Mormons. Made fun of the basis of the entire belief, ala Joseph Smith....but at the end, it was said quite well by one little boy to the other.

The Mormon boy, noted how nice his family was, and told the other kids to just suck his ....well, prolly can't write that word....but I guess I can substitute the word 'testacles'..... Best Line Ever!!!

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Shadowflux

yeah great principles just like most religions, Integrate, assimilate and subvert. I had a cousin who dated a mormon she started going to temple with him because she wanted to get married to him, and then she broke it off because of the crazy subjection the mormon women have to put up with under the ruling thumb of mormon men. Jehovah witness' are very similar, I went to my Boss' jehovah witness wedding and the vows the woman had to take basically made her his slave, if that is what they want then more power to them I am not one to meddle in their affairs although I think it is a strange way to live because I though that womens lib and suffrage was alive and well today, seems I was wrong when it comes to certain religions. Religion itself should be a bad word, it is the cause of most of the grief throughout the history of mankind.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:18 PM
I have failed to keep up with my mormon religion or any religion for that matter and I let them know that I am not interested right now but to srop by if they need water or a bicycle tube or just to air up a tire or just a break a sandwich or something like that. They are just doing what they believe in and i see no harm in that...

I also have to agree that all of those questions will be answered if asked and if you are willing to listen...

Can't wait to see your post on Muslims..

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

Oh my Gosh!? RiverGoddess, is it true? There is complete disclusure of the LDS here on ATS??

I mean, it's supposed to be so secret, the seventh level....and all that!


posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I did in fact see that episode of South Park...... but that story line was based on fact!! Not verbatim but the story itself is true!

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I love that episode! It seems to me that people feel the need to pick on those who either can't or won't defend themselves.

Maybe Mormon beliefs sounds a little silly to some but no sillier than the idea that bread and wine turn into flesh and blood. (Bleeds in your mouth, not in your hands [sorry]) Or that Moses parted the seas, or that Jesus came back to life, or that Mary was a virgin etc etc

Regardless of everything, this is America and we are allowed to believe however we want and everyone's belief system should be treated with equal respect until the one day someone can prove their religion is right.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:23 PM
I rarely post on this site since I've joined and its not because I dont want to. No, I'm just trying to catch up with everything before I start spouting off opinions of my own. Until now. This thread fails.

I'm a Jackmormon. To people not in the know, thats just slang for a non-practicing Mormon. You see, as I got older, it occured to me that I enjoyed my booze and caffiene like most folk as well as the sex before marraige deal. That and the fact that most mormons are quite conservative and staunchly republican conflicted with my values. So like most Jackmormons, I stoped going. But I still say I'm a Mormon when asked my beliefs.

And I can tell you, clear mind and all, this person posting tripe like this is full of complete and utter dumbstounding BULLS*&T.

I'd be glad to tell the real truth of Mormon things if anyone requests, and I'll try real hard not to convert anyone
So there it is, my first opinion on this site. And to think I found this pathetic thread trying to do some UFO research.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by Shadowflux

Yup! It is true, that tolerance should be the 'truth' of the day, and the week, and the year.

Actually....'tolerance' is not an appropriate term....we need to learn "acceptance".

Acceptance means that you can bond with another, even if you have differing views, but there is no lingering animosity.

Hard to convey, in a Forum.....I equate 'tolerance' with the gritting of teeth, just going along.....but having deep reservations, or even revulsions that are suppressed.

I see 'acceptance' as equating to....understanding, even if on a limited basis, but an attempt. Some call it 'diplomacy'....but, that comes right back to my 'tolerance' argument before.

"Acceptance" is the hardest thing for a human to do....because it requires the individual, the human, step outside of his little self, his 'ego', and expand into territory that is frightening. Learning new things can be frightening, but also exciting at the same time. Truth is nothing to be feared...

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I agree, acceptance is a better term than tolerance, I've never really liked the usage of the term tolerance in this context.

I think it's rather pathetic that people want to claim to be Christians and follow the teachings of Christ about love yet they constantly bash one sect or another as being evil or subversive.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by furiousracer313
To inform the public that this is an occult. This is not a religion by God. Jesus did not come to establish a religion, he came to spread the word, an dsave the world so we could all go to heaven.

If you're going to "spread the word" why would u appear ONCE, preach for less than a year, stay in a small province in the far middle east, and let the few people who followed you be tortured and killed for sport by Romans for generations afterwards.

2000 years later and there are countries that still have never heard the "word."

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Shadowflux

Well there are many types of Christians. I an a nondenominational Chrsitian. Which means i go by the Bible, and do not do traditions that were man made. Think about, many other religions have man made traditions that Jesus never performed. Jesus only came and spread his word. So thats what I live by.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by antar
Your thread is what drove me away from christinsanity.

Your half truths are offensive.

Your the only one thats going to heaven.

The End.

Lets see here, Christianity is not the same as Mormonism. Mormons may seem like Christians but their beliefs are not the correct ones, because Jesus or his disiples never taught them.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by jitombe
reply to post by furiousracer313

So what if everything you say about the mormon religion is true, they are not better or worse than any other mainstream religion out there.

I don't get the whole fixation with sex that some religions seem to have. It takes a special person to firmly believe that they will somehow keep having sex after they die. I just don't get the whole concept of sex in the afterlife, don't see it happening personally, bunch of simpletons in this world.

Mormonism is NOT the same as Christianity. You see how corrupt many religions are? You see how Satan has deceived many? I am a Christian but i go by what the Bible says. If there is a man made tradition that is not in the Bible, I wont celebrate it.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by TheShadow

Oh....TheShadow!!! You saw that on SouthPark!!

But, I is all nonsense.

Here's the real story....Mormonism was made up to justify the subjugation of women, by extremely mysoginstic and horny men, who just wished to continue to have power over the women. Oh! Wait a minute.....isn't that what Christianity does too??? OH!! and Islam as well?

Ok, Christianity does not lower a womens right. I see why you think this, because there are some scriptures that can easily be misinterpreted. I treat a women equaly like anyone else. I mean yea, it was Eve that ate the Apple, and had Adam eat one to. Since they sinned, we are all sinners. Just go by what the Bible says, and you'll have a place in heaven.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by TheB1ueSoldier

Originally posted by furiousracer313
To inform the public that this is an occult. This is not a religion by God. Jesus did not come to establish a religion, he came to spread the word, an dsave the world so we could all go to heaven.

If you're going to "spread the word" why would u appear ONCE, preach for less than a year, stay in a small province in the far middle east, and let the few people who followed you be tortured and killed for sport by Romans for generations afterwards.

2000 years later and there are countries that still have never heard the "word."

He did not preach for less than a year. And it wasn't a few people he preached to.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 10:28 AM
MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that you are plagiarizing this material... from Media Ministries

And what's your problem with Mormons, anyway? Did one beat up your mom and steal your last cookie or something?

Originally posted by furiousracer313
We are not Ex-Mormons, but Christians

Oh, yeah, you sound like Christians... [/sarcasm]

Especially considering the first "fact" that Mormons supposedly won't tell you:

MORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that they believe your Church is wrong

Hmmm... Mormons sound like Christians.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 11:00 AM
I put that link up on the first page, incase u didnt notice. And the Christina religion (At least my church) doesnt do any satanic traditions or use satanic symbols like mormons church.

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